Molar Pregnancy (Hydatidiform mole).
***) Regarding hydatidiform mole, all the following are true except:
Commoner in women of blood group A married to blood O men
Group AB women have the worst prognosis
Are commoner in older gravida
Are complicated by ovarian cyst
Can be diagnosed by chest X-ray
Answer: E* Can be diagnosed by chest X-ray
***) In hydatiform mole pregnancy, all the following are true except:
Uterine size is larger than dates
Bilateral ovarian cysts (Lutein cysts) is common
Aggravated morning sickness
Treatment is by suction, curettage regardless of the size of the uterus
Pregnancy is allowed after 6 months
Answer: E* Pregnancy is allowed after 6 months
***) The complications of hydatiform mole include all the following except:
Perforation of the uterus
Inversion of the uterus
Answer: D* Inversion of the uterus
***) Hydatiform mole (vesicular mole) is usually treated by:
Prostaglandin induction
Syntocinon induction
Suction-evacuation of the uterus
Answer: E* Suction-evacuation of the uterus
Ectopic Pregnancy.
***) Regarding ectopic pregnancy all of the following statements are true, except:
It is a pregnancy that implants outside the uterus
The most common site of implantation is the abdominal cavity
It may occur in the cervix
Previous infection is a major cause
There is an increase incidence among IUCD users
Answer: B* The most common site of implantation is the abdominal cavity
***) In ectopic pregnancy, all the following are true except:
Pain usually proceeds bleeding
Shoulder pain is an important symptom
The isthmus of the tube is the commonest site of implantation
Is often not diagnosed by os
The incidence is greater in women with IUCD
Answer: C* The isthmus of the tube is the commonest site of implantation
***) The commonest site for tubal ectopic pregnancy is:
Answer: B* Ampulla
???) All of the following may be etiological factors of ectopic pregnancy, except:
Previous infection of the tubes
Delayed passage of the fertilized ovum down the tube
Progesterone pills for contraception
Intrauterine contraceptive device IUCD users
Irregular periods
Answer: E* Irregular periods
***) All of the following may increase the incidence of ectopic pregnancy, except:
Previous pelvic infection
Use of birth control pills
Tubal surgery
Previous appendicitis
Tubal abnormalities
Answer: B* Use of birth control pills
***) The ectopic pregnancy may be due to:
Chronic salpingitis
Short fallopian tube
Long uterine cavity
Use of vaginal diaphragm
Contraceptive pills
Answer: A* Chronic salpingitis
***) All of the following are the clinical features of tubal pregnancy, except:
The patient may have evidence of peritoneal irritation
Lower abdominal pain
Abdominal rigidity
Severe vaginal bleeding
Answer: E* Severe vaginal bleeding
***) The most important symptom of ectopic pregnancy is one of the following:
Severe bleeding
Pelvic heaviness
Answer: B* Pain
***) Vaginal bleeding in ectopic pregnancy is due to:
Rupture of the fallopian tube
Rupture of the uterus
Vaginal laceration
Peritoneal hemorrhage
Hormone withdrawal
Answer: E* Hormone withdrawal
***) The following features suggest a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, except:
Amenorrhea of 6-10 weeks
Acute abdomen
Enlarged uterus
Decidual tissue at curettage
Vaginal bleeding
Answer: C* Enlarged uterus
***) Regarding ectopic pregnancy, all the following are true except:
Vaginal bleeding
Abdominal pain
Elevated hCG
Endometrium has always secretory changes
Answer: D* Elevated hCG
***) All true about ectopic pregnancy, except:
Attacks of abdominal sharp stabbing pain
Fainting attacks
Vaginal bleeding
Period of amenorrhea
Pregnancy test is always positive
Answer: A* Attacks of abdominal sharp stabbing pain
***) Signs of ruptures ectopic pregnancy include the following, except:
Rebound tenderness in the abdomen
Heavy vaginal bleeding
Cervical excitation on vaginal examination
Localized tenderness in the pelvis
Answer: B* Heavy vaginal bleeding
***) Ectopic pregnancy is confirmed by one of the following:
Ultrasound examination
Vaginal examination
hCG urine pregnancy test
Answer: E* Laparoscopy
***) Which of the following can be a definite diagnosis of intrauterine pregnancy to rule out ectopic pregnancy:
Decidual reaction at D&C pathology specimen
Aria-stellaphenomen at D&C pathology specimen
Chorionic villi at D&C pathology specimen
Positive pregnancy test
Positive β-hCG assay
Answer: C* Chorionic villi at D&C pathology specimen
***) Differential diagnoses of ectopic pregnancy are the following, except:
Acute salpingitis
Acute appendicitis
Acute red degeneration of fibroid
Rupture ovarian cyst
Vesicular mole
Answer: E* Vesicular mole
***) Differential diagnoses of ectopic pregnancy are the following, except:
Rupture of a corpus luteum cyst
Uterine abortion
Torsion of fallopian tube
Acute appendicitis
Spasmodic dysmenorrhea
Answer: E* Spasmodic dysmenorrhea
***) Of the following, which woman is at greater risk for ectopic pregnancy:
Healthy woman on birth control pills
A woman with a past history of three incidents of pelvic inflammatory disease
Woman with a history of endometriosis
Woman with irregular menses
Woman with a past history of several attacks of UTI
Answer: B* A woman with a past history of three incidents of pelvic inflammatory disease
***) The most common implantation site for ectopic pregnancy is the:
Abdominal cavity
The ovarian surface
The cervix
Ampulla of the fallopian tube
The interstitial portion of the fallopian tube
Answer: D* Ampulla of the fallopian tube
***) A 24 year old patient married since 2 years. She is having 6 weeks amenorrhea and unilateral anneal pain, acute abdomen, rapidly falling hematocrit, hypertensive and positive pregnancy test. The most likely diagnosis is:
Urinary tract infection
Threatened abortion
Ectopic pregnancy
Answer: E* Ectopic pregnancy
Placenta OB26-OB29.
The Placenta.
***) Where does fertilization take place:
In the ovary
In the fimbrial end of the fallopian tube
In the ampullary region of the fallopian tube
In the uterus
In the isthmic region of tube
Answer: C* In the ampullary region of the fallopian tube
***) Implantation of the blastocyte occurs after:
1-2 days
3-5 days
9-10 days
12-14 days
Answer: C* 6-8-days
***) The method of choice of placental localization is:
Soft tissue placentography
Use of radioactive isotopes
Answer: A* Ultrasonography
***) All of the following are placental hormones, except:
Follicular stimulating hormone
Human placental lactogen
Somatotropine (growth hormone)
Answer: A* Follicular stimulating hormone
***) Human Placental Lactogen (hPL) can be elevated in all of the following, except:
Bronchogenic carcinoma
Answer: C* Hypertension