Expressing surprise when people say surprising things.
I've just won £1000.
got married.
swum the Channel.
given up my job.
bought a yacht.
spoken to the Queen.
I think England has the best climate in the world.
English food is the best in the world.
I prefer English food to foreign food
winter to summer.
work to play.
I love walking in the rain.
foggy weather.
going to work.
the sound of traffic.
the smell of petrol.
В (No!) ….
1. Tell someone:
you've just been sacked/ robbed/ proposed to;
you like hard work/cold weather/frozen food;
you prefer rain to sunshine/water to wine;
you think English is easy/driving a car is difficult. Не/She will express surprise at your statements.
2. Learn the dialogue and make substitutions.
A: Do you know who's just got married? Old Macdonald.
B: Never! He's over eighty, isn't he? (No)
A: He's nearly ninety.
B: Good gracious! Are you sure? (Good heavens)
A: I am. What's more his wife is eighty-four.
B: She isn 't, is she? (Is she really?)
A: Yes, she is. And guess what! He's her sixth husband.
B: Really? Quite a woman, isn't she? (Get away!)
3. Tell someone surprising things:
— you've just done
— you like / hate
— you prefer
Не/She will express surprise.
You haven't, have you?
You don't, do you?
Have/Do you really?
Good heavens!
Good gracious!
Get away!
You can't be serious.
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1. Rephrase the following sentences. Use must instead of modal words.
> Surely they have left already. They must have left already.
1. Surely the boy recognized you at once. 2. Her shoes evidently pinch her, she can hardly walk. 3. It was undoubtedly raining when you left. 4. She is probably good at chemistry. 5. They were probably having
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dinner when I phoned them. 6. Surely she has finished typing by this time. 7. Surely he is looking for his glasses again. 8. No doubt, you are run down, you look pale. 9. Surely she is still typing. 10. She is probably in her office now. 11. Probably I left my textbook in the classroom. 12. Probably Mike forgot to call me. 13. Surely Mother took my umbrella. 13. Probably Tom and Nick are playing football. 14. They are at the seaside. Surely they are having a good time. 15. No doubt, she knew what she was going to do. 16. I'm sure she is fond of the child. 17. Probably he was taken there by car. 18. He is very old. I think he is nearly eighty. 19. Evidently the meeting was cancelled. 20. Probably they have changed the school programme. 21. The town was probably founded about six hundred years ago. 22. You have probably heard the story before. 23. We feel sure she likes her new job. 24. He probably postponed his visit to the relatives. 25. I'm sure you've seen the film. 26. I'm certain they have changed the programme. 27. No doubt, you are tired of my talking.
2. Complete the following sentences using must expressing deduction.
> Is he British?' 'Yes, he...' 'Yes, he must be British.'
1. 'Are they married?' 'Yes, they...' 2. 'Were they in a hurry?' 'Yes they...' 3. 'Does Ann know a lot of people?' 'Yes, she...'4. 'Did Tom know about the plan?' 'Yes, he...' 5. 'Are they waiting for somebody?' 'Yes, they...' 6. 'Have they been waiting long?' 'Yes, they...' 7. 'Have they seen Mary?' 'Yes, they...' 8. 'Is Mary still working?' 'Yes, she...' 9. 'Has Brian come?' 'Yes, he...'
3. Supply the correct form of the infinitive in brackets.
1. 'I must (get) old,' she said, 'to be talking like that.' 2. 'You must (be) right. I am not going to argue with you since I share your point of view.' 3.1 must (sit) there for a quarter of an hour waiting and thinking about it before I saw the letter. 4. Nick brought the repaired bicycle. He must (work) since early morning today to finish in time. 5. Bring me that cigarette-case. It must (lie) on the salver in the hall. 6. What a shower! The water is streaming down the street. It must (rain) for some hours. 7. There's light in the window. They must (be) at home. 8. He must (take) a lot of photos when he was on the islands. 9. You haven't eaten for hours. You must (be) hungry. 10. The old lady must (be) a beauty once. Susy wished to see Mrs Durley's picture to find out if she was right.
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4. Translate into English.
A. 1. Вероятно, он уже вернулся с юга. 2. Должно быть, он сейчас
работает над этой проблемой. 3. Наверное, я потерял свой ключ.
4. Должно быть, они уже закончили свою работу. 5. Должно быть,
она все приготовила заранее. 6. Ваш друг, должно быть, очень сдер
жанный человек. 7. Должно быть, все вопросы уже решены. 8. Оче
видно, этот молодой человек частый гость (посетитель) в вашем
доме. 9. Должно быть, они все еще обсуждают этот вопрос. 10. Ту
ристы, должно быть, проходят сейчас таможенный досмотр.
11. "Джон женился!" "Ты, должно быть, шутишь!" 12. Я слышал,
что у тебя экзамены на следующей неделе. Ты, должно быть, мно
го занимаешься сейчас. 13. Телефон звонил, но я не слышал его. Я,
вероятно, спал. 14. Я наделал много шуму, когда вернулся домой.
Ты, наверное, слышал меня. 15. Я давно не вижу Джима. Он, ско
рее всего, уехал. 16. Письмо, наверное, доставили утром. 11. Судя
по книгам и бумагам на его письменном столе, он, похоже, работал
несколько часов.
B. 1. Вы, должно быть, не узнали меня. 2. Ему, наверное, не сказали,
когда начнется собрание. 3. Там, должно быть, никого нет. 4. Она, на
верное, не помнит, что обещала принести нам кассеты. 5. Вы, по всей
вероятности, не знали, что они переехали в один из пригородов Лон
дона. 6. Она, наверное, оставила дверь незапертой. 7. Вы, наверное,
не встречали такого забавного мальчишки, как наш Тим. 8. Вам, дол
жно быть, нелегко этому поверить, 9. Дети, должно быть, не замети
ли, что уже стемнело. 10. Она, наверняка, ничего об этом не знает.
11. Она, наверное, совсем неопытна в переводе медицинских статей с
английского на русский. 12. Он, должно быть, не узнал вас в толпе.
13. Вероятно, они не попали на поезд, так как вышли из дома поздно.
14. Они, наверное, тебя не видели.
C. 1. Вероятно, дождя завтра не будет. 2. Он, наверняка, сдаст экза
мен. 3. Он вряд ли закончит работу к пятнице. 4. Она обязательно
поможет тебе. 5. Вероятно, директор не примет ее завтра. 6. Вряд
ли она возьмет ребенка с собой. 7. Очевидно, она не придет. 8. Оче
видно, сегодня будет дождь. 9. Вряд ли наша команда выиграет матч.
10. Навряд ли я увижусь с Мэри. 11. Я, наверное, буду занят утром.
12. Меня, вероятно, не будет в Лондоне летом.
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Listen, read and practise.
(after Somerset Maugham)
George Meadows, the master of a prosperous farm, was now a man of fifty, and his wife was a year or two younger. Their tliree daughters were lovely and their two sons were handsome and strong. They were merry, industrious and kindly. They were happy and deserved their happiness. But the real master of the house was not George, it was his mother. She was about 70, tall, with grey hair and though her face was wrinkled, her eyes were dark, bright and shrewd.
I knew the story of George's mother and his uncle, whose name was also George. About fifty years ago uncle George and his younger brother Tom had courted Mrs Meadows when she was Emily Green. George was a good-looking fellow, but not so steady as his brother, that's why Emily chose Tom. George had gone away to sea. For twenty years now and then he sent them presents. Then there was no news of him. When Tom died Mrs Meadows wrote George about it but they never got an answer and decided that he must be dead...
Some days ago to their greatest surprise they got a letter, which informed them that George Meadows, who was ill and felt that he had not much longer to live wanted to see the house in which he had been born. I was invited to come and see him. It goes without saying that I accepted the invitation. I found the whole family in the kitchen. I was amused to see that Mrs Meadows wore her best silk dress. I was introduced to the old captain. He was very thin and his skin hung on his bones like an old suit that was too large for him. He had lost nearly all his teeth. It was strange to see those two old people and to think that half a century ago he had loved her and she had loved another.
'Have you ever been married, Captain Meadows?' I asked. — 'Not me,' he said and added, T said I would never marry anyone but you, Emily, and I never have.' There was some satisfaction in his voice.
'Well, you might have regretted if you had,' Mrs Meadows said smiling. I talked a little with the old man about China.
"There's not a port in China that I don't know better than you know your coat pocket. Where a ship can go I've been. I could keep you sit-
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ting here all day for six months and not tell you half the things I've seen in my day.'
'Well, there's one thing you've not done, George,' said Mrs Meadows, the smile still in her blue eyes,' and that's to make a fortune.'
'I'm not the man to save money. But one thing I can say for myself: if I had a chance to go through my life again I'd take it. And not many men can say that.'
'No, indeed,' I said.
I looked at him with admiration and respect. He was a toothless, penniless old man, but he had made a success of his life, for he had enjoyed it.
When I came to see him the next day I learned that Captain Meadows had died in his sleep. Mrs Meadows told me that he had talked about all the things that had happened to him in his long life. He was happy to be back and boasted he would live another twenty years. But death had put the full stop in the right place.
'Well I'm glad he came back,' said Mrs Meadows with a faint smile, 'after I married Tom and George went to sea I was never sure that I had married the right man.'
A. Questions.
1. How old were George Meadows and his wife? 2. How many children did they have? 3. What were they like? 4. Was the farm prosperous? 5. Who was the real master of the farm? 6. What did Mrs Meadows look like? 7. What was the story of George's mother and his uncle? 8. Why did Emily choose Tom? 9. What did George do? 10. When and why did he come back? 11. Did the writer see George Meadows? 12. What was he like? 13. Had he ever been married? 14. Was the Captain satisfied with his life? 15. Why was Mrs Meadows glad that George had come back?
B. Retell the text.
C. Practice.
1. Join each pair of sentences using who for people and that for things.
> That's the woman. She works in the post office. That's the woman who works in the post office.
1. He is the man. He painted my house. 2. What is the name of the boy? He telephoned you. 3. What's happened to the money? It was on my desk. 4. They're the people. They offered Sue a job. 5. The car has now
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been found. It was stolen. 6. She's the person. She gives me a lift to work every day. 7. The lock has now been repaired. It was broken. 8. Most of the people are very nice. They work in Peter's office.
2. Complete the sentences using who for people and that for things; if it
is possible to leave out who or that, write (who) or (that) — in brackets.
Note. We often leave out who, that or which when they are the objects in defining relative clauses.
I can't find the envelopes (that) I bought this morning. Have you seen the film that is on TV tonight?
1. John Murray is the man... owns the Grand hotel. 2. The man... we spoke to wasn't very nice. 3. This is the sweater... I bought on Saturday. 4. What is the name of the company... you work for? 5. A bilingual person is someone... can speak two languages equally well. 6. Who's that boy... Sally is dancing with? 7. Are these all the letters... came in this morning's post? 8. Have you found the money... you lost? 9. The people... used to live in that house have moved. 10.1 don't like films... are very violent.
3. Join each pair of sentences using whose.
>- I know someone. His mother is an opera singer. I know someone whose mother is an opera singer.
1. She's the woman. Her husband teaches at Annie's school. 2. He's the man. His flat was broken into. 3. They're the couple. Their children were injured in the accident. 4. That's the girl. Her friend lent me the money. 5. I'm the person. My credit cards were stolen. 6. Are you the one? Your mother phoned the police.
4. Complete the sentences using where, when or why.
>- This is the church where Ken and Kate were married.
1. Did they tell you the reason... they wanted you to do that? 2.What's the name of the restaurant... you had lunch? 3.1 can remember a time... there was no television. 4. Is that the hospital... you had your operation? 5.1 don't understand the reason... he was late. 6. Do you remember the time... your car broke down on the motorway?
5. Complete the sentences using who, that or which, but only where
necessary — leave a blank if possible.
1. Is that the song... we heard yesterday? 2. Maria,... has only been in Britain for a few weeks, speaks excellent English. 3. Who was the girl... you were speaking to just now? 4. My sister,... wasn't feeling very hungry, didn't want to go to the restaurant. 5. I've lost all the money... you gave me.
6. This is the letter... came in today's post. 7. Mr and Mrs Woods,... live
next door to us, have gone on holiday. 8. Brighton,... is a tourist centre on
the south coast of England, is about 85 kilometres from London.
6. Join each pair of sentences without using who, whom or which.
>- The restaurant was in West Street. We went to it. The restaurant we went to was in West Street.
1, The woman is a good friend of mine. I borrowed the money from her.
2. The man is Sue's husband. I introduced you to him. 3. The hotel over
looked the sea. We stayed at it. 4. The shop is closed. I bought the shoes
from it. 5. The people like him very much. He works with them.
7. Join each pair of sentences using (i) who or which, and (ii) a preposition + whom or which, as in the example.
> Mr Jones is a teacher at Annie's school. I was talking to him a moment ago.
(i) Mr Jones, who I was talking to a moment ago, is a teacher at Annie's school.
(ii)Mr Jones, to whom I was talking a moment ago, is a teacher at Annie's school.
1. Peter's party is next Saturday evening. We are all invited to it. 2. Mr Mason apologized for the mistake. We complained to him. 3. The film 'Family Life' is showing next week. I've heard good reports about it.
8. Express unreal present or future condition. Put the verbs into the
correct forms.
>* Sarah would like to write to her friend, Alan, but she has lost Alan's address. She says, 'If I knew his address, I would write to him.'
1. Simon would like to buy some new clothes, but he hasn't got much money. He says, 'If I (have) more money, I (buy) some new clothes.'
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2. You would like to buy some shoes, but you think they are too expensive. You say, T (buy) them if they (not be) so expensive.' 3. Peter is thinking of buying a new record. Sally thinks the record isn't very good. She says, 'I (not buy) it if I (be) you.' 4. Andrew's elder brother, Simon, still lives at home. Andrew says, 'If I (be) Simon's age, I (not live) at home.' 5. Mike lives in London, but he doesn't like living there. You ask him, 'Where (you/live) if you (can) live anywhere?'
9. Read the situation. Then make a sentence with if. Express unreal past
I was tired. I didn't go to the party.
If I hadn't been tired, I would have gone to the party.
1. She was ill. She didn't go to work. 2. It rained all morning. We didn't go out. 3. She didn't have enough money. She couldn't buy the shoes. 4.1 wasn't hungry. I didn't have breakfast. 5. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly. 6.1 didn't wake George up because I didn't know he wanted to get up early. 7.1 was able to buy the car because Jim lent me the money. 8. She wasn't injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat-belt. 9. You're hungry now because you didn't have breakfast. 10. She didn't come because nobody had told her.
10. Complete the sentences with said, told or talked.
1. Jack... me that he was enjoying his new job. 2. Tom... that it was a nice restaurant but I didn't like it much. 3. The doctor... that I would have to rest for at least a week. 4. Mrs Taylor... us she wouldn't be able to come to the next meeting. 5. Ann... Tom that she was going away. 6. George couldn't help me. He... to ask Jack. 7. At the meeting the chairman... about the problems facing the company. 8. Jill... us all about her holiday in Australia. 9. When we last met he... a lot about his son.
11. Make up sentences using
a) the conjunction 'for'
> We rarely stay at hotels for we can't afford it.
b) the word combination 'that's why'
> We were tired, that's why we didn't go out.
c) the word combination 'It goes without saying'.
> She asked me to help her move to her new house. It goes without saying that I agreed (to).
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Nuclear Family. Extended Family.
In the Far, Middle and Near East and in parts of Africa, South America and Europe, the first thing most Western people notice is the respect everyone has for the old. Older men and women live with their married children and are important members of the family. They look after the children, help with the cooking, give advice and often rule family life. Living in an extended family has advantages for everyone. A small child, for example, knows many people from the very beginning, not just his mother and father. When his mother goes out, it doesn't matter. He'll stay with someone who loves him — an aunt or sister or grandmother.
For a young mother and father there are also advantages. They can go out to work and grandmother will look after the house and the children.
This is especially important in farming communities, where both men and women work in the fields.
And the older woman, for example, has something important to do. She sees her children and grandchildren grow up. She is needed and loved. The nuclear family is the product of the West. The typical family consists of mother, father and two children. If the mother goes out to work, she must leave them with a stranger — someone who looks after them as a job, for money. If there is a divorce or separation the child's life will change completely.
As for the old, too many older people live alone — in special flats or homes. They hardly ever see their children and grandchildren. They have nothing important to do. They are often poor and lonely. In the winter many old people die of cold or from falls in the house — because there is no one to look after them. Nobody cares.
In the USA many old people go to Florida when they retire and live in large parks. Often these parks are for old people only. Neither children nor pets can live there.
A. Ask and answer questions on the text.
B. Speak on nuclear and extended families.
Changes in the American Family
In the nineteenth century in the United States, it was not unusual for extended families of uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents to live together in the same home. Then, in this century, nuclear families be-
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came popular. Only the parents and their children lived together. Recently, in the United States, many parents and children have begun living with grandparents again. Often, parents and children don't want to send their parents and grandparents to a special nursing home for older people. They think it is better to take care of the elderly person at home.
Of course, there can be problems when people of three generations live in the same house. Grandparents are often more permissive than parents, and they let children do what they want. But most American parents feel that it is better to be strict; they feel that children should follow rules. Parents think that grandparents who don't make children mind (=obey) will spoil them. Then the children won't obey anyone as they are growing up.
But having grandparents in the home can also be fun. For example, everyone enjoys the stories the older people tell and the interesting things that they can teach the other family members. Americans are learning that having elderly people in the home can be a wonderful experience.
A. Ask and answer questions on the text.
B. Speak on the changes in the American family.
C. Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of living with parents
and grandparents.
D. Do you think these statements about family life are true or false?
Decide in pairs, then compare your answers with other pairs.
1. Old people should live with their children.
2. Old people should live in special places (nursing homes) with other old people.
3. Everyone can learn a lot from older people.
4. Young couples must live away from their parents.
Marriage in the United States
Many single people in the United States have trouble finding a marriage partner. Tn the past, sometimes friends would help by becoming matchmakers. They would introduce a man and woman, and sometimes the man and woman would fall in love and get married.
But today, many people pay companies called dating services to help them find partners. And even if the dating service does not always find them someone to marry, it at least finds them someone to date.
Getting married has changed in some ways. In the past, the man proposed to the woman. But now sometimes the woman asks the man to many her. After the couple decides to marry, the man gives the woman a ring. She wears it on her left hand to show that they are engaged. Sometimes the man and woman elope. When they run away and get married privately, their parents are often disappointed because they wanted their children to have a big wedding.
When they are married, both newlyweds often work because they need two paychecks to pay their bills. But sometimes they still have money problems. And sometimes the parents find that they just aren't compatible. So, for many people, marriage ends in divorce. Yet, some people stay together long enough to celebrate their fiftieth or seventy-fifth wedding anniversary.
A. Ask and answer questions on the text.
B. Speak about marriage in the United States.
C. 1. Do people become engaged in your country? 2. Do you give rings
in your country? 3. Have you got dating services in your country? 4. Do
many marriages end in divorce in your country? 5. Do many women
work after marriage?
Love and Marriage in Britain
Young people in Britain may have several girlfriends or boyfriends from their teens onwards. They go to the cinema, go dancing, play sports or eat out together and do not necessarily intend to get married. However, each year about 350,000 British couples become husband and wife. Marriage is legal from the age of sixteen but most people wait until their mid to late twenties. Of those who get married, about seventy per cent prefer a traditional church wedding to a registry office wedding. However, by the age of forty, one woman in twenty and one man in eleven will still be single.
One in four children are bom outside of marriage but these are not all in single-parent families; sixty per cent of unmarried parents have stable relationships. Thirty-seven per cent of marriages end in divorce and cost the country more than £ 1.4 billion a year. Although over thirty per cent of women depend financially on their husbands, women ask for seventy per cent of all divorces. Three out often divorced women married as teenagers.
Marriage does seem to be more popular now than could be imagined thirty years ago. Is it since research has shown that married people generally live longer than the single?
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A. Ask and answer questions on the text.
B. Speak about marriage in Britain.
C. 1. What do you think is the best age to get married? 2. Children
should have married parents. Discuss.
D. Did you use to fight with your brothers and sisters when you were
young? How do you get on with them now?
Discuss which THREE of the following are the most harmful to children.
— having a favourite child
— wanting children to do well at school
— wanting them to be attractive/or popular
— not giving enough discipline
— not spending enough time with them
— being too protective
Now write three paragraphs giving your opinion. The phrases below may be useful.
I think/don't think having a favourite child is...
I think it's quite natural for parents to...
To give you an example, when I was a little child...
Social Trends
When Adrian Hutton and Carla Leene get married they will move into a new house that they have bought. But what sort of life will they have? What can they expect in modern Britain? Every year the British government publishes statistics about social trends. Their findings show definite patterns in the British way of life.
In most marriages there are some marked differences between husbands and wives. Working wives, for example, sleep (on average) one hour more a day than working husbands. Housewives, on the other hand, sleep only about three hours more every week than their working husbands. And what about housework? The government survey showed that only 1% of men do the household chores — like cleaning and ironing. But they do usually keep household accounts and it is always men who do repairs or improvements in the house. 30% of all marriages end in divorce. The government survey also looked at leisure activities. They found that the two most popular leisure activities
in Britain are watching television (the average family spends 20 hours a week in front of the TV set) and going for walks. Swimming is an especially popular activity among British women.
Carla and Adrian's life, though, will probably be different from the average marriage. In the first place Carla has always kept her own accounts and Adrian has always done his own housework. Neither of them like watching television very much and they both like swimming.
A. Ask and answer questions on the text.
B. Speak on social trends in the British way of life.
Those Lazy Husbands
Men are lazy in the home, according to an official survey published today. They have about six hours'a week more free time than wives, but play very little part in cooking, cleaning, washing, and ironing, according to the Social Trends Survey by the Central Statistical Office.
Nearly three quarters of married women claimed to do all or most of the housework, and among married men the proportion who admitted that their wives did all or most of the housework was only slightly lower.
The survey showed that washing and ironing was the least popular task among men, with only one per cent performing this duty, compared with 89 per cent of women, and 10 per cent sharing equally. Only 5 per cent of men prepare the evening meal, 3 per cent carry out household cleaning duties, 5 per cent household shopping, and 17 per cent wash the evening dishes.
But when household gadgets break down, repairs are carried out by 82 per cent of husbands.
The survey says that, despite economic problems, the majority of Britons are substantially better than a decade ago. We're healthier, too — eating healthier foods and smoking less.
The average Briton, not surprisingly, is more widely travelled than a decade ago. Most people are going abroad for holidays, with Spain the favourite destination.
A. Ask and answer questions on the text.
B. Speak on the Social Trends Survey by the Central Statistical Office.
C. Do you agree with these statements?
1. Fathers should feed children and change their nappies.
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2. Men should do more work about the house.
3. Mothers with young children should not work.
D. What are the results of the Social Trends Survey in your country? Perhaps you've got some information on this problem. Tell your friends what you've read or heard.
Focus on phrasal verbs.
Family Matters