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Tsarenko O.V.,

Ph. D., Professor, head of department of accounting and taxation

Academy of municipal management


Annotation. The article examines the economic concept of outsourcing, which is implemented as a tool of enterprise management at different levels of management to mitigate risk and create restore and recovery potential. Outsourcing is an independent economic concept, is implemented as a tool of enterprise management at different levels of management. Its practical application began relatively recently, but is constantly expanding, which is associated primarily with the fact that this tool allows a comprehensive and flexible management of the enterprise generates a number of advantages, enhance competitiveness, and the like. Processed theoretical and methodological bases of formation technology management the implementation of outsourcing as a method of industrial cooperation through optimization of costs and organizational structure with delegation on a contractual basis part of certain functions to other companies of the regions. It is proven that outsourcing provides the ability to quickly reorganize business processes that can lead to greater competitive advantage and increase value of the company.

Reasonable functional forms and characteristics of models of outsourcing. The basic models of outsourcing that can be used by the company depend on the decisions of its leadership on the form, which they have chosen to transfer the company outsourcer. The most common models of outsourcing: traditional outsourcing - enterprise transfers a part of its processes under the responsibility of the service provider to reduce costs and to concentrate their efforts on implementing key business processes; joint outsourcing venture becomes a partner of the service provider to improve their business processes to reduce costs and increase the flexibility of the control system. Thus, a new company, capital partners (the company and the service provider) has its share; outsourcing to reorganize the network of business processes - the company joins forces with its partners and reorganizes management structure to achieve sustainable improvements in the performance of the company.

The proposed mechanism of introduction of outsourcing for maintenance of qualitative behavior of production-economic systems eliminate the destructive factors of internal and external environment. The companies appear more and more business tasks, solution of which requires the involvement of external experts, which is one of the main reasons for the development of outsourcing in our country. At the same time Ukrainian businesses, unlike their Western counterparts, tend, primarily, to improve the quality of solutions to their internal problems than to reduce the costs of their implementation. Left-wing political currents and those close to them often say that outsourcing makes the country "compete" in the deterioration of working conditions for their citizens, as the country with cheap and unprotected labour force attracts more outsourcing contracts. In the long term it leads to equalization of wages in different countries, but, according to critics, this average level is closer to the bottom than to the top of the primary spectrum.

Keywords: model, optimization, business processes, outsourcing, mechanism, benefits, risks, options, competition.

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