


Другие языки
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VII. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Требования к оформлению контрольной работы

1. Контрольная работа выполняется на компьютере на одной стороне листа. Текст рекомендуется печатать, соблюдая на формате А4 (210x297 мм) указанные ниже размеры полей. Технические требования к тексту:

- Шрифт - Times New Roman.

- Тип основного текста: обычный, размер 12 пт.

- Шрифт заголовков разделов: полужирный, размер 14 пт.

- Шрифт заголовков подразделов, пунктов и подпунктов полужирный, размер 14 пт.

- Поля документа: левое - 30 мм; правое - 10 мм; верхнее - 15 мм; нижнее - 20 мм.

- Отступ первой строки – 1,25 см.

- Размер шрифта 14.

- Межстрочный интервал полуторный.

- Выравнивание текста – по ширине.

- Номер страницы проставляется арабской цифрой без точки в правом верхнем ее углу. Нумерация страниц обязательна. Считаются все страницы, начиная с титульного листа, но на самом титульном листе номер страницы не ставится.


2. Титульный лист контрольной работы должен содержать следующую информацию (см. форму титульного листа):

- Название колледжа.

- ФИО студента.

- Домашний адрес студента.

- Номер курса и группы.

- Код и наименование специальности.

- Наименование дисциплины.

- Номер варианта.

- ФИО преподавателя.

- Подпись преподавателя.


Повторите следующие грамматические темы:


1. To be in Present Simple

2. Articles;

3. Simple Tenses;

4. Numerals;

5. Reported Speech. Statements;

6. Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs;

7. Conditionals type 1, 2;

8. Construction to be going to.

Variant I

I. Put the verb to be into the correct form of Present Simple:

1. I... a pupil. 2. My father... not a teacher, he... a scientist. 3.... your aunt a doctor? - Yes, she.... 4.... they at home? - No, they... not at borne, they... at work. 5. My brother... a worker. He... at work. 6.... you an engineer? - Yes, I.... 7.... your sister a typist? No, she... not a typist, she... a student. 8.... your brother at school? - Yes, he....

II. Put articles where necessary:

1. Ibought... new hat yesterday.... shop-as­sistant said it was... latest style. 2. I want to ask you to accompany me to... shop. I must buy... dress. 3. Where did you buy this overcoat? — I bought it at... big store in Nevsky Prospect on... Tuesday. 4. My sister bought... blue hat on... Wednesday.... colour suits her very nicely as she has got... blue eyes. 5. I must buy... pair of... new gloves. 6. Where is... shoe department? — It is on... third floor. 7. I think... coat is a little tight. 8. We came to... big store to find out if we could have... suit made to order. 9. I don't like... hat you have chosen.... colour is not becoming to you. 10. Here is... department of ready-made clothes. Let's go in and see if we can buy... nice pair of... trousers for you. 11. I am going to give him... tie as... birthday present.

III. Translate into English using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, or Present Perfect Continuous:

1. Я уже три дня об этом думаю. 2. Моя сестра пьет кофе с молоком. А я всегда предпочитал черный кофе. 3. Мы очень рады вас видеть. Мы вас ждали целый месяц. 4. Вы все еще читаете эту книгу? Сколько времени вы ее уже читаете? 5. Моя сестра занимается музыкой уже пять лет. 6. Я ищу тебя весь вечер. Где ты был все это время? 7. Они пишут сочинение уже два часа. 8. Мы знаем друг друга уже четыре года. 9. Я всегда хотел изучать английский язык. 10. Где Нина? — Она уже "два часа дома.


IV. Translate into English paying attention to the use of the numerals:

1. Мы читаем урок шестой, упражнение пятое.

2. Джон пишет сегодня четвертое письмо.

3. Сегодня одиннадцатое декабря.

4. Вчера было девятое января 2013 года.

5. Джек должен выучить сорок семь слов.

6. Сегодня шестьсот двадцать третий день с начала шоу.

7. Джейн родилась в 1980 году.

8. Это была вторая попытка Джеймса сдать этот экзамен.


V. Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech:

1. "My friend lives in Moscow," said Alec. 2. "You have not done your work well," said the teacher to me. 3. The poor man said to the rich man: "My horse is wild. It can kill your horse." 4. The rich man said to the judge: "This man's horse has killed my horse." 5. "This man spoke to me on the road," said the woman. 6. "I can't ex­plain this rule to you," said my classmate to me, 7. The teacher said to the class: "We shall discuss this subject tomorrow." 8. The woman said to her son: "I am glad I am here." 9. Mike said: "We have bought these books today." 10. She said to me: "Now I can read your translation," 11. Our teacher said: "Thackeray's novels are very interesting." 12. She said: "You will read this book in the 9th form." 13. Nellie said: "I read 'Jane Eyre' last year."


VI. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form:

1. This man is (tall) than that one. 2. Asia is (large) than Australia. 3. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi. 4. Which building is the (high) in Moscow? 5. Mary is a (good) student than Lucy. 6. The Alps are (high) than the Urals. 7. This gar­den is the (beautiful) in our town. 8. She speaks Italian (good) than English. 9. Is the word "newspa­per" (long) than the word "book"? 10. The Thames is (short) than the Volga. 11. The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean. 12. Chinese is (diffi­cult) than English. 13. Spanish is (easy) than Ger­man. 14. She is not so (busy) as I am. 15. It is as (cold) today as it was yesterday. 16. She is not so (fond) of sports as my brother is. 17. Today the weather is (cold) than it was yesterday. 18. This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year. 19. January is the (cold) month of the year. 20. My sister speaks English (bad) than I do. 21. Which is the (hot) month of the year? 22. Which is the (beau­tiful) place in this part of the country? 23. This nice-looking girl is the (good) student in our group.

VII. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. I should be delighted if I (to have) such a beautiful fur-coat. 2. If it (to rain), we shall have to stay, at home. 3. If it is not too cold, I (not to put) on my coat. 4. If he (not to read) so much, he would not be so clever. 5. If my friend (to be) at home, he will tell us what to do. 6. If he were not such an outstanding actor, he (not to have) so many admirers. 7. If you (to give) me your address, I shall write you a letter 8. If she (not to be) so absent-minded, she would be a much better student. 9. If my sister does not go to the south, we (to spend) the summer in St Petersburg together. 10. If you (not to get) tickets to the Philharmonic, we shall stay at home.

VIII. Translate into English using to be going to:

1. На небе много облаков (The sky is overcast.). Скоро пойдет дождь.

2. У Анны кончился бензин (to be /run outofsth). Она собирается заехать на ближайшую заправочную станцию.

3. — Ты завтракал?

— Нет, но буду завтракать после девяти.

4. — Ты помыл машину?

— Нет еще. Я собираюсь помыть ее вечером.

5. — Ты думаешь (планируешь) покупать новый Оксфордский словарь?

— Да, конечно. Я хочу это сделать сегодня.

6. Я не собиралась идти в кино, но мои друзья меня уговорили (to persuade).

7. Он планирует опубликовать острые политические статьи в этой газете.

8. Семья Эндрюз собирается провести месяц в Испании.

9. Я думаю, у нас есть немного времени. Я хочу сдать вещи в багаж (left-luggage office).

10. Спасибо за приглашение, но я собираюсь проверять студенческие курсовые работы.


Variant II

I. Put the verb to be into the correct form of Present Simple:

1.... your sister at school? - No, she... not at school. 2. My... sister... at home. 3.... this your watch? - Yes, it.... 4. She... an actress. 5. This... my bag. 6. My uncle... an office-worker. 7. He... at work. 8. Helen... a painter. She has some fine pictures. They... on the walls. She has much paper. It... on the shelf. The shelf... brown. It... on the wall. Helen has a brother. He... a student. He has a family. His family... not in St. Petersburg, it... in Moscow.


II. Put articles where necessary:

1. This is... pen. It is... good pen.... pen is black. It is on... table. 2.1 have got... dog.... dog's name is Spot. He is... big grey dog.... dog is very strong. 3. My friend has... sister. Her name is Ann.... girl is... pupil. 4. We have... picture in... living-room.... picture is very good. It is on... wall. 5.... Irish Sea is between... Great Britain and... Ireland. 6. There is... map on... wall of... classroom. It is... map of... world. There are many seas and lakes on... map. This is... Mediterranean Sea and that is... Red Sea. These are... Himalayas. They are... highest mountains in... world. 7. We live in... St. Petersburg.... St. Petersburg is... very large city. It is one of... largest cities in... Russia. 8. My brother is... doctor. His flat is in... centre of... city. It is in... new house. There are three rooms in... flat.... living-room is.. largest of all. It is... nice light room. There are... pictures on... walls. There is... round table in... middle of... room. There is... sofa at... wall with... large thick car­pet in... front of it.... study and... bedroom are small, but very comfortable.

III. Translate into English using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, or Present Perfect Continuous:

11. Где дети? — Они все еще играют во дворе. 12. Мой брат уже три года инженер. 13. Мой друг знает анг­лийский с детства. 14. Я уже полчаса наблю­даю за тобой. 15. Ваш брат еще болен? — Нет, он уже поправился. Он уже три дня занимается физикой. Он хочет получить отличную оценку на экзамене. 16. Мне уже давно хочется про­честь эту книгу. 17. Я уже двадцать минут пы­таюсь найти мою старую тетрадь. 18. Они уже десять лет живут в Нью Йорке. 19. Моя тетя — артистка. Она всегда любила театр. 20. Ваш папа уже вернулся с севера? — Да, он уже две неде­ли дома.

IV. Translate into English paying attention to the use of the numerals:

1. Джейн выполнила восьмое упражнение.

2. Любимое число Роберта – семнадцать.

3. Мама Джейн купила двадцать восемь апельсинов.

4. У моей кузины только одна квартира.

5. Существуют три пути его дому.

6. Первое и третье тестовое задание были легкими.

7. Их первый выбор был лучшим.

8. Барбаре необходимо шесть ингредиентов для ее торта.

V. Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech:

1. Masha said: "I usually spend my holidays in the south." 2. She said: "I spent my holidays in the Crimea last year." 3. Boris said: "I go to the south every year." 4. He said: "I am going to a rest-home tomorrow." 5. Ann said to us: "They haven't yet come." 6. She said to us: "They arrived in St. Pe­tersburg yesterday." 7. I said: "I was in London last year. My friends in London sometimes invite me to spend my holidays with them." 8. Nick said: "I have never been to London. I think I shall go there next year." 9. He said: "I shall not stay with my friends too long." 10. He said to me: "They are staying at the 'Europe' hotel. 11. He said: "They are leaving next Monday." 12. The clerk said to them: "You can leave the key with the maid upstairs."

VI. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form:

1. Oil is (light) than water. 2. We shall wait for a (dry) day to go on the excursion. 3. A bus is (fast) than a tram. 4. Take some of these sweets: they are very (nice). They are (nice) than the sweets in that box. 5. He clearly did not like the explanation, and as he listened to it, he became (angry) and (angry). 6. He worked (hard) and (hard) as the end of the term came nearer. 7. The (tall) trees in the world grow in California. 8. Please be (careful) next time and don't spill the milk again. 9. Bobby was a (qui­et) child. He was (quiet) than his sister. 10. Her eyes are (grey) than mine. 11. He was the (fat) man in the village. 12. As he went on, the box became (heavy) and (heavy). 13. My sister is the (tall) girl in her class. 14. Who is the (attentive) student in your group? 15. It is autumn. Every day the air becomes (cold), the leaves (yellow). 16. This is the (beautiful) view I have ever seen in my life. 17. Your handwriting is now (good) than it was last year; but still it is not so (good) as Nick's handwriting. Nick has a (good) handwriting than you. And of course Nellie has the (good) handwriting of all.

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