

I … like to know more about stock exchanges


4 семестр (о/о)



Составитель Г.Р. Ситдикова

«___»______________2012 г.


Тестовые задания обсуждены на заседании кафедры гуманитарных дисциплин «__» ________ 2012 г. протокол ____

Заведующий кафедрой И.К. Шакиров



Начальник отдела менеджмента качества Д.Н. Алюшева




Наименование пункта Значение
1. Кафедра Гуманитарные дисциплины
2. Составитель Ситдикова Г.Р., ст.преподаватель
3. Наименование дисциплины Иностранный язык
4. Общая трудоемкость по учебному плану 340 / 288
5. Вид контроля (нужное подчеркнуть) Предварительный (входной), текущий, промежуточный (зачет)
6. Для специальности(ей)/ направления(й) подготовки для всех специальностей и направлений подготовки
7. Количество тестовых заданий всего по дисциплине, из них  
8. Количество заданий при тестировании студента  
9. Из них правильных ответов (в %):  
10. для оценки «отлично» 85 % и больше
11. для оценки «хорошо» 70 % 85%
12. для оценки «удовлетворительно» 50% 70%
  или для получения оценки «зачет» не менее 60%
13. Время тестирования (в минутах)  



Паспорт составлен: _________________ Г.Р. Ситдикова


23 ноября 2012 г.

F1: Иностранный язык

F2: Ситдикова Г.Р.

F3: Тестовые задания для всех направлений подготовки

V1: Лексика



S: Заполните пропуск

In the US and the UK, the modern gradation of academic _______ is usually bachelor, master, and doctor.

-: qualifications

-: marks

-: characteristics

+: Degrees



S: Заполните пропуск

Most _______ take four to six years to finish their degrees.

-: lecturers

+: undergraduates

-: professors

-: lab-assistants



S: Заполните пропуск

Congratulations! I hear you _____ your examination yesterday.

-: failed

-: revised

+: passed

-: do badly in



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After graduating from the university she decided to take _____ courses.

-: undergraduate

-: students

-: doctoral

+: postgraduate



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Although each school in England decides its own ________, they must include certain compulsory subjects.

-: program

+: curriculum

-: education

-: academic training



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We've got a meeting in 10 minutes. Do I have to ________?— Yes, you do.

-: attain

+: attend

-: attract

-: atone



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. If you increase your order we will be able to give you a 2% … _________.

+: discount.

-: delay.

-: mortgage.

-: rise.



S: Заполните пропуск

A person who owns a part of a company or corporation is called a … __________

-: patron.

-: stock market.

+: stockholder.

-: manager.



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Donald is so _________ in the kitchen. I think he should be a professional chef.

+: сreative

-: сreatively

-: сreator

-: сreation




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A(n) _______ is usually more expensive than a dictionary because it is in several volumes.

-: report

+: encyclopedia

-: publication

-: journal



S: Заполните пропуск

Any _____ is usually composed of the following basic sections: summary, introduction, discussion, conclusion and recommendations.

+: report

-: technology

-: textbook

-: method



S: Заполните пропуск

Harvard University is the oldest institution of higher _____ in the USA.

-: learning

-: promotion

-: teaching

+: education




S: Заполните пропуск

One can find meanings of the foreign or technical expressions used in the text in _______.

-: index

+: glossary

-: content

-: keys



S: Cable TV and work desk with _______ telephone lines are available in each room.

+: modernised

-: modernism

-: modernisation

-: modernist



S: There is one evident ______ between Kate and Ann.

-: similar

-: similarly

-: simile

+: similarity



S: John left his job because he was _______ to deal with such a large amount of work.

-: ability

-: uponable

+: unable

-: able



S: We weren’t allowed onto the ferry because it had been _______.

-: bookery

-: rebook

+: overbooked

-: booker



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A very important part of the American ______ system is the community college.

-: educative

-: educate

-: educator

+: educational



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The last year has shown a slight ________ in the economy.

-: improve

-: improved

-: improvable

+: improvement



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If you don't speak the language you feel more like a _______.

+: foreigner

-: foreignhood

-: foreigndom

-: foreignship



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I want to be a famous ______ when I grow up.

-: scientific

-: scientifically

-: science

+: scientist


V1: Грамматика


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This is ______ coffee I’ve ever tasted.

-: good

+: the best

-: gooder

-: better



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I liked________essay you had brought the other day very much.

-: a

-: an

-: −

+: the



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If you run ________ two hares, you will catch neither.

-: from

-: behind

+: after




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My favourite ________ at school were history and geography.

-: periods

-: lessons

+: subjects

-: tasks



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Your jeans are dirty. You ___ wash them.

+: should

-: will

-: should to



S: Заполните пропуск

We arrived late in the evening. You ___ us at the airport.

-: will meet


+: should meet

-: could have met



S: Заполните пропуск

I … like to know more about stock exchanges

-: Should

+: would

-: want



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