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(Index eng.)



part 280 Abduction 385 Abductor

digiti minimi 159, 196, 375 - 377, 379, 380,

381, 383, 386 - 389, 393, 394, 398, 400, 452, 455, 457, 458, 460, 464, 466, 468

hallucis 196, 452, 456 - 458, 460,

462 - 464, 466, 469

hallucis; Fascia 203

pollicis brevis 375 - 380, 381, 383, 386,

387, 394

pollicis longus 332, 354, 355, 361, 363,

364, 366, 368 - 370, 372, 376, 386, 389, 390, 393, 400

pollicis longus; Tendon 332, 353, 371, 373,

377, 379, 380, 383, 388, 399


phrenic nerves 251 process 26, 27


fossa 92, 162, 171, 173, 177, 318, 322

labrum 95, 171, 173, 177 margin 92, 93, 165, 166, 170, 171 notch 92

Acetabulum 10, 92, 93, 95, 165, 168, 177, 315 - 317, 321


angle 75

end 77, 139 facet 77, 290 part 334, 335


joint 138, 290, 337

ligament 138, 139, 341 Acromion 9, 10, 75, 76, 144, 145, 207, 237, 246, 254, 255, 256, 258, 279, 285, 332 - 336 - 342, 348

Additional fibula 106

Adduction 385


brevis 289, 413, 419, 421, 423 - 426, 430 - 432

canal 419

hallucis 202, 464, 466, 468

hallucis, oblique head 195, 462 - 464, 466,

hallucis, transverse head 460, 462 - 464, 466 hiatus 420 - 425

longus 288, 289, 298, 403, 405, 413, 415, 418, 419, 421, 423 - 426, 430 - 432

magnus 273, 288, 405, 413, 415, 418 - 428, 430 - 432

magnus; Tendon 420, 423, 424

minimus 273, 423 - 426

pollicis 332, 358, 377, 386, 387, 389, 390, 393, 400

pollicis, oblique head 375, 376, 378 - 380,

381, 383, 394 pollicis, transverse head 376, 378 - 380,

381, 383, 394 tubercle 94, 423 Adductores 177, 433

Adductors longus, brevis, magnus and minimus 328


of ilium; Wing of ilium 92, 164, 166, 300 of vomer 52 Ala; Wing 29, 406


folds 180, 183, 184

ligament 132 ligaments 129 - 131


arch 53, 54 foramina 53, 72 part 56 process 53 yokes 53 сanals 54 Anal


aperture 406 pecten 324 triangle 315 Anatomical neck 78, 79, 80, 141

Anconeus 332, 333, 348, 350, 361, 363, 364, 368 - 369


of mandible 56, 225 of rib 32, 35, 36, 137 Ankle 90, 102 joint 195, 196, 452

Anococcygeal body; Anococcygeal ligament

316, 319, 320, 322, 323, 326

Ansa subclavia 298

Antebrachial fascia 369 - 371, 374, 375, 377,


and posterior ethmoidal foramen 66

arch 17, 127, 130, 131

articular facet 18

atlantooccipital membrane 124, 126, 127 belly 214, 242

border 82, 97, 98, 153, 191, 436

cervical region; Anterior triangle 210

clinoid process 45, 60, 67

compartment of leg; Extensor compartment of

leg 450 cranial fossa 67, 68, 71 cruciate ligament 180, 181, 183 - 187, 430 ethmoidal foramen 51, 64, 69 facet for calcaneus 105, 109, 110 fontanelle 62, 63 gluteal line 92, 166

inferior iliac spine 92, 93, 165, 167, 172, 176,

315, 316, 319, 321, 322, 412, 416, 424

intercondylar area 97, 190 intermuscular septum of leg 448 - 450 interosseous nerve 370 jugular vein 252 lacrimal crest 53, 216 layer; Quadratus lumborum fascia 275 ligament of fibular head 181, 182 longitudinal ligament 121 - 122, 126, 127,

162, 172, 275, 300, 415 nasal spine 37, 53, 69, 73 region of arm 277, 329 region of elbow 329 region of forearm 329 region of knee 402 region of leg 402 region of thigh 402 region of wrist 329

sacral foramina 15, 29, 31, 165, 168, 405 sacrococcygeal ligament 168, 318, 324 sacroiliac ligament 162, 163, 168, 169, 172, 318, 320

sternoclavicular ligament 138 - 140 superior iliac spine 90 - 93, 162, 164,

165, 167, 169, 170, 172, 295, 302, 303 - 306, 309, 315, 316, 319 - 322, 404, 405 - 407, 409, 412, 414 - 416, 418, 424, 427, 429

surface 53, 96, 153, 154

surface of petrous part 49

talar articular surface 105, 106, 109, 110,


talocrural region; Anterior ankle region 402 talofibular ligament 193, 194 tibial artery 450, 452 tibial artery and veins 448 tibial veins 450

tibiofibular ligament 193, 194, 197 tibiotalar part 193

tubercle 16, 17, 19, 20, 126, 130, 133, 275

tubercle of atlas [CI] 131

Anterolateral surface 78 Anteromedial surface 78 Antitragicus 214 Anular

epiphysis 120 ligament 391

ligament of radius 147, 154, 156 ligaments 238, 375, 392, 394, 458 part of fibrous sheath 473


fibrosus 120, 121, 133, 135

fibrosus, outer zone 133

Anus 315, 322, 325, 326 Aorta 293

Aortic hiatus 293, 294, 306 Apex 29

(Dens) 18 of head 98 of patella 96 of petrous part 49 of tongue; Tip of tongue 241 Apical ligament of dens 127, 129 - 131

Aponeurosis dorsalis 397

Arched ligament of mons pubis 317


eminence 49

line 93, 167, 169, 298, 301, 305, 311, 314, 320

popliteal ligament 179

Arm 9, 13, 14, 74

Arterial grooves 49, 58, 60, 61 Artery

and vein to ductus deferens 314

of bulb of penis 327

of bulb of vestibule 327

to ductus deferens; Artery to vas deferens


cartilage 152 cavity 145, 151

circumference 81, 82, 146, 154, 155

disc 117, 139, 140, 223

facet 82, 98, 135, 136, 150, 153, 190

fossa 154

recess 337

surface 96, 224, 227

surface for cuboid 105, 106, 109, 110

surface of patella 180

tubercle 47, 48, 117, 227


cubiti 349, 350, 364

genus; Articular muscle of knee 421, 423,

425, 430, 436

Arytenoid cartilage 251 Ascending

cervical artery 251, 252 part; Inferior part 254

Atlantooccipital joint 124, 128, 132


[CI] 10, 15, 16, 124 - 126, 128, 129, 133,

138, 244, 258, 268, 271, 275, 287

[CI], lateral mass 124 [CI], posterior arch 270 [CI], posterior tubercle 270, 271 [CI], transverse process 271, 275

Auricular surface 15, 30, 412


anterior 212


posterior 212, 214

superior 212, 214 Axillar recess 142, 143 Axillary

fossa 278

recess 340, 342

region 253, 277, 329, 330


[CII] 10, 15, 16, 124 - 126, 128, 129, 133,

258, 268, 271, 275, 287

[CII], spinous process 270, 271 [CII], vertebral arch 124 of abduction/adduction 408 Azygos vein 292



of metacarpal 83, 89, 365 of metacarpal [I] 366 of metacarpal [II] 356, 362, 367 of metacarpal [III] 362, 367, 381 of metacarpal [V] 356

of metatarsal 99, 101, 102, 108, 110, 111 of metatarsal [I] 107, 202 of metatarsal [V] 107, 202 of patella 96

of phalanx 83, 89, 99, 101, 111, 382 of proximal phalanx 195 of proximal phalanx [I] 107, 202 of sacrum 29, 30, 167 Basilar part 43

Basilic vein 351, 352, 369, 371, 373, 399

Betweenmetatarsal bone 106 Biceps

brachii 207, 208, 281, 298, 331, 332, 346, 349, 353, 354, 355, 357, 361

brachii, long head 282, 337, 340, 341, 343, 345, 349, 351

brachii, long head; Tendon 143, 145, 340,

brachii, short head 282, 337, 340 - 341,

343 - 345, 349, 351 brachii; Tendon 151, 298, 343 - 344, 346,

354, 359, 369

femoris 180, 273, 289, 403, 413, 423, 425, 438, 441, 444

femoris, long head 405, 414, 420, 422, 427 - 429, 432, 433, 445

femoris, long head; Tendon 431 femoris, short head 420, 422, 428 - 430, 432, 433, 445

femoris; Tendon 420 Bicipital aponeurosis 298, 343, 353, 354 Bifurcate ligament 193, 194 Body

of hyoid bone 57, 241, 242

of ilium 93

of ischium 92, 93

of mandible 56

of maxilla 53, 66

of phalanx 111

of pubis 318

of rib; Shaft of rib 35, 36, 137 of sphenoid 44

of sternum 9, 32, 34, 282, 286, 296, 301,

303, 305, 307 of talus 99 - 101, 109

of tongue 241 Bony nasal septum 62 Brachial

artery 351, 352, 369 fascia 207, 208, 351

fascia, superficial part 208 plexus 252 veins 351, 352, 369 Brachialis 207, 208, 282, 298, 332, 343 - 346,


349 - 352, 353, 355, 358, 361, 369 Brachioradialis 333, 349, 352 - 353, 354, 355, 357, 358, 360 - 363, 367 - 370

Brachioradialis; Tendon 362, 371, 388 Buccal region 210

Buccinator 117, 211, 213 - 215, 217, 230, 231, 243


of penis 328 Bulbospongiosus 316, 323, 325, 326 Bulbourethral gland 325, 327


of tendo calcaneus; Bursa of calcaneal tendon



process 104

sulcus 105, 109, 110

tendon 195, 403, 438, 439 - 441, 445, 447,

455, 469, 471 tuberosity 99, 101, 105, 109, 110, 200, 195,

441, 442, 447, 457 - 460, 462, 464,


joint 196 ligament 197

Calcaneofibular ligament 193, 197 Calcaneonavicular ligament 197

Calcaneus 10, 90, 91, 99 - 102, 105, 106, 108,

110, 192, 193, 199, 201 - 203, 195, 196,

438, 439, 443, 445, 446, 453, 454, 463

articular surface for cuboid 108 lateral process 101 medial process 101

Canal for pharyngotympanic tube; Canal for

auditory tube 49 Canine fossa 53

Capitate 10, 83 - 86, 159, 160, 161, 373, 381, 389

Capitulum 78, 79, 80, 146, 150

Capsule of interphalangeal joint 390 Caput

commune of extensors 368

commune of flexors 343, 345, 354, 356, 363,


canal 47, 49 sheath 247, 248 triangle 210


articular surface 82, 154

bones 9, 13, 14, 74, 83

region 160

tunnel 85, 160, 161, 380, 383, 397


joint [I] 84

joint of thumb 159

joints 159 Cartilage of acoustic meatus 213 Cauda equina 275

Caval opening 293, 294, 306 Central

cord 391

tendon 293, 294, 301


vein 351, 352, 369, 373, 399

vein; Radial nerve, superficial branch 371 Cerebellar fossa 60 Cerebral

cortex 221 fossa 60 surface 49


fascia 232, 249, 250

fascia, investing layer; superficial layer 243,

248, 250

fascia, pretracheal layer 248, 250 fascia, prevertebral layer 248 rib 20

vertebra [CIV], spinous process 251 vertebrae [CI-CVII] 15 vertebrae [CIII], vertebral body 124 Choana; Posterior nasal aperture 59, 63, 67,


68, 73

Chondroglossus 241 Chorda tympani 49

Clavicle 9, 13, 14, 140, 141, 207, 234, 236, 237, 246, 247, 250, 252, 256, 258, 279, 282, 331, 332, 334, 337, 341, 344


facet 144

head 237, 280 notch 32, 34, 137 part 334, 335


fascia 249, 290

triangle; Deltopectoral triangle 248 Clenoid labrum 340

body of clitoris 324 Clivus 60

Coccygeal cornu 30 Coccygeus 316

Coccyx [coccygeal vertebrae CoI-CoIV]

9, 15, 29 - 31, 165 - 167, 168, 169, 315 - 317, 319 - 323, 325, 326, 406, 407


branch 286 ligaments 159, 198, 391


carotid artery 213, 251, 252

flexor sheath 394, 395

head 429

iliac vein 324

iliас artery 324

plantar digital arteries 400

tendinous sheath of fibulares; Common

tendinous sheath of peronei 472,

Conchal crest 53, 55 Condylar

canal 43, 59

process 56 Condyle of humerus 138, 144 Conoid

ligament 139, 290 tubercle 77 Constal notch [I] 34

Coracoacromial ligament 138, 139, 142, 144, 145, 337, 340 - 341

Coracobrachial bursa 337

Coracobrachialis 279, 280, 282, 337, 341, 343, 344, 345, 349, 351

Coracobrachialis 298 Coracoclavicular

ligament 138, 139, 142, 290, 341

ligament, conoid ligament 337 ligament, trapezoid ligament 337 Coracohumeral ligament 142, 145

Coracoid process 9, 75, 76, 144, 145, 207,

279, 282, 285, 337 - 341, 348 Coronal suture 38, 58, 61, 62, 63


fossa 78, 79, 146, 150, 152 process 56, 81, 146, 147, 150, 151, 153, 154, 220, 222, 240


spongiosum penis 325 Corrugator supercilii 211, 213, 216, 230 Costal

cartilage 32, 33, 137, 139, 282, 286, 287,

299, 303 facet 25 groove 286

margin; Costal arch 32, 33, 282 notches [II-VII] 34 part 291, 294, 299, 301 process 26 - 28, 120, 122, 261, 265, 266, 275

process [LI-LV] 263 surface 76 Costoclavicular ligament 139, 140, 290, 349



joint 135

ligament 135, 136, 267

Costoxiphoid ligaments 137, 295 Cranium 11, 12

Cremaster 291, 295, 303, 309, 311 - 313 Crest

of greater tubercle; Lateral lip 78, 279, 338 of head of rib 136

of lesser tubercle; Medial lip 78, 79, 338 of neck rib 35, 36


fascia 309

plate 50, 60, 67, 68, 71

Cricoid cartilage 251

Crista galli 50, 51, 61, 65, 67, 68, 71


ligament of atlas 129, 132 ligaments 458


eminence 43

part of fibrous sheath 473

Cuboid 9, 91, 99 - 102, 104, 107, 108, 110, 192, 193, 194, 199, 202, 196, 446

Cuneiform bone 9 Cuneiforms 203 Cuneonavicular joint 196



fascia; Superficial fascia of scrotum 325 muscle 325


artery of thigh 431 circumflex iliac artery 324 circumflex iliac artery and vein 314 circumflex iliac vein 324 dorsal vein of clitoris 324, 327

dorsal vein of penis 327

fascia of leg 448 - 450

fibular nerve; Deep peroneal nerve 448, 450,

infrapatellar bursa 180, 189 inguinal ring 291, 312, 313, 314 layer 214 part 214

posterior sacrococcygeal ligament 162, 324 transverse metacarpal ligament 158, 375,

376, 391, 392

transverse metatarsal ligament 200, 202 transverse perineal muscle 316, 320, 322,

325, 412

Deltoid 207, 246, 256, 257, 273, 281 - 283, 288, 290, 298, 333, 336, 337, 343, 344, 345, 349

acromial part 282, 334

clavicular part 282, 334

fascia 254

region 253, 277, 329, 330 tuberosity 78, 334

Dens axis [CII] 18, 127, 130 - 133, 138 Dens

anterior articular facet 132 posterior articular facet 132


alveoli 54, 56 alveolus 242


anguli oris 211 - 213, 215, 217, 230, 233 labii inferioris 211 - 213, 215, 217, 230, 243 septi nasi 214, 215, 230 supercilii 213 Descending part, superior part 254

Diaphragm 301, 306, 314 Digastric 214, 240, 242

anterior belly 213, 225, 228, 231, 232, 234 - 236, 238, 239, 243, 246, 250


Intermediate tendon 242 posterior belly 213, 232, 234, 235, 238, 239, 246, 250, 270, 272


interphalangeae joint; Joint capsule 158

phalanx 9, 102, 156, 157, 158, 159, 203,

391, 392 phalanx [I] 83

Intermediate tendon 193, 194, 196, 381 phalanx [I], base of phalanx 366

phalanx [II] 83, 382 phalanx [I-V] 435

phalanx [V] 99 - 101, 454 radioulnar joint 153 - 155, 159, 371 radioulnar joint, sacciform recess 371


and Palmar interossei 393 and Plantar interossei 462

artery of clitoris 327 artery of penis 327 calcaneocuboid ligament 193, 197 carpometacarpal ligaments 157 cuneocuboid ligament 197 cuneonavicular ligament 197 digital branches 401 fascia of foot 467 - 469 fascia of hand 398 intercarpal ligaments 156, 157

interossei 159, 332, 333, 361, 364, 375, 378, 382 - 387, 389, 391 - 393, 434, 451, 452, 453, 455, 463, 465, 466

interossei [I] 195

interosseus 390, 391

interosseus [I] 364, 376, 377, 379, 388, 394,

398, 400, 461, 468

interosseus [II] 388, 398, 400, 468

interosseus [III] 388, 400, 468 interosseus [IV] 388, 400, 458, 460, 468 metacarpal ligaments 157, 159 metatarsal ligaments 194 nerve of clitoris 327 nerve of penis 327 radiocarpal ligament 156, 157 radioulnar ligament 155, 157 subfascial space 398 surface 30

surfaces of fingers 330 surfaces of toes 402 tarsal ligaments 193, 194 tarsometatarsal ligaments 197

tubercle 82, 85, 86, 154 - 156, 157, 360, 366, 368, 372

ulnocarpal ligament 156 Dorsalis pedis artery; Dorsal artery of foot


of foot; Dorsal region of foot 402 of hand 330 of tongue 241 sellae 45, 61

Duct of bulbourethral gland 327 Ductus deferens; Vas deferens 312, 314

Dura mater 228


Endothoracic fascia; Parietal fascia of thorax

286, 291, 301

Epicranial aponeurosis 211 - 214 Epicranius 292 Epidural space 251


Epigastric region; Epigastric fossa 277 Epiphysial

cartilage; Primary cartilaginous joint 151

line 177

plate; Growth plate 171


spinae 256, 257, 259, 267, 273, 274, 275, 294, 412

spinae, thoracic part 262 Ethmoid; Ethmoidal bone 38, 64, 65, 68

crista galli 60

orbital plate 64, 65, 66

perpendicular plate 37, 61, 65, 67 - 69


bulla 51, 71

cells 50, 51, 69, 71, 228

crest 53, 55 groove 52 infundibulum 51 labyrinth 70 notch 42 process 52


carpi radialis brevis 332, 333, 349, 350, 354,

364, 367 - 370, 372, 389, 393

carpi radialis brevis; Tendon 363, 371, 388,

carpi radialis longus 333, 349, 350, 352, 354,

358, 364, 367 - 370, 372, 389, 390, 393

carpi radialis longus; Tendon 363, 371, 373,

388, 399

carpi ulnaris 333, 350, 363, 365, 368 - 370,

372, 386, 388, 389, 393 carpi ulnaris; Tendon 155, 371, 373, 399 digiti minimi 363, 365, 368 - 372, 388, 393,

digiti minimi; Tendon 373, 399 digitorum 332, 333, 350, 361, 363, 365,

368 - 372, 388, 390, 393 digitorum brevis 436, 437, 445, 451, 455,

467, 470

digitorum brevis; Tendon 451, 454, 468 digitorum longus 403, 435, 437, 445, 448 - 450, 455

digitorum longus; Tendon 435, 451, 467,

468, 470

digitorum, Extensor digiti minimi, Extensor carpi ulnaris; Common head 365

digitorum; Tendon 332, 361, 373, 391, 392, 397, 399 - 401

hallucis brevis 434, 436, 437, 451, 452 - 455, 470

hallucis brevis; Tendon 468

hallucis longus 195, 437, 445, 448, 450, 455

hallucis longus; Tendon 403, 435, 447, 451,

454, 467, 468, 470 indicis 363, 364, 366, 368, 370, 371, 390,

393, 399 indicis; Tendon 373, 388 pollicis brevis 332, 361, 363, 364, 366,

368 - 369, 372, 379, 380, 383,

388 - 390, 393, 400

pollicis brevis; Tendon 332, 371, 373, 399 pollicis longus 361, 363, 364, 366,

368 - 370, 372, 390, 393


pollicis longus; Tendon 332, 371, 373, 388,

389, 399

pollicis longus; Tendon;

Tendon sheath 400 retinaculum 332, 361, 364, 371, 372, 388,


acoustic meatus 38, 48, 219 acoustic opening 47, 48 anal sphincter 316, 322 - 326 carotid artery 248 conjugate 164 iliac artery 291, 405 iliac vein 291, 324, 405 intercostal membrane 286 intercostal muscle 260, 262, 264, 272, 284, 286, 287, 288, 292, 298

jugular vein 250 - 252

oblique 254, 256, 257, 259, 273, 275,

278, 283, 288, 289, 291, 294, 295, 299 - 303, 307, 308, 324, 332, 413 oblique; Aponeurosis 278, 283, 295, 299, 300, 302, 308, 309, 313

occipital crest 43, 128 occipital protuberance 39, 43, 59, 125, 127, 128, 254, 255, 271

spermatic fascia 312 surface 40, 41 urethral orifice 315

urethral orifice; External urinary meatus 316,

324, 326 urethral sphincter 316, 324, 327 Eyeball 221


Facet for dens 17 Facial

artery 229 nerve [VII] 49, 229 vein 229

Facies patellaris femur 181 Falciform

ligament 300, 314

margin, inferior horn 308, 310

margin, superior horn 308, 310 False

rib [IX] 267

ribs [VIII-XII] 33 Falx cerebri; Cerebral falx 228 Fascia 325

lata 208, 298, 308, 433

lata, superficial layer 310

of individual muscle; Muscle sheath 207, 283 Fatty layer 300, 469 Female urethra 322, 327


artery 176, 298, 308, 310, 313, 328, 405, 431 artery and vein 208, 314, 432, 433 nerve 176, 291, 298, 328, 405, 431 vein 176, 298, 308, 310, 313, 328, 431


Thigh bone 9, 13, 14, 90, 91, 172, 176, 179, 182 - 184, 189, 208, 328, 424, 432, 433, 443, 446

Thigh bone, linea aspera 420

Thigh bone, popliteal surface 420, 441


lamine 419

layer; Fibrous membrane 148, 149, 152, 174,

175, 184, 185 sheath 378 sheath digiti minimi 377 sheaths of digits of hand 390

Fibula 9, 10, 13, 14, 90, 91, 98, 179, 181, 182 - 184, 186, 188, 189, 190 - 193, 194, 196, 408, 416, 424, 429, 436, 448 - 450


interosseous border 441 lateral malleolus 445


artery; Peroneal artery 450 articular facet 97

collateral ligament 179, 181, 189, 430, 436 notch 97

trochlea; Peroneal trochlea; Peroneal tubercle

veins; Peroneal veins 450


brevis; Peroneus brevis 403, 436 - 438, 439, 440, 444 - 446, 448, 450, 453, 455, 462, 463, 466, 473

brevis; Peroneus brevis; Tendon 198, 200,

438, 446, 439

longus; Peroneus longus 403, 414, 434, 437,

438, 439 - 441, 444 - 446, 448 - 450, 453, 457 - 459, 460, 462, 463, 466

longus; Peroneus longus; Tendon 198, 200,

202, 195, 438, 439, 446, 460

tertius; Peroneus tertius 434, 437, 445, 446, 450, 451, 452, 455

First rib [I] 33, 137, 138 - 140, 236, 244, 245, 252, 275, 286, 287, 302, 341

Flank; Lateral region 277 Flexor

carpi radialis 331, 332, 349, 353, 354, 356, 369, 370, 375, 376, 386, 394

carpi radialis; Tendon 160, 357, 371, 373, 378 - 380, 383, 397, 399

carpi ulnaris 331, 353, 354, 355, 356, 358, 360, 363, 364, 368 - 371, 376, 386, 394

carpi ulnaris, humeral head 349

carpi ulnaris, ulnar head 349

carpi ulnaris; Tendon 158, 375, 377 - 380, 383

digiti minimi brevis 375 - 377, 379, 380, 381, 383, 386, 387, 394, 457, 458, 460, 466, 468

digitorum brevis 195, 458 - 461, 462, 463, 466, 473

digitorum brevis; Tendon 468

digitorum longus 201, 438, 440 - 442, 444,

447 - 450, 457 - 459, 460, 462, 466,

digitorum longus; Tendon 198, 438, 439,

441, 442, 461, 467, 468 digitorum profundus 355, 358, 363, 364,

368 - 371, 376, 379, 386, 394, 395

digitorum profundus; Tendon 331,

354 - 355, 358, 377 - 380, 382, 391, 392, 397, 399 - 401 digitorum superficialis 331, 353, 356, 357,

369 - 371, 375 - 377, 386, 394, 395

digitorum superficialis, humeroulnar head

349, 357

digitorum superficialis, radial head 355, 357 digitorum superficialis, ulnar head 355 digitorum superficialis; Tendon 331, 354,


358, 371, 373, 376, 378 - 380, 391,

392, 397, 399 - 401

hallucis brevis 457, 458, 460, 463, 464, 466, 468

hallucis brevis, lateral head 464 hallucis brevis, medial head 464 hallucis brevis, medial head and lateral head

hallucis longus 201, 195, 438, 439 - 442, 444, 447 - 450, 457, 458, 460, 462, 466, 469

hallucis longus; Tendon 198, 438, 439, 441,

442, 467, 468

muscle, common head 350 pollicis brevis 358, 377, 378, 386, 387, 395 pollicis brevis, deep head 380, 383, 400 pollicis brevis, superficial head 375, 376,

379, 380, 381, 383, 394, 400

pollicis longus 332, 353, 354 - 355, 357,

369, 370, 376 - 379, 386, 394

pollicis longus; Tendon 354, 357, 358, 371,

373, 375, 376, 378 - 380, 398, 399

pollicis longus; Tendon; Tendon sheath 400 retinaculum 160, 161, 331, 353, 357, 373,

375 - 380, 383, 394, 395, 397, 399,

440, 441, 447, 469, 471


rib [XII] 267, 275 ribs [Xl-XII] 33 Foliate papillae 241

Foot 9, 90

Foot; Bones of foot 13, 14 Foramen

caecum 41 lacerum 59, 60

magnum 43, 59, 60, 63, 128 ovale 44, 45, 59, 60, 73

rotundum 44, 45, 64

spinosum 44, 45, 59, 60

transversarium 16, 17 - 20, 126, 129 - 131 Forearm 9, 13, 14, 74 Fornix of humerus 142, 340, 341


for lacrimal gland; Lacrimal fossa 42, 69 for lacrimal sac 64


for dens 132

for ligament of head 95, 96, 173


angle 40

bone 9, 37, 38, 58, 60, 62, 66 - 68, 71, 219

bone, orbital part 64, 69 bone, orbital surface 64, 65 bone; squamous part 63 border 40 crest 41, 58, 60 lobe 228

notch/foramen 37, 41, 64 process 53, 57, 71 region 210

sinus 58, 60, 61, 65, 67, 68, 70

suture; Metopic suture 41, 62, 63 tuber; Frontal eminence 41, 62


Gastrocnemius 403, 414, 418, 422, 449

lateral head 179, 180, 188, 189, 420, 428, 430, 438, 439 - 441, 444, 445, 448

medial head 179, 188, 403, 420, 428, 430, 434, 438, 439 - 441, 444, 448



inferior; Inferior gemellus 284, 409, 410, 411,

413, 422, 427, 428, 431

superior; Superior gemellus 284, 409, 410,

411, 413, 422, 427, 428, 431 Genioglossus 225, 231, 241 - 243 Geniohyoid 225, 228, 231, 238, 240 - 243

Genitofemoral nerve

femoral branch 405

genital branch 312 - 313 Glabella 41 Glans

of clitoris 315, 316, 326 penis 315


joint; Shoulder joint 336, 341 ligaments 142, 143


cavity 75, 76, 139, 141, 285, 335, 340

labrum 141


fold 633 region 253, 402

surface 92, 166

tuberosity 94 - 96, 170, 409, 429


maximus 176, 177, 266, 273, 283, 289, 323, 325, 326, 328, 403, 405, 408, 411, 413, 414, 418, 422, 428, 430, 431

medius 177, 273, 284, 288, 289, 300,

409, 410, 411, 413, 414, 421, 422,

425, 428, 430, 431 minimus 177, 273, 284, 289, 410, 411,

413, 421 - 423, 425, 427, 428, 430,

Gracilis 325, 326, 403, 405, 413, 415, 418, 420, 421, 423 - 426, 427, 432, 433, 434, 438

Gracilis; Tendon 420, 424

Granular foveolae 40, 58 Great

saphenous vein; Long saphenous vein 308,

309, 310, 450, 467 toe [I] 203


horn 57, 242

palatine canal 69, 73

palatine foramen 59, 73

palatine groove 53, 55

sciatic foramen 162, 169, 318, 407

sciatic notch 92, 166

trochanter 10, 90, 91, 94 - 96, 170 - 172, 173, 176, 177, 404, 407, 409, 410, 416, 417, 424, 428, 429

tubercle 9, 78, 79, 80, 138, 139, 142, 144, 279, 282, 338 - 340, 348

vestibular gland 326

wing 44, 45, 69

wing, cerebral surface 45

wing, orbital surface 65 Groin; Inguinal region 277 Groove

for greater petrosal nerve 49

for inferior petrosal sinus 61

for lesser petrosal nerve 49

for sigmoid sinus 40, 49, 60, 61

for spinal nerve 16, 19, 20, 126, 133

for subclavian artery 35, 244

for subclavian vein 35

for superior petrosal sinus 49

for superior sagittal sinus 40, 41, 43, 58


for tendon of fibularis longus; Groove for

tendon of peroneus longus 100, 104,

109, 110

for tendon of flexor hallucis longus 105, 109,

for transverse sinus 43, 60, 61 for ulnar nerve 78, 80, 146, 147, 366 for vertebral artery 17, 131 Grooves for arteries 40, 41


Hamate 10, 83 - 86, 157, 159, 160, 161, 373,

Hand 9, 74

bones of hand 13, 14 Hard palate 215 Head

of clavicle 237

of femur 10, 94 - 96, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176, 177

of fibula 10, 90, 91, 98, 179, 181, 182,

184 - 186, 191, 414, 415, 428, 429, 435, 436, 440, 442, 443, 445, 446

of humerus 10, 74, 78, 79, 80, 139 - 141, 144, 145, 335, 342

of mandible 117, 224, 240

of metacarpal 83, 89

of metacarpal [I] 381

of metacarpal [II] 362

of metatarsal 99, 101, 102, 108, 110, 111

of phalanx 83, 89, 99, 101, 111, 382

of radius 10, 74, 82, 146, 150, 153, 154, 369

of rib 35, 36, 134 - 137

of sternum 237

of talus 99 - 101, 109, 110, 192

of talus, navicular articular surface 108

of tibia 10, 190

of ulna 81, 83, 153 - 155, 161

Heel region 402 Helicic major 214 Hiatus

for greater petrosal nerve 49

for lesser petrosal nerve 49 Highest nuchal line 39, 43, 59 Hip bone; Coxal bone; Pelvic bone 90, 91

Hip joint 413, 430

Hook of hamate 83, 86, 88, 158, 160, 161, 356,

381, 382

Horizontal plate 55 Humeroradial joint 146 Humeroulnar joint 146

Humerus 9, 10, 13, 14, 74, 138 - 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146 - 151, 156, 207, 208, 279, 340, 342, 352, 362, 364, 367

surgical neck 336 Hyaline cartilage 163

Hyoglossus 235, 236, 241


bone 213, 232, 234 - 237, 239, 240, 246, 248

bone, greater horn 241, 242

bone, lesser horn 241 Hypochondrium 277 Hypoglossal

canal 43, 59 - 61, 127

nerve [XII] 213 Hypophysial fossa 45, 67, 68, 71 Hypothenar eminence 331, 353, 373, 374, 397



crest 10, 90 - 93, 165 - 167, 170, 172, 173, 175, 254, 257, 263, 266, 297, 321, 322, 404, 405 - 407, 408, 409, 414, 415, 418, 424, 427


crest, inner lip 305 crest, outer lip 302

fossa 93, 167, 297 tuberosity 93, 166, 167, 168 Iliacus 177, 288, 293, 297, 300, 301, 307, 314, 324, 404, 405, 411, 412, 415, 418, 419, 421, 423, 425 Iliococcygeus 317 - 320, 322, 406 Iliocostalis 259, 263 cervicis 245, 259, 262, 263, 270, 273 lumborum 259, 262 - 264, 273, 300

thoracic part 273 lliofemoral ligament 172, 173, 174, 176, 407, 421, 431

Iliohypogastric nerve, anterior cutaneous

branch 313

Iliolumbar ligament 162, 163, 172, 173, 412

Iliopectineal arch 162, 291, 404, 405 Iliopsoas 176, 273, 288, 291, 293, 297, 298,

328, 403, 404, 415, 421, 423, 425, 430,

Iliopubic eminence 164, 167, 318

Iliotibial tract 184, 283, 403, 408, 411,

414 - 416, 421, 423, 425, 428, 432, 434, 438, 445

Ilioinguinal nerve 312 - 313

Ilium 9, 92, 163, 165, 166, 168, 177, 306, 318, 322

auricular surface 93

gluteal surface 409 Impression for costoclavicular ligament 77 Impressions of cerebral gyri 41 Incisive

bone; Premaxilla 54, 63 canal 53, 68 canals 73

foramina 39, 54, 59, 67, 69

suture 54 Index finger 399 Inferior

alveolar artery 229 alveolar nerve 229

angle 75, 76, 258, 285, 336, 338, 339

articular facet 19, 20, 21 - 24, 25 - 28, 121,

122, 133

articular process 15, 16, 18 - 20, 21, 22, 24,

25 - 28, 120, 123, 130

articular surface 17, 97, 98, 190 constrictor 213, 236, 238, 246, 251 costal facet 15, 22, 23, 136 costal fovea 21

epigastric artery 300, 311, 312, 324

epigastric artery and vein 313, 314

epigastric vein 300, 312, 324

extensor retinaculum 403, 447, 451 - 452,

469 - 471, 472

fascia of pelvic diaphragm 322, 323 fibular retinaculum; Inferior peroneal

retinaculum 453, 472 gluteal artery 431 gluteal line 92 gluteal nerve 431 gluteal veins 431 longitudinal muscle 241 lumbar triangle 254, 257 nasal concha 37, 61, 65, 67, 68, 71 nasal meatus 67


nuchal line 39, 43, 59, 125, 265, 271

oblique 275

orbital fissure 59, 64, 65, 66, 67, 72, 73 pubic ligament 162, 163, 322, 327 pubic ramus 92, 93, 163, 165, 166, 315, 317, 327, 328, 405

temporal line 40

thoracic aperture; Thoracic outlet 32 thyroid vein 252 vena cava 293

vertebral notch 21 - 24, 25 - 28

Infraclavicular fossa 210

Infraglenoid tubercle 75, 76, 141, 348

Inframammary region 277, 329 Infrapatellar

fat pad 183, 184, 420 synovial fold 180, 184

Infraperiform foramen 410 Infrapiriform foramen 405 Infrascapular region 253

Infraspinatus 396, 256, 273, 283, 333, 336, 338, 347, 350

infraspinous fascia 254, 257, 259


fascia 332 fossa 75, 141, 142


crest 72 fossa 72 surface 53

Infra orbital

canal 54, 64, 65 foramen 37, 38, 53, 62, 64 groove 53, 64 margin 37, 53 nerve 213 region 210


falx; Conjoint tendon 311

ligament 162, 172, 278, 291,

296 - 298, 306, 308, 309, 310, 312 - 313, 327, 404, 405, 413, 415

triangle; Hesselbach's triangle 313

Inner lip 167

Innermost intercostal muscle 286, 292 Interalveolar septa 54 Interclavicular ligament 139, 140 Intercondylar

eminence 97, 190, 191 fossa 94, 96, 181 line 94


nerves, anterior rami; ventral rami 286, 292 Intercrural fibres 295, 308, 309, 313

Intercuneiform joints 196 Interfascial space 221 Interfoveolar ligament 313 Intergluteal cleft; Natal cleft 323 Intermediate

cuneiform; Middle cuneiform 99 - 102, 104,

107, 108, 110, 201, 202, 195, 196, 454

plantar eminence 468 sacral crest 30 tendon 237 zone 167


bursa 473 Intermuscular gluteal bursae 428 Internal

acoustic meatus 49, 60

acoustic opening 61

anal sphincter 324

carotid artery 49, 229

iliac artery 324

iliac vein 324

intercostal membrane 292

intercostal muscle 266, 272, 284, 286,


287 - 288, 291, 295, 298 - 300, 303 jugular vein 49, 213, 229, 248, 251, 252,

oblique 256, 257, 259, 262, 273, 275, 281, 284, 288, 289, 291, 295, 299 - 301, 303, 307, 313, 324, 412, 413

oblique; Aponeurosis 295, 299, 313 occipital crest 126 occipital protuberance 126 pudendal artery 500, 324, 327, 328 pudendal vein 324, 327, 328 spermatic fascia 309 surface 40, 41 Interossei 196, 386


border 81, 82, 97, 98, 153

membrane 188, 369, 370

membrane of forearm 153, 156, 159, 359,

362, 380

membrane of leg 179, 181, 189, 191, 197,

408, 429, 436, 444, 446, 448 - 450 sacroiliac ligament 163, 168, 318, 412

Interosseus [I] 390


joint of foot 198

joints of foot 196

joints of hand 159, 392

joints of hand (distal) 84

joints of hand (proximal) 84 Interpubic disc; Interpubic fibrocartilage 163 Interradicular septa 54 Interspinales 273

cervicis 262, 264, 266, 268 - 270, 274 lumborum 266, 268, 269, 272 thoracis 272

Interspinous ligaments 121, 127 Intertendinous connections 360, 361, 365,

388, 390, 396

Intertransversarii laterales lumborum 261,

266, 267, 274, 292

Intertransverse ligaments 121 - 123, 131,


crest 94, 170, 173, 409, 429 line 94, 170, 172, 175, 404, 417


disc 15, 33, 124, 126, 127, 129, 133, 135, 136, 169

sulcus; Bicipital groove 78, 79, 80, 139, 143,

144, 279, 338 tendon sheath 143, 337, 340, 341 tendon sheath; Bicipital groove 142


foramen 15, 21, 24, 121, 122, 123, 127, 129, 136

Intratendinous olecranon bursa 364 Intra articular

ligament of head of rib 136 sternocostal ligament 139


layer 247

layer; Superficial layer 249, 290


spine 91 - 93, 162, 164 - 167, 168 - 170,

172, 173, 315 - 317, 319 - 322, 404,

637, 406, 409, 429 tuberosity 91 - 93, 162, 166, 169, 170, 173,


315 - 317, 321 - 323, 325 - 327, 328,

405, 641, 645, 427 - 429 Ischiocavernosus 316, 323, 325, 326

Ischiococcygeus; Coccygeus 273, 317 - 322,

324, 406

Ischiofemoral ligament 172, 173, 407 Ischioanal fossa 325, 326, 328

Ischium 9, 165, 176, 429

ramus 92



capsule; Articular capsule 86, 117, 121, 124,

125, 127, 128, 131, 138, 140, 142,

144, 145, 148, 158, 171, 173, 176, 184, 185, 198, 213, 219, 220, 227, 336, 337, 340 - 341, 359, 420

of head of rib 135


foramen 59, 60, 61 fossa 47

notch; Suprasternal notch 32, 33, 34 process 43 Jugum sphenoidale; Sphenoidal yoke 45


Kidney 275

Knee joint 420, 430


Labial part 215 Labium

majus 315, 324 minus 315, 324, 326 Labrum 342


bone 38, 64, 66 - 68, 71

bone, posterior lacrimal crest 64

groove 52, 53

hamulus 52

margin 53

notch 53

process 52 Lacunar ligament 162, 310, 405 Lambdoid suture 38, 39, 58, 61, 62, 63 Lamina 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 275

Laryngeal prominence 248 Lateral

angle 75

arcuate ligament 293, 306 atlantoaxial joint 124, 126, 129, 131, 133 atlantooccipital ligament 124, 126, 128, 129, 131

bicipital groove 352

border 75, 76, 79, 141, 338, 339

cervical nucleus 251, 252 cervical region; Posterior triangle 210 compartment of leg; Fibular compartment of leg; Peroneal compartment of leg

condyle 10, 90, 94 - 97, 184, 186, 190, 191, 435, 445, 446

condyle of femur 181, 182, 183

cord 391


ligament 135, 136 crus 295, 309, 310, 311, 313 cuneiform 99 - 102, 104, 107, 108, 110,

202, 196

cutaneous nerve of forearm; Lateral

antebrachial cutaneous nerve 371

cutaneous nerve of thigh; Lateral femoral

cutaneous nerve 405 epicondyle 78, 79, 80, 94, 138, 144,

146 - 148, 150, 156, 182, 282, 332,

348, 350, 364, 365

femoral intermuscular septum 208, 428, 432,

inguinal fossa 314


intercondylar area 97, 190

intercondylar tubercle 97

intermuscular septum of arm 207, 208, 332,

350, 351, 352, 361 ligament 117, 219, 213, 220 lip 94

malleolar facet 105, 106, 108 - 110, 192 malleolus 10, 90, 91, 98, 190 - 193, 194,

197, 196, 435, 438, 442, 443, 446,

margin 78, 142, 146 mass 17, 130 meniscus 181, 189

part 29 - 31, 165, 167

patellar retinaculum 179, 417 plantar eminence 468 plate, pterygoid process 226 posterior cervical intertransversarii 261 process 105, 109, 110, 464 pterygoid 220, 222, 225, 230, 231 pterygoid, lower head; inferior head 117,

223, 224, 226, 228, 229

pterygoid, upper head; superior head 117,

223, 224, 226, 228, 229

sacral crest 30 scapular border 340

subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius 440 supracondylar line 94

supraepicondylar ridge; Lateral supracondylar

ridge 79, 146, 147, 352, 367 surface 57, 97, 98, 153, 191, 446

talocalcaneal ligament 197, 453

tubercle 101, 105, 110, 192

umbilical fold; Epigastric

fold 300, 314

Latissimus dorsi 254, 256, 257, 259, 260, 273,

275, 278, 282 - 284, 289, 294, 298, 300, 332, 336, 342, 343, 344, 345, 349, 350 Tendon 337


crus 306 kidney 275

Leg 9, 13, 14, 90


horn 57, 242

palatine foramen 73

palatine foramina 59, 69

sciatic foramen 162, 169, 405, 407

sciatic notch 92, 166, 328

supraclavicular fossa 210, 250

trochanter 10, 90, 91, 94 - 96, 170 - 172, 173, 175, 176, 297, 404, 407, 409, 417, 424, 429

tubercle 9, 74, 78, 79, 80, 138, 139, 141, 144, 279, 338

wing 44, 45


anguli oris 211, 213 - 215, 217, 230 ani 316 - 323, 324 - 326, 328, 412 labii superioris 211 - 215, 217 labii superioris alaeque nasi 211 - 216, 230

scapulae 235, 236, 245, 246, 251, 252, 256 - 259, 273, 285, 336, 337, 344, 350

veli palatini 231 Levatores costarum 264

breves 261, 266, 267, 272


longi 261, 266, 267, 272 Ligament of head of femur 171, 173, 177, 430 Ligamenta flava 121 - 122, 125, 127, 128, 267

Ligaments 171

Ligamentum nuchae; Nuchal ligament 125,

127, 128, 131, 245, 255, 259, 260, 274


alba 278, 291, 295 - 305, 307, 309, 310 aspera 10, 94, 170, 426, 429

terminalis 318 Lingual nerve 229

Little finger 399

Location of patella 179 Long

head 346

plantar ligament 192, 193, 198, 199, 201,

203, 195, 462, 467, 473


capitis 230, 231, 236, 245, 259, 262 - 264,

266, 270, 272, 273 cervicis 245, 259, 263, 264, 270 thoracis 259, 260, 262 - 264, 300

thoracis, lumbar part; Medial division of lumbar erector spinae 273


bands 127, 129 - 132, 375

septa 467


capitis 231, 236, 244, 275 colli 236, 244, 251, 252, 275

Lower rib 134 Lumbar

part 294 part, left crus 293 part, right crus 293 plexus 275 region 253 rib 28

vertebra 275

vertebra [IV] 172, 173

vertebra [LI], vertebral arch 267

vertebra [LV] 405

vertebra [LV], costal process 163

vertebra [V] 172, 173

vertebra, mammillary process 261 vertebra, vertebral body 300 vertebrae [LI-LV] 15 vertebrae, costal process 267 vertebrae, spinous process 267 Lumbrical 378, 392 [I] 390

bursa 473

Lumbricals 374 - 377, 379, 380, 382, 383, 387, 389, 391, 394, 397, 400, 458, 463

[I, II] 398 Lunate 10, 83 - 86, 159, 161, 381

surface 92, 322



alar cartilage 229

alar cartilage, medial crus 68


urethra 327

urethra, prostatic urethra 328


fossa 98, 191 groove 97, 98, 191

Mammary region 277 Mammillary process 26, 27, 125

Mandible 9, 37 - 39, 61, 62, 63, 228, 234, 241,

246, 247, 250, 271


symphysis 62 foramen 39, 56, 240, 242 fossa 47, 48, 59, 227 notch 56, 118

Manubrium of sternum 9, 32, 34, 139, 140,

282, 286, 301


part 215 ridge 120 tubercle 57


Masseter 211, 214, 220, 222, 225, 226, 230 - 232, 234, 236, 246, 250, 283 deep part 213, 218, 219, 224, 228, 229 superficial part 213, 218, 219, 224, 228, 229


fascia 249, 250 nerve 229


angle 40 cells 49

fontanelle 62, 63 foramen 39, 47 - 49, 59 notch 47, 59

process 47 - 49, 59, 128, 219, 263, 270, 271, 275

Maxilla 9, 37, 38, 62, 66, 68, 134 alveolar process 61 anterior lacrimal crest 64 frontal process 62, 64, 67 orbital surface 64, 65 palatine process 39, 59, 63, 67 - 69, 73 zygomatic process 59, 69


artery 229 hiatus 53, 64, 71 process 52

sinus 54, 64, 65, 66, 69, 73, 229

surface 55 tuberosity 53 vein 229


arcuate ligament 293, 306 bicipital groove 352

border 75, 78, 79, 97, 139, 258, 285, 337, 338

condyle 10, 90, 94 - 97, 184, 186, 190, 191, 429, 435, 442, 443

condyle of femur 180, 181, 182, 183, 185 condyle of tibia 185 crest 98

crus 295, 309, 310, 311, 313 cuneiform 99 - 102, 104, 107, 108, 110, 192, 193, 199, 201, 202, 196, 454, 459

cutaneous nerve of arm; Medial brachial

cutaneous nerve 352 cutaneous nerve of forearm; Medial antebrachial

cutaneous nerve 352

epicondyle 74, 78, 79, 80, 94, 144, 146 - 148, 150, 156, 182, 282, 344, 348, 358, 359, 362, 363, 366, 368, 424

femoral intermuscular septum 208, 432, 433

inguinal fossa 314

intercondylar tubercle 97

intermuscular septum of arm 207, 208, 344,

350, 351, 352 ligament; Deltoid ligament 193, 194, 197 lip 94

lumbar intertransversarii 261, 264, 266, 267, 272, 274

malleolar facet 105, 106, 108 - 110, 192 malleolus 10, 90, 97, 98, 190 - 193, 194,

197, 201, 202, 196, 435, 438,

441 - 443, 447, 456

meniscus 181, 188

patellar retinaculum 179, 417, 420

plantar eminence 468

posterior cervical intertransversarii 274

process 105, 109, 110, 464

pterygoid 117, 215, 223 - 227, 228 - 231


subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius 440, 441

supracondylar line 94

supraepicondylar ridge; Medial supracondylar

ridge 78, 79, 146

sural cutaneous nerve 450

surface 97, 98, 153, 154, 191

surface of tibia 182

tubercle 101, 105, 110, 201 umbilical fold 300, 314


antebrachial vein; Median vein of forearm

arcuate ligament 293, 306 atlantoaxial joint 130, 131 cubital vein 369

nerve 351, 352, 369 - 371, 373, 397, 399, 400

nerve, palmar branch 371

palatine suture 54, 59, 67, 73

sacral crest 29 - 31, 166, 167

umbilical fold 300, 314

umbilical ligament 299 Meniscus 185 Mental

foramen 37, 38, 56, 62, 242 protuberance 56, 242 region 210 tubercle 56, 242 Mentalis 211 - 215, 217, 230

Mesotendon 401

Metacarpal 391, 392

[I] 83, 366, 400

[II] 366, 367, 382, 400

[III] 367, 400

[IV] 400

[V] 381, 400

collateral ligaments 157 Metacarpals

[III, IV, V] 398 [II-V] 384

[I-V] 9, 13, 14, 74, 83, 85, 86, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 397, 454


joints 84, 159, 392

joints, collateral ligaments 157, 158


[I] 9, 99 - 101, 108, 110, 192, 193, 202, 196,

447, 459

[II] 110, 201, 195

[III] 110

[IV] 110

[V] 100, 101, 110, 193, 196

interosseous ligaments 197 Metatarsals 203

[I-V] 9, 13, 14, 102, 107, 108, 443, 467


joint 198, 195 joint [I] 196

joints 193, 194, 200, 202, 464 Metatarsus 90, 102

Midcarpal joint 159


cervical ganglion 251

constrictor 238, 241

constrictor, ceratopharyngeal part 241

constrictor, chondropharyngeal part 241

cranial fossa 67

facet for calcaneus 105, 109

finger 399

nasal concha 37, 50, 51, 65, 67, 71 nasal meatus 67

phalanx 9, 102, 156, 157 - 158, 159 phalanx [II] 83, 382 phalanx [II-V] 356

phalanx [IV] 196 phalanx [V] 99 - 101, 454 talar articular surface 105, 106, 109, 110, 453

Milk tooth 62 Modiolus 214, 215


Mons pubis 315

Mucous membrane of tongue 241

Multifidus 265, 267, 269, 270, 272 - 274

cervicis 251 lumborum 266


space 291

triangle; Omotracheal triangle 210 Musculocutaneous nerve 351, 371 Musculus uvulae 215

Mylohyoid 215, 225, 228, 231, 232, 234 - 236, 238 - 240, 242, 243, 246, 250 branch 239, 242 line 56, 61, 240



bone 37, 38, 61, 62, 64, 66 - 69

cavity 71, 229

crest 53, 55, 68, 69, 73

margin 42

notch 53

part 41

region 210

septum 71, 229

spine 41, 42, 61

surface 53, 55

Nasalis 211 - 213, 216

alar part 230

transverse part 230 Nasolacrimal canal 66 Nasopharynx 228

Navicular 9, 99 - 102, 107, 108, 110, 192, 193, 194, 199, 201, 203, 195, 196, 454 articular surface 105, 106, 109, 110, 192 tuberosity 103

of femur 10, 90, 94 - 96, 170, 171, 175, 176, 177

of fibula 98, 191

of radius 82, 146, 147, 156

of rib 35, 36, 134 - 137

of scapula 75, 142

of talus 99 - 101, 109, 110

Nuchal fascia 248

Nucleus pulposus 120, 121, 133, 135

Nutrient foramen 97, 98, 122, 350



cord 151

ligaments 375, 394 line 56

popliteal ligament 179, 441

Obliquus capitis

inferior 262, 264, 266, 270, 271, 274 superior 230, 231, 262, 264, 266, 270 - 274


artery 324 branch 314

canal 162, 176, 291, 318, 319, 405 - 407 externus 177, 288, 289, 328, 410, 413, 421,

423 - 426, 430, 431 fascia 319, 320, 322, 323, 325, 326, 405 foramen 92, 93, 165, 166, 321 internus 176, 284, 316, 317, 319, 322, 323,

324, 328, 407, 409, 410, 411 - 413,

418, 422, 427, 428

internus; Tendon 407, 431

membrane 162, 169, 173, 176, 291, 328, 419 nerve 324, 431

nerve, artery and veins 314, 405


angle 40

belly 272, 273

bone 10, 38, 47, 58, 124, 125, 128, 132

bone, basilar part 124, 126, 127, 275 bone, lateral part 62, 63, 124 bone, squamous part of occipital bone 63 border 40


condyle 39, 43, 59, 61, 128

margin 49 plane 39 region 210, 253


frontal belly 211 - 214 occipital belly 212, 213, 214, 230

Occipitomastoid suture 61

Oesophageal hiatus 293, 294, 306

Oesophagus 236, 238, 252, 293 Olecranon 10, 74, 81, 146, 147, 149, 153, 154, 332, 348, 353, 360, 362, 365 - 367 fossa 78, 80, 146, 147, 152

Omoclavicular triangle; Subclavian triangle

210, 250

Omohyoid 234, 237, 238, 240, 248, 250 - 252

inferior belly 234 - 236, 246, 250, 298, 336,

337, 349, 350 superior belly 232, 234 - 236, 246, 250, 298

superior belly and inferior belly 239 Omohyoid; Tendon 239 Opening of sphenoidal sinus 44, 67, 69 Opponens

digiti minimi 358, 376 - 380, 381, 383, 386, 387, 393, 394, 400, 462 - 464, 466, 468

pollicis 159, 358, 375, 376, 378 - 380, 381, 383, 386, 387, 394, 400


canal 45, 60, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69 nerve [II] 228


cavity 68, 71 region 210


oculi 211 - 214, 229 oculi, lacrimal part 216, 230 oculi, orbital part 216, 230 oculi, palpebral part 216

oris 211 - 215, 217, 230

oris, labial part 215

Orbit 9, 37, 71, 221 floor 65


part 41, 42, 66, 214 plate 50, 51

plate, ethmoidal labyrinth 69 process 55, 66 region 210

surface 42, 44, 53, 55, 57, 66

surface; Sphenoid; Sphenoidal bone, greater wing 37

tubercle 57 Oropharynx 228 Os trigonum 106

Outdoor tibia 106 Outer lip 167

Overnavicular bone 106



bone 39, 59, 66, 68 bone, horizontal plate 61, 63, 67 - 69 bone, perpendicular plate 71, 73 bone, pyramidal process 65, 67, 72, 73 grooves 54

process 53, 54, 61, 65, 71

spines 54

torus 54 Palatoglossus 215, 241 Palm; Palmar region 329 Palmar

aponeurosis 353, 356, 374, 375, 397, 398

carpometacarpal ligaments 158

intercarpal ligaments 158

interossei 378, 382, 385 - 387, 463, 465

interossei [II, III] 380


interossei [I-III] 383

interosseus [I] 400

interosseus [II] 384, 400

interosseus [III] 400

interosseus [IV] 384

interosseus [V] 384

ligaments 158, 383

metacarpal arteries 400

metacarpal ligaments 158, 397

radiocarpal ligament 156, 158, 161

radioulnar ligament 155, 158

surfaces of fingers 329

ulnocarpal ligament 156, 158


brevis 353, 374, 375, 377 longus 331, 349, 353, 354, 356, 369, 370, 374

longus; Tendon 370, 371, 373, 375, 397, 399 Palpebral part 214 Pampiniform plexus 312 Papilla of parotid duct 215 Paraumbilical veins 300, 314 Parietal

abdominal fascia; Endoabdominal fascia 275

bone 10, 37 - 39, 47, 58, 59, 62, 63, 219

foramen 40, 58 margin 41, 49 notch 49

peritoneum 299, 301, 314 pleura 286 pleura, costal part 301 pleura, diaphragmatic part 301 region 210, 253

tuber; Parietal eminence 40, 62, 63


duct 213, 214

gland 228, 229, 235, 246, 247

region 210

Patella 9, 90, 91, 95, 180, 181, 182, 187,

414 - 416, 418, 420, 424, 434, 437, 445, 446

articular surface 183


ligament 179 - 181, 182, 184, 185, 187, 189, 414 - 416, 418, 420, 421, 434, 436, 445

surface 94 - 96, 182, 186 surface of femur 183 Pecten pubis; Pectineal line 93, 165, 167,

169, 324, 405


line; Spiral line 94 - 96, 170

Pectineus 176, 288, 289, 298, 328, 403, 412, 413, 415, 419, 421, 423 - 426, 430, 431


fascia 248, 281 region 329


major 207, 278, 280, 282, 283, 288, 290, 298, 331, 332, 337, 343, 344, 345, 349

major, abdominal part 279, 295, 332 major, clavicular head 279, 281, 282, 349,

major, sternocostal head 246, 279, 281, 282, 295

minor 281, 282, 285, 288, 298, 337, 343, 345, 349

Pedicle 19, 22, 23, 28, 121, 123, 275 Pelvis 13, 14

girdle 90

surface 30, 31, 165 Penis 315 Pericranium 213 Perineal

artery 327

body 316, 322, 323, 324


fascia; Superficial investing fascia of

perineum; Deep perineal fascia 322,

323, 325 - 327

membrane 323 nerves 327

raphe 315, 325, 326 region 315, 402

Perineum 315 Periosteum 251, 401 Peritoneum 275 Perpendicular plate 50, 51, 55

Pes anserinus 415, 416, 418, 420, 421, 427 (Sartorius; Tendon; Gracilis; Tendon;

Semitendinosus; Tendon) 434 Petrosquamous fissure 49 Petrotympanic fissure 48 Petrous part 47 - 49

Phalanges 9, 13, 14, 74, 83, 102 [II] 201

Pharyngeal tubercle 43, 59 Piriform

aperture 37, 62, 67 fossa; Piriform recess 251

Piriformis 284, 288, 316, 317, 319 - 321, 324, 405, 409, 411, 413, 415, 418, 419, 421 - 423, 425, 427, 428, 430

Tendon 431

Pisiform 10, 83, 85, 86, 158, 159, 160, 161, 356, 358, 377, 378, 381, 382, 397


aponeurosis 192, 201, 203, 195, 456 - 458, 460, 462, 463, 467, 468

calcaneocuboid ligament; Short plantar ligament 200

calcaneonavicular ligament; Spring ligament

192, 193, 198 - 200, 201, 203

cuboideonavicular ligament 198 - 200 cuneocuboid ligament 199 cuneonavicular ligaments 198 intercuneiform ligaments 199 interossei 434, 457, 463, 466 interosseus [I] 468 interosseus [II] 468 interosseus [III] 458, 459, 461, 468 interosseus [IV] 460 ligaments 198, 202, 463 metatarsal ligaments 198 - 200 surfaces of toes 402 tarsal ligaments 200 tarsometatarsal ligaments 199, 200 tendinous sheath of fibularis longus; Plantar tendinous sheath of peroneus longus

calcaneocuboid ligament; Short plantar ligament 199

Plantaris 420, 422, 427, 428, 430, 438,

439 - 441, 444, 450 Tendon 439, 448 Platysma 211, 212, 214, 215, 217, 228, 230,

232, 233, 243, 248 - 251


artery and vein 180 fossa 403

surface 94

Popliteus 179, 180, 188, 428, 429, 439 - 441, 444

Popliteus; Tendon 184, 189 Posterior

arch 16, 17, 128 - 131


arch, posterior tubercle 127 articular facet 18, 129, 453 atlantooccipital membrane 124, 125, 127,

128, 131

attachment of linea alba 291, 298

belly 214, 242

border 81, 82, 98, 153, 366

calcaneal articular facet 105, 106, 109 cervical region 210, 253 clinoid process 45, 60 commissure 315

compartment of leg; Flexor compartiment of leg, superficial part 450

compartment of leg; Flexor compartment of leg, deep part 450

cruciate ligament 180, 181, 184 - 187, 188, 430

cutaneous nerve of thigh; Posterior femoral

cutaneous nerve 431 ethmoidal foramen 51, 64, 69 femoral intermuscular septum 433 fontanelle 62, 63 gluteal line 166, 409

inferior iliac spine 92, 165, 166, 170, 429 intercostal arteries 292 intermuscular septum of leg 448 - 450 interosseous nerve 370 lacrimal crest 52, 216 layer 275

ligament of fibular head 181, 182

longitudinal ligament 121 - 124, 127 - 129

meniscofemoral ligament 181, 184, 185

nasal spine 55, 69, 73

process 105, 110

process, lateral tubercle 109

process, medial tubercle 109

process; Sphenoid process 68

region of arm 253, 330

region of elbow 330

region of forearm 330

region of knee 402

region of thigh 253, 402

region of wrist 330

region ol leg 402

sacral foramina 15, 30, 31, 166, 407 sacroiliac ligament 162, 168, 172, 173, 407 sternoclavicular ligament 138 superior iliac spine 90, 92, 93, 162, 166, 168,

170, 172, 173, 319, 321, 322, 406,

407, 412, 414, 429 surface 76, 97, 98, 153, 154, 191

surface of fibula 443 surface of tibia 443

talar articular surface 105, 106, 109, 110, 453

talocrural region; Posterior ankle region 402

talofibular ligament 193

tibial artery 450

tibial artery and veins 448

tibial veins 450

tibiofibular ligament 193

tibiotalar part 193

tubercle 16, 17, 19, 20, 124, 126, 130, 133

Prepuce of clitoris 315, 326 Presternal region 277


Pretracheal layer 249, 290

Prevertebral layer 247 Procerus 211

Profunda brachii artery; Deep artery of arm

351, 352

Promontory 15, 29, 30, 162, 165, 167, 169, 172, 320, 404, 415, 418, 424


quadratus 355, 357, 371, 376, 378, 394, 395 teres 331, 332, 343, 345, 353, 356, 358, 359, 368 - 370

teres, humeral head 349, 355 teres, ulnar head 349


palmar digital arteries 401 palmar digital nerves 397, 401

Prostate 314, 328


interphalangeal joint 158

phalanx 9, 102, 156, 157 - 158, 159, 203, 384, 397

phalanx [I] 83, 99 - 101, 193, 194, 202, 196,

381, 398

phalanx [I], base of phalanx 366

phalanx [II] 83, 382

phalanx [V] 99 - 101, 454 phalanx [V], base of phalanx 365 phalanx, base of phalanx 381 radioulnar joint 146, 150, 153, 154, 369

major 275, 288, 293, 297, 300, 306, 307, 314, 404, 405, 411, 415, 418, 419, 421, 423, 425

minor 293, 300, 306, 404, 411, 418

minor; Tendon 405


canal 44, 45, 69, 73 fossa 44, 45, 66, 67, 73

fovea 56

hamulus 44, 72, 119

process, lateral plate 44, 45, 59, 67, 69, 72,

73, 118, 119 process, medial plate 44, 45, 59, 61, 67, 69,

71, 73, 118

Pterygomandibular raphe 215 Pterygopalatine fossa 64, 72 Pterygospinous

ligament 118, 119 process 69


arch (90-100°) 168 region 277

symphysis 9, 162, 164, 165, 167, 168, 172,

297, 305, 316 - 320, 322, 327, 328,

404, 405 - 407, 415, 418 tubercle 91 - 93, 165, 167, 170, 172, 297,

306, 318, 319, 321, 322, 327, 404,

Pubis 9, 166, 176

body 92 Pubococcygeus 317 - 320, 406 Pubofemoral ligament 172, 174, 176 Puborectalis 317, 319, 320, 322, 406 Pudendal nerve 327, 328

Pyramidal process 55, 66, 69, 73

Pyramidalis 281, 288, 295, 296, 297 - 300, 307



femoris 182, 273, 409, 411, 422, 423, 427,

428, 430, 431 lumborum 266, 273, 275, 288, 292 - 293,


297, 300, 306, 307, 412

lumborum fascia 267

plantae; Flexor accessorius 195, 455,

459 - 463, 466

Quadriceps femoris 403, 417, 423, 425, 436

Tendon 180, 182, 184, 189, 416



artery 557, 572, 370, 371, 373, 399

collateral ligament 147 - 151, 156 collateral ligament of wrist joint 157 - 158 collateral ligament of wrist jont 159 eminence 161

fossa 78, 79, 146, 150

groove; Groove for radial nerve 78, 79, 348

nerve 351, 352, 369, 370 notch 81, 150, 154

styloid process 74, 82, 84 - 86, 153 - 156,

157, 158, 161, 367 tuberosity 82, 146, 147, 150, 153, 156, 345,

346, 356


ligament of head of rib 135, 136 sternocostal ligaments 137

Radius 9, 10, 13, 14, 74, 83 - 85, 146 - 151, 153, 156, 157 - 159, 160, 161, 332, 346, 362, 365 - 367, 369 - 372, 379, 380, 382, 383, 386

carpal articular surface 86, 155

Ramus 165, 315 - 317, 321, 327, 405 of mandible 56, 213, 229, 240, 242, 250

Rectococcygeus 318, 324

Rectum 176, 324, 328


abdominis 281, 289, 291, 294, 295 - 301, 303, 307, 311, 314, 412

abdominis; Tendinous intersection 295

capitis anterior 231, 244, 275

capitis lateralis 231, 244, 275

capitis posterior major 230, 231, 262, 266,

270 - 274

capitis posterior minor 230, 231, 262, 264,

266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274 femoris 176, 288, 289, 298, 328, 405,

412 - 419, 421, 422, 423, 425, 432, 433, 434, 445

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