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The nature and content of information and communication technologies

Information and communication technology as a modern teaching tool in education.


The nature and content of information and communication technologies

The beginning of the XXI century describes society as post-industrial (information), which is the computerization of all branches of science and education.

Informatization of society is a global social process, a feature of which is that the dominant activities in the sphere of social production is the collection, accumulation, generation, treatment, storage, transmission and use of information. These processes are carried out on the basis of modern processor and computer engineering, as well as on the basis of various means of information exchange. Informatization of the society, as noted in the modern literature provides:

- active use of the intellectual potential that is constantly expanding, concentrated in printed Fund, and scientific, industrial and other activities of its members;

- the integration of information technology with scientific, industrial, and initiating the development of all spheres of social production, intellectualization of work;

- high level of information services, the availability of any member of society to sources of reliable information, the visualization of the information provided, the accuracy of the data used.

Informatization of society is associated primarily with the development of computer technology, various software, global networks (Internet) and multimedia technologies.

The emergence and development of information society implies wide application of information and communication technologies in education that is determined by many factors.

Information and communication technology or ICT tools related to the creation, preservation, transmission, processing and management of information. This is a widely used term that includes all technologies used for communication and information.

The concept of information technology was added to the element of communication arose in the 1980-ies. Now ICT include hardware (computers, servers, etc.) and software (operating systems, network protocols, search engines). Their capabilities are widely used during the learning process, hence ICT can be considered as teaching technology.

Any pedagogical technology is an information technology as the basis of the technological learning process is receiving and transforming information.

J. Welington, information technology is a system created for the production, transmission, selection, transformation (processing) and use of information in the form of sound, text, graphics and digital information."

If the characteristic of information technology to select tools, which is information processing (instrumentation technology), we can distinguish the following stages of development:

1st phase (until the second half of the nineteenth century) - "Manual" information technology, tools which were: a pen, inkwell, book. Communication was carried out manually by transferring through mails letters, packages, dispatches. The main purpose of technology is presenting information in the right form.

2nd stage (from the end of XIX C.) - "Mechanical" technology, equipped with more sophisticated means of delivery of mail, tools which were: a typewriter, telephone, tape recorder. The main purpose of technology is presenting information in the right form more conveniently.

3rd stage (40 - 60-ies of XX century) - "Electric" technology, which Toolbox consisted of large computers and associated software, electric typewriters, copiers, portable recorders. The primary goal of information technology begins to move from the forms of presentation of information on the formation of its content.

4-th stage (early 70s) - "Electronic" technology, the main instruments of which are the mainframe and created on their basis of the automated control systems (management information system) and information retrieval system, equipped with a wide range of basic and specialized software complexes. Center of gravity technology is even more shifted to the formation of substance information management environment in various spheres of social life, especially on the organization of analytical work.

5-th stage (mid-80s) - "Computer" ("new") technology, the main instrumentality which is a personal computer with a wide range of standard software products for different purposes. At this stage, the personalization process automatic control system, which is manifested in the creation of systems of support of decision-making defined by experts. Similar systems have built-in analysis and artificial intelligence for different management levels, implemented on a personal computer and using telecommunications. In connection with the transition to microprocessor base significant changes are technical and household, cultural and other purposes.

6-th stage (only set) - "network technology" (sometimes considered a part of computer technology). Beginning to be widely used in various fields of global and local computer networks. She predicted in the near future rapid growth due to the popularity of its founder - the global computer network Internet.

With the advent of personal computers came the term “new information technologies”, which refers to the introduction of new approaches to the educational process, oriented on development of intellectual and creative human potential with the aim of improving its efficiency, through the use of modern technical means. At the present stage methods, ways and means directly interconnected with the computer, so they are called computer technology.

New information technologies are characterized by the presence of the world of the Internet, such services as electronic mail, telecommunications, provide opportunities. Live communication, inseparable from information technologies, therefore, at the present stage of development of hardware and software information, technology called information and communication. In these communications, the computer takes its place. It provides a comfortable, private, diverse, highly intelligent interaction of objects of communication.

In General, ICT can be defined as a set of various technological tools and resources used to provide of the communication process and the creation, dissemination, preservation and management of information.

Under the technological tools and means mean computers, the Internet, radio and television, and telephony.

Linking information and communication technologies, and projecting them into educational practice it must be noted that the main challenge facing them is human adaptation to life in the information society.

First, the introduction of ICT in modern education significantly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated technological and social experience of mankind not only from generation to generation, but from one person to another.

Second, modern ICTs, improving the quality of training and education, allow the person more successfully and quickly adapt to the environment, to social change. This gives each person the opportunity to obtain necessary knowledge both today and in the post-industrial society.

Thirdly, an active and effective introduction of these technologies in education is an important factor in the creation of a new education system that meets the requirements of the EO and the process of modernization of the traditional system of education in the light of the requirements of post-industrial society.

The importance and necessity of ICT implementation in education is justified by international experts and scientists. ICT affects all aspects of human activity, but perhaps the strongest positive impact they have on education, because it opens the possibility of introducing totally new methods of teaching and learning.

The global introduction of computer-based ICT in all spheres of activities, the formation of new communications and a highly automated information environment has become not only the beginning of transformation of the traditional system of education and the first step towards the development of the information society.

The main factor determining the importance and feasibility of modernization of the education system prevailing, including Ukrainian, there is a need to respond to basic calls that are made to mankind of the XXI century:

- the need of transition of society towards a new development strategy based on knowledge and high efficiency information and communication technologies;

the fundamental dependence of our civilization from those abilities and qualities, which are formed by education;

- the possibility of successful development of the society only through effective use of ICT;

- a close relationship between the level of welfare of the nation, the national security state and the state of education, using ICT.

- Example of successful implementation of ICT is the emergence of the Internet, the global computer network with its almost unlimited possibilities for collecting and storing information, transferring it individually to each user.

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