a reprimand and dismissal;
note that the penalty;
215. What kinds of responsibility of officials for violation of requirements LP:
Disciplinary, administrative, material and criminal
Administrative, social, military and economical
216. What determines the duration of working time in the organization:
The Labour code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
by Order of the head depending on the type of activity;
rules of the internal labor regulations;
a Bilateral agreement between the employee and the employer;
body of state management.
217. Does the main areas of work LP the organization of works with increased risk of:
Does not apply;
At the discretion of the employer;
At the discretion of the staff;
At the discretion of the supervisor.
218. Whether to consider the requirements of GOST, SNiP and other normative legal acts:
Must be taken into account;
At the discretion of the employer;
Shall be disregarded;
Should be considered in special cases;
At the discretion of the workforce.
219. Does the worker LP the organization to participate in the examination of the accident:
At the discretion of the employer
Must not required
At the discretion of the staff
220. What sections should consist of instruction for workers:
General requirements of safety
At the discretion of the administration
At the discretion of the service
General safety requirements and safety requirements during operation
At the discretion of the workforce
221. Name the types of briefings LP:
Introductory, primary workplace, repeated, unplanned
At the workplace;
Introductory, primary in the workplace and factory
Introductory, primary in the workplace and production
222. Does the right to carry out induction training personnel Manager organization:
Has, if these duties entrusted
Does not
Has, in consultation with the supervisor
Has, if consultation with the trade Committee
223. Who conducts primary coaching in the workplace, and unplanned:
The Immediate supervisor;
the Person on whom the order of the head is assigned these duties;
heads of structural subdivisions;
trade Union worker;
working group.
224. Who is exempt from the primary coaching in the workplace:
Employees not associated with the operation
Only managers and specialists
Persons employed in jobs with high risk
trade unionists and heads of subdivisions
225. What number of employees in the organization recommended the creation of the cabinet LP:
Or more
When the number of 100 or more employees
150 or more
At the discretion of the staff
At the discretion of the administration
226. Who directs the work of the cabinet LP:
As a rule, the service (specialist) organization
One of the Deputy head of the organization
Chief engineer
Chief technologist
The Chief power engineer
227. What area should come under the cabinet LP when the number of employees 700 people:
Not less than 24 square meters
Not less than 30 square meters
Not less than 29 square meters
At the discretion of the head
At the discretion of the workforce
228. What types of medical examinations:
Initial, periodic, extraordinary
Mandatory and extraordinary
Preliminary and periodic;
229. What are the optimal distance from the user's eyes to the screen of the video monitor:
Up to 250 mm;
700 mm;
800 mm;
1000 mm
230. Allowed if women in pregnancy or lactation to work on your computer:
Only during pregnancy
Only in the feeding period
231. Is it possible to organize workplaces equipped computer in the basement:
At the discretion of the supervisor
At the discretion of the labour inspectors
If the basement is not aired
232. As it is recommended to have a job with respect to the light openings: