Text 10A Laser
The text gives some information on laser. Laser is one of the most sophisticated inventions of man. It is a device which produces an intensive beam of light of a very pure single colour. The name laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The strength of a laser is so great that it can vaporize the hardest and most heat resistant materials. It can make lead run like water. Laser beam can be focused so precisely that it can destroy a single cell of living tissue.
Laser can be used in industry for cutting and piercing very hard materials such as metals, bricks, granite and even diamonds. It can also be used in surgery for making bloodless incisions, particularly on the retina. But the most important use of laser is in telecommunications. It is used for recording, processing and transmitting large amounts of information. Laser beam vibrates billons of times faster than ordinary radio waves, so it could carry radio, TV and telephone messages all over the world simultaneously. For example, a laser beam can transmit the whole text of Encyclopedia Britannica just in a few seconds.
There are different projects to use laser in science and industry. Nowadays scientists in different countries are working on a very interesting problem: combining laser and thermonuclear reaction for producing practically limitless source of energy. There is also an idea to use laser for solving the problem of controlled thermonuclear reaction. As far as I know there are projects to use laser for long distance communication and for transmitting energy to space stations and to other planets of solar system.
In conclusion I’d like to say that these projects have not been realized yet because of great technological difficulties and great cost involved, but I’m absolutely sure that in time these projects will be realized and laser beam will become one of the main technological tools.
Text 7A Transport for tomorrow
The text gives some information on transport for the future and innovations used in the car. The main problems connected with it are which vehicle to use and how we are going to use it. According to the text a small electric car will become a usual means of transport in the near future. The car will have an automatic guidance system and the driver will be piloted automatically the greater part of the journey.
To produce new generation cars we need highly developed electronics and new materials. Just 20 years ago the only electronic device in the car was radio. At present modern vehicles are provided with sophisticated electronic systems, such as electronic instrument panel, radar, 4-wheel control system, navigation earth satellite system and others. For example, an electronic instrument panel can tell the driver the level of oil and fuel in the tank, the time of arrival to the place of destination, and so on. Fuel adjusting device can regulate the fuel intake into the car’s carburetor to get the best fuel economy.
Recently a new electronic device, a radar, has been developed in the USA. The main function of it is to detect all possible dangers in front of the car and warn the driver that the speed should go down and the driver should apply the breaks.
Speaking about a new generation car I’d like to say that it has been designed by a Japanese company. The car has a lot of unusual characteristics, for example, the 4-wheel control system ensures the movement diagonally and sideways like a crab, which is especially convenient when leaving the parking place. Many important parts of the car such as pistons, pressure rings, valves are made of new silicon materials, which can withstand temperatures up to 1,000oC, so the car doesn’t need a cooling system.
In conclusion I want to say that the number of innovations used in the car is great but it continues to grow and in the future we will have a perfect model.