






Choose the correct title for the text.

a) Unlucky Hunting

b) A Devoted Friend

c) The Bear and the Two Travellers

d) Two Real Friends and the Bear

Put the sentences into the correct order.

a) The bear went away.

b) The travellers met a bear.

c) The other one pretended to be dead.

d)The first traveller asked his friend what the bear had told him.

e) One of them climbed up a tree.

Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

1) From the text we know .

a) where the men were travelling to b) what the weather was like c) what animal they met d) that a bear is not a dangerous animal

2) The travellers in the story .

a) proved to be real friends b) pretended to be dead c) climbed quickly up a tree d) were both afraid of bears

3) The bear .

a) attacked the man b) examined the man all over c) fell flat on the ground d) played dead

4) The best saying for the story is: .

a) the way to your friend is never too long b) problems test if the friends are real c) if you want to have a friend be one d) a man is known by the company he keeps

V. One day a boy of about thirteen came to the gardeners place as he wanted to buy one of the large ripe watermelons growing in the gardeners watermelon plot. The problem was that the boy had only got a twenty-five cent coin.

Ill give you my twenty-five cents for that watermelon, said the boy pointing to a beautiful, large, ripe fruit in the middle of the plot. No, said the gardener, I get $2 for a watermelon like that one. Then the boy pointed to a tiny watermelon just beginning to grow nearby, Will you take twenty-five cents for that one? Sure, replied the gardener, Ill give you that one for twenty-five cents. OK, said the little kid, putting the coin in the gardeners hand, Ill pick it up in about two weeks.

Choose the correct title for the text.

a) Shopping for Watermelons

b) Kids Shopping Quick Wit

c) A Greedy Gardener

d) Lack of Money

Put the sentences into the correct order.

a) The boy offered twenty-five cents for a beautiful, large, ripe watermelon.

b) The boy promised to be back for the watermelon in about two weeks.

c) The boy came to the gardeners place to buy a watermelon.

d) The gardener refused to sell it for that price.

e) The gardener agreed to sell that tiny watermelon for 25 cents.

Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

1) The problem was that .

a) the boy had no money b) big watermelons were too expensive for the boy

c) the boy had a quarrel with the gardener d) the boy couldnt count

2) The boy came for watermelons .

a) to a market b) to a supermarket c) to a greengrocers d) to a gardener

3) The price of the gardeners watermelons .

a) depended on the size and ripeness of a watermelon b) was $2 for each one c) was $2 altogether d) was unknown

4) The boy decided to .

a) pay 25 cents, take the unripe watermelon and go away b) come with 2 dollars in two weeks c) buy a big watermelon for 25 cents d) pick the ripe watermelon up

V. Once there was a king who told some of his workers to dig a pond. The pond was dug, the king said that one person from each household has to bring a glass of milk during the night and pour it into the pond. So the pond should be full of milk by the morning.

One man decided not to take the milk to the pond. He thought that since everyone would bring milk, he could just take a glass of water. Because it will be dark at night, no one will notice. So he went and poured the water into the pond. In the morning, the king came to visit the pond and to his surprise the pond was only filled with water! What had happened was that everyone was thinking like the other man that I dont have to put the milk, someone else will do it.

Dear friends, when you have a responsibility, do not think that others will take care of it. Rather, it starts from you, if you dont do it, no one else will do it. So, change yourself and that will make a difference.


: 2017-02-28; !; : 1259 |



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