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VII. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Continuous Passive

1. The new costume (try on) by my sister when I came home.

2.When I came to the hospital, Tom (examine) by the doctor.

3. I couldn't use my office yesterday because it (painted).

4. The new program (test) for errors at three o'clock yesterday.

5. At 9 a.m., the document (translate) by Ann.

6.The problem ( discuss) by students when professor came into the room.

Список рекомендованої літератури:

1. Англійська мова. Практична граматика для студентів напрямів підготовки “Технологія та дизайн текстильних матеріалів” та “Технологія виробів легкої промисловості” / Упор. А.М. Ткаленко – К.: КНУТД, 2013. - 34 с.

2. Англо-український термінологічний тлумачний словник з дизайну та текстилю. / К.Б. Кугай. – К.: КНУТД, 2012. – 312 с. Англ. мовою.

3. Барамикова Т.В., Ільєнко Л.П., Ганчик Н.Д. «ESP: Textiles and Dressmaking»: Підручник для студентів IІІ-IV курсів спеціальності «Технології швейного виробництва». – К.: КНУТД, 2009 – 306 с. – Англійською мовою.



VIІ семестр:


Змістовий модуль 5. The variety of clothes.

Змістовий модуль 6. Basic elements of design.


Теми для співбесіди:

Тема 5.Why People Wear Clothes. The Variety of Trousers, Skirts and Blouses.

Тема 6. The Building Blocks of Clothes. The Importance of Colour.

Контрольна робота №3

TOPIC: Why People Wear Clothes. The Variety of Trousers, Skirts and Blouses.

I. Read and translate the following text:

People throughout history and across different cultures have always worn clothes for similar reasons.

Clothes are worn for protection and also for modesty. Sometimes they are worn merely for decoration, while other times they are worn because they are comfortable.

One of the most important reasons that people wear clothes is for protection. Clothes also protect people from heat. In some desert areas people wear loose robes. These robes keep the dry, hot air away from the body, which prevents the loss of body moisture. Raincoats and boots and other foul-weather clothes protect people from unusually bad weather. Hard hats protect workers who must work around construction. Bulletproof vests are worn by police to protect them while they work. The space suits that the astronauts wear in outer space are designed to guard them from space hazards, such as weightlessness and cold. Going for a walk in the woods, people dress to protect themselves from insects, thorns and sore feet.

Clothes can give the wearer psychological protection. This happens when people believe or think that items of clothing have special or magical properties.

People think they ward off evil, heal, or bring good luck to their wearers.

People of all cultures take an interest in adornment. When people adorn themselves they use things to decorate or beautify their bodies. Adornment can also be used to tell many things about its wearer. It can show wealth, rank, status, occupation, family ties and power.

Trousers are an item of clothing worn on the lower part of the body from the waist to the ankles, covering both legs separately. Trousers have been the standard lower-body clothing item for males since the 16th century; by the late 20th century, they had become prevalent for females as well.

Cropped trousers. The trouser leg stops halfway between the knee and the ankle. Cropped trousers only suit those with long legs. The line cuts the leg horizontally and therefore shortens it.

Wide legged trousers. The bottom of the leg is usually one and a half times the width of the top. Wide-legged trousers are ideal for tall women, short women should avoid them, because the cut can broaden the figure and make legs look stumpy.

High-waisted trousers. The waistband sits just above your navel - and sometimes even higher. High-waisted trousers are wonderful on tall or petite women with hourglass figures but they should be avoided by pear shapes as they accentuate the hips and the waist.

The most standard type of skirt is the gathered skirt, with fabric that is scrunched together and “gathered” at the waist line. There two possible styles; those with a straight cut and gathered flared skirts that flare out at the hem. There are also skirts with a similar design that have tucks around the waistline instead of gathering.

Flared skirts are skirts that flare out from the waist towards the hemline. When choosing a length that is right for you, remember to check how well the skirt balances with your height and build. Generally speaking, short lengths give a cute impression while longer lengths look more composed and sophisticated. Skirts with designs that you think might be a little too sweet for you may still suit your style well if they are longer in length. There are also tiered skirts, straight skirts, pleated skirts, draped skirts.

II. Answer the questions:

1. What do people wear clothes for?

2. How do clothes protect people from the weather?

3. Do clothes protect only just from cold?

4. Why do people wear special professional clothes?

5. What are trousers?

6. What styles of trousers do you know?

7. What is the most standard type of skirts?

8. What impression does the length of skirts give?

9. What kinds of skirts or trousers do you prefer to wear?


III. Find the English equivalents for:

прикраса, захист, спека, скромність, штани з завищеною талією, елегантний силует, пряма спідниця

IV. Give definitions to the words:

protection, decoration, jewelry, individuality, creative

V. Translate the sentences into English:


1. Укорочені штани гарно виглядають з довгим светром.

2. Штани з завищеною талією підкреслюють талію та стегна.

3. Одяг захищає людину від холоду та спеки.

4. Гарний одяг допомагає виразити індивідуальність, показати творчу натуру людини.

5. Прикраси не тільки додають особливого вигляду, але й мають магічні властивості.

6. Сучасні люди намагаються зробити одяг більш практичним та комфортним.

7. Довга спідниця створює враження класичності та офіційності.

8. Штани, спідниці, блузи можуть бути прикрашені ґудзиками, стрічками, вишивкою.


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