


Другие языки
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Past Simple. Used to / Be Used to.







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Сборник содержит тесты четырех уровней сложности, пред-

назначенные для проверки орфографии, грамматики, лексики

и словоупотребления.

Приводимые в сборнике тесты аналогичны предлагаемым

на вступительных экзаменах в учебных заведениях. Тесты

разнообразны по структуре и снабжены ключами.


Предлагаемый сборник тестов рассчитан на самую широкую аудиторию изучающих английский язык. Он может быть исполь- ^ован и при подготовке к вступительным экзаменам в различные ьбразовательные учреждения, и при подготовке к сдаче экзаменов

•^я получения сертификата на знание языка, и в качестве учебно- го пособия для поэтапной проверки вашего уровня знания. Сборник включает 7 серий тестов четырех уровней сложно-

сти (А, А-В, В, В-С). Каждая серия отражает определенный ас- чект в изучении языка и позволяет проверить глубину и каче- ство усвоения материала.

Здесь вы найдете тесты на проверку орфографии - Spelling Tests (1).

Для проверки своего словарного запаса и правильности употребления слов и устойчивых выражений в сборнике есть разделы Test Your Vocabulary (2), Use of English (4), Reading

Comprehension (5). Большое внимание в сборнике уделено грамматике - Test Your Grammar (3). Набор многоуровневых тестовых заданий по- зволит определить степень и прочность усвоения знаний основ- ных разделов морфологии и синтаксиса английского языка.

В сборнике даны различные по своей структуре тестовые задания, аналогичные тем, что предлагаются на вступительных и сертифицирующих экзаменах в учебных заведениях. Работая с разделами Use of English (4), Reading Comprehension (5), Pre-exam Tests (6), Sentences for Translation (7), вы легко сможете понять и усвоить способы такой проверки и быть готовыми к сдаче лю- бого экзамена.

В конце сборника к каждому тесту есть ключи, которые по- могут вам проверить правильность ответа и обратят ваше внимание на некоторые моменты, которые следует повторить перед  решающим экзаменом. Успехов вам!


Test 1 (A) 9

Test 2 (A) 9

Test 3 (A) 9

Test 4 (A) 9

Test 5 (A) 10

Test 6 (A) 10

Test 7 (A) 10

Test 8 (A) 10

Test 9 (A) 10

Test l0(A-B) 11

Test 11 (B) 12

Test 12 (A) 12

Test 13 (A-B) 12

Test 14 (B) 12

Test15(A-B) 13

Test 16 (A-B) 13

Test 17 (A-B) 14

Test 18 (A-B) 14

Test 19 (В) 14

Test 20 (B) 14

Test 21 (B) 15

Test 22 (B) 15

Test 23 (B) 15

Test 24 (B) 15

Test 25 (A-B) 15

Test 26 (C) 16

Test 27 (B) 16

Test 28 (C) 16

Test 1 (А. В. C) 17

Test 2 (A, B) 17

Test 3 (A) 19

Test 4 (AB) 19

Test 5 (B) 19

Test 6 (A) 19

Test 7 (B) 19

Test 8 (B) 20

Test 9 (B-C) 20

Test 10 (B) 20

Test 11 (A-B, B-C) 21

Test 12 (В) 21

Test 13 (А, В, С) 22

Test 14 (A, B, C) 23

Test 15 (B) 25

Test 16 (B-C) 26

Test 17 (B) 26

Test 18 (B-C) 26

Test 19 (A-B) 27

Test 20 (B-C) 27

Test 21 (B-C) 27

Test 22 (A-B) 28

Test 23 (B) 28

Test 24 (B-C) 29

Test 25 (B-C) 30

Test 26 (B) 30

Test 27 (В) 30

Test 28 (B) 30

Test 1. 30

Test 2. 31

Test 29 (B) 31

Test 30 (A-B) 31

Test 31 (B-C) 32


Present Simple / Present Continuous / 33

Future Simple. 33

Test 1 (A) 33

Test 2 (A) 33

Test 3 (A) 34

Test 4 (A) 35

Test 5 (A) 36

Test 6 (A) 37

Test 7 (A) 37

Test 8 (A) 37

Test 9 (B) 38

Test 10 (B-C) 38

Test 11 (A) 39

Test 12 (B) 39

Test 13 (B) 40

Test 14 (A) 41

Test 15 (A) 41

Test 16 (A-B) 42

Test 17 (A-B) 42

Test 18 (B) 43

Test 19 (A) 44

Test 20 (A) 44

Test 21 (A) 44

Test 22 (A) 45

Test 23 (B) 45

Test 24 (B) 46

Test 25 (A) 46

Test 26 (A) 46

Test 27(A-B) 47

Test 28 (B) 47

Test 29 (B) 48

Test 30 (A) 48

Test 31 (A) 48

Test 32 (A) 49

Test 33 (A) 49

Test 34 (A-B, В) 49

Test 35 (A) 50

Test 36 (A-B) 51

Test 37 (A-B) 51

Test 38 (A-B) 52

Test 39 (A-B) 52

Test 40 (B) 53

Test 41 (A) 53

Test 42 (A) 54

Test 43 (A) 54

Test 44 (A-B) 55

Test 45 (B-C) 55

Test 46 (B-C) 55

Test 47 (B) 56

Test 48 (A) 56

Test 49 (A-B) 57

Test 50 (В) 57

Test 51 (B) 58

Test 52 (B) 58

Test 53 (B) 59

Test 54 (В) 59

Test 55 (B) 59

Test 56 (В) 60

Test 57 (B) 61

Test 58 (B) 62

Test 59 (B-C) 63

Test 60 (B-C) 63

Test 61 (B-C) 64

Test 62 (B-C) 64

Test 63 (A-B) 64

Test 64 (A-B) 65

Test 65 (A) 65

Test 66 (A) 65

Test 67 (A-B) 66

Test 68 (B-C) 66

Test 69 (A-B) 67

Test 70 (A) 68

Test 71 (A-B) 69

Test 72 (A-B) 69

Test 73 (A-B) 70

Test 74 (B) 71

Test 75 (B) 71

Test 76 (B-C) 72

Test 77 (A-B) 72

Test 78 (B) 73

Test 79 (В) 73

Test 80 (B) 74

Test 1 (A) 75

Test 2 (A-B) 75

Test 3 (A-B) 75

Test 4 (B) 75

Test 5 (B-C) 75

Test 6 (A-B) 76

Test 7 (A-B) 76

Test 8 (В) 76

Test 9 (B-C) 76

Test 10 (A-B) 77

Test 11 (A-B) 77

Test 12 (A-B) 77

Test 13(A-B) 78

Test 14 (B-C) 78

Test 15 (A) 79

Test 16 (A-B) 79

Test 17 (B) 80

Test 18 (A) 80

Test 19 (A-B) 81

Test 20 (B) 81

Test 21 (B) 82

Test 22 (A-B) 83

Test 23 (В) 83

Test 24 (B-C) 83

Test 1 (A) 85

Test 2(A-B) 85

Test 3 (B) 85

Test 4 (B-C) 86

Test 5 (A) 86

Test 6 (A-B) 87

Test 7 (B) 87

Test 8 (B-C) 87

Test 1 (A-B) 89

Test 2 (A-B) 90

Test 3 (A-B) 91

Test 4 (A-B) 92

Test 5 (A-B) 93

Test 6 (A-B) 94

Test 7 (B) 95

Test 8 (B) 96

Test 9 (В) 97

Test 10 (B) 98

Test 11 (B-C) 99

Test 12 (B-C) 100

Test 1 (A-B) 101

Test 2 (В) 101

Test 3 (В-С) 102

Test 4 (В) 102

Test 5 (B-C) 103

Keys. 104

Test 1. 104

Test 2. 104

Test 3. 104

Test 4. 104

Test 5. 104

Test 6. 104

Test 7. 104

Test8. 104

Test 9. 104

Test 10. 104

Test 11. 105

Test 12. 105

Test 13. 105

Test 14. 105

Test 15. 105

Test 16. 105

Test 17. 105

Test 18. 106

Test 19. 106

Test 20. 106

Test 21. 106

Test 22. 106

Test 23. 106

Test 24. 107

Test 25. 107

Test 26. 107

Test 27. 107

Test 28. 107

Test Your Vocabulary. 107

Test 1. 107

Test 2. 108

Test 3. 108

Test 4. 108

Test 5. 108

Test 6. 108

Test 7. 108

Test 8. 108

Test 9. 109

Test 10. 109

Test 11. 109

Test 12. 109

Test 13. 109

Test 14. 110

Test 15. 111

Test 16. 111

Test 17. 111

Test 18. 112

Test 19. 112

Test 20. 112

Test 21. 112

Test 22. 112

Test 23. 112

Test 24. 113

Test 25. 113

Test 26. 113

Test 27. 113

Test 28. 114

Test 29. 114

Test 30. 114

Test 31. 114

Test Your Grammar 114

Present Simple / Present Continuous / 114

Future Simple. 114

Test 1. 114

Test 2 (A) 115

Test 3 (A) 115

Test 4. 115

Test 5. 115

Test 6. 115

Test 7. 115

Test 8. 115

Test 9. 116

Test 10. 116

Test 11. 116

Test 12. 116

Test 13. 117

Test 14. 117

Test 15. 117

Test 16. 117

Test 17. 117

Test 18. 118

Test 19. 118

Test 20. 118

Test 21. 118

Test 22. 118

Test 23. 118

Test 24. 118

Test 25. 119

Test 26. 119

Test 27. 119

Test 28. 119

Test 29. 119

Test 30. 119

Test 31. 119

Test 32. 120

Test 33. 120

Test 34. 120

Test 35. 120

Test 36. 120

Test 37. 121

Test 38. 121

Test 39. 121

Test 40. 121

Test 41. 121

Test 46. 121

Test 47. 121

Test 48. 122

Test 49. 122

Test 50. 122

Test 51. 122

Test 52. 122

Test 53. 122

Test 54. 122

Test 55. 123

Test 56. 123

Test 57. 123

Test 58. 123

Test 59. 123

Test 60. 124

Test 61. 124

Test 62. 124

Test 63. 124

Test 64. 125

Test 65. 125

Test 66. 125

Test 67. 125

Test 68. 125

Test 69. 125

Test 70. 125

Test 71. 126

Test 72. 126

Test 73. 126

Test 74. 126

Test 75 (B) 126

Test 76 (B) 126

Test 77(B) 127

Test 78(B) 127

Test 79 (В) 127

Test 80 (В) 127

Test l 127

Test 2. 127

Test 3. 128

Test 4. 128

Test 5. 128

Test 6. 128

Test 7. 128

Test 8. 128

Test 9. 128

Test 10. 128

Test 11. 129

Test 12. 129

Test 13. 129

Test 14. 129

Test 15. 129

Test 16. 129

Test 17. 129

Test 18. 129

Test 19. 129

Test 20. 129

Test 21. 130

Test 22. 130

Test 23. 130

Test 24. 130

Test 1. 130

Test 2. 130

Test 3. 130

Test 4. 131

Test 5. 131

Test 6. 131

Test 7. 131

Test 8. 131

Tests. 132

Pre-exam Tests. 132

Test l 132

Test 2. 132

Test 3. 132

Test 4. 132

Test 5. 132

Test 6. 132

Test 7. 132

Test 8. 133

Test 9. 133

Test 10. 133

Test 11. 133

Test 12. 133

Sentences for Translation. 134

Test l 134

Test 2. 134

Test 3. 135

Test 4. 135

Test 5. 136



Test 1 (A)

Each word has the vowel sound you hear in bed [bed]. How many ways are there to spell short e vowel sound (1, 2, 3 or 4). Arrange the words into the groups.


ready desk bread instead against   leather hello next helpings said breakfast   luge meant again when enemy hedgehog pencil


Test 2 (A)

Say each word. Tick the words that have the vowel sound you  hear in hot [hat].

catch pond bones pocket what   bought job home blank road house   roof wife doctor popular soup close horse



Test 3 (A)

Each word below has the vowel sound you hear in tub [tab]. Several ways to spell this sound are shown in these words. How many (1,2, 3 or 4)? Arrange the words into the groups.

touch stuff drum rough among glove tongue dug   mother trust done month   country enough son double couple muddy  


Test 4 (A)

Say each word. Each one has the consonant sound you hear at the beginning of fan [fen]. How many ways can the sound be spelled in (1, 2, 3 or 4)? Arrange the words into the groups.

laugh coffee herself face   enough officer fact elephant   gift off epigraph roof farmer rough telephone  


Test 5 (A)

Each word has the vowel sound you hear in age [eids]. How many ways are there to spell this long vowel sound (1, 2, 3 or 4)? Arrange the words into the groups.

hay main trail may save gate tray   fail lane sail stage paint stay place game  


Test 6 (A)

Each word below has the vowel sound you hear in seem [sum]. Several ways to spell this sound are shown in these words. How many (1, 2, 3 or 4)? Arrange the words into the groups.


Seed grief sea
Dream week eve
Sleep niece field
Wheel delete meat
Team complete scene


Test 7 (A)

The words below have the vowel sound you hear in wide [waidj. How many ways are there to spell this sound (1, 2, 3 or 4)? Arrange the words into the groups.


find tight mine
dime brigh dry
fly pile      line
right ninth flight
quite kind sigh

Test 8 (A)

Each word below has the vowel sound you hear at the beginning of open [Ъирэп]. Several ways to spell this sound are shown in these words. How many (1, 2, 3 or 4)? Arrange the words into the groups.


doze stone road
Moan cold code
snow joke grow
goat gold float
hold bow blow

Test 9 (A)

The words below have the vowel sound you hear in food [fed]. How many ways are there to spell this sound (1, 2, 3 or 4)? Arrange the words into the groups.

moon chew glue blew zoo blue clue drew rule true threw June school pool rude include gloomy hook


 Test l0(A-B)

The two words that are written after each sentence sound alike, but have different meanings and spellings (they are called homophones). Fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete each sentence.

(надо использовать оба слова. Решение- порядок слов в предложении)

1. The spent the in the castle.

A) knight

 B) night

2. Be sure to.

A) write your surname on the

B) right line.

3. Have you heard the fairy about the cat with no

A) tale

B) tail

4. Didn't you is called fur.

A) hare

B) hair

5. The _ on a Ann ask you to put the plate.

 A) here

B) hear

6. Yesterday the sky was clear from the north and the wind

A) blue

B) blew

7. He decided to  he put it.

A) Hying

B) earring

8. From_ his new belt, but he doesn't know

A) where

B) wear

hundred flowers the prince had to find the

fake flower before it was late.

A) too


9. It is not _ _ if some people do not pay their bus

A) fair

B) fare

10. The coach announced which of the teams the game.

A) won

B) one

11. We brought a of cool water to the traveller.

A) pail

B) pale

12. Do you always the skin off a before you eat it?

A) pare

B) pear

13. The Indians wrote the treaty on a of bark.

A) piece

B) peace

14. After his illness John felt for a.

A) week

B) weak

15. The boat sailed through the.

A) straight

B) strait


Test 11 (B)

Correct the spelling mistakes in the letter below. There are 23 mistakes (in homophones).


Deer Jane,

Hear I am in Siberia. We've been hear for too weaks  now, and I can't bare the thought of staying in this country any longer. What dreadful whether! It's bitterly cold out. When I'm chilled to the bone, I think I'll never warm up. Wee leave in a wooden house. It is surrounded with a

huge would. The hunter, who leaves with us, says that the would is full of beasts. You can walk their and meat a dear  or a bare. As for me, once I saw a hair's sine.  Do you think it is fare to leave me hear! I can't even  sleep in piece. Can't you come and stay with me? The air fair  is really not very expensive. Hope to sea you soon Your Jack.

Test 12 (A)

Plural forms. Which 12 words in the list below have mistakes (including spelling mistakes)?


boxes places horses dishs
chairs citys keys gooses
boots mouths classes lives
armies shoos childrens sheeps
watchs men womans mouses
months toothes wolfs wifes

Test 13 (A-B)

Put the correct endings to plural forms.


1. The wood cutters used their (axe) to chop down the trees.

2. They need two more (chair) to sit on.

3. Why have you bought only two (kilo) of (potato)?

4. In the fall, the (leaf) begin to change colour.

5. All of the (bus) left at the same time.

6. The mayors of all neighbouring (city) are coming to greet guests.

7. For Christmas my parents gave my sisters (dress) and my brother and me (watch).

8. (Library) are always open on (Tuesday).

9. The words (donkey)  (monkey) and have the same ending.

10. We send our (kiss) best to everybody  (wish) and many.

Test 14 (B)

Which 10 words in the list below have mistakes (including spelling mistakes)?


knives shelfs roofs
tomatos pianos carrots
videos loafs thiefs
leafs deers postmans
heroes safes oxes
hives potatoes woman-doctors
handkerchieves mothers-in-law  


The verb + ing. Choose the correct spelling.

1. to make A) makeing B) making 2. to live A) liveing B) living 3. to play A) playing B) plaing 4. to run A)runing B)running 5. to lie A) lieing B) lying   6. to care A)careing B) caring 7. to carry A) carrying B) caring 8. to get A) geting B) getting 9. to tie A) tieing B) tying C) tiying 10. to begin A) begining B) beginning 11. to shop A) shopirig B)shopping 12. to copy A) copying B)coping C) copping 13. to visit A) visiting B) visitting 14. to control A) controling B) controlling 15. to happen A) happening        B) happenning


Test 16 (A-B)

Degrees of comparison. Choose the correct spelling.


1. pretty A) pretier pretiest B) prettyer prettyest C) prettier prettiest D) pretter prettest   2. cold A)colder coldest B) coldier coldiest C) coldder colddest D) colderer colderest 3. young A)youngier youngiest B)younger youngerest C) younger youngest D) youngerer youngerest   4. rude A) ruderer ruderest B) ruderer rudest C) ruder ruderest D)ruder rudest   5. hot A) hoter hotest B) hotterer hottest C) hoter hoterest D) hotter hottest 6. thin A)thiner thinest B) thiner thinerest C) thinner thinnerest D)thinner thinnest 7. red A) redder reddest B)reder redest C) redier rediest D) reddier reddiest 8. easy A)easyer easyest B) easier easiest C) easer easerest        D) easerer easerest   9. late A) later latest B) latter latterest C) latier latiest D)laterer laterest 10. good A) gooder best B) gooder goodest C) better best D)goodier goodiest 11. bad A) worse worst B) worser worsest C) badder baddest D)bader badest 12. far A) farer farest B) farther farthest C) farier fariest D) fartherer fartherest  



Test 17 (A-B)

Double the letter where necessary.

1. Are you going to the Shop_ing Centre?

2. Why are you shout_ing at me?

3. I hate two things: eat_ing ice-cream in cold weather and wait_ing for a bus in the rain.

4. Have you got an invitation to their wed_ing?

5. The heat is unbearable. It must be the hot_est day of the year.

6. Not a leaf stir_ing.

7. Is he well? He looks even thin_er than a month ago.

8. The performance was so bor_ing that I prefer_ed to leave it.

9. Please answer all the questions truthful_y.

10. Stop quarrel_ing about nothing!

11. Do you like travel_ing by train?

12. I apologise for forget_ing your birthdayl

13. My grandma often suffer_ed from bad headaches.

14. Can you give me the addres_es of the hostels you know?

16. Stop chatter_ing! Come here immediately.

Test 18 (A-B)

Silent letters. Complete the words by adding the silent letters.

1. An _onest man never tells lies.

2. _hose spectacles are these? Oh, they're my granny's.

3. A bom_ exploded just near the bridge.

4. The spirit of a dead person is called a g_ost.

5. Do you hear someone _nocking at the window?

6. His _nowledge of the subject is rather poor.

7. The clock strikes every _our.

8. I'm afraid he's caught _neumonia.

9. You'd better _rap her present up.

10. If you don't want to forget, tie a _not in your handkerchief.

Test 19 (В)

Complete the words by spelling the sound [э].

_greem_nt  _fraid _meric_ Can_d_ cent_ fig_ dat_m pr_vide spec_ list mirr_ hum_n import_nt signific_nt upw_d p_ suit _bject nat_ n sug_ discuss_n fath_ gov_nm_nt newspap_ stat_s ridicul_ s

Test 20 (B)

c, k, ck, que, or ch for [k]? Complete the words by spelling the sound [k].

statisti_  inspe_tor pani_ pi_ni_ing che_ heada_e basi_ tru_ wal_ basi_ally drin_ mimi_ athleti_ally pani_ing _riti_al minii_ing traffi_er mista_e _ustoms traffi_ musi_al terrifi_   uni_ te_ni_ lu_ pi_ni_ che_ _ids


Test 21 (B)

Underline the letters which are pronounced [fl in the following sentences. List the ways you found to spell this sound.

1. If you are an ambitious language learner, you should work hard on pronunciation and dictation.

2. So, after graduation you will be able to do translationand hold conversation taking part in negotiations.

3. He is impatient to go to the exhibition. Its expositions resulted from the exploration of the culture of ancient civilisations.

4. If you are anxious about future generations, please take  part in our conversation project.

5. I don't think I need your-permission to go on an excursion.

6. Flies spread infectious disease. You'd better take measures against them.

7. I'm sure we won't finish our work without financial  support from a social organisation.

Test 22 (B)

Fill in the missing letters s or г. Some words can be spelt both ways.

A) s B) z C) s/z

1. I must apologi_e for disturbing you so late.

2. Do you want to try on this sweater? I think it's your si_e.

3. Everybody was surprised at his calm.

4. She received the Nobel Pri_e for physics.

5. What do you think of medicine adverti_ing on TV?

6. The doctor advi_ed him to take more exercise.

7. My parents do not sympathi_e with my ambition to gp on a stage.

8. I could hardly recogni_e him. He looked different in his new suit.

9. Stop critici_ing everybody! Mind yourself!

10. It was very wi_e of you not to go there.

Test 23 (B)

Indicate how the letter с is pronounced in the words.

A) [s] В) [ck]  C) [k]

1. success 2. appreciate 3. juice 4. balcony 5. sufficient 6. science 7. anchor 8. proficiency 9. accept 10. decide 11. scientific 12. clown 13. chemist 14. precious 15. tobacco

Test 24 (B)

Indicate how the letter g is pronounced in the words.

A) [g] B) [d3]


1. religion   3. Geography 5. bridge 7. beggar 9. gear 11. figure 13. hamburger 15. guilty

2. engineer 4. giant       6. oxygen 8. guard 10. bargain 12. gypsy 14. regulator

Test 25 (A-B)

Arrange the words into two groups.

A) the words that begin with prefix

B) the words that end with suffix


unknown misplace bypass forehead department unfit support rename sharpen remove thoughtful midnight porter lioness government slowly duckling wildly honourable  nonsense

Test 26 (C)

-able or –ible. Choose the correct spelling of the adjectives.


1.    A) enjoyable B) enjoiable C) enjoible D) enjoyible 2.    A) reasoneable B)reasonable C) reasonible D) reasoneible 3.    A) believeable B) believable C) believible D) believeible 4.    A) forgiveable B) forgivable C) forgivible D) forgiveible 5.    A) noticeable B) noticable C) noticible D) noticeible 6.    A)changeable B)changable C) changible D) changeible 7.    A) manageable B) managable        C) managible D) mangeible 8.    A) responseable B)responsable C) responsible D) responseible 9.    A) senseable B) sensable С) sensible D) senseible 10.  A) disposeable B) disposable С) disposible D) disposeible 11.  A) horreable B) horrable C) horrible D) horreible 12.  A) convinceable B) convincable C) convincible D) convinceible 13.  A) resisteable B) resistable C) resistible D) resisteible 14.  A) accepteable B) acceptable C) acceptible D) accepteible 15. A) incredeable B) incredable C) incredible D) incredeible



Test 27 (B)

There is one spelling mistake in each sentence in the following text. Underline every word which is wrongly spelt. Then write the correct spelling in the space provided at the end of the sentence.


The moon is a natural satellite that travells around the earth (). As the moon moves, it seemes to change shape (). But it does not change sheipe (). It has no ligth of its own (_ moon, we see sonlight reflected off it (_ _). When we see the). We can see the moon only if the lighted part is torned towards Earth (). During the fool moon, the lighted part of the moon is torned towards Earth (). There is). And it is very hot in the no ear on the moon (day-time on it ((). Many people wanted to lean more about the _). It appears to have no live moon (). Long ago, people used only there eyes to look at the moon ().They could not see the moon's land clealy (). Later, a telescope was invented (). Since then, people have used telescope to study the moon ().

Test 28 (C)

There is one spelling mistake in each line in the following text. Underline every word which is wrongly spelt. Then write the correct spelling in the space provided at the end of the line.


Have you ever thought that a person's appearance revels more than we realise? According to some

experts, a persons' face, head, and body can reveal a great deal about personality.; The art of frenology studies the form of the head, to be more acurate, the bumps on it. Phrenologists have identified forty bumps of varies shapes and sises on the human head. They "read"

these bumps to identifie a person's talents and character. For example, a bump between the nose

and f orhead is said to be present in people who have natural elegence and love of beauty. A bump

behind the cirve of the ear is the sign of a courageous and adventerous person.



 Test 1 (А. В. C)

In each exercise you are to decide which one of the four answers has most nearly the same meaning as the word in heavy black type above them. Circle the correct answer.

For example:

a tall building

A)high B) wide

C)low D) new


A-level                       1. felt very ill A) sick B) tired C) scared D) awake 2. made no noise A) difference B) movement C)sound D)sense 3. a wicked queen A) rich B)bad C) greedy D) wise 4. a silly idea A)good B) strange C) new D) foolish 5. visit them often A) once or twice B) many times C) at once D)rarely 6. the title of the story A) hero B) subject C) name D) main idea 7. move forward A) sideways B) backward C) ahead D) down 8. to raise it a little A)push B)turn C) pull D) lift 9. lived in a cottage        A)tent B) castle C) little house D) dark cave 10. Are you certain? A) here B) sure C) in a hurry D)ready   B-level 1. pretty blossoms A) pictures B) clothes C) ribbons D) flowers 2. an empty pail A)bucket B) pitcher C) basket D)jar 3. to injure one's teeth A)brush B) clean C)examine D) harm 4. an ancient story A) humorous B) terrible C)old D) lively 5. to increase the amount A) divide up B) use up C) take away D)add to 6. to aid the nurse A) ask B) listen to C) help D)rescue 7. are very grateful A) delighted B) helpful C) thankful D) thoughtful 8. a knowledge of agriculture A) sewing B) finance C) farming D) handicraft 9. to omit a number A) leave out B)choose C) put down D)add 10. to persuade her A) assist B)force C) understand D)convince   C-level 1. is not contented A) satisfied B)sorry C) allowed D)confused 2. measured precisely A) easily B) before C) exactly D) on all sides 3. not very likely A) probable B) well-liked C) enjoyable D) similar 4. bewildered by the answer A) startled B) confused C) angered D) offended 5. deceived his friends A) praised B) made fun of C) tricked D) looked after 6. is not appropriate A)truthful B) necessary C) suitable D)dependable 7. spoke previously A) cautiously B) publicly C) earlier D) privately 8. the same destination A) costume B) language C) district D) goal 9. the violence of the storm A) effect B) sound C) force D) approach 10. to prohibit touching A) enjoy B) permit C) be afraid of D) forbid  


Test 2 (A, B)

Read each group of words. Cross out the word that does not belong with the others.



1 2 3 4 A) peaches A) cat A) birds A) shoe B) pears B) mouse B) aeroplanes B) sock C) chicken C) rabbit C) kites C)boot D) apples D) tail D) helicopters D) jacket E) bananas E) dog E) buses E) slipper


5.A) sun D) brown B)red E) purple C) green  
 6.A) books D) magazines B) wind E) signs C) funny  
7.A) foot D) yard  B) inch E) dish C) mile  
8.A) trees D) plants B) rocks E) crops C) flowers  
9.A) milk  D) water  B) candy E) juice C) soda  
10. A) cold D) cloudy B) warm E) dry C) cotton  
11. A) happy D) angry B) hard E) surprised C) sad  
12. A) rainy D) snowy  B) sunny E) wind C)sky  
13. A) pretty D) nice B) beautiful E) ugly C) lovely  
14. A) tight D) triangular  B) round E) oval C) square  
15. A) bee D) mouse B) pigeon E) peacock C) ant  




1. A) blond D) wool B) china E) leather C) papers
2. A) seagull D) eagle B) butterfly E) fly C) shark
3. A) customer D) manager B) complain E) cashier C) assistant
4. A) priest D) lawyer B) librarian E) scientist C) graduate
5. A) earn D)owe B) lend E) money C) borrow
6. A) selfish D) naughty B) sociable E) tallist C) talkative
7. A) referee D) keyboard B) spectator E) score C) match
8. A) treat D) examine B) drive E) cure C) operate on
9. A) brain D) chemist B) liver E) vessels C) lungs
10. A) crab D)elm B) oak E) birch C) willow
11. A) hammer D) drill B) coach E) penknife C) spade
12. A) sewing D) embroidery B) knitting E) crochet C) baking
13. A) amethyst D) diamond B) emerald E) opal C) stone
14. A) thigh D) ankle B) knee E) pump C) waist
15. A) stare D) whisper B) peep E) peer C) glimpse

Test 3 (A)

Match the quantities and the kinds of food.

1. a grain A) bread

2. a loaf B) chocolate

3. a lump C) rice

4. a drop D) sugar

5. a bar E) water

Test 4 (AB)

Match the containers in the left-hand column and the kinds of food in the right one.

1. a sack     A) porridge 2. a basket B) honey 3. a bowl    C) toothpaste 4. a jar        D) matches 5. a bucket E) biscuits   6. a box      F) baked beans 7. a packet G) flour 8. a tin        H) petrol 9. a barrel   I) sand 10. a tube   J) beer 11. a tank   K) fruit  


Test 5 (B)

Arrange the words into three groups. A) meat B) vegetables C) spices and dressings

1. beef 2. pepper 3. kidneys 4. lettuce 5. cabbage 6. turnip 7. cinnamon 8. vinegar 9. Veal 10. poultry 11. ketchup 12. beetroot 13. spinach 14. mustard 15. cucumber  16. liver 17. nutmeg 18. ginger 19. pork 20. mutton 21. cauliflower 22. onion  23. radish 24. salt

Test 6 (A)

Animals have babies. Match the names of the animals and the names of the babies they have.

1. bears 2. cats 3. cows 4. dogs 5. ducks 6. deer 7. geese 8. hens 9. horses 10. swine 11. sheep A) piglets B) fawns C) goslings D) cubs E) ducklings F) kittens G) lambs H) calves I) foals J) puppies K) chickens

Test 7 (B)

Match the names of the animals and the sounds they make.

1. a bee 2. a cat 3. a cock 4. a dog 5. a donkey 6. a duck 7. a frog 8. a hen 9. a horse 10. a lion 11. a mouse 12. a pig 13. a sheep 14. a snake 15. a wolf A) quacks B) grunts C) neighs D) roars E) hisses F) buzzes G) miaows H) crows I) bleats J) brays K) howls L) croaks M)clucks N)barks 0) squeaks


Test 8 (B)

What do doctors do? Fill in the blanks with the words below.


1. patients 2. treatment 3. examines 4. chest 5. depressed 6. blood pressure

7. prescribes 8. surgery 9. disease 10. chemist 11. nurse 12. prescription


When people have some problems like being _ or having lost appetite, they go to see the doctor in his _. Every doctor has a _to help him. When the doctor sees _ in his surgery, first he listens to their problems, then he _ them. He takes the patient's temperature, listens to his _, looks in his ears, eyes, takes his _. Then, if the _  isn't so serious, he _ some medicine. Later the patient will take the _ to the _. If something is seriously wrong with the patient, the doctor sends him to hospital for _.

 Test 9 (B-C)

Your feelings. Put the suitable adjective.

You feel:

1. e when you are expecting something special to happen

2. с when you are angry with somebody or something

3. n when you are afraid of something that is about to happen

4. ch when you are in good spirits and life is looking bright

5. m when everything seems wrong in your life

6. gr when someone has done you a favour

7. s when your hopes or desires have fulfilled

8. f when you are extremely angry

9. u when something unpleasant has happened to disturb you

10. d when you are sad and gloomy over a long period of time

Test 10 (B)

Adjectives describing character. Fill in the blanks with the words below.


ambitious adventurous easy-going
imaginative impatient naughty
optimistic polite sad
selfish sensible sociable


1. He is with his little sister.

2. They are a (an) family and entertain a great deal.

3. They like new places even if they are dangerous. They are explorers.

4. He is to get through high school in three years; so he works hard.

5. I never see her upset. She seems a (an) person because always takes things as they are.

6. He's the habit of talking a great deal. He loves to tell everybody what he's done and where he's been. He is too

7. The child hit his baby sister.

8. I think, she is too to do anything foolish.

9. A(an). person puts his own interests first.

10. A(an) person always sees the bright side of things.

11. The boy gave the lady his seat on the bus.

12. He has ideas like no one else's. He can make up fairy stories. He is extremely.

13. You feel if your best friend goes away.

Test 11 (A-B, B-C)

Do or make? Put the following phrases and words in the correct column.A) do B) make


1. an exercise 3. a suggestion 5. the washing up 7. the room 9. a mistake 11. a cup of tea 13. a decision 15. a sum 17. a face 19. a profit 2. a good impression 4. the shopping 6. somebody good 8. business with smb 10. much noise 12. a speech 14. homework 16. a favour 18. abed 20. well


1. money 3. an effort 5. harm 7. the best of smth 9. fun of somebody 11. oneself at home 13. a good breakfast 15. a good job 2. the garden 4. away with 6. one's hair 8. without 10. progress 12. one's living 14. one's best  

Test 12 (В)

Synonyms. Circle the word that has the same meaning as the word at the left.

1. to adore 2. to affect 3. to alter 4. to amuse 5. to astonish 6. to depart 7. to fasten 8. to frighten 9. to happen 10. to hug 11. to imitate 12. to join 13. to obtain 14. to preserve 15. to require 16. to select 17. to settle 18. to shout 19. to tremble 20. to weep A) to love B) to desire C) to celebrate A) to include B) to influence C) to improve A) to repair B) to make up C) to change A) to amaze B) to entertain C) to exaggerate A) to surprise B) to guess C) to pack A) to compare B) to break C) to leave A)to feed B) to tie C) to dress A) to disturb B) to scare C) to comfort A) to occur B) to accept C) to take part A) to embrace B) to hand C) to wave A) to ignore B) to copy C) to draw A) to unite B) to enjoy C) to wrap A) to build B)to skip C) to get A) to pretend B)to keep C) to feed A)to need B)to provide C) to compel A) to display B) to choose C) to discover A)to persuade B) to decide C) to deceive A) to worry B) to stare C) to yell A) to shake B) to stretch C) to kneel A)to fasten B)to cry C) to rub

Test 13 (А, В, С)

Synonyms. Match the words.

A - noun 1. land 2. labour 3. way out 4. gift 5. cereal 6. woman 7. painting 8. adult 9. captain 10. reply   A) present B) picture C) leader D)answer E) grain F) grown-up G) exit H) ground I) work J) lady A — verb 1. come 2. help 3. check 4. climb 5. continue 6. get 7. want 8. believe 9. call 10. dress     A)control B) shout C) think D) assist E) arrive F) wish G) put on H) go up I) keep up J) receive A — adjective 1. fast 2. glad 3. great 4. handsome 5. happy 6. ill 7. busy 8. awoke 9. certain 10. broad   A) working B) sure C) wide D) quick E) waked up F) happy G) good-looking H) sick I) large J) lucky


  В - noun 1 1. view 2. desire 3. gladness 4. chest 5. brow 6. opportunity 7. seashore 8. talk 9. value 10. sorrow     A) conversation B) forehead C) breast D) importance E) grief F) chance G) scene H) wish I) coast J) cheer В — noun 2 1. map 2. bloom 3. quantity 4. joy 5. demand 6. dirt 7. doctor 8. fight 9. habit 10. liberty   A) quarrel B) require C) freedom D) custom E) flower F) chart G) amount H) delight I) dust J) surgeon


В - verb 1 1. achieve 2. beg 3. cut 4. destroy 5. develop 6. finish 7. found 8. let 9. propose 10. occur     A)happen B) suggest C) establish D) complete E) reach F) ruin G) ask for H)grow I) clip J) permit   В - verb 2 1. possess 2. remark 3. need 4. select 5. supply 6. see 7. manifest 8. manage 9. join 10. differ     A) choose B) provide C) control D) be unlike E) comment F) view G) own H) require I) unite J) show  


 В — adjective 1 1. active 2. frightened 3. confident 4. important 5. suitable 6. dear 7. thankful 8. vacant 9. least 10. merely   A) considerable B) smallest C) convenient D) simply E) precious F) certain G)afraid H) lively I) grateful J) empty   В - adjective 2 1. marvellous 2. nervous 3. particular 4. private 5. different 6. skilled 7. idle 8. strange 9. dark 10. usual     A)ordinary B)trained C) special D) wonderful E) uneasy F) gloomy G) lazy H) personal I) various J) unusual


В — mix 1. annual 2. always 3. among 4. besides 5. beyond 6. except 7. universally 8. gradually 9. nevertheless 10. next     A) other than B) nearest to C) everywhere D) at all times E) little by little F) moreover G)however H) coming once a year I) surrounded by J) farther away


С — noun 1 1. wealth 2. way 3. amusement 4. weapons 5. seller 6. poetry 7. prisoner 8. convenience 9. intelligence 10. promise   A) understanding B) captive C) manner D) comfort E)riches F) entertainment G) arms H) engagement I) peddler J) verse С - noun 2 1. being 2. doubt 3. justice 4. progress 5. jealousy 6. case 7. cost 8. care 9. opinion 10. shelter   A) shield B)envy C) sacrifice D)advance Б) hesitation F) existence G) judgement H) fairness I) instance J) thought


С - verb 1. throw 2. compel 3. refuse 4. hug 5. resist 6. retreat 7. run 8. open 9. criticise 10. blend   A) blame B) withdraw C) oppose D)cast Б) unfold F) mix together G) force H) decline I) embrace J) operate С - adjective 1. conscious 2. contented 3. utter 4. tender 5. monstrous 6. obvious 7. overcast 8. precise 9. colourful 10. contrary   A) dreadful B) plain C) opposite D) satisfied E) absolute F) exact G) vivid H) gentle I) aware J) cloudy

Test 14 (A, B, C)

Opposites. Match the pairs with opposite meaning. Each following list includes the vocabulary of the higher level.

A — mix 1. all 2. above 3. after 4. back 5. because 6. head 7. summer 8. arm 9. inside 10. early 11. end 12. future 13. good-bye 14. ground 15. top   A) foot B) winter C)leg D) hello E) before F) beginning G)sky H) tail I) below J) front K)why L) outside M)past N) late O) none A — adjective 1. easy 2. fat 3. long 4. cold 5. soft 6. empty 7. safe 8. heavy 9. clean 10. wrong 11. dry 12. fast 13. first 14. wide 15. ill   A) hard B) right C) dangerous D) dirty E) wet F) difficult G) short H) last I) slow J) thin K) narrow L) full M)well N)hot 0) light


A — verb 1. to remember 2. to lend 3. to send 4. to buy 5. to end 6. to ask 7. to build 8. to lose 9. to fall 10. to give 11. to leave 12. to live 13. to shout 14. to enjoy   A) to rise B)to suffer C) to come D)to forget E) to whisper F) to break G)to find H)to die I) to answer J) to sell K)to begin L) to borrow M)to receive N)to take


В - mix 1 1. bull 2. depth 3. truth 4. female 5. finger 6. grief 7. here 8.land 9. accidental 10. together   A) on purpose B)separate C) sea D) cow E) height F)lie G) male H)toe I) Joy J) there В - mix 2 1. true 2. few 3. punishment 4. cause 5. enemy 6. war 7. child 8. native 9. light 10. safety   A) friend B) adult C) many D) foreigner E) darkness F) result G) danger H) false I) reward J) peace



В - adjective 1 1. asleep 2. bitter 3. boring 4. bright 5. dull 6. calm 7. frequent 8. narrow 9. polite 10. noisy     A) excited B) rare C) awake D) sweet E) exciting F) rude G) quiet H) smart I) broad J) gloomy   В - adjective 2 1. brave 2. loose 3. deep 4. noisy 5. guilty 6. merry 7. awake 8. common 9. absent 10. cheap     A) expensive B) sad C) asleep D) cowardly E) shallow F) rare G) tight H)present I) innocent J) silent  


В - verb 1 1. to increase 2. to attack 3. to stay 4. to damage 5. to die 6. to fail 7. to hate 8. to keep 9. to borrow 10. to break     A) to succeed B)to love C) to decrease D)to lend E) to restore F) to leave G)to defence H)to release I) to live J) to repair   В - verb 2 1. to build 2. to divide 3. to forbid 4. to hit 5. to ask 6. to laugh 7. to lose 8. to part 9. to spend 10. to unite     A) to miss B) to weep C) to reply D) to meet E) to destroy F) to win G) to save H) to split I) to multiply J) to let  


С - mix 1 1. harm 2. debt 3. defeat 4. delight 5. fright 6. hell 7. hope 8. amateur 9. exterior 10. theory J     A) paradise B) despair C) benefit D) professional E) interior F) practice G) credit H) victory I) distress ) courage     С — adjective 1. married 2. concrete 3. rough 4. essential 5. private 6. vacant 7. ignorant 8. bare 9. dead 10. dim 11. deep 12. natural   A) public B) occupied C) clothed D) alive E) smooth F) optional G) abstract H) shallow I) educated J) single K) artificial L) bright


С - mix 2 1. safety 2. poverty 3. joy 4. dove 5. lull 6. might 7. palm 8. purchase 9. love 10. laughter   A) pigeon B) sole C) hatred D) sale E) sorrow F) danger G) sob H) weakness I) riches J) alarm С - verb 1 1. to admire 2. to diminish 3. to delete 4. to bend 5. to decrease 6. to accept 7. to approve 8. to include 9. to demand 10. to admit   A) to omit B) to supply C) to straighten D) to increase E) to deny F) to reject G) to despise H) to grow I) to insert J) to condemn


С - verb 2 1. to descent 2. to pack 3. to peep 4. to permit 5. to continue 6. to retreat 7. to shrink 8. to smile 9. to enter 10. to accelerate   A) to quit B) to prohibit C) to frown D) to spread E) to leave F) to climb G) to brake H) to unwrap I) to stare J) to advance      

Test 15 (B)

Expressions with look. Fill in the phrasal verbs given below in the correct form.

A) to look at B) to look out  D) to look for F) to look after

H) to look through I) to look down on  K) to look to L) to look into

C) to look up to  G) to look up J) to look forward to  M) to look over


1. The police drawer to see if I could find my keys

2. I the the past record of the suspect.

3. The house the south.

4. We've always our parents.

5. Could you help me to my glasses, please?

6. We are seeing them again.

7. Why is it wrong to those who are less fortunate than ourselves?

8. I like to walk out and the stars at night.

9. for the cars turning in your direction.

10. Who is going to your correspondence while you are away?

11. the words in the dictionary, and try to remember their spelling.

12. I'll your carelessness this time, but be more careful in future.

Test 16 (B-C)

Expressions with put. Fill in the words given below to make up phrasal verbs with put.

A) among B) into C) away D) out E) back F) in G) off H) together I) one's foot in it J) up with

K) down L) on  M) up N) aside O) before


1. If you put the boy all those tall children, he looks even shorter.

2. She put her sewing when the telephone rang.

3. It's going to rain. We'd better put our things and go indoors.

4. Put the book where you found it when you have finished reading it.

5. Your suggestion will be put the board of directors at the next meeting.

6. He put his heavy suitcase on the ground and rested for a few minutes.

7. May I put a word or two?

8. Put the vegetables the pan with very little water, and heat quickly.

9. Tonight's concert will be put till next week, as one of the singers has hurt his throat.

10. She put her raincoat hurriedly and ran out of the flat.

11. Can you put the pieces of the broken statuette?

12. Do you know how to put a tent?

13. Why should we put such terrible working conditions?

14. You can put. your cigarette in that ashtray.

15. Every time you open your mouth you put _.


Test 17 (B)

Expressions with take (1). Fill in the words given below to make up phrasal verbs with take.

A) after B) away C) easy D) out E) aboard F) back   G) in H) up I) apart J) down K) off


1. He takes his father, he has the same wavy hair and quick temper.

2. You'll be much happier if you learn to take life

3. I listened to the speech carefully, but still I could not take it all.

4. These books are for reading in the library, and may not be taken.

5. If you are not satisfied with the goods, you may take them to our shop.

6. Every night Jack takes his dog for a walk.

7. When did you first take music?

8. I must warn you that anything you say may be taken __________ and repeated in court.

9. No dangerous explosives may be taken.

10. He had to take the whole device to discover the cause of the trouble.

11. The plane took so smoothly that we could hardly feel it.

Test 18 (B-C)

Expressions with take (2). Match the left column to the right  one.


1. take placу 2. take care 3. take turns 4. take one's time 5. take part 6. take into account 7. take something for 8. take advantage of 9. take charge of 10. take pains   A) participate B) give attention C) assume responsibility for D) work carefully E) alternate F) use an opportunity G) accept as true without granted investigation H) avoid hurrying I) happen, occur J) take into consideration  



Test 19 (A-B)

What's wrong with the following expressions? Write in the correct variant on the right.


1. to go to an excursion

2. to go to skiing

3. to make some sightseeing

4. to go by the car

5. to go by foot

6. to be keen of visiting historical places.

7. to be very fond on the open air

8. to get bored from watching TV

9. to be interesting in collecting stamps.

10. to prefer to living close to nature _

Test 20 (B-C)

Various expressions. Match the left column to the right one.


Test 1

1. come across 2. cross out 3. figure out 4. get along with 5. get used to 6. have to do with 7. keep track 8. make up one's mind 9. turn out 10. catch cold A) become / result B) live / work harmoniously with C) become sick with a cold D) become adjusted to E) cancel by marking with crosses F) meet someone unexpectedly G) calculate H) maintain a record of I) have some connection with J) decide


Test 2

1. come true 2. drop in 3. find fault with 4. get in touch with 5. go in for 6. keep an eye on 7. keep out 8. keep up with 9. pick out 10. run out A) exhaust the supply of B) maintain the same speed C) watch, guard D) communicate with Б) prove to be true F) criticise G) dedicate oneself to H) visit unexpectedly I) choose, select J) stay out  

Test 21 (B-C)

Adverbs. Put each of the adverbs in the appropriate place.

A) adverbs of manner B) adverbs of degree C) adverbs of place


1. abroad 4. somewhat 7. near 10. carefully 13. ashore 16. well 2. badly 5. almost 8. underfoot 11. overseas 14. downstairs   3. fiercely 6. beautifully 9. angrily 12. underneath 15. silently  

Test 22 (A-B)

Word forms. Choose the correct word.

1. Brain's room was an place.

A) amazing B) amazed

2. It doesn't matter. It's of no

A) important B) importance

3. What's the of that building?

A) height B) high

4. If you don't do something about that cut, it'll, all over the place.

A) bleed B) blood

5. If you want to speak English fluently, you need more English.

A) practice B) practise

6. It's not easy to operate this machine. We have great in doing it,

A) difficult B) difficulty

7. I need your on this paper. Could you do it just now?

A) signature B) sign

8. It's 30 degrees in the shade. The is unbearable.

A) hot B) heat

9. Let's meet at seven o'clock. Will that time__ you?

A) suitable B) suit

10. My flat is very old. I'd like to it.

A) modernise B) modern

11. Your explanation is too complicated. Could you it?

A) simplify B) simple

12. I too much. I'm going to have a diet.

A) weight B) weigh

13. Did you tell anybody about your?

A) lose B) loss

14. How long is it? You should be accurate with the.

A) measure B) measurement

15. The police found a body in the river.

A) dead B) died

Test 23 (B)

Pairs of words often confused. Choose the correct word.

1. Our holiday was spoiled by bad.

A) weather B) whether

2. There are several big parks in London Hyde Park.

A) beside B) besides

3. The information comes through secret.

A) canals B) channels

4. We his excuse.

A) accepted B) excepted

5. It will go with the murderer if he is caught.

A) hard B) hardly

6. Windsor on the Thames west of London.

A) lies B) lays

7. I have to you that our business with that company is very important to us.

A) remember B) remind

8. The boys the old barn for use by the club.

A) adapted B) adopted

9. The captain ordered all the to be fired.

A)canons B) cannons

10. The mercury in the thermometer is to changes in temperature.

A) sensitive B) sensible

11. The disease his mind so that he could not remember what he had done.

A) effected B) affected

12. The population of this town has been for ten years at about 5000 people.

A) stationary B) stationery

13. It isn't very to leave the lights on when you're not in the room.

A) economic B) economical

14. Do you believe in the that all men are equal?

A) principal B) principle

15. You are losing your things!

A) continuously B) continually

16. The police are on the of the thieves.

A) cent B) scent

17. Witnesses the policeman's statement.

A) collaborated B) corroborated

18. His blood the ground.

A) dyed B) died

19. A referee will judge a basketball game fairly.

A) disinterested B) uninterested

20. He was only three years old when his family from Germany.

A) immigrated B) emigrated

Test 24 (B-C)

Prefixes (1). Put one of the prefixes in each space to make the words opposite in meaning. A) un- B) dis-

1. Her shyness was a advantage in company.

2. The little dog appeared down the road.

3. She is an commonly good cook.

4. He spoke slowly and certainly.

5. The circus appointed him, for there was no elephant.

6. We mended the road, but a heavy storm did our work.

7. Buds fold into flowers.

8. A series of accidents ordered the shop.

9. Heavy snowstorms organised the train service.


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