


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Choose the name of the joint between upper arm and forearm

a) elbow

b) wrist

c) knee-joint

d) ankle


10. How many lobes are there in the right lung?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

11. The instrument for measuring the volume of lungs is called ……

a) tonometer

b) spirometer

c) monometer

d) barometer


12. How many breathes does the average adult take per minute?

a) 5 – 7

b) 12 – 20

c) 30 – 40

d) 60 – 70


13. What cells carry oxygen from lungs to organs?

a) erythrocytes

b) leukocytes

c) thrombocytes

d) monocytes


14. How long is the humans’ digestive tract?

a)1 – 1,5 meters

b) 4 – 5 meters

c)8 – 9 meters

d) 16 – 20 meters


15.Where does digestion begin?

a) in the intestines

b) in the esophagus

c) in the oral cavity

d) in the stomach


16. What is the vital role of cardiovascular system?

a) excretion of the urine out the body

b) to support the movement of blood in the body

c) digestion of food in the body

d) transport of the oxygen through the body


17. Where do veins carry blood?

a) from organs and systems to the heart

b) from the heart to organs and systems

c) from the heart to the kidney

d) from the heart to the lungs


18. Normal blood pressure is:

a) 14 to 20

b) 36 – 37

c) 70 to 72

d) 120/70


19. Cell consists of three parts:

a) the cell membrane, the nucleus and the cytoplasm

b) growth, repair and replacement

c) movement of substances, cell division and protein synthesis

d) types, sizes, and shapes


20. Skin is the sense organ of:

a) hearing

b) sight

c) touch

d) taste and smell


21. A system consists of:

a) different numbers and kinds of organs

b) cells, tissues, organs and systems

c) epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous

d) bones, joints, cartilages and tendons


22. Our spinal cord is protected by:

a) skull

b) the wrist and ankle

c) the thigh, leg, arm, and forearm

d) the vertebrae and some bones in the skull


23. Urine is a yellow fluid produced by:

a) liver

b) spleen

c) kidneys

d) urinary bladder


24. After passing stomach food enters:

a) the duodenum

b) the esophagus

c) the large intestine

d) the rectum


25. Where is the brain located in the human body?

a) in the thorax

b) in the urinary bladder

c) in the skull

d) in the abdomen


26. What is not the organ of sense?

a) tongue

b) eye

c) ear

d) cell


27. Where is the sense organ of smell located?

a) in the nasal cavity

b) in the oral cavity

c) in the abdominal cavity

d) in the thoracic cavity


28. What are the functions of ears?

a) sight

b) movement

c) hearing and balance

d) breathing


29. What is the simplest unit of human body?

a) hair

b) cell

c) bone

d) tissue


30. What is the most complex unit of human body?

a) cell

b) tissue

c) organ

d) system

31. How many skeletal muscles are there in the skeleton?

a) about 100

b) less than 200

c) more than 200

d) about 600


32. What lung has 3 lobes?

a) both

b) none

c) the right lung

d) the left lung


33. What substance does not excrete through the lungs?

a) carbohydrates

b) carbon dioxide

c) heat

d) water


34. What is the function of the digestive system?

a) excretion of the urine

b) digestion of food

c) circulation

d) transport of the oxygen


35. Where does digestion finish?

a) in the large intestine

b) in the small intestine

c) in the stomach

d) in the esophagus


36. What muscles can be controlled by our mind?

a) any

b) skeletal

c) smooth

d) cardiac


37. What does not belong to the cardiovascular system?

a) the heart

b) arteries and veins

c) diaphragm

d) capillaries


38. Where do arteries carry blood?

a) from the heart to organs and systems

b) from organs and systems to the heart

c) from the heart to the kidney

d) from the heart to the lungs

39. Normally the human heart has ……. chambers.

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

40. The instrument for measuring the BP is called ……

a) hydrometer

b) tonometer

c) spirometer

d) thermometer


41. Skull protects:

a) the brain

b) the spinal cord

c) the stomach

d) heart and lungs


42. Ribs protect:

a) the heart and lungs

b) the brain

c) the stomach

d) the spinal cord


43. The tongue is the sense organ of:

a) sight

b) taste

c) hearing

d) smell


44. According to their shape bones are divided into:

a) triangular and square

b) spiral and long

c) long and short

d) round and square


45. Bile is a yellow-green fluid produced by:

a) gallbladder

b) kidneys

c) lungs

d) liver


46. Blood is a red fluid produced by:

a) red bone marrow

b) the brain

c) kidneys

d) the spinal cord


47. Main function of thrombothytes is:

a) producing antibodies

b) phagocytosis

c) coagulating of the blood

d) transport of the oxygen and carbon dioxide

48. Normally the weight of the liver of adult is:

a) 70 – 90 grams

b) 500 – 700 grams

c) 1500 – 2000 grams

d) 3000 – 4000 grams


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