Applying for the position of* in TEZTOUR THAILAND
Date of birth: | 24/12/80 | Full years: |
Marital Status: | Single | Number of children: |
E-mail address: | |
Mobile telephone in your home country: | +79172666982 +66825969404 |
International Passport No.: | Expiry date: | 21/01/14 | |
Number of empty passport pages |
Postal address in your home country: | Tatarstan, Elabuga sity |
Actual address in your home country: | Tatarstan, Elabuga sity |
Residence in Thailand: | Pattaya soi Khopai |
Mobile telephone in Thailand: |
Next of kin (spouse / parents / children): |
First Name: | |
Surname: |
Telephone: | Mobile #: | Home #: | ||
Email: | ||||
Address: |
WORK EXPERIENCE (jobs, traineeship and probations) | ||||
Period | Employer (Company Name, Address, Country) | Job title | Reason for leaving | |
from | to | |||
20/12/11 | 20/03/12 | Travel company "Rung Rueng Tour", Pattaya, Cozy beach | Manager tour. Product | |
18/06/10 | 27/09/11 | Travel company "Skyline", Kazan, Chernyshevsky 7 | ||
15/07/09 | 23/05/10 | td. "The Leader of Kazan ', Kazan, str. Baumana, 51, GUM, 5th floor Tourism |
EDUCATION (Details of schools, colleges and universities attended and qualifications obtained) |
Dates | Educational institution | Document/certificate obtained | |
from | to | ||
01/09/98 | 20/05/05 | Kazan Branch of Moscow Power Engineering Institute | Specialty - Electrical Power Systems and Networks |
Other qualifications obtained |
01.09.2002 to 23.06.2005 Qualification - Specialist Kazan State Power Engineering University. Specialty - Tourism and International Relations |
Full name | Position | Company Name | Phone, email |
SKILLS (please put “ü” mark) |
P | Driving license, category (A, B) | Other (please specify) | |
P | Computer literacy | ¨ | |
P | Swimming | ¨ |
LANGUAGES (please put “ü” mark) |
Language/Level | None | Poor | Fair | Excellent |
Russian | P | |||
English | P | |||
Thai | P | |||
(If other, please specify) |
HOBBIES AND INTERESTS (please, specify) |
YOUR PERSONAL STRENGTHS (please, specify) |
OTHER (please put “ü” mark) |
Do you have any criminal record?
¨Yes PNo
Have you ever been arrested, charged, indicted, or summoned into court as a defendant in a criminal proceeding, or convicted, fined or imprisoned for the violation of any law (excluding minor traffic violations)?
¨Yes PNo
If yes, please, specify the reason: _________________________________________.
Do you have any allergies?
¨Yes PNo
What is your desired salary level? * 1500 USD
How did you know about this vacancy? _________________________________________.
When can you start working?
P Immediately ¨ In 1-2 weeks ¨ In 1 month ¨ On 29/09/yy
Would you agree to extended working hours and/or irregular working schedule?
¨Yes ¨No
I, the undersigned, confirm the accuracy and completeness of the above information. I fully understand that if any of the information above is found to be incorrect the Employer may cancel my Work Permit at any time.
I hereby undertake that I shall subject myself to a medical test including for HIV/AIDS within one month since my arrival in Thailand. In case I am found positive for HIV/AIDS I will leave Thailand at my own expense and will have no claims against the Employer.
Applicant’s Full Name __Kuznetsov Evgeny________