Балла)Nina likes smoothies so much. Help her to make a tasty smoothie.
Match the pictures with the instructions and put them into the correct order. Choose the correct answer.
a) 5b6e4d2a3f1c b) 5b6e2d4a1c3f
c) 4b6e2d5a3c1f d) 5e6b2d4a1c3f
2. (3 балла) Help Harry to catch the snitch. Do the maze. Collect all the letters on your way from the start to the finish. Choose the topic this word refers to.
а) Space b) Games c) Animals d) Natural disasters
Балла) Find all the words from the pictures in the word search puzzle. One picture is the odd-one-out. Choose the word which corresponds to this picture.
а) cool b) blowy c) misty d) icy
Баллa) Choose the correct variant in each sentence.
a) 1 is, 2 room, 3 iron is, 4 there is a, 5 paper, 6 a
b) 1 is, 2 a room, 3 iron is, 4 there is a, 5 paper, 6 some
c) 1 are, 2 room, 3 iron is, 4 there are, 5 paper, 6 a
d) 1 are, 2 a room, 3 irons are, 4 there are, 5 papers, 6 a
5. (8 баллов) Read Alex’s letter to Harry. Fill in the blank spaces choosing the right variant in each case.
1) a) a b) an c) the
2) a) a few b) any c) much
3) a) lots b) a little c) a
4) a) some of b) many c) a
5) a) no b) any c) some
6) a) a b) an c) –
7) a) an b) a c) –
8) a) any b) lot c) some
Баллов) Choose the correct variant of the preposition in each sentence. Follow the arrows and they will lead you to the correct letter.
a) b) c) d) e) f)
Баллов)Indiana Jones found an ancient message with a secret word in Egypt. Use the decoding table to decode the secret word and help him to read this message. Guess where he should go to find the secret treasures of Egyptian pharaohs. В ответе запишите ответ на загадку одним словом без каких-либо знаков препинания.
Answer: ____________
Баллов)Match the idioms with their meanings. Two meanings are odd-one-outs. Writedown their numbers. В ответе запишите номера значений по порядку без пробелов и знаков препинания. Например, 12
Answer: ___________
Баллов) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Leave one space between the words. Запишите в ответе только пропущенные слова в нужной форме без знаков препинания. Между словами ставьте строго один пробел. Отрицательную форму записывайте полностью. Например, does not go
В вопросительных предложениях не забудьте записать подлежащее. Например, did you go
Answer 1: __________
Answer 2: __________
Answer 3: __________
Answer 4: __________
Answer 5: __________
Answer 6: __________
Answer 7: __________
Answer 8: __________
Баллов)Choose the part of the sentence which contains a mistake. В ответе запишите комбинацию из цифр и букв без пробелов и знаков препинания, располагая цифры в порядке возрастания. Например, 1a2c3b4c5b6a7c
1) Look! The birdis flyinghighly in the sky!
a) b) c)
2) You can’t make her to listen to you. Try to listen to her for once!
a) b) c)
3) I didn’t used toget up early when I studied at school.
a) b) c)
4) More than 70Russian spacemanhave worked in orbit.
a) b) c)
5) The film was disappointed. I expected itto be better.
a) b) c)
6) I tried a lot of coats but neither of themfitted.
a) b) c)
7) The Highlands occupies the same area as southern England but fewerthan millions
a) b) c)
people live there.
Answer: ___________
Tasks on listening comprehension 8 класс
oppress [əˈpres] – угнетать
shot [ʃɒt] – стрелок
arrow [ˈærəʊ] – стрела
forthcoming [ˈfɔːθˌkʌm.ɪŋ] – предстоящий
Robin Hood was a legendary hero who was well known and loved by the poor people of England. He lived in a forest far from the towns, and when the poor were oppressed by the rich, he helped them by giving them food and shelter. The sheriffs tried to arrest him but they did not succeed in doing so.
Once the sheriff of Nottingham decided to organize a shooting contest in order to catch him because he knew Robin Hood to be a very good shot and was sure that he would take part in the contest by all means. The prize was a golden arrow.
On learning about the forthcoming contest Robin Hood gathered his men and discussed whether they should take part in it. Finally, it was decided that although the risk of participating in the contest was great, they should all go, Robin Hood among them.
The day of the contest was fine and clear. The town was decorated with flags, and field for the contest was full of people. The sheriff looked for Robin Hood and his men everywhere. He knew that they were always dressed in green. To his disappointment, however, he could not find anybody who looked like them. The contest was won by a fellow dressed in red, who had come from a village with a whole company of young men.
After receiving the prize the fellow left the town, and nobody ever thought that it was Robin Hood. While leaving the town Robin Hood shot an arrow through the sheriff’s open window. There was a paper attached to it with the following words: «Robin Hood thanks the sheriff for the Golden Arrow