1. What color is this table?
2. What color is this chair?
3. What color are these walls?
4. What color is your pencil?
5. What color is your bag?
6. What color is your tie?
Exercise 14. Спросите о цвете называемых предметов:
1. This blackboard is black.
2. That book is grey.
3. These walls are blue.
4. Those lamps are red.
5. This pencil is green.
6. My cat is white.
7. Your bag is black.
8. This chalk is white.
Exercise 15. Переведите следующие предложения:
1. Это не план. Это карта.
2. Эта комната не плохая, она хорошая.
3. Этот мел не белый, он серый.
4. Эти лампы не новые, они старые.
5. Мои тетради не толстые, они тонкие.
6. Какого цвета ваш портфель? Он красный.
7. Ваша квартира большая или маленькая?
8. Этот урок легкий?
9. Второй урок (Урок 2) легкий?
Таблица 2.8. Указательные местоимения this и that в функции определения
This ('that) bag is black. Этот (тот) портфель черный. These ('those) bags are black. Эти (те) портфели черные. My (your) 'bag is black. Мой (ваш) портфель черный. |
Сравните: Thisis a good pen. This penis good. it– он, она, оно – для обозначения неодушевленных предметов they– они – для обозначения одушевленных и неодушевленных |
Exercise 16. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы по образцу:
This blackboard is black.
This blackboard is not black.
Is this blackboard black?
1. This plan is good.
2. That city is old.
3. These desks are black.
4. Those ties are nice.
5. My bag is bad.
6. Your flat is small.
7. Your notebook is thin.
Exercise 17. Дополните предложения, употребив в качестве подлежащего местоимения if или they
Образец: This tie is not white. It is grey.
1. This room is not big....
2. These apples are not good....
3.Those walls are not blue....
4. These notebooks are not thick....
5. That blackboard is not small....
6. Your city is not old....
Таблица 2.9. Определенный артикль the
Определенный артикль the употребляется с именами существительными, стоящими как в единственном, так и во множественном числе. Значение определенного артикля близко к значению таких слов, как этот, тот, тот самый, который, упомянутый, указанный (эти слова мы уже назвали эквивалентами). По существу, определенный артикль происходит от указательного местоимения тот. |
Exercise 18. Прочтите и переведите:
1. The notebooks are on the shelf.
2. The pencils are in the box.
3. The lamps are on the tables.
4. The chalk is not in the box. It’s on the blackboard.
5. The map is not on the wall. It is on the table.
6. The books are not in the bookcase. They are on the shelf.
Exercise 19. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Where is the bookcase?
2. Where is the blackboard?
3. Where are the chairs?
4. Where are the notebooks?
5. Where is your bag?
6. Where is your pen?
7. Where are your books?
8. Where is the chalk?
Exercise 20. Переведите следующие предложения:
1. Лампа на письменном столе.
2. Стулья и столы в той комнате.
3. Ваша кровать в маленькой комнате.
4. Где хлеб?
5. Какого цвета этот карандаш?
6. Это новые или старые тетради?
7. Где моя тонкая ручка?
8. Где десятая комната?
9. Где (находится) ваш город?
Таблица 2.10. Повелительное наклонение
брать – to take take – возьми(те) открывать – to open open – открой(те) закрывать – to close close – закрой(те) класть – to put put – положи(те) |
Материал для чтения
This is a room. It’s a nice big room. This is a wall. That is a wall too. These are walls. The walls are white and blue. This is a door. The door is white. Those are windows. They are big and clean. This is a blackboard. This is a map. The blackboard and the map are on the wall.
This is chalk. It is in the box on the blackboard. These are tables and chairs. They are new and clean. This is a floor. It is clean too.
This is room number two. It’s a small room. These are books and notebooks. They are on the table, on the shelf and in the bookcase. The books are thick. The notebooks are thin.
This is my bag. It is grey. It is on the chair. My books, notebooks, pens and pencils are in this bag. The pens are thick and the pencils are thin. They are black, white, red, green and blue.
This is bread. It is white. The bread is on the plate.
What’s this? It’s a room. Is this a big or a small room? It is a small room. What kind of books are these? These are old thick books. What kind of notebooks are those? They are new, thin notebooks. What colour is the door? It is white. Where is the chalk? It is in the box. Where is the box? It is on the floor. Is the floor clean? Yes, it is. It is clean. Is the bread on the shelf? No, it is not on the shelf. It is on the plate. What lesson is this? It’s Lesson Two. Is it an easy lesson? Yes, it is. What city is that? It’s Minsk. What kind of city is Minsk? It’s a nice big city. Is Kiev a big or a small city? It’s a big city.
My pen is good. Your pen is bad. Put your pen on the desk and take my pen. Take that book. It’s a nice new book. Open the window and close the door, please. Open the box and take the red pencil. Close your books and notebooks.