







-U username%password: , username , .

-D DOMAIN: DOMAIN - , , - .

-S win_domain_controller: win_domain_controller, , .

createcomputer=OU/OU/: AD OU (Organizational Unit), OU = Office, OU = Cabinet, : sudo net ads join -U username createcomputer=Office/Cabinet.

- . , , , .


net ads testjoin

, :

#net ads testjoin

Join is OK


DNS update failed!

, DNS , . . , , DNS , DNS . , , . , DNS . , AD.

, DNS, ! , .

, , ! AD . , . smbclient:

sudo aptitude install smbclient

. kerberos, .. , kinit (. ). workstation:

smbclient -k -L workstation



- , , SMB- , Samba Winbind - , Linux Active Directory. Winbind , Ubuntu.

Winbind AD Linux , ID . , .

Winbind /etc/samba/smb.conf. [global] :

# Winbind.

# .

idmap uid = 10000 - 40000

idmap gid = 10000 - 40000

# .

winbind enum groups = yes

winbind enum users = yes

# .

# , .. username - DOMAIN\username.

# , .

winbind use default domain = yes

# ,

# , shell' /bin/false

template shell = /bin/bash

# Kerberos pam_winbind.so

winbind refresh tickets = yes


idmap uid = 10000 - 40000

idmap gid = 10000 - 40000

Samba testparm :

WARNING: The idmap uid option is deprecated

WARNING: The idmap gid option is deprecated


idmap config *: range = 10000-20000

idmap config *: backend = tdb

Winbind Samba :

sudo /etc/init.d/winbind stop

sudo smbd restart

sudo /etc/init.d/winbind start

sudo testparm

, :

rlimit_max: rlimit_max (1024) below minimum Windows limit (16384)


ulimit -n 16384


# :

* - nofile 16384

root - nofile 16384

, Winbind AD :

# wbinfo -t

checking the trust secret for domain DCN via RPC calls succeeded

, Winbind AD 4):

wbinfo -u

wbinfo -g

. DOMAIN\, - , winbind use default domain smb.conf.

, Winbind , .


: 2017-03-12; !; : 309 |



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