






Neuroendocrine syndrome in gynecology

!. The main symptom in the neuroendocrine syndromes is

* hemorrhagic, hypovolemic, anemic

* exudative-catarrhal, infiltrative, suppurative

* psycho-neurotic, asthenic, hypomenstrual

* hypomenstrual, asthenia, genital infantilism

* Neuro-psychic, vegetative-vascular, endocrine and metabolic


! One of the major risk factors for neuroendocrine syndromes is

* stress

* High parity

* Use of COCs

* Ionizing radiation

* Salts of heavy metals poisoning


! One of the following neuroendocrine syndromes is a Syndrome of

* diencephalic

* Cushing

* Premenstrual

* Turner

* ovarian hyperstimulation


! One of the following neuroendocrine syndromes is a Syndrome of

* diencephalic

* Cushing

* climacteric

* Turner

* ovarian hyperstimulation


!. One of neuroendocrine syndromes is the next syndrome of

* diencephalic

* Cushing

* Turner

* Polycystic ovary

* ovarian hyperstimulation


! One of the neuroendocrine syndromes is the next syndrome of

* Diencephalic

* Cushing

* Chiari-Frommel

* Turner

* Ovarian hyperstimulation


!. Clinical classification of the adrenogenital syndrome

* True, false

* Mild, moderate, severe

* Innate, postnatal, post-pubertal

* Neurodevelopmental, swelling, cephalgic

* Compensated, Subcompensated, Decompensated


! One of the non-drug therapies is a neuroendocrine syndrome

* physiotherapy

* Girudoterapy

* surgical

* Combined

* Combined radiation


! If physical therapy of neuroendocrine syndromes the following is most commonly used.

* cryotherapy

* Girudoterapy

* UFO nasopharynx

* Paraffin

* Shcherbak's Collar


! Classification of premenstrual syndrome depends on the stage

* Light, heavy

* True, false

* Primary, secondary

* Neurodevelopmental, swelling, cephalgic

* Compensated, subcompensated, decompensated


! Classification of premenstrual syndrome depends on the prevalence of various clinical symptoms

* Light, heavy

* True, false

* Primary, secondary

* Neurodevelopmental, swelling, cephalgic

* Compensated, subcompensated, asthma


! Classification of premenstrual syndrome depends on the severity of symptoms

* Light, heavy

* True, false

* Primary, secondary

* Neurodevelopmental, swelling, cephalgic/

* Compensated, subcompensated, asthma


! Cephalgic form of premenstrual syndrome is characterized by

* Irritability, depression

* Swelling of the face, lower limbs

* Feeling of pressure in the chest, the fear of death

* Severe headache, irritability

* Increased blood pressure, tachycardia


! The patient of 29 years old on the day before menstruation feels irritability, nervousness, insomnia, loss of efficiency. This corresponds to the following clinical syndrome

* Metabolic

* Climacteric

* Post-castration

* Adrenogenital

* Premenstrual


! Menopause - age is a transitional stage between the following stages of a woman's life

* Prepubertal adolescence

* Pubertal and reproductive age

* Infancy and prepubertal

* Reproductive and durable cessation of ovarian function

* Reproductive and temporary cessation of ovarian function


! One of the main features of the climacteric syndrome are

* Tides

* drowsiness

* lack of appetite

* Increased libido

* Weight loss


! In mild climacteric syndrome the frequency of hot flushes per day up to

* 10

* 20

* 30

* 40

* 50


! At an average form of climacteric syndrome frequency of hot flushes per day is up to

* 10

* 20


* 40

* 50


! In severe climacteric syndrome frequency of hot flushes per day is over

* 10

* 20

* 30

* 40

* 50


! The most common symptoms of autonomic form of climacteric syndrome is

* Joint pain, osteoporosis

* Stress, urinary incontinence

* Hypertension, headache

* Burning, itching when urinating

* Stress incontinence


! Classification of menopausal syndrome depends on the degree of severity of the symptoms

* Primary, secondary

* Light, medium, heavy

* Typical, Combined (complicated)

* Neurodevelopmental, swelling, cephalgic

* Compensated, subcompensated, asthma


! Classification of menopausal symptoms, depends on the presence or absence of comorbidities

* Light, heavy

* True, false

* Typical, Combined (complicated)

* Neurodevelopmental, swelling, cephalgic

* Compensated, subcompensated, asthma


! The differential diagnosis is carried out with the climacteric syndrome

* renal colic

* diabetes

* glomerulonephritis

* asthma

* Coronary heart disease


! The patient of 52 years old has a menopause. The following form of pathogenetic therapy is recommended

* Physiotherapy

* Hormone Replacement Therapy

* Agonists of gonadotropini-releasing hormone

* Combined oral contraceptives

* Progestin oral contraceptives


!. The post-castration syndrome occurs as a result of simultaneous shutdown of the ovaries in women

* Juvenile

* Infant

* Reproductive

* Climacteric

* Premenopausal


! Cause of postcastration syndrome is

* Hysterectomy without appendages

* One-sided cystectomy

* Bilateral tubectomy

* Bilateral oophorectomy

* Unilateral oophorectomy


! The patient of 41 after hysterectomy with appendages had "tides", feeling the heat more than 20 times a day, sweating, has palpitations, irritability, nervousness, insomnia, loss of efficiency. This corresponds to the following clinic syndrome

* Metabolic

* Climacteric

* Adrenogenital

* Premenstrual

* Post-castration


! Chiary-Frommel syndrome is defined as symptom of

* Amenorrhea, galactorrhea, atrophy of reproductive organs

* Amenorrhoea, galactorrhoea, hypertrophy of the genitalia

* Amenorrhea, agalactia, fatigue, hypotension, bradycardy

* Hyperpolymenory, galactorrhoea, atrophy of reproductive organs

* Pseudohermaphroditism, hirsutism, deepening of voice, acne


! Adrenogenital syndrome is characterized by the development of virilization due to pathology of

* Ovaries

* Pituitary

* Adrenal

* thyroid gland

* Parathyroid glands


! The main manifestation of the adrenogenital syndrome is

* Virilization

* Feminization

* high voice

* Hyperpolymenory

* Male genotype


! Clinical classification of adrenogenital syndrome

* True, false

* Mild, moderate, severe

* Innate, postnatal, post-pubertal

* Neurodevelopmental, swelling, cephalgic

* Compensated, subcompensated, asthma


! Adrenogenital syndrome is defined as a symptom of

* Amenorrhea, galactorrhea, atrophy of reproductive organs

* Amenorrhea, galactorrhea, hypertrophy of the genitalia

* Amenorrhea, agalactia, fatigue, hypotension, bradycardia

* Hyperpolymenory, galactorrhea, atrophy of reproductive organs

* Pseudohermaphroditism, hirsutism, deepening of voice, acne





! The development of Müllerian ducts in the embryo / fetus begins in the next stages of pregnancy (weeks)



* 25

* 35

* 40


! Formation of Müllerian ducts in the embryo / fetus ends at an following pregnancy (weeks)

* 5

* 10

* 20

* thirty

* 40


! One of the main complaints of the girls over the age of 16 years with a syndrome of Mayer-Rokitansky-Hauser-Kyustner's is the lack of

* cables

* thelarche

* pubarhe

* menarche

* axillarhe


! Surgery Syndrome Mayer-Rokitansky-Hauser-Kyustner's aimed at

* uterus

* ovaries

* vagina

* cervix

* Fallopian tubes


! False amenorrhea due to gynatrezia shows

* excision of the hymen

* Coagulation hymen

* cut hymen

* bougienage hymen

* vaginal probe


! False amenorrhea due to cervical atresia, shows

* excision of the cervix

* vaginal probe

* cervical dissection

* coagulation of the cervical canal

* sensing and probing the cervical canal


!. Congenital malformations of the sexual organs are most often combined with malformations of

* Small intestine

* Colon

* Urinary tract

* Osteochondral system

* Derivatives of the neural tube



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