







to abolish[tu q'bOlIS] , ,
account[q'kaunt] , ,
accountancy (UK)[q'kauntqnsI] accounting (US)[q'kauntIN] ,
accumulation of capital [q"kjHmju'leIS(q)n qv 'kxpItl] ( )
to acquire[tu q'kwaIq] 1) , ; 2) ; 3) ()
activity[xk'tIvItI] 1) ; 2) , (, )
adequate['xdIkwIt] 1) , ; 2) ; 3)
adherence[qd'hIqr(q)ns] ,
to adopt[tu q'dOpt] 1) ; 2)
to advocate[tu 'xdvqkeIt] 1) , ; 2) ; 3)
agent['eIdZ(q)nt] 1) , ; 2) , ; ; 3) ,
aid[eId] 1) , ; 2)
to allege[tu q'ledZ] 1) (. ); 2) , ; 3) ; 4)
allocation of resources ["xlOu'keIS(q)n qv rI'sLsIz]
analyses . . analysis [q'nxlqsIs] 1) , , ; 2) ; 3)
applicable['xplIkqbl] 1) , , ; 2)
to apply[tu q'plaI] 1) ( ); 2) ; 3) (), (to); 4)
appraisal[q'preIz(q)l] 1) ; ; 2) , ; 3)
approach[q'prOutS] , ,
to argue[tu 'RgjH] 1) , , , ; 2) ; 3)
to ascertain[tu "xsq'teIn] 1) ; ; 2) ( )
assassination[q"sxsI'neIS(q)n] 1) ; 2) , ; 3)
to assert[tu q'sWt] , , , (, )
assertion[q'sWS(q)n] , (, )
assets['xsets] , , , ,
assumption[q'sAmpS(q)n] 1) (, , , ); 2) , ,
assurance[q'Suqr(q)ns] , , ,
to attest[tu q'test] , ,
balance of payments['bxlqns qv 'peImqnts] , ( , )
bank deposit[bxNk dI'pOzIt] ,
to bargain[tu 'bRgIn] 1) ; 2) , ; 3) ; 4) , (for),
basis['beIsIs] , ;
to be bound[tu bJ baund]
bias['baIqs] 1) , ; ; 2) , , ,
blackmail['blxkmeIl] , , ,
bonus['bOunqs] 1) , ; 2) ; 3)
book-keeping(=bookkeeping)[buk'kJpIN] ,
to borrow[tu 'bOrOu] , , , ( )
bourgeois['buqZwR] ,
budget restriction['bAdZIt rIs'trIkS(q)n] = budget limitation ,
bulk[bAlk] 1) ; 2) ; 3) ,
capacity[kq'pxsItI] ,
capital assets['kxpItl 'xsets] [], [] ,
capital flow['kxpItl flOu] , ,
capital goods['kxpItl gudz] 1) ; 2)
capital offense (offence (UK))['kxpItl q'fens] 1) ; 2) ,
to carry out[tu 'kxrI'aut] , , ;
to cause[tu kLz] 1) , , ; 2)
charge[tSRdZ] 1) , , ; ; ( ); ; 2) [] ; , ; , ( )
chattel['tSxtl] 1) ; 2) , ,
to cheat[tu tSJt] , ;
to cite[tu saIt] 1) , ; ; 2) ()
civil liberties['sIvl 'lIbqtIz] ( , )
claim[kleIm] 1) ; 2) , ; 3) ,
to claim responsibility [tu kleIm rIs"pOnsq'bIlItI] ( )
close[klOus] 1) ( ); 2) ( )
to coerce[tu kOu'Ws] ,
coercion[kOu'WS(q)n] 1) , , 2) ;
coercive[kOu'WsIv] ,
coinage['kOInIdZ] 1) ; 2) ; 3)
collapse[kq'lxps] , , , ,
collateral[kO'lxt(q)r(q)l] , (, ),
commerce['kOmq(:)s] 1) (); 2)
commensurate[kq'menS(q)rIt] , , ,
commodity[kq'mOdItI] , ( , )
Common Market['kOmqn 'mRkIt] ( )
common practice['kOmqn 'prxktIs]
Commonwealth of Nations ['kOmqnwelT qv 'neIS(q)nz] ( , . 50 ; , , , )
compatible[kqm'pxtqbl] ,
to compete[tu kqm'pJt] , ,
competition["kOmpI'tIS(q)n] , ,
compliance[kqm'plaIqns] ,
to comply with[tu kqm'plaI wID]
compulsory[kqm'pAls(q)rI] ,
to condemn[tu kqn'dem] 1) , ; 2) ,
conscious['kOnSqs] , ;
consequence['kOnsIkwqns] ,
concession[kqn'seS(q)n] 1) ; 2)
to consider[tu kqn'sIdq] 1) , ; 2) , ; 3) ,
consistent[kqn'sIst(q)nt] 1) ; 2) ; 3) ;
consumer[kqn'sjHmq] ,
consumerism[kqn'sjHmqrIz(q)m] 1) ; 2)
consumption[kqn'sAmpS(q)n] 1) ; , , ; 2)
contributor[kqn'trIbjutq] ,
controversial["kOntrq'vWS(q)l] , , , ,
copyright law['kOpIraIt lL] ,
corporation["kLpq'reIS(q)n] , ,
corporation tax["kLpq'reIS(q)n txks] corporate income tax ['kLp(q)rIt 'InkAm txks] , , (, ( , ))
corvee['kLveI] 1) ; 2) ,
counsel['kauns(q)l] ; ,
to credit[tu 'kredIt] 1) , ; 2) ; 3) (-. -. )
credit history['kredIt 'hIst(q)rI] , ( ( ))
criteria[kraI'tIqrIq] (. . criterion[kraI'tIqrIqn])
currency['kAr(q)nsI] , ,
customs union['kAstqmz 'jHnjqn]
de facto['dJ'fxktOu] -, , ,
defensive[dI'fensIv] , , , , ,
delay[dI'leI] , , , ,
to deny[tu dI'naI] 1) , ; 2) , () -.
to deposit[tu dI'pOzIt] 1) , , , ; 2)
depreciation[dI"prJSI'eIS(q)n] ( , )
to derive[tu dI'raIv] , , (from)
derogation["derOu'geIS(q)n] 1) (); 2) (, )
to destroy[tu dIs'trOI] , , , ,
detractor[dI'trxktq] , ,
to the detriment of[tu Dq 'detrImqnt qv] -.
devastating['devqsteItIN] ,
developing countries[dI'velqpIN 'kAntrIz]
direct[dI'rekt] [daI'rekt] ,
direct relationship[dI'rekt rI'leIS(q)nSIp]
disaster[dI'zRstq] ,
discharge[dIs'tSRdZ] 1) , ; 2) ,
disclosure[dIs'klOuZq] ; (); ,
discrepancy[dIs'krep(q)nsI] , ,
disparity[dIs'pxrItI] 1) ; 2) ,
dispute settlement[dIs'pjHt 'setlmqnt] ( , )
disruption[dIs'rApS(q)n] 1) , , , ; 2) ,
to distribute[tu dIs'trIbju(:)t] 1) , 2) 3) 4) ,
distribution["dIstrI'bjHS(q)n] 1) , ; ; 2) ,
diverse[daI'vWs] , , , ;
dividend['dIvIdend] ( , ; )
domestic currency[dOu'mestIk 'kAr(q)nsI] (, )
to drain[tu dreIn] , ,
drastically['drxstIkqlI] ,
drawings['drLINz] ( , )
to earn[tu Wn] 1) ; 2)
economic activity["Jkq'nOmIk xk'tIvItI]
economic development ["Jkq'nOmIk dI'velqpmqnt]
economic sanctions ["Jkq'nOmIk 'sxNkS(q)nz]
economics["Jkq'nOmIks] , , , ,
in effect[In I'fekt] , ,
effort['efqt] , ,
egalitarian[I"gxlI'tFqrIqn] ,
electoral rights[I'lekt(q)r(q)l raIts]
embargo[em'bRgOu] , ,
to embody[tu Im'bOdI] 1) , , , ; 2) , ( )
emergence[I'mWdZ(q)ns] ,
employer[Im'plOIq] , ,
to encourage[tu In'kArIdZ] ,
to enforce[In'fLs] 1) , , , ; 2) ( . .),
enforceable[In'fLsqbl] 1) ; 2) ; 3)
enforcement[In'fLsmqnt] , ,
to engage[tu In'geIdZ] 1) (, , ); 2) -. (in/on/with); 3) (oneself)
to enhance[tu In'hRns] (, , , ), , ,
enormous[I'nLmqs] , , ,
enterprise['entqpraIz] 1) (, ); 2) ; 5) ,
entitlement[In'taItlmqnt] 1) -.; 2) ; 3)
entity['entItI] 1) , ; 2) [-] ( ; . , )
equity['ekwItI] ,
established[Is'txblISt] 1) ; ; 2)
establishment[Is'txblISmqnt] 1) , , ; 2) , ; 3) , ; 4)
European Central Bank ["juqrq'pI(:)qn 'sentr(q)l bxNk] ( , 1998 . - )
European Economic Community ["juqrq'pI(:)qn "Jkq'nOmIk kq'mjHnItI] ( (, , , , , , , , , , , ), 1957)
European Investment Bank ["juqrq'pI(:)qn In'vestmqnt bxNk]
European Union["juqrq'pI(:)qn 'jHnIqn] ( 12- , 1 1993 .
evaluating [I'vxljueItIN]
evidence['evId(q)ns] 1) ; 2) , ; 3)
to evidence[tu 'evId(q)ns] 1) , ; 2) , , ; 3) ,
to exact[tu Ig'zxkt] 1) (); 2) ; 3)
to exaggerate[tu Ig'zxdZqreIt] 1) , ; 2)
to examine[tu Ig'zxmIn] 1) , ; 2) ; 3)
to exceed[tu Ik'sJd] ,
excess[Ik'ses] ,
exchange rates[Iks'tSeIndZ reIts] ,
excise tax[ek'saIz txks] ( , )
to exhibit[tu Ig'zIbIt] ,
to expand[tu Iks'pxnd] 1) (), () ; 2) ()
expenditure[Iks'pendItSq] , , ( (, , . .)
extent[Iks'tent] 1) ; 2) , ; 3)
externalities["ekstW'nxlItIz] , ( , /, /)
extra['ekstrq] 1) , ; 2) , ; 3)
to facilitate[tu fq'sIlIteIt] , , ,
famine['fxmIn] 1) , ; 2) (-.)
to favor (favour (UK))[tu 'feIvq] 1) ; 2) ; 3) , ; 4)
financial accounting[faI'nxnS(q)l q'kauntIN] ( , , )
financial statement(s) [faI'nxnS(q)l 'steItmqnt(s)]
financial market[faI'nxnS(q)l 'mRkIt] ( , , )
findings['faIndINz] ,
to fire[tu 'faIq] ,
flat[flxt] 1) , ; 2)
to fluctuate[tu 'flAktjueIt] 1) (), ; 2) ( , )
to forge[tu fLdZ] ,
to foster[tu 'fOstq] , , ,
fraud[frLd] ;
free market[frJ 'mRkIt] ,
to frighten[tu 'fraItn] ,
full employment[ful Im'plOImqnt]
funds[fAndz] , ()
to furnish[tu 'fWnIS] (with); ,
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) ['dZen(q)r(q)l q'grJmqnt On 'txrIfs qnd treId] ( 23 30.10.1947 . 1995 )
to generate[tu 'dZenqreIt] 1) , , ; 2) , ,
goods and services[gudz qnd 'sWvIsIz]
to gouge[tu gaudZ] , ;
governmental authorities ["gAv(q)n'mentl L'TOrItIz]
gross domestic product (GDP)[grOus dOu'mestIk 'prOdAkt] , ( , ( ), )
guerrilla warfare[gq'rIlq 'wLfFq]
health care[helT kFq]
hence[hens] 1) ; 2) ; 3)
heritage['herItIdZ] ,
heterogeneous['hetqrOu'dZJnjqs] , , , ,
to highlight[tu 'haIlaIt]
Holy See['hOulI sJ] , ,
home rule[hOum rHl] ,
homemaker['hOum"meIkq] ,
household['haushOuld] , , ( )
human rights['hjHmqn raIts]
ills[Ilz] , ,
impact['Impxkt] 1) , ; 2) ,
to implement[tu ImplImqnt] ,
to impose[Im'pOuz] 1) (, , ) (on/upon); 2) (); 3) ; 4)
inaccessible["Inxk'sesqbl] , , ,
incentive[In'sentIv] 1) , ; 2)
income['InkAm] , ;
income statement['InkAm 'steItment] ( , , , )
income tax['InkAm txks]
indigenous[In'dIdZInqs] , ,
indirect["IndI'rekt] 1) ; 2)
to induce[tu In'djHs] 1) , , ; 2)
industrial revolution [In'dAstrIql "revq'lHS(q)n]
inevitable[In'evItqbl] ,
information technology ["Infq'meIS(q)n tek'nOlqdZI] (= infotech) (IT) (, , , , , )
ingot['INgqt] ; ,
inherent[In'hIqr(q)nt] 1) , ; 2) ,
inheritance[In'herIt(q)ns] , ,
initial[I'nIS(q)l] ,
insider trading['In'saIdq 'treIdIN] , () ( -)
instant['Instqnt] , ,
to institute[tu 'InstItjHt] 1) , ; 2)
institutionalize["InstI'tjHSqnqlaIz] 1) , ; 2) ( , , )
integrity[In'tegrItI] , , ,
intellectual property["IntI'lektjuql 'prOpqtI] ( (industrial property) , (copyrightable subject-matter))
intellectual property rights ["IntI'lektjuql 'prOpqtI raIts] ( , )
intended use[In'tendId jHs]
interest['IntrIst] 1) , ; 2) , ; 3) , ; 4) ( ),
interest group['IntrIst grHp] , , ,
intergovernmental organization ['Intq"gAv(q)n'mentl "LgqnaI'zeISqn]
interim['IntqrIm] ,
internal control[In'tWnl kqn'trqul] ( , )
international law["Intq(:)'nxSqnl lL]
International Monetary Fund ["Intq(:)'nxSqnl 'mAnIt(q)rI fAnd] , ( - , 1944 . )
interrogation[In"terOu'geIS(q)n] ( )
intervention["Intq(:)'venS(q)n] 1) , ; 2) ; 3)
innovation["InOu'veIS(q)n] 1) , ; 2)
inventory['InvqntrI] , ,
investment fund[In'vestmqnt fAnd] 1) (, ()); 2) [] ( , )
invoice['InvOIs] , , -,
to involve[tu In'vOlv] 1) , ; 2)
involvement[In'vOlvmqnt] , ( -. - in; with)
issue['ISH] 1) , ; 2) (),
to issue[tu 'ISH] 1) , ; 2) ; 3)
to join[tu dZOIn] 1) () 2) () 3)
judgment['dZAdZmqnt] 1) ; 2) ; 3)
in kind[InkaInd] ( , )
to label[tu 'leIbl] 1) , , . .; 2) , -. ; , (as)
labor (US) (labour (UK))['leIbq] ,
latitude['lxtItjHd] 1) ; 2) , ; 3)
to lay out the principles[tu leI aut Dq 'prInsqplz]
to lease[tu lJs] 1) , ; 2) ,
legal entity['lIg(q)l 'entItI]
legal recognition ['lJg(q)l "rekqg'nIS(q)n] ,
legal sense['lJg(q)l sens]
legal system['lJg(q)l 'sIstIm] 1) ; 2)
legal tender['lJg(q)l 'tendq]
legitimate[lI'dZItImIt] 1) ; 2)
levy['levI] 1) ; 2) ; 3) (); 4) ()
liabilities["laIq'bIlItIz] , ,
life expectancy[laIf Iks'pekt(q)nsI]
to liquidate[tu 'lIkwIdeIt] 1) (., ); 2) ; 3) , ()
loan[lOun] , ,
Maastricht treaty[mR'strIht 'trJtI] ( , 7 1992 . 1957 .)
machinery[mq'SJnqrI] 1) , , ; 2) ; 3) ( . .)
magnitude['mxgnItjHd] 1) , ; 2)
mainstream['meInstrJm] , ,
management['mxnIdZmqnt] 1) , , ; 2) ; 3) ; 4)
manufacturer["mxnju'fxktS(q)rq] 1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5)
market place['mRkIt pleIs] 1) ; ( ); 2) ( , - ())
markup['mRkAp] 1) ( ); 2) ( , )
means of payment[mJnz qv 'peImqnt]
means of production[mJnz Ov prq'dAkS(q)n]
by means of[baI mJnz qv]
measure['meZq] 1) , , ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5)
to meet the needs[tu mJt Dq nJdz]
Middle East['mIdl Jst]
militant['mIlIt(q)nt] ,
minimum wage['mInImqm weIdZ]
ministerial meeting["mInIs'tIqrIql 'mJtIN]
to misguide[tu 'mIs'gaId] 1) ; 2)
to mitigate[tu 'mItIgeIt] , (, ; ), , (, ), (, )
mixed economy[mIkst I(:)'kOnqmI]
monetary policy['mAnIt(q)rI 'pOlIsI] - [, ] ( )
monopsony[mq'nOpsqnI] ,
most favoured nation [mOust 'feIvqd 'neIS(q)n] , ,
movement of capital['mHvmqnt qv 'kxpItl]
multinational corporation ['mAltI'nxSqnl "kLpq'reIS(q)n]
mutually beneficial['mjHtjuqlI "benI'fIS(q)l]
nation-state['neIS(q)n steIt] -,
national market['nxSqnl 'mRkIt]= domestic market[dOu'mestIk 'mRkIt] , ( , )
natural person['nxtSr(q)l 'pWsn] ( , () )
natural rate of unemployment ['nxtSr(q)l reIt qv 'AnIm'plOImqnt]
negotiating[nI'gOuSIeItIN] -
net loss[net lOs] , (, )
net profit[net 'prOfIt]
non-profit organization ["nOn'prOfIt "LgqnaI'zeISqn]
note[nOut] ,
notion['nOuS(q)n] 1) , , ; 2) , ,
novel['nOv(q)l] ; ,
objective[qb'dZektIv] , ,
to obligate['OblIgeIt] , (, . .)
obligation["OblI'geIS(q)n] , , ( -. , . .)
obtaining[qb'teInIN] ,
Ombudsman['Ombdzmqn] ( , )
oppression[q'preS(q)n] , , ,
to ordain[tu L'deIn] ,
order['Ldq] 1) ; ; ; ; ; ; 2) ( -. (. , ))
output['autput] 1) ; 2) ; 3) , , ; 4) ; 5) ,
outsider['aut'saIdq] , , ,
to overproduce[tu 'Ouvqprq'djHs] , ,
to oversee[tu 'Ouvq'sJ] 1) 2) ()
to overstate[tu 'Ouvq'steIt] 1) (); 2)
oversupply['Ouvqsq'plaI] ,
to overuse[tu "Ouvq'jHz] , ,
to owe[tuOu] 1) , -.; 2) ; 3) ()
ownership['OunqSIp] 1) ; 2) ; 3)
to part[tu pRt] 1) (), (); 2) ; 3)
passage['pxsIdZ] 1) , ; 2) ; 3) ()
patron['peItr(q)n] 1) , , , , , ; 2) ,
pattern['pxtqn] 1) , ; 2)
to pay debts[tu peI dets] ,
per annum[pqr'xnqm] ,
perfect information['pWfIkt "Infq'meIS(q)n]
performance[pq'fLmqns] , , ( );
permanent damage['pWmqnqnt 'dxmIdZ] ,
perpetrator['pWpItreItq] , , ,
perpetual[pq'petSuql] ,
personal possessions['pWsnl pq'zeS(q)nz]
planned economy[plxnd I(:)'kOnqmI] ,
plot[plOt] 1) ; 2)
plutocracy[plH'tOkrqsI] ( , )
political freedom[pq'lItIk(q)l 'frJdqm]
Poll Tax[pOl txks] per capita tax[pW'kxpItq txks] capitation tax["kxpI'teIS(q)n txks] ,
pollution[pq'lHS(q)n] ( )
pool[pHl] 1) ; 2) ; 3) ( )
poverty['pOvqtI] , , ,
in practice[In 'prxktIs] 1) , ; 2)
precious['preSqs] ,
predecessor['prJdIsesq] ,
predominant[prI'dOmInqnt] , ,
price ceiling[praIs 'sJlIN] , ( )
price floor[praIs flL]
private enterprise['praIvIt 'entqpraIz]
private property['praIvIt 'prOpqtI]
privately owned['praIvItlI Ound]
privatization["praIvqtaI'zeIS(q)n] ,
proceeds['prOusJdz] , ,
production[prq'dAkS(q)n] , , , ( )
production level[prq'dAkS(q)n 'levl]
productive capacity [prq'dAktIv kq'pxsItI] ,
to proffer[tu 'prOfq] , ( )
progressive tax[prOu'gresIv txks]
progressive taxation [prOu'gresIv txk'seIS(q)n] ,
prominent['prOmInqnt] 1) ; 2) , ; 3)
to promote[tu prq'mOut] 1) , , ; 2) ; 3) -.
proper['prOpq] 1) , , ; 2) , ,
proponent[prq'pOunqnt] , ,
proprietary[prq'praIqt(q)rI] 1) ; 2) ; 3)
to prosper[tu 'prOspq] , ,
to provide[tu prq'vaId] 1) (with), ; 2) (for)
public finance['pAblIk faI'nxns] ;
public good['pAblIk gud]
punishment['pAnISmqnt] ,
purchase price['pWtSqs praIs] ,
to pursue[tu pq'sjH] 1) (); 2) ; 3) -., ( ); 4)
pursuit[pq'sjHt] 1) , ; 2) ; 3)
pursuit of profits [pq'sjHt qv 'prOfIts]
to qualify[tu 'kwOlIfaI] 1) (); 2) ; ; 3) ; 4) (); 5) () /; 6) ()
in question[In 'kwestS(q)n]
to raise[tu reIz] 1) (, . .), ; 2) , (); 3) ()
to range[tu reIndZ] , /, ,
rate[reIt] 1) , , , , , , ; 2) , ; 3) , , , ,
raw material(s)[rL mq'tIqrIql(z)]
realm[relm] 1) , ; 2) ,
reasonable['rJznqbl] 1) , ; 2) , ; 3) , , , , ( )
receipt[rI'sJt] ,
records['rekLdz] ,
to recover[tu rI'kAvq] 1) , , , ; 2) ; 3) 4) ; 5) ; 6) ( )
Red Cross[red krOs] ( , 1864 )
to refer[tu rI'fW] 1) , , ; 2) , ; 3) ; 4) , -
regime[reI'ZJm] , , ,
regulation["regju'leIS(q)n] 1) ; ; 2) ; ; ; ;
regulatory agencies ['regjuleItqrI 'eIdZ(q)nsIz]
to remedy[tu 'remIdI] 1) ; 2) ; 3)
to remit[tu rI'mIt] 1) , (); 2) ; 3) ( ); 4) ; 5) ( )
to render[tu 'rendq] 1) , ; 2) ; 3) (, ); 4)
to remunerate[tu rI'mjHnqreIt] , ,
requirement[rI'kwaIqmqnt] 1) ; 2) , ; 3)
to reside[tu rI'zaId] 1) , (-.), , (in, at); 2) , , (in)
resident['rezId(q)nt] ,
to resolve[tu rI'zOlv] 1) (); 2) ; 3) , ()
retail distributor['rIteIl dIs'trIbjutq]
to retain[tu rI'teIn] 1) ; 2) ; 3)
retaliatory measure[rI'txlIqt(q)rI 'meZq] , , ,
revenue['revInjH] ( [] ), ( )
review[rI'vjH] , ,
to review[tu rI'vjH] 1) ; 2) ; 3)
reward[rI'wLd] ,
rule of law[rHl qv lL] 1) , ; 2)
ruling['rHlIN] 1) ; 2) , (, )
sacred['seIkrId] ,
sales representative[seIlz"reprI'zentqtIv] 1) ; 2) ; 3)
sales tax[seIlz txks] () ( , )
to save[tu seIv] 1) , ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ()
scarcity['skFqsItI] , , ;
scope[skOup] 1) , ; 2) (); 3) ; , ; 4)
self-interest["self'IntqrIst] ,
self-supporting['selfsq'pOtIN] 1) , ; 2) ; 3)
signatory['sIgnqt(q)rI] ,
simultaneously["sIm(q)l'teInjqslI] , ,
to skew[tu skjH] 1) , , ; 2) ; 3) ,
social setting['sOuS(q)l 'setIN]
sole proprietorship[sOul prq'praIqtqSIp] ( )
solution[sq'lHS(q)n] , (, )
sovereign state['sOvrIn steIt]
to split[tu splIt] 1) (up), ; 2)
stagnant['stxgnqnt] 1) ; 2) ,
stand[stxnd] , ,
standard of living['stxndqd qv 'lIvIN] ,
to start a business[tu stRt q 'bIznIs] ,
stock[stOk] , , ; ,
stockholder['stOk"hOuldq] , ( , , . . )
success[s(q)k'ses] , ,
successive[s(q)k'sesIv] 1) ; 2) ; 3)
suicide bomber['sjuIsaId 'bOmq] -
supply and demand[sq'plaI qnd dI'mRnd]
to surmise[tu 'sWmaIz] , ,
to sustain[tu sqs'teIn] 1) , ; 2) ,
to target[tu 'tRgIt]
tax-deductible[txks dI'dAktqbl] [] [] ( , (., , . .))
tax evader (evador (UK))[txks i'veIdq] ,
tax fraud[txks frLd]
thereby['DFq'baI] 1) ; 2) ,
terrorist act['terqrIst xkt]
trade[treId] 1) ; 2) , ; 3) ; 4)
transaction[trxn'zxkS(q)n] ,
transborder data flow [trxnz'bLdq'deItq flOu] ( )
transfer['trxnsfq(:)] 1) , ; 2) (, ); 3) ( ); 4) ; 5) ()
transferability['trxnsfq(:)rqbIlItI] ;
treaty['trJtI] , ,
tribal['traIb(q)l] ,
to turn down[tu tWn daun] , (. )
ultimately['AltImItlI] ,
unanimity["jHnq'nImItI] ,
unavoidable["Anq'vOIdqbl] , ,
undue influence['An'djH 'Influqns] ,
unequivocal['AnI'kwIvqk(q)l] , , ,
uneven['An'Jv(q)n] 1) ; 2) ,
United Nations['ju'naItId 'neIS(q)nz]
universal suffrage["jHnI'vWs(q)l 'sAfrIdZ]
unjustifiably['An'dZAstIfaIqblI] , ,
unlawful['An'lLful] , , , ,
untamed[An'teImd] ,
usage['jHsIdZ] ; ; ;
valuation["vxlju'eIS(q)n] , ,
value['vxljH] 1) ; 2) , , ; 3) ; 4) ; 5)
Value Added Tax (VAT) ['vxljH 'xdId txks] () ( , , , . . , )
vehicle['vJIkl] 1) (. ); 2) , -.; ,
vice versa['vaIsI'vWsq] , ,

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