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Як Ми Сприймаємо Форму і Простір

Examining Artworks

When you see an interesting movie, do you keep the experience to yourself, or do you tell your friends about it? This eagerness to share experiences and feelings with others is a typical human trait. It is also a reason why artists like to make art. Artists are people who use imagination, creativity, and skill to communicate ideas in visual form. Artists often use problem-solving skills to effectively communicate their ideas. These ideas may represent experiences, feelings, or events in the artist’s life.


Artists are creative thinkers who often use their problem-solving skills. Artists combine a knowledge of art materials, tools, and methods with a rich imagination and deep sensitivity. They use this combination to present their views of and reactions to the world around them.

Fine Art

Have you heard the expression “Art for art’s sake”? This expression refers to art valued

for its visual appeal or success in communicating ideas or feelings. Such art is known as

fine art. Fine art can be made with a variety of materials. The sculpture in Figure 1.1 is made

of bronze.



Applied Art

In contrast to fine art, applied art is art made to be functional as well as visually pleasing. Many of the objects used in daily life can be classified as applied art. Jewelry, pottery, and furniture are examples of applied art. Another example is the “art object” in Figure 1.2. You probably have one of these items in your home. It’s a teapot. Look closely at this particular teapot. Notice the unusual design of the pot. Examine the painting on its surface. Did you notice the lizard that is perched below the teapot’s spout? This teapot can be classified as applied art because it serves a practical purpose and is visually pleasing. How does it compare to the teapot in your home? Today the distinction between fine and applied art is fading. The teapot you just examined is displayed in a museum. As you will learn in the chapter on crafts, various items such as drinking vessels, pitchers, and bowls, have come into their own as fine art.

Figure 1.2.


Ex.2. Складіть три запитання до тексту.


Ex.3. Дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. How do you think this sculpture would feel to the touch? What role might this have played in the artist’s choice of materials? (Figure 1.1)

2. Why do you think the artist gave this object the name he did? (Figure 1.2.)


Ex.4. Заповніть пропуски:


  1. This eagerness to share experiences and … with others is a typical human trait.
  2. Artists are creative … who often use their problem-solving skills.
  3. Fine art can be made with a … of materials.
  4. Many of the objects used in … life can be classified as applied art.
  5. Examine the … on its surface.
  6. The teapot you just examined is … in a museum.


Питання для самоконтролю:

1. What is an artist?

2. What is fine art? Name two pieces of fine art shown in this lesson.

3. What is applied art? Can any teapot be classified as applied art? Why or why not?



Рекомендована література:

1. Gene Mittler, Ph.D. «Exploring Art» Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2005

2. Rosalind Ragans, Ph.D. «Art Talk – Interactive Student Edition (4th Ed)» Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2005


Unit 2. Музеї та виставки Києва


Ex.1. Напишіть реферат за темою « Музеї та виставки Києва».


Питання для самоконтролю:

  1. Назвіть музеї та виставки які Ви знаєте.
  2. Розкажіть про один з музеїв.


Рекомендована література:

1. Rosalind Ragans, Ph.D. «Art Talk – Interactive Student Edition (4th Ed)» Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2005

2. Н.В. Пестрякова «151 розмовна тема з англійської мови» Х.:Торсінг,2001.



Unit 3. Галереї світу


Ex.1. Напишіть повідомлення за темою « Галереї світу».


Питання для самоконтролю:

  1. Види галерей

2. Історія однієї з галерей


Рекомендована література:

1. V. Evans, L. Edvards «Upstream: workbook Upper Intermediate» Express Publishing,-2003.

2. V. Evans, L. Edvards «Upstream: Student's Book Upper Intermediate» Express Publishing,-2003.



Unit 4. The Element of Line

Елементи ліній


Ex.1. Напишіть реферат за темою « The Element of Line»

Питання для самоконтролю:

1. How is line defined in drawing?

2. What are the five basic kinds of lines?

3. Compare and contrast five ways that lines vary in appearance in artworks.

4. Describe the crosshatching technique.


Рекомендована література:

1. Rosalind Ragans, Ph.D. «Art Talk – Interactive Student Edition (4th Ed)» Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2005

2. Gene Mittler «Art in Focus» Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2006

3. Gene Mittler, Ph.D. «Exploring Art» Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2005

4. Gene Mittler, Ph.D. «Introducing Art» Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2005

Unit 5. How We Perceive Shape, Form, and Space

Як Ми Сприймаємо Форму і Простір

Ex.1. Прочитайте та перекладіть поданий нижче текст:


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