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II. Give a summary of the chapter.

Chapter XIII

Vocabulary Practice

I. Give the English equivalents for the following. Find the episodes where the expressions from the chapter were used and make up sentences of your own.

Наездник, поместить на ринг, быть грубым с кем-либо, заработать много денег, кнут, стоять в седле, веревка, потерять равновесие, махать рукой.

II. Give the opposites for the following words:

to take off, quickly, at last, rough, to stand up, to keep on, friendly, to stay.

III. Give the synonyms for the following words and expressions:

to be rough on smb., to whip smb., to make a lot of money, quickly, to lose one’s balance, to be ready.

Grammar Practice

I. Insert the necessary articles:

1. Mr. Castle wanted to make Toby _____ circus rider.

2. Mr. Castle stood in _____ middle of _____ ring with _____ long whip in his hand.

3. There was _____ white horse in the ring.

4. At _____ end of one lesson Mr. Castle decided to make _____ new act for _____ show.

5. _____ boy mustn’t let _____ girl help him with _____ money.

6. _____ old monkey looked at Toby in _____ friendly way.

7. Ella became _____ Toby’s good friend.

Comprehension Check Up

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What did Mr. Castle say to Mr. Lord?

2. What was Mr. Castle’s attitude towards boys?

3. How was Toby supposed to ride a horse?

4. Was it difficult for Toby to learn to ride?

5. Did Toby still want to go back to his uncle?

6. Why did Toby refuse to take money from Ella?


II. Give a summary of the chapter.

Chapter XIV

Vocabulary Practice

I. Give the English equivalents for the following:

with a light heart, sadly, together, kind, beautiful, to go out, to find.

II. Choose the words that can function both as a noun and a verb and explain their meaning:

run, stay, ride, think, look, understand, hope, show, work, hear, learn.

Grammar Practice

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct article if necessary:

1. Mrs. Treat was holding _____ bag in her hands.

2. Toby was going to give his first show in _____ ring.

3. Toby liked _____ beautiful suit which the Treats presented him with.

4. Toby worked with _____ light heart.

5. The Treats gave Toby _____ nice blue suit and for Ella they had _____ red rose.

6. Toby was going to get his money, _____ dollar ____ week, even if he didn’t have to do anything but ride.

7. At _____ night Toby went to _____ Old Ben.

II. Insert the proper preposition:

1. “Keep your tongue _____ your teeth”.

2. Now Toby was one _____ the performers.

3. The Treats were very kind _____ Toby.

4. The Treats presented Toby ____ a beautiful blue suit.

5. Toby didn’t have to work _____ Mr. Lord any more.

Comprehension Check Up

I. Answer the following questions on the chapter:

1. Why was Ella sad?

2. Why did Toby agree to stay in the circus for one more day?

3. What did the Treats want to see Toby and Ella for?

4. Why did Mr. Lord become so kind to Toby?

5. Did Toby still have to work for Mr. Lord?


II. Give a summary of the chapter.

Chapter XV

Vocabulary Practice

I. Give the English equivalents for the following:

Сделать себе имя, без ошибок, вызывать на бис, прыгать через петли, гордиться кем-либо, сделать все от себя зависящее, с удовольствием.

II. Complete the sentences with the following words in the correct form:

to do, to please, to call back, to repeat, to come into, to come out of, to take off, to make.

1. Toby decided to _____ his best during the show.

2. When the children _____ the ring for the second time, they were met by the Treats and Old Ben.

3. Toby wanted to _____ his friends with his performance.

4. Old Ben helped Toby to _____ his suit.

5. When the people _____ the children, Toby and Ella _____ the last act of the performance.

6. All the friend wanted Toby to _____ a name for himself.

7. Mr. Castle _____ the room to tell Toby and Ella that they must be ready in a minute.

Grammar Practice

I. Insert the missing prepositions where necessary:

1. All the friends were very proud _____ Toby.

2. People liked the performance and called the children _____.

3. Toby and Ella rode side _____ side.

4. Toby agreed to go for a walk _____ pleasure.

5. During the performance the children jumped _____ flags and _____ hoops.

II. Insert the necessary articles:

1. It was _____ afternoon.

2. When Ella and Toby came out of _____ ring for _____ second time, the Treats and Old Ben were waiting for them.

3. Everyone called Toby _____ great rider.

4. Old Ben suggested that he and Toby should go out to see _____ town.

Comprehension Check Up

I. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1) Everyone was excited before the show.

2) Toby was not ready to do his best.

3) The people enjoyed the performance.

4) Toby and Ella’s performance was perfect.

5) Only Old Ben was happy for the children and proud of them.

6) Toby agreed to go to the town though unwillingly as he was tired.

II. Give a summary of the chapter.

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