








(Functions of word-processing tools and commands)

1. .

2. . .

3. . .

4. .

1.1. - , . (. 1. ) (. . 2. ). (Find a transcription of the following words in the English-Russian dictionary if it is necessary. Check up a pronunciation of these words on a transcription (see Application1. Transcription symbols and their pronunciation) or listen to them (see Introduction. 2.Recommendations for the hearing in English.)


close -

copy -

cut -

font -

full screen






print layout

save as

spelling and grammar

symbol -

undo -

character ,


format -

locations -

menu bar -

settings -











1.2. 1) Functions of word-processing tools and commands (. . 1. . ). (Find shown in the task 1) words in the text Functions of word-processing tools and commands and write down them in the context (see Introduction. 1.Recommendations for memorizing words. Example of translating the word from the context.)


Functions of word-processing tools and commands

Close This command closes the open file.
Copy This editing command copies any highlighted text or images and keeps it in memory. We say anything copied is on the clipboard.
Cut This editing command deletes any highlighted text or image.
Font Formats, or changes, the type style and size of the characters.
Full Screen This view command makes the open document cover all of the screen. This also hides the menu bar and the toolbar so that you cannot see them. The menu bar shows commands and tools in words; the toolbar shows them with icons.
Language This tool opens a thesaurus to help you find synonyms and antonyms (similar and opposite words).
Open Opens a file from one of the computer's drives.
Paragraph Earagra Formats the paragraph settings to change the way the paragraph looks. Paste This editing command puts anything that is on the clipboard onto the screen.
Paste This editing command puts anything that is on the clipboard onto the screen.
Picture Inserts a picture or image into your document.
Print Layout Views the open document as it will look when it is printed.
Save Saves the open file or document.
Save As Saves the file to another location, with another name or in a different format.
Spelling and Grammar This tool checks the document or any highlighted text for spelling and grammar errors.
Symbol You can insert many special characters with this command.
Undo This editing tool cancels the last command. It does not work with every command.



2.1. Functions of word-processing tools and commands (. . 3. . ). (Read the text Functions of word-processing tools and commands quickly and find answers to the following questions in the text (see Application. 3.Reading. Recommendations about training to viewing reading.)


2.2. . . (Work in groups. Answer the following questions.)


Which tool checks your spelling?

Which edit command removes text or images?

Which format command changes the letter size?

Which file command opens a file or document?

Which insert command lets you put in an image?

Which view command shows the document as a printed page?



3.1. Functions of word-processing tools and commands. (. . 4.. . ). (Read the text Functions of word-processing tools and commands. Prepare a statement on a theme (see Application. 4.Recommendations to work with the statements on a theme. Example for preparing a statement on a theme.)

3.2. Functions of word-processing tools and commands, (. 1. ). (Write down the statement on a theme Functions of word-processing tools and commands, using phrases for formulation of statements ( see Application1. Phrases for formulation of statements.)

4.1. (. . 5. ). (Read our recommendations for the development of writing skills (see Application. 5.Recommendations for the development of writing skills.)


4.2. (1-8) . . (Complete the sentences (1-8) with the following words and phrases. Write down these sentences.)







menu bar




1. When you copy text, it stays on the _____________ until you want to paste it.

2. Change the paragraph bigger spaces between the lines.

3. Each word on the__________ contains a list of commands and tools.

4. Most of the icons on the__________ are also in words in the menu bar.

5. You can save a file in many different_________ in your computer.

6. MS Word has about a hundred different ____________for you to choose from.

7. A word processor lets you__________ a paragraph as well as the font.

8. If the___________ you want is not on the keyboard, look in the Symbol command.

: . (The additional information: You can make the presentation on a theme Functions of word-processing tools and commands and show it in the classroom.) ! Successes!

(Check up yourself on a key):

2. 1) 1. Spelling and Grammar 2. Cut 3. Font 4. Open 5. Picture 6. Print Layout

4. 2) 1. clipboard 2. settings 3. menu bar 4. toolbar 5. locations 6. Fonts 7. Format 8. character

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