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At (4)river.were approaching

At (7)hill. were climbing

Ben (5) time. will have bought

Betty (4) year. has not seen

Boxing (6) hard. kick

By (5) meeting. shall have had
We(3) May. haven't heard

By (6) cake. had cooked

Can (10) her. keep

Can (2) it? Yes, of course. Make sure you keep the receipt.

Can (2) you? No, I’m just looking, thank you.

Choose (10)farm. Sheep

Choose (2) word. A briefcase

Choose (2) word. A calculator

Choose (2) word. a desk lamp

Choose (2) word. A folder

Choose (2) word. A mouse

Choose (2) word. A photocopier

Choose (2) word. A printer

Choose (2) word. A screen

Choose (2) word. A stapler

Choose (2)translation: мешіт/мечеть a mosque

Choose (2)translation: сарай/замок a castle

Choose (2)translation: шіркеу/церковь a church

Choose (2)translation: алаң/площадь a square

Choose (2)translation: батыс/запад west

Choose (2)translation: жағажай/пляж a beach

Choose (2)translation: кітапхан/библиотека a library

Choose (2)translation: көпір/мост a bridge

Choose (2)translation: ластанған/загрязненный polluted

Choose (2)translation: оңтүстік/юг south

Choose (2)translation: собор/собор a cathedral

Choose (2)translation: солтүстік/север north

Choose (2)translation: шығыс/восток east

Choose (2translation: таза/чистый clean

Choose (6) nouns: dresses, boxes, potatoes

Choose (6)noun: Children

Choose (6)noun: geese

Choose (6)noun: mice

Choose (6)noun: Ships

Choose (6)noun: Men

Choose (6)noun: secretaries

Choose (6)nouns: Leaves, geese, teeth

Choose (6)nouns: Taxes, radios, dresses

Choose (7)combination: We are doctors

Choose the plural form of the following nouns:

Clothes (1) you: Clothes are the right colour, shape and style for you

Clothes (1) you: Clothes are the right size for you

Come (19) cotton: Bracelet

Complete (11)into a plastic bag

Complete (16)friends. a dinner party

Complete(16)later. late

Coose (4)word: bad good

Coose (4)word: dirty clean

Coose (4)word: late early

Coose (4)word: loud quiet

Coose (4)word: tidy untidy

Cricket (6) denim: coin

Do (4) yourself? Buying

Do (5) them? try on

Do (5)recipe? much

Do (5)station? the shortest

Do (7) you? fit

Do / (5)work? What time do you get to work?

Drive / (4)I Idrive my car very slowly.

Drivers (6) _________. bikers

Earings, (3) _____. Accessories

English (3) aggressive. fans

English (6) _________. soccer

Everest (10)Mountain. the highest, higher

Excuse (6) game? score

Father (5)day. goes

Fill (12)music. Often

Find (12)brother brother-in-law

Find (12)daughter niece

Find (12)daughter cousin

Find (12)mother mother-in-law

Find (12)sister aunt

Find (12)son nephew

Find (12)son cousin

Find (18)you twin

Find (2)antonym: beautiful ugly

Find (2)antonym: east west

Find (2)antonym: expensive/cheap

Find (2)antonym: fantastic terrible

Find (2)antonym: good/bad

Find (2)antonym : south north

Find (2)antonym: west east

Find (2)antonyms: north outh

Find (9)daughter granddaughter

Find (9)singular: a sheep

Find (9)singular: deer

Find (9)singular: swine

Find (9)son grandson

Find(10)husband stepfather

Find(10)wife stepmother

Find(12)brother uncle

Find(12)father father-in-law

Find(12)sister sister-in-law

French (5) world. Is

Get changed: Take your clothes off and put different clothes on

Get dressed: Put your clothes on

Get undressed: Take your clothes off

Give(10)молока a bottle of milk

Give(6) foot: footes

Give(6)костюм suit

Give(7)вечеринка party

Give(7)заигрывать to fancysomebody

Give(7)зарплата salary

Give(7)интересоваться to be interested

Give(7)месть revenge

Give(7)пожениться to get married

Give(7)приглашать to invite

Give(7)сердиться to be angry

Give(7)следующий next

Give(7)сходиться to move in together

Give(8)быстрый quick

Give(8)влюбиться to fall in love

Give(8)медсестра a nurse

Give(8)однажды one day

Give(8)смущаться to be confused

Give(8)смущаться to be embarrassed

Give(9) втот вечер that evening

Give(9)вто утро that morning

Give(9)женатым to be married

Give(9)клуб a night club

Give(9)наследующее утро the next morning

Give(9)раздраженным to be annoyed

Give(9)удивленным to be suprised

He (10) down. hadn’t changed

He (2) library. has

He (4) o/clock. had visited

He (6) him. went

He (6) room: was writing

He (6)country. Spent

He (7) year. will sell

He a letter. has written

He(2)year. Visited

He(3)us. did not forgive

He(4)am. more

He(6)Chicago. works

He(6)more _____. than him

He(6)room. was writing

He(6)yesterday. didn’t go

He(9)morning. turned

Health (2)wealth. better

Helen (1) key. has lost

Henry (3) o/clock: will have taken

Henry (6) time: was crying

Henry (6)time was crying

Here (0)... money. Is

His (5) time. had bought

His(4)them. did not invite

Hockey (4) _________. clubs

How (3) have? many

How (8) moment? much

How (1) … Does it take you to get to home?

How (1) … Do you watch films in English?

How (1) …. Money did you spend today?

How (1) …. Do you know your teacher?

How (1) …. Pairs of gloves do you have?

How (1)…. Is it from your house to the shops?

How (2) it? it’s 49.99

How (3) ------------- (she do)? Has she done

How (3) go? fast

How (4) neighbours? well

How (4) train? often

How (4) pay? By credit card, if that’s OK.

How (6) Saturday: get changed

How (7) family? old

How (7) party? get dressed

How (8) beach? far

How (8) bed? get undressed

How (9) school? long

How (9) them? wear

How(5)day? much

How(5)day? many

Hurry(4)so _ slowly

I (1) stamps. have

I (1) window. have opened

I (10) game. viewer

I (10) too. Have liked

I (11) awake. give up

I (11) fit. do

I (12) family. A part time job

I (15) healthier. fit

I (15) TV. played

I (2) Queen. Have / seen.

I (3) book. to read

I (3) it. to buy

I (3) times. have seen

I (3). was

I (5) future. Decision

I (5) moment: am standing

I (5) up: was

I (6) o/clock. had written

I (6) ____. arts

I (7) broken. racket

I (7) early. Permission

I (7) rain: was walking

I (7) useful. throw away

I (7) week. shall not have read

I (8) clothes: spending

I (8) house. take off

I (8) one. ride

I (9) ______. match

I (9) later. A break

I(11)house. too

I(12)reading. little

I(13)seat. very
It’s(10)seat. very
Time(7)work. too
I(13)expensive. too

I(14)Canada. was waiting

I(3)bread. much

I(3)exam. passed

I(4)daytime. don’t sleep

I(4)late. So am I.

I(4)sister. busier

I(4)yesterday. missed

I(4)you. better

I(5)does. Worse

I(5)moment. am standing

I(5)much. Neither did I.

I(5)up. was

I(5)yesterday. didn’t eat

I(6)day. take

I(6)film. So am I.

I(6)starts. Neither did I.

I(7)rain. was walking

I(9)hard ___ as me

I’d (5) model. A living

I’d (6) mountains. go

I’m (10) walk. A day

I’m (12) ______. practice

I’m (9) weekend. A part time job

I’ve (15)____. team

I’ve (4) swim. been

If (11) silence. switch off

In (7) champions. title

Is (8) up? make

It (4) house: was raining

It (1) now: is

It (3) yesterday: was raining

It(1)now. is

It(3)yesterday. was raining

It(4)house .was raining

It(8)rain. roofs

It’s(1)city. such an

It’s(2)have. the sharpest

John (1)mistake. has made

Kanat (4) people. has done

Kate(3)year. worked

Kate(3)yesterday. cooked

Knowledge (0) power. Is

Kyushu(6)of ____ Japan

Leather(0) tights

Let’s(8)room. too much

Listen (8)room is playing

Listen!(8)room? is playing

London(3)York. older

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