We define management as the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups, accomplish efficiently selected aims. This basic definition needs to be expanded.
1. As managers, people carry out the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
2. Management applies to any kind of organization.
3. It applies to managers at all organizational levels. Management applies to small and large organizations, to profit and not-for-profit enterprises, to manufacturing as well as service industries.
The term «enterprise» refers to business, government agencies, hospitals, universities, and other organizations. Effective managing is the concern of the corporation president, the hospital administrator, the government first line supervisor and the like.
Managers are charged with responsibility of taking actions that will make it possible for individuals to make their best contributions to group objectives.
The scope of authority held may vary and the types of problems dealt with may be considerably different. But the fact remains that, as managers, all obtain results by establishing an environment for effective group endeavour. Top-level managers spend more time on planning and organizing than lower-level managers.
Leading takes a great deal of time for first-line supervisors.
In a very real sense, in all kinds of organizations, whether business or nonbusiness, the logical and most desirable aim, of all managers should be a surplus – managers must establish an environment in which people can accomplish group goals with the least amount of time, money, materials and personal dissatisfaction, or where they can achieve as much as possible of a desired goal with available resources. In a nonbusiness enterprise, such as a police department or hospital, that are not responsible for total business profits, managers still have goals and should strive to accomplish as much as possible with available resources.
Active Vocabulary:
1. to design and maintain an environment – создавать и поддерживать условия внутренней среды организации
2. to accomplish – доводить до конца; завершать to accomplish aims goals – достигать поставленных целей
3. efficient – действенный, эффективный, целесообразный, рациональный (о человеке – умелый, подготовленный, квалифицированный)
4. staff – штат сотрудников, кадры to staff –комплектовать кадры
5. to apply to – здесь: касаться, относиться, быть приемлемым
Management applies to any kind of organization – Менеджмент касается любого типа организации.
6. profit – прибыль, выгода
а profit enterprise – коммерческое предприятие, работающее на прибыль
а not-for-profit enterprise – неприбыльное предприятие, не работающее на прибыль
7. first-line supervisors – младшие начальники, операционные руководители, контролеры
8. to charge with responsibility – наделять ответственностью
9. to make contributions – вносить вклад, содействовать
10. objectives, aims, goals – цели,
group objectives – значимые для всех цели
11. scope of authority – диапазон полномочий, сфера власти
12. to deal with – иметь дело с кем-то, ведать, рассматривать вопрос
13. to obtain, to achieve results – достигать результатов
14. to establish – устанавливать, организовывать
to establish an environment – создавать окружающую обстановку, внутреннюю среду
15. group endeavour – совместные усилия
16. to desire – хотеть, желать
desirable – желанный, желательный
а desired goal;
а desirable aim;
the most desirable aim – наиболее желательная цель
17. a surplus – излишек, прибыль
18. amount of – количество
With the least amount of time, money, materials and personal dissatisfaction – с наименьшими затратами времени, денег, материалов и максимальным чувством удовлетворения работающих.
19. available resources – доступные ресурсы, наличные средства
20. to strive – стараться, прилагать усилия
1. Do you know how to pronounce these words?
environment, designing, efficiently, maintaining, managerial, manufacturing, enterprise, agency, individuals, desirable aims, desired objectives, a scope of authority, group endeavour, supervisors, surplus, achieve group goals, personal dissatisfaction, available resources.
Translate into Russian.
1. Managers must establish an environment in which individuals can accomplish selected aims.
2. Managers are responsible for planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
3. Management applies to profit and not-for profit enterprises. Effective managing is the concern of managers at all levels.
4. Individuals strive to make their best contributions to group objectives.
5. Managers obtain good results by establishing an environment for effective group endeavour.
6. The scope of authority held by managers may vary in different organizations.
7. Managers deal with all types of problems and their responsibility is to make decisions and take actions.
8. The most desirable aim of all managers should be accomplishing group goals.
9. Managers should achieve the desired goals with available resources.
10. Nonbusiness enterprises are not responsible for total business profits.
11. Managers of not-for-profit enterprises should strive to accomplish the desirable objectives with the minimum of resources.
12. They should strive to accomplish as much as possible with available resources.
13. Managers are charged with a certain scope of authority and responsibility.