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3.2: .


INeuroObject . . System.Object.

INeuralNetwork .


ISingleLayer .

IMultiLayer ISingleLayer



3.3: .

ILearn . INeuralNetwork , .

ILearningConfig , . , .

INeuroRandom . , , . , , [-5,5] .




3.4: .

IFunction , , IErrorFunction IActivation .

IDifferentiableActivation (,, ). .

IPartialErrorFunction , . , .

IFullErrorFunction . , , .


. , (, , ) . , System.Double.




2 : , .

100 [0,1]. 10 . , . . 7 . . . . . . 317 . 0,3265. , 15% , 93,5%. 770 .


ISingleLayer<double>[] layers = new ISingleLayer<double>[2];

layers[0] = new SingleLayer(100, 7, new Neuro.MLP.ActivateFunction.Sigmoid(), new Random());

layers[1] = new SingleLayer(7, 10, new Neuro.MLP.ActivateFunction.Relu(), new Random());

MultiLayer mLayer = new MultiLayer(layers);

DifferintiableLearningConfig config = new DifferintiableLearningConfig(new Neuro.MLP.ErrorFunction.HalfEuclid());

config.Step = 0.1;

config.OneImageMinError = 0.01;

config.MinError = 0.4;

config.MinChangeError = 0.0000001;

config.UseRandomShuffle = true;

config.MaxEpoch = 10000;

SimpleBackPropogation learn = new SimpleBackPropogation(config);

MultiLayerNeuralNetwork network = new MultiLayerNeuralNetwork(mLayer, learn);


network.Train(learningSet, testingSet);

network.Save("fsdf" +".json");

. , 16 . , 16 . 6 . 24 , RGB , 24 . , . 561 0,4543. , 15% , 97%. 600 .


ISingleLayer<double>[] layers = new ISingleLayer<double>[2];

layers[0] = new SingleLayer(24, 6, new Neuro.MLP.ActivateFunction.Sigmoid(), new Random());

layers[1] = new SingleLayer(6, 16, new Neuro.MLP.ActivateFunction.Relu(), new Random());

MultiLayer mLayer = new MultiLayer(layers);

DifferintiableLearningConfig config = new DifferintiableLearningConfig(new Neuro.MLP.ErrorFunction.HalfEuclid());

config.Step = 0.1;

config.OneImageMinError = 0.01;

config.MinError = 0.5;

config.MinChangeError = 0.0000001;

config.UseRandomShuffle = true;

config.MaxEpoch = 10000;

SimpleBackPropogation learn = new SimpleBackPropogation(config);

MultiLayerNeuralNetwork network = new MultiLayerNeuralNetwork(mLayer, learn);


network.Train(learningSet, testingSet);

network.Save("fsdf" +".json");

( ():



, , : , , , .

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2.2 - . 2, , 2.


3 : . .

4 : . . . . .


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6 : .


7 : .

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2 4

3 2

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5 . 5 .

6 2.2 , 2

7 ( 3 6 )




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, BitmapWorker.


, , . , , . , Image System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox, . .

, , . Compute MultiLayerNeyralNetwork, .

16 , , RGB . , char.

. \n , , , , \n. , Model.


ColorTo , 24 8 .

ColorToGray ( ). , ColorTo

ut .

RecalculateSize , .


Round , , .



Colors . , .

DefaultZoom , . , ( 1600 , , , )

Doublicate , . , , , .

3.7: .

ImagePath , .

Images < , >

IsChanged , . . .

SixteenColorMode . . , windows , .



Text . , .

UsePreworking . , . . , , .

3.9: .

WidthValue , .

. , , .

Content , , .

ChangeImage . . , .

ClearContent . .

PutImage , , . , , .

AssignEmptySimbol AssignFillSymbol . , .

FromColor ToColor RGB , .


3.10: # █ .








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4.4: .

4.5: , .



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ascii art. , , , . , . . : .

ascii art. , , , , .

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1) .. : ,

2) . habrahabr.

3) .. . . , , 2003.



public class SimpleBackPropogation: DifferintiableLearningConfig, ILearn<double>


public SimpleBackPropogation(DifferintiableLearningConfig config)

: base(config)





/// <summary>


/// </summary>

/// <param name="network"></param>

/// <param name="data"></param>

/// <param name="check"></param>

public void Train(INeuralNetwork<double> network, IList<NeuroImage<double>> data, IList<NeuroImage<double>> check)



MultiLayer net = network.Layer as MultiLayer;

this.CurrentEpoch = 0;

this.Succes = false;

double lastError = 0;

double[][] y = new double[data.Count][];




lastError = CurrentError;


if (UseRandomShuffle == true)


RandomShuffle(ref data);


for (int curr = 0; curr < data.Count; curr++)




y[curr] = network.Compute(data[curr].Input);


// , ,

// .


if (Compare(data[curr].Output, network.Layer[net.Layer.Length - 1].LastPulse) == true)






OutputLayerError(data, net, curr);






ModifyParametrs(data, net, curr);





ComputeError(data, network,y);



ComputeRegularizationError(data, net);



System.Console.WriteLine("Eposh #" + CurrentEpoch.ToString() +

" finished; current error is " + CurrentError.ToString()




while (CurrentEpoch < MaxEpoch && CurrentError > MinError &&

Math.Abs(CurrentError - lastError) > MinChangeError);


ComputeRecognizeError(check, network);





private void ComputeRecognizeError(IList<NeuroImage<double>> check, INeuralNetwork<double> network)


int accept = 0;

double LastError = 0;

RecogniseError = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < check.Count; i++)


double[] realOutput = network.Compute(check[i].Input);

double[] result = new double[realOutput.Length];

LastError = ErrorFunction.Compute(check[i].Output, realOutput);

RecogniseError += LastError;

double max = realOutput.Max();

int index = realOutput.ToList().IndexOf(max);

result[index] = 1;

if (ArrayCompare(result, check[i].Output) == true)





RecognisePercent = (double)accept / (double)check.Count;

RecogniseError /= 2;



public static bool ArrayCompare(double[] a, double[] b)


if (a.Length == b.Length)


for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)


if (a[i]!= b[i]) { return false; };


return true;


return false;



/// <summary>


/// </summary>

/// <param name="data"> </param>

/// <param name="net"></param>

private void ComputeRegularizationError(IList<NeuroImage<double>> data, MultiLayer net)


if (Math.Abs(Regularization - 0d) > Double.Epsilon)


double reg = 0;

for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < net.Layer.Length; layerIndex++)


for (int neuronIndex = 0; neuronIndex < net.Layer[layerIndex].Neuron.Length; neuronIndex++)


for (int weightIndex = 0; weightIndex < net.Layer[layerIndex].Neuron[neuronIndex].Weights.Length; weightIndex++)


reg += net.Layer[layerIndex].Neuron[neuronIndex].Weights[weightIndex] *





CurrentError += Regularization * reg / (2 * data.Count);




/// <summary>


/// </summary>

/// <param name="data"> </param>

/// <param name="network"></param>

private void ComputeError(IList<NeuroImage<double>> data, INeuralNetwork<double> network, double[][] realOutput)


int accept = 0;

double LastError = 0;

CurrentError = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)


LastError = ErrorFunction.Compute(data[i].Output, realOutput[i]);

CurrentError += LastError;


TeachPercent = (double)accept / (double)data.Count;

CurrentError /= 2;




/// <summary>


/// </summary>

/// <param name="data"> </param>

/// <param name="net"></param>

/// <param name="curr"> </param>

private void ModifyParametrs(IList<NeuroImage<double>> data, MultiLayer net, int curr)


for (int i = net.Layer.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)//


for (int j = 0; j < net[i].Neuron.Length; j++)//


double temp = Step * net[i].Neuron[j].CurrentError

* net[i].Neuron[j].ActivationFunction.Derivative(net[i].Neuron[j].LastPulse);

net[i].Neuron[j].Offset += temp;

for (int k = 0; k < net[i].Neuron[j].Weights.Length; k++)//



if (i == 0)


net[i].Neuron[j].Weights[k] -= temp

* data[curr].Input[k] + Regularization * net[i].Neuron[j].Weights[k] / data.Count;




net[i].Neuron[j].Weights[k] -= temp

* net[i - 1].Neuron[k].LastState + Regularization * net[i].Neuron[j].Weights[k] / data.Count;







/// <summary>


/// </summary>

/// <param name="net"></param>

private static void HiddenlayerError(MultiLayer net)


for (int k = net.Length - 2; k >= 0; k--)



for (int j = 0; j < net[k].Neuron.Length; j++)


net.Layer[k].Neuron[j].CurrentError = 0;


for (int i = 0; i < net[k + 1].Neuron.Length; i++)


//errorj = sum_for_i(errori * F'(Sj) * wij)

net.Layer[k].Neuron[j].CurrentError += net.Layer[k + 1].Neuron[i].CurrentError

* net.Layer[k + 1].Neuron[i].Weights[j] *

net.Layer[k + 1].Neuron[i].ActivationFunction.Derivative(net.Layer[k + 1].Neuron[i].LastPulse);







/// <summary>


/// </summary>

/// <param name="data"> </param>

/// <param name="net"></param>

/// <param name="curr"> </param>


private void OutputLayerError(IList<NeuroImage<double>> data, MultiLayer net, int curr)


int last = net.Layer.Length - 1;


for (int j = 0; j < net.Layer[last].Neuron.Length; j++)


net.Layer[last].Neuron[j].CurrentError = 0;

net.Layer[last].Neuron[j].CurrentError = ErrorFunction.Derivative(net.Layer[last].Neuron[j].LastState, data[curr].Output[j]);




private void RandomShuffle(ref IList<NeuroImage<double>> data)


Random gen = new Random();

int ind1, ind2;

for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)


ind1 = gen.Next(0, data.Count);

ind2 = gen.Next(0, data.Count);

Swap(data, ind1, ind2);




private void Swap(IList<NeuroImage<double>> data, int ind1, int ind2)


NeuroImage<double> temp = data[ind1];

data[ind1] = data[ind2];

data[ind2] = temp;



private bool Compare(double[] p1, double[] p2)


double error = 0.0;

for (int i = 0; i < p1.Length; i++)


error += (p1[i] - p2[i]) * (p1[i] - p2[i]);


error /= 2;

if (error < OneImageMinError)

return true;


return false;








private void cloudButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)






source.Text = null;


() =>


Bitmap image = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Image);

if (System.IO.File.Exists("SymbolRecognise.json") == false)


MessageBox.Show("! SymbolRecognise.json");



if (System.IO.File.Exists("ColorRecognise.json") == false)


MessageBox.Show("! ColorRecognise.json");



var SymbolNetwork = Neuro.MLP.MultiLayerNeuralNetwork.Load("SymbolRecognise.json");

var ColorNetwork = Neuro.MLP.MultiLayerNeuralNetwork.Load("ColorRecognise.json");


System.Drawing.Size blockSize = new Size(10, 10);

System.Drawing.Size metrics = Work.BitmapWorker.Round(image.Size, blockSize);

if (source.DefaultZoom == true)



metrics = Work.BitmapWorker.RecalculateSize(image.Size, source.WidthValue);

image = Work.BitmapWorker.Zoom(image, metrics);


if (image.Height % blockSize.Height!= 0)


metrics = Work.BitmapWorker.Round(image.Size, blockSize);

image = Work.BitmapWorker.Resize(image, metrics);



int blockPerLine = Convert.ToInt32((float)image.Width / (float)blockSize.Width);

int BlockAmount = Convert.ToInt32((float)image.Width / (float)blockSize.Width * (float)image.Height / (float)blockSize.Height);

double[] input = new double[100];

Bitmap ImageToEncoding;

if (source.UsePreworking == true)

ImageToEncoding = Work.BitmapWorker.ColorToGray(image);


ImageToEncoding = image;

Bitmap temp, encodeTemp;

Rectangle rect;

for (int i = 0; i < BlockAmount; i++)


rect = GetBlockRect(image, i);

temp = Work.BitmapWorker.Cut(image, rect);

encodeTemp = Work.BitmapWorker.Cut(ImageToEncoding, rect);


if (source.SixteenColorMode == true)







source.Colors.Add(temp.GetPixel(5, 5));


input = CreateInput(encodeTemp);


var res = SymbolNetwork.Compute(input);

double max = res.Max();

int index = res.ToList().IndexOf(max);

source.Text += source.Images[index];


if (source.Doublicate)


source.Text += source.Images[index];




if (i % blockPerLine == blockPerLine - 1)

source.Text += '\n';


Form2 dlg = new Form2(source.Text, source.Colors);



toolStripProgressBar1.ProgressBar.InvokeIfRequired(() =>


// Do anything you want with the control here










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