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Write a cover letter for any job opening advertised in your local

newspaper, for which you feel you are qualified. While writing a       cover letter you should keep in mind the following points:

ü Write the letter in standard business format.

ü Make you cover letter attractive and businesslike in quality, grammatically precise, and free from typographical errors.

ü Specially identify the position you want and the circumstances that led to writing the letter.

ü Make your points briefly, directly, and firmly.

ü Focus on relevant skills, training, or experience by highlighting your resume or adding other appropriate information.

ü Stress how the employer will benefit from hiring you, yet give the idea you’ll learn a great deal by becoming a part of the company.

ü Make the connection between you and the job you are applying for.

ü Refer briefly to your attached resume and any other enclosures.

ü Specifically request an interview at the employer’s convenience, or suggest other appropriate action.

ü Limit this letter to one page, and keep paragraphs short.






1. Read the text:

                                What is a Resume?

   In the language of careers, your resume is like a balance sheet. Just as the balance sheet is a current snapshot of a business’s financial position, the resume is a snapshot of the status of your career. However, while a balance sheet includes both assets and liabilities, the resume presents only your assets. Do not include weaknesses.

  The resume is a job search tool that you design to present your skills, abilities, and experiences to potential employers and others interested in your background. A variety of formats, styles, and types of resumes are acceptable. Since your resume reflects you, it shows the individual choices you make when preparing it.

The diversity of some resumes can help stimulate your thinking. Remember that a real value of a resume comes from your background and skills, and you will tailor your resume to present that information. Very important is the fact that your resume will be different from everyone else’s. The resume is one of several tools that you will use to communicate your qualifications to potential employers. Your application letter, the firm’s application form, your interviews, and other correspondence you send work together to present your qualifications for a particular position.

The resume has a specific purpose – to create enough interest in you so a potential employer will grant you an interview. The resume serves as an extension of the application letter and a prelude to the interview.

Although no standard form or style really exists for a resume, readers of resumes have certain expectations that you must meet. How you meet them is a matter of choice. The types of details included and the format chosen can vary widely from person to person. You can choose from among many “correct” ways to present your qualifications in resume form. Since diversity is acceptable, you can use it to your advantage in presenting the best picture of your qualifications.

In the same way that a snapshot doesn’t reflect your entire personality, the resume cannot fully reflect all your qualifications, it does not provide every detail. Although it will show your educational level and briefly describe your work experience and accomplishments, it is not a complete picture of you. Remember, the resume, like the application letter and the interview, is simply one step in the process. It helps get you in the door.

 You must select the facts you want to include. You want to highlight those facts that reflect a favorable picture. You want to be accurate. However, you may also omit facts that don’t show you in the best way. You must select elements of your background that are your strongest qualifications and strengths. Remember, we all have our weaknesses. Employers, though, will hire you for your strengths, and these are what you want to show.

While preparing your resume, you have to make some choices. Revolve your choices around the type of resume you choose to prepare. The type of resume will determine which information you will include and exclude and the order in which you will present it. It will also dictate the format of presentation and the structure of the wording you’ll use to present this snapshot of your qualifications.  


Notes to the text:

balance sheet - балансовый отчет               - балансовий звіт

snapshot         -  фотография                    - фотографія

assets and liabilities - активы и пассивы - активи та пасиви

to tailor    - специально приспосабливать - навмисно пистосовувати

accomplishments   - достижения            - досягнення

to omit - не включать                              - не включати


2. Answer the question:


ü What can a resume be compared with?

ü What information can be included in a resume?

ü What information can be omitted?

ü Why is it necessary to write a resume?

ü What can a resume show?

ü Why can’t a resume reflect all your personality?


3. Read the text:

Types of Resumes

There are six different kinds of resumes. The most common are:

ü The chronological resume – list education and work history in reverse chronological order with the most recent activity first.

ü The functional resume – emphasizes your abilities and achievements rather than your work history. The skills listed should correspond to skills which are important to the position for which you are applying.

ü The targeted resume – focuses on a specific job and lists only capabilities and accomplishments which relate to that job.

ü Electronic resume - serves for sending your resume through Internet.

ü Combined resumes - different parts of resume may be presented in different formats.

Job applicants who use the chronological resume present information based on time. A potential employer will read about your education and work history. He or she will want to see your most recent experiences first, followed by previous experiences. A chronological resume is useful to emphasize the steady and systematic development of an individual’s education or work experience. It’s the most used type of resume.

Job applicants who choose the functional resume present information based on skills and abilities that they have acquired at various jobs. This type of resume will let you emphasize what you can do instead of what you have done or when you did it.

The functional resume is especially useful for people who are making significant changes in their careers, for people who have a chronological gaps in their work experience or educational development and recent graduates. The functional resume allows applicants to focus attention on the positive aspects of what they can do. In the functional resume, people do not raise questions about what happened during a specific time.

The third option is to combine the two approaches. The combined resume lets you focus attention on your specific skills and abilities and yet still include a chronological listing elsewhere in the resume.


4.Agree or disagree with following statements. Support your answer by the facts from the above text. Use the phrases: It goes without saying…, One can’t deny…, I don’t think…, It is not right to …


ü Resumes are grouped into two basic types: chronological and functional.

ü Functional resume presents information based on the skills and abilities.

ü Functional resume is the best type of resume for recent graduates.

ü You are not allowed to combine different types of resumes.

ü The chronological resume allows applicants to focus attention on the positive aspects of what they can do.

ü A chronological resume is useful to emphasize the steady and systematic development of an individual.

ü A potential employer never pays attention to any gaps in your resume.

ü There is one generally accepted type of resume.


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