








std::map - (Balanced BST). std::map - (red-black trees), 2 .


: < (). . . , , , std::string - .


, , <, . :


struct ChessCoordinate



const short m_xPosition, m_yPosition;



ChessCoordinate (short _xPosition, short _yPosition)

: m_xPosition(_xPosition), m_yPosition(_yPosition)


// : X 1 8

if (m_xPosition < 1 || m_xPosition > 8)

throw std::logic_error(X coordinate out of range [1:8]);


// : Y 1 8

if (m_yPosition < 1 || m_yPosition > 8)

throw std::logic_error(Y coordinate out of range [1:8]);



// - std::map

Bool operator< (ChessCoordinate c) const


if (m_xPosition < c.m_xPosition)

return true;


else if (m_xPosition == c.m_xPosition)

return m_yPosition < c.m_yPosition;



return true;




<, std::map:


class Figure;

std::map< ChessCoordinate, Figure * > chessDesk;

// ^
// <


, - <. , , .


< , . < .. X- , - Y-, - .


, std::map , ( comparator). - , , , , . :


// : X Y

struct ChessCoordinateComparatorXY



Booloperator () (ChessCoordinate _c1, ChessCoordinate _c2) const


if (_c1.m_xPosition < _c2.m_xPosition)

return true;


else if (_c1.m_xPosition == _c2.m_xPosition)

return _c1.m_yPosition < _c2.m_yPosition;



return true;




// : Y X

struct ChessCoordinateComparatorYX




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