Unit 2
Car Engine
I. Glossary.
Activity 1. Read and remember the following words, compose sentences of your own with them:
1. block (n) – блок; вузол; колодка;
2. camshaft (n) – розподільний вал, кулачковий вал;
3. chamber (n) – камера;
4. compress (v) – стискати, здавлювати; пресувати;
5. contribute (v) – вносити вклад; сприяти;
6. cool (v) – охолоджувати (ся); остигати;
7. cylinder (n) – циліндр;
8. external (adj) – зовнішній, поверхневий;
9. fin (n) – ребро (для охолодження);
10. frequency (n) – частота, частотність;
11. hemispherical (adj) – півсферичний;
12. hood (adj) – капот; кришка; ковпак; кожух;
13. ignition (n) – займання; запалювання;
14. inline (adj) – однорядний (двигун);
15. internal (adj) – внутрішній;
16. label (v) – категоризувати, відносити до будь-якої категорії;
17. liquid (n) – рідина;
18. maintenance (n) – технічне обслуговування, догляд; поточний ремонт;
19. meet(v) – задовольняти, відповідати (бажанням, вимогам);
20. oppose (v) – ставити, розташовувати навпроти; перебувати, розташовуватися навпроти (чогось-небудь);
21. pancake (adj) – плоский (плоскоовальна форма камери згоряння);
22. provide (with) (v) – постачати; доставляти; забезпечувати (кого-небудь / чим-небудь);
23. rod (n) – стрижень; тяга; штанга; шток;
24. row (n) – ряд, лінія;
25. run (v) – працювати, функціонувати; тримати (двигун, машину і т. п.) працюючим;
26. slant (adj) – ухил, похилений стан;
27. spin (v) – крутити, вертіти;
28. swirl (adj) – вихор; завихрення;
29. valve (n) – клапан; вентиль; затвор; стулка;
30. vary (v) – змінювати (ся), міняти (ся).
II. Vocabulary check.
Activity 1. Give English equivalents of the following:
1. електричний двигун;
2. форма блоку (вузла);
3. іскрове запалювання;
4. бути в широкому вжитку;
5. альтернативні види палива;
6. бути розташованим в ряд;
7. однорядний двигун;
8. восьми-циліндровий двигун;
9. розміщення розподільного вала;
10. впускний клапан;
11. бути розташованим під кутом;
12. двигун з повітряним охолодженням;
Activity 2. Give Russian equivalents of the following:
1. heat engines;
2. internal and external combustion engines;
3. compression ignition;
4. engine block geometry;
5. horizontally opposed engine;
6. power strokes;
7. to contribute to power output;
8. a turbocharged, four-cylinder engine;
9. overhead cam (OHC) engines;
10. exhaust valve;
11. require more maintenance;
12. cooling fins.
Activity 3. Translate the following attributive chains:
1. heat engines;
2. a broad engine classification;
3. liquefied petroleum gas;
4. a hood line;
5. power output;
6. overhead cam engines;
7. dual overhead cam engines;
8. push rods;
9. valve train parts;
10. weight reduction;
11. combustion chamber shape;
12. piston powered aircraft;
13. liquid-cooled engines;
14. water jackets;
15. strict exhaust emissions standards.
Activity 4. Match the following words with their explanations:
1. | heat engine | A. | a shaft with one or more cams attached to it, especially one operating the valves in an internal-combustion engine |
2. | diesel engine | B. | a disc or short cylinder fitting closely within a tube in which it moves up and down against a liquid or gas, used in an internal-combustion engine to derive motion, or in a pump to impart motion |
3. | power stroke | C. | an enclosed space in which combustion takes place, especially in an engine or furnace |
4. | camshaft | D. | a device for producing motive power from heat, such as a gasoline engine or steam engine |
5. | combustion chamber | E. | the process of preserving a condition or situation or the state of being preserved |
6. | to compress | F. | the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects |
7. | piston | G. | a casing containing water placed around something to protect it from extremes of temperature |
8. | pollution | H. | an internal combustion engine in which oil is burnt by very hot air and which are used in buses and trucks, and in some trains and cars |
9. | maintenance | I. | to flatten by pressure; squeeze; press |
10. | water jacket | J. | the cycle of an internal-combustion engine in which the piston is driven outward by the expansion of gases |
III. Grammar review.
Теперішній, минулий, майбутній простий час
(Present, Past, Future Simple)
Present Simple | Past Simple | Future Simple | ||||||
I You play We They | I You He She played It We They | I You He She will play It We They | ||||||
He She plays It | ||||||||
I You do not We (don`t) They play He does not She (doesn`t) It | I You He did not She (didn`t) play It We They | I You He will not She (won`t) play It We They | ||||||
Do | I you we they | play? | Did | I you he she it we they | play? | Will | I you he she it we they | play? |
Does | He she it |
Present Simple | Past Simple | Future Simple |
1. Постійна, звичайна дія або дія, яка властива особі чи предмету, який позначає підмет. e.g. She works in a bank. Загальні положення безвідносно до часу e.g. Copper conducts electricity. | 1. Опис минулих подій, вираження повторюваних дій у минулому, часто вживається зі словами yesterday, last week, the other day та ін. e.g. They went camping by the lake last month. | 1. Рішення, які прийняті в момент мовлення. e.g. Since it is getting dark, I will turn on the light. |
2. Дії, які постійно повторюються (особливо з прислівниками неозначеного часу: always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom). e.g. He always goes to bed at 11 o’clock. | 2. Дії, які відбулися негайно одна за іншою у минулому. e.g. First she paid the driver, then she got out of the taxi. | 2. Надії, страхи, погрози, пропозиції, обіцянки, прохання, коментарі та ін., особливо зі словами expect, hope, believe, I am sure, I am afraid, probably та ін. e.g. I am afraid I will be a little late. |
3. Розклад руху поїздів, програм. e.g. The train leaves at 8.00. | 3. Вираження дії або властивості, що характеризувала підмет у минулому. e.g. Kitchens were very different a hundred years ago. | 3. Дії або припущення, які можуть (не) статися у майбутньому. e.g. She will probably buy the dress. |
4. Спортивні коментарі, огляд, опис. e.g. Peterson overtakes Williams and wins the race. e.g. Mike Dalton plays the part of Macbeth. e.g. Then the prince gets on his horse and quickly rides away. | 4. Дія або подія, яка відбулася у певний час у минулому. e.g. She called an hour ago. | 4. Дії, які ми не можемо контролювати та які неминуче стануться у майбутньому. e.g. He will be ten next year. |
5. Інструкції, вказівки (замість наказових речень). e.g. You sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and then you bake it. Замість: Sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and then bake it. | 5. Дія, яка відбулася у певний час у минулому, хоча цій час не згадується, ця дія не пов’язана з теперішнім часом. e.g. Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays. | 5. Речі, в яких ми не впевнені або ще не вирішили робити. e.g. She will be probably be promoted. (not sure yet) |
6. Для вираження майбутньої дії в підрядних реченнях умови й часу, які вводяться сполучниками when, if, after, till, until, before. e.g. He will do the test if he has all the necessary equipment. |
Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple:
1. (the battery / need) recharging.
2. (I / advise) you to have the engine greased.
3. (the train / not / arrive) in Boston at 12.30.
4. What time (the plane / land) in Glasgow?
5. (heat engines / burn) a fuel to create heat, which then (create) a force.
6. (the operation of engines / not / have) typically a positive impact upon air quality.
7. (electric motors / convert) electrical energy into mechanical motion, (pneumatic motors / use) compressed air.
8. (combustion / refer) to burning fuel with an oxidizer to supply the heat?
9. (a steam motor / not / use) electrical energy to produce mechanical energy.
10. (diesel engines / operate) at lower speed compared to gasoline engines?
Exercise 2. Expend the following sentences in order to make true statements with doesn`t or don`t where necessary:
1. water / boil / at 100 C.
2. rice / grow / on trees.
3. vegetarians / eat / meat.
4. plants / need / water / to grow.
5. rain / fall / from clouds.
6. astronauts / travel / in submarines.
7. the Moon / turn / around the earth.
8. fish / walk / on land.
9. the sun / set / in the east.
10. pandas / live / in Italy.
Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple:
1. (the mechanic / check) the plugs last week.
2. When (you / go) last to the gas station to have the brakes adjusted?
3. When (he / buy) this car? – (he / buy) it last month.
4. (gasoline engines / not / produce) lower hydrocarbon and CO2 emissions than diesel engines.
5. (engine / be) originally a term for any mechanical device that (convert) force into motion.
6. Where (Brian / work) when (he / live) in Spain?
7. (we / need) some money so (we / sell) our car.
8. (the first half of the 20th century / not / see) a trend to decreasing engine power, particularly in the American models.
9. (commercial exploitation of electric motors on a large scale / require) efficient electrical generators and electrical distribution networks.
10. (cars / not / become) widely available until the early 20th century.
Exercise 4. Put the verbs in brackets into Future Simple:
1. As soon as the train crosses bridge, (it / go) faster.
2. Excuse my disturbing you, when (we / land) in Paris?
3. I think (Tom / not / get) this job as he has very little experience.
4. (who / take) John to the airport?
5. (it / not / take) you long to have your battery recharged.
6. Do you think (you / walk) there or (go) by car?
7. We believe that road traffic (become) in part due to efforts by the government to implement safety features in cars, and by implementing safety components such as speed bumps on the roads themselves.
8. When (fully autonomous vehicles, also known as driverless cars / be) commercially available?
9. (they / open) a new service center next month.
10. (new technologies / help) keep us safe, some (give) us information like never before and some (let) us just enjoy the ride.
Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into Present and Past Simple:
Mr. Jones, a teacher of physics, (be fond) of the experimental method in physics and often (tell) the boys to use this method as often as possible.
One day Mr. Jones (come) to school on a new bicycle. The bicycle (have) a pair of pneumatic tyres. The pneumatic tyre had just been invented at that time, and none of the pupils had ever seen it.
At the physics lesson the teacher (decide) to show the pupils the new invention. He (take) them into the school yard and (say): «Now, children, who can tell me what (be) there inside this tyre that (make) it so hard and yet so elastic?»
The boys (gather) round the bicycle and (examine) the tyres.
«Perhaps there (be) cotton-wool inside», (say) one of them.
«No, I (think) there (be) a lot of steel springs inside», (say) another.
«You (be) both wrong», (say) Mr. Jones. Suddenly the third boy who was standing beside the bicycle (cry out), looking very happy: «I (know) what it (be). There (be) wind inside!»
Mr. Jones (smile) and (say): «Well, Tommy, you (be) nearly right: there (be) air inside. But how (you / find out) it?»
«I (use) the experimental method», (say) the boy. «I (stick) a nail into the tyre and some wind (come out) of it».
For the first time in his life Mr. Jones (not / like) the use of the experimental method.
Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Future Simple:
«You (meet) Agent 205 under the clock at the railway station. When she (arrive), she (give) you an envelope. I don`t know if you (recognize) her in her disguise, but if she (not/say) the secret code word, you (know) she is an enemy agent. You (take) the envelope and head for the train to Waterloo Station. When the train (come), you (get on) it and go to Waterloo. If you (miss) the 9.15 train, you (have to) get the next one. As soon as it (reach) Waterloo, leave the train and take a taxi to the Opera House. You (meet) Jenny there, although I`m not sure exactly when she (get) there. Give her the envelope. Wait until she (drive) off and then go home. We (call) you there. Are there any questions?»
Exercise 7. Match the sentences and fill in the correct tense:
1. | She`ll call us | A. | until it (stop) raining. |
2. | I don`t know | B. | as soon as I (can). |
3. | What (you/do) | C. | if you (come) home late. |
4. | Turn the lights off | D. | as soon as she (reach) London. |
5. | Don`t go out | E. | if you have an accident? |
6. | I (write) to you | F. | what (you/buy)? |
7. | He will be angry | G. | when he (leave). |
8. | If I give you $5, | H. | before you (go) to bed. |
Exercise 8. Make the following sentences negative and make a general and one special question to each sentence:
1. His friend speaks two foreign languages.
2. We have a car and we use it very often.
3. Her uncle works as an electrical engineer in a big company.
4. They cars often break down.
5. I often play tennis on Sunday.
6. The police stopped him on his way home last night.
7. Tom`s father taught him to drive when he was 17.
8. She passed her examination because she studied very hard.
9. We all left the party at 11 pm.
10. They needed money so they sold their car.
11. I think I will stay at home this evening.
12. They will repair our car next week.
13. When you return home, you will notice a lot of changes.
14. He will start a computer programming course in a month.
15. I will take you to the airport.
Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. У скільки в Великобританії закриваються банки?
2. Звідки родом твій друг?
3. Тому подобається їздити на машині ввечері.
4. Останній поїзд відходить зі станції о 11.30 вечора.
5. Я подзвоню вам, як тільки прибуду в Лондон.
6. Я сподіваюся, що завтра ми вже будемо в Римі.
7. В наступному місяці ми купимо нову машину.
8. Мої батьки жили в Києві 5 років тому.
9. Вона не вивчала в школі французьку мову.
10. Останній раз я грав у волейбол рік тому.
11. Коли ти в останній раз перевіряв гальма?
12. Син моїх друзів працював в автосервісі і йому дуже подобалася його робота.
13. Я не буду ремонтувати машину завтра. Я буду зайнятий.
14. Коли він заряджав акумулятор? – Це було пару днів тому.
15. Яку ти вирішив купити машину?
Прийменники в англійській мові
Прийменник – службова частина мови в англійській мові, що відображає просторові, тимчасові, причинні або інші види відносин між двома значущими словами. Іншими словами – відношення іменника до інших слів у реченні.
Прийменники напрямку | Прийменники місця розташування | Прийменники часу | Причинні прийменники |
to the left – наліво to the right – направо up – вгору down – вниз off – з onto – на towards – у напрямку до away, from – від through – через, крізь out of – з into – в along – уздовж past – мимо across – через | above – над over – над between – між near, at, by, beside – близько, біля, у behind – за, позаду under – під below – під outside – зовні in front of – перед | at – в годинах in – в місяцях, роках on – в днях from – c, від to – до якогось моменту since – від якогось моменту till – до before – перед, до after – після about – близько, приблизно for – протягом періоду часу during – протягом +іменник by – до якогось моменту | because of – тому що in accordance with – згідно, відповідно до on account of – внаслідок, через thanks to – завдяки |
AT | IN | ON | |||
the time | at 4 o`clock | Months | in april, in June, etc. | Days | on Friday, on New Year`s Day |
Holidays | at Christmas at Easter at the weekend | Seasons | in (the) winter/spring, etc. | Dates | on July 4th |
in the expressions | at the moment at present at dawn at noon at night at midnight | Years | in 1998, in 2010, etc. | specific part of a day | on Monday evening |
Centuries | in the 20th century | adjective + day | on a cold day | ||
in the expressions | in an hour in a minute in a week/few days/month/year |
Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition, then answer the questions:
1. What time do you get up _____ the morning?
2. What do you like doing _____ the weekend?
3. Where do you usually go _____ Easter?
4. What do you usually do _____ Friday evenings?
5. What do you wear _____ a cold winter day?
6. What are you doing _____ the moment?
7. What time do you go to bed _____ night?
8. Did you go on holiday _____ July?
9. Do you eat lunch _____ noon?
10. What do you usually do _____ Christmas Day?
Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition:
1. She will be back _____ August.
2. I will return your book _____ a day.
3. I see a wonderful landscape _____ the picture.
4. He lives _____ the ground floor.
5. We will be there _____ Monday.
6. He is speaking _____ the phone.
7. I like to see a smile _____ your face.
8. _____ thirty days you’ll be notified _____ the issue.
9. We met Alice _____ school.
10. They arrived _____ 6 o’clock.
11. I have to be there _____ 8 pm.
12. I am standing _____ the river.
Exercise 12. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition:
1. Jerry was caught _____ Tom.
2. The story is written _____ a young talented writer.
3. She was absent _____ a long period of time.
4. This gift is _____ you.
5. He has lived in London _____ 2000.
6. _____ my trip I have met many interesting people.
7. _____ last week I was working as a driver.
8. To get there we have to climb _____ the mountains.
9. I am going to drive _____ dark.
10. He visited us _____ time _____ time.
11. He returned _____ the village.
12. Would you like to go _____ the theatre?
Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition:
1. Approach _____ the exit.
2. There is a small round table _____ the armchair.
3. I will be waiting _____ your house.
4. _____ heaven and earth.
5. She was running _____ the street when I saw her.
6. She was walking _____ the garden and thought about her husband.
7. To get there, you need to go _____ the building.
8. The light shines _____ the window.
9. Never spit _____ the wind.
10. _____ a dark background.
11. _____ contract.
12. _____ guests were two actors.
13. He was gossiping about me behind my back.
IV. Pre-text discussion.
Activity 1. Do you know that:
· As a young man, Henry Ford used to repair watches for his friends and family using tools he made himself. He used a corset stay as tweezers and a filed shingle nail as a screwdriver.
· In the year 1916, 55 per cent of the cars in the world were Model T Ford, which is still an unbroken record.
· British luxury car marque Aston Martin's name came from one of the founders Lionel Martin who used to race at Aston Hill near Aston Clinton. The company was owned by Ford Motor Company from 1994 till 2007. However, Ford still owns stakes in the company.
Activity 2. Make up dialogues of your own discussing the information given in the part «Do you know that».
Activity 3. Give your opinion on the following:
1. Electric engines are as popular as heat engines.
2. Alternate fuels are used in very limited situations.
3. The number of cylinders influences smoothness of the car movement and power output.
4. Liquid-cooled engines are more popular and more efficient than air-cooled engines.
V. Read and translate text 2A.
Text 2A
Types of Car Engines
Car engines are mainly heat engines or electric engines. The heat engines are classified into internal and external combustion engines or steam engines. Most of the engines are piston or internal and external combustion engines. Car engines vary in design, but certain elements are common to all engines and are | A V6 internal combustion engine from a Mercedes car |
used for engine classification. Engines can be classified in several ways such as the number of cylinders, the geometry of the block, or type of ignition system used. The two major engine types in use are spark ignition (gasoline engine) and compression ignition (diesel engine) which use different types of fuel. The following are the ways of engine classification.
Fuel Burned
Fuel burned provides a broad engine classification. Two types of fuel are in general use: gasoline and diesel oil. Gasoline car engines use spark ignition whereas diesel engines use compression ignition (no spark). Alternate fuels such as liquefied petroleum gas (LP-gas), gasohol (90% gasoline, 10% alcohol), and pure alcohol are used in very limited situations.
Block Geometry
There are four types of engine block geometry: V-type, inline, horizontally opposed and slant. Each refers to the orientation of the cylinders as viewed from the front or back of the engine. A V-type has two angled rows of cylinders, which form a «V». An inline engine arranges the cylinders vertically in a row. The horizontally opposed engine has the cylinders horizontal and opposing each other. A slant design is one row of angled cylinders forming a half «V». A slant block allows the hood line to be lower.
Number of Cylinders
The number of cylinders is often used in combination with the engine block geometry (V6, slant four, inline four). The number of cylinders is an indication of how smooth the car engine will run. An eight-cylinder engine will run smoother than a four-cylinder engine since power strokes occur with greater frequency. The number of cylinders also contributes to power output; more cylinders, more power. However, this is not always a good indicator of power output. A turbocharged, four-cylinder engine can produce more power than a normally aspirated six-cylinder engine.
Camshaft Location
There are two possible locations for the camshaft: in the cylinder head or in the engine block. Car engines with the camshaft in the cylinder head are labeled overhead cam (OHC) engines. A dual overhead cam (DOHC) engine uses two camshafts, one for the intake valves, the other for the exhaust valves. Single overhead cam (SOHC) engines use one cam for both sets of valves. Engines with the camshaft in the block, «cam-in-block», use push rods to move the valves. The term overhead valve (OHV) refers to a cam-in-block engine. OHC engines have fewer valve train parts, which results in weight reduction. Valves can also be placed at an angle, which improves the air flow through the cylinder head ports.
Combustion Chamber
Combustion chamber shape and type can be used to classify an engine. There are three shapes in use: hemispherical, wedge, and pancake. The hemispherical, also called «hemi-head», is designed with the intake and exhaust valves angled and opposing each other (as viewed looking at the engine from front to back). This shape is most common. The wedge design has the valves side-by-side and slightly angled. The pancake design has the valves nearly vertical. Chamber type can be swirl, three-valve, or four-valve. A swirl chamber is designed to spin or twirl the air-fuel mixture as it enters. The three-valve design has two intake valves and one exhaust valve. The four-valve design has two valves for both intake and exhaust.
Ignition Type
Two methods for igniting fuel are used, spark ignition and compression ignition. Gasoline car engines use spark ignition whereas diesel engines use compression ignition. This method compresses the air to the point where the resulting rise in temperature causes ignition to occur when diesel fuel is added.
Strokes per Cycle
Strokes per cycle are the number of times the pistons travel up and down during one cycle. Modern engines have four strokes per cycle: intake, compression, power, and exhaust. Two-stroke engines are not used due to their poor power output at low rpm, they are less fuel efficient, generate an unacceptable amount of pollution, and require more maintenance.
Cooling System
Engines can be air-cooled or liquid-cooled. Air-cooled engines are used largely by motorcycles and piston powered aircraft. Liquid-cooled engines are the standard with most other vehicles. Air-cooled engines have large cooling fins surrounding the cylinder. Air moving across the fins carries away heat. Liquid-cooled engines have internal channels called water jackets in the cylinder block and cylinder head, through which coolant circulates, removing heat. In order to meet strict exhaust emissions standards, engine temperature must be maintained fairly constant. This is why most engines are liquid-cooled.
VI. Comprehension check.
Activity 1. Do the false / true activity:
1. Car engines are mainly electric engines.
2. Most of the engines are piston or internal and external combustion engines.
3. Engines can be classified only according to the type of ignition system used.
4. Gasoline car engines use compression ignition.
5. Alternate fuels such as liquefied petroleum gas (LP-gas), gasohol (90% gasoline, 10% alcohol), and pure alcohol are used in very limited situations.
6. There are two types of engine block geometry: V-type and slant.
7. A V-type allows the hood line to be lower.
8. A turbocharged, four-cylinder engine can produce more power than a normally aspirated six-cylinder engine.
9. The camshaft can be located only in the engine block.
10. Air-cooled engines are used largely by motorcycles and piston powered aircraft.
Activity 2. Look through the text 2A carefully. Then complete the following to make suitable sentences according to the meaning of the text:
1. Car engines are mainly _________________________________.
2. The heat engines are classified into ________________________.
3. Engines can be classified in several ways such as _____________.
4. Gasoline car engines use _____ ignition whereas diesel engines use _____ ignition.
5. There are four types of engine block geometry: _______________.
6. The number of cylinders is an indication of __________________.
7. There are two possible locations for the camshaft: _____________.
8. A dual overhead cam (DOHC) engine uses two camshafts ______.
9. The hemispherical combustion chamber, also called «hemi-head», is designed with _______________________________________.
10. Strokes per cycle are _______________________________.
11. Air-cooled engines have ____________________________.
12. Liquid-cooled engines have _________________________.
VII. Discussion.
Activity 1. Answer the following questions on the text:
1. What are the main types of car engines?
2. What are the examples of alternate fuels? Why are they called so?
3. What are different types of engine block geometry?
4. What does the number of cylinders influence?
5. What is the difference between OHC and DOHC engines?
6. What is a SOHC engine?
7. How do engines differ in their shape?
8. How many strokes per cycle do modern engines have and what are they?
9. Why are two-stroke engines not used?
10. Why is it necessary to maintain engine temperature fairly constant?
Activity 2. Translate in writing and reproduce:
Dialogue 1.
- Привіт, чому ти мені вчора не подзвонив?
- Ти знаєш, я вчора дивився дуже цікаву передачу про теперішні двигуни і не міг відірватися. Тим більше, що мені потрібно готувати реферат на цю тему.
- Цікаво, і що ж нового ти там знайшов?
- По-перше, першими двигунами вважають вітрило і водяне колесо. І вітрилом користуються вже понад 7 тисяч років.
- А що таке водяне колесо?
- Водяне колесо широко застосовували для зрошувальних систем в країнах Стародавнього світу: в Єгипті, Китаї, Індії. Крім того, водяне і вітряне колеса широко використовувалися в Європі в середні століття як основна енергетична база мануфактурного виробництва.
- А як щодо парового двигуна? Коли він з'явився?
- Перші спроби створення парового двигуна були зроблені в середині XVII століття Папеном і пізніше, в 1705 р Севері і Ньюкоменом.
- Так, це дуже цікаво, мені б теж хотілося подивитися цю передачу.
Dialogue 2.
- Що таке система безпосереднього уприскування?
- Це найсучасніша система уприскування палива бензинових двигунів. Вона заснована на уприскуванні палива безпосередньо в камеру згоряння двигуна. Дана система дозволяє досягти 15% економії палива, а також скорочення викиду шкідливих речовин з відпрацьованими газами.
- А що включає в себе система безпосереднього вприскування?
- Вона включає паливний насос високого тиску, регулятор тиску палива, паливну рампу, запобіжний клапан, датчик високого тиску, форсунки упорскування, блок керування двигуном і вхідні датчики.
Dialogue 3.
- Яка класифікація сучасних автомобілів?
- Існує багато класифікацій автомобіля, заснованих на різних ознаках. Одна з них заснована на паливі, яке використовують. Всі сучасні автомобілі в залежності від типу встановленого двигуна можна розділити на дві основні категорії: ті, що працюють на бензині або на дизельному паливі, тобто на бензинові і дизельні.
- А який двигун краще – бензиновий або дизельний?
- І у бензиновому і у дизельному двигунів багато шанувальників і суперечки щодо переваг та недоліків кожного виду ведуться вже багато років. Тому ніхто однозначно не скаже, який з них краще.
- Зрозуміло, а як щодо палива? Про бензинові двигуни все ясно, а на якому паливі працюють дизельні автомобілі?
- Дизельним паливом є звичайна солярка, на якій також працюють трактори та інша сільськогосподарська техніка, військова техніка, дизель-поїзди та ін.
Activity 3. Make up your own dialogues on the theme Types of Car Engines.