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A purchase the type of goods they sell

D does knock many times


2. Dams may be used to create a reservoir that, in turn, may be used to control floods. These reservoirs should not be used until the flood comes. If they are utilized for storage under normal weather conditions, their capacity to control a flood is …

A reduced

B unknown

C increased

D extended


3. For hundreds of years, people believed that heavy objects fall to the earth faster than do light object. But scientists have now proved that the difference is not due to weight but to shape. The air pressure is different against objects of different shapes. If a coin and a feather are dropped at the same time inside long tubes from which all the air has been removed

A the feather will fall faster …

B they will reach the bottom at the same time

C the coin will fall faster

D the feather will not fall


4. The expression “ Divide and conquer “ dates back to the dawn of history, but, in spite of its age, the maxim …

A is found in all religious writings

B gives us insight into the ancient mind

C applies just as well now as it did then

D must be reinterpreted for understanding


5. The commander in chief was an old general when they brought him reports of the progress of the battle. He did not really listen to what they said but sought their faces for more important information, the intangible evidence that meant more that all their news his military experience had taught him that the ultimate course of events would be determined by the

A commands he issued

B spirit of the army

C weakness of the opposition

D training of his forces


6. Nine hundred years ago, there were no formal universities at which students could study specific courses and receive degrees after fulfilling certain requirements. Students in those days changed masters and fields of study …

A every two years C by permission

B at will D according to a schedule


7. The heat of any object is determined by the rapidity of motion of the atoms that comprise it. When we heat a pan of water on a stove, we expose the pan and indirectly the water to the energy radiated by the flame and this energy speeds up the movement of the atoms that constitute the pan and the water. When we put a jar of water in the refrigerator, we create a situation in which …

A atomic movements will be accelerated

B atomic energy will be increased

C less radiation will be reflected

D atomic movements will be retarded


8. The book of Daniel in the Old Testament contains the story of Belshazzar, King of Babylon. At a banquet, the king saw the fingers of a hand writing on the wall words he could not read. The Hebrew phophet Daniel said that the words predicted the destruction of the kingdom of Babylon. We now use the Words “ handwriting on the wall” to mean …

A a warning of disaster

B Hebrew writing

C writing that no one can read

D punishment for sin


9. Words are symbols for ideas. The number of ideas and combination of ideas that you are capable of producing is limited by the number of idea symbols that you understand. If you wish to increase your proficiency with ideas, you must first …

A increase your vocabulary

B improve your intelligence

C seek technical training

D learn how to think

10. The Tower of London, an old fortress that now houses a museum and the crown jewels of England, is traditionally guarded by the beefeaters, large guards in bright uniforms. It is said that they received their unusual name because an English King, wanting his guards to be strong and healthy, included in their meals large amounts of …

A vitamins

B milk

C meat

D vegetables


11. Abusiness that advertises its merchandise in the newspaper may prefer that its advertisement appear in a particular section of the paper-thus, sporting equipment is advertised in the sports section, and women’s clothing’s advertised in the women’s section. Businesses want their advertisements to be read by persons who …

A purchase the type of goods they sell

B read the newspaper regularly

C read either the sport section or the women’s section

D cannot afford to buy the type of goods offered


12. Thomas Jefferson wrote that the people are imitative creatures. He stated that it is this quality that is the germ of all education in people. From the cradle to the grave people are learning to do what they …

A wish others to do C see others do

B want to do D are required to do


13. The wise know not only how to work, but also how to play Relaxation is essential to reinvigorate the weary mind. Socrates, recognizing this principle, found time in his old age to learn …

A logic and ethics

B history and philosophy

C music and dancing

D physics and astronomy


14. Gestures including facial expressions, are meaningful movements of the body. Gestures are utilized to express feelings and moods over and above those transmitted by words. Although friends may talk much, more is conveyed by their gestures than by their words. In like manner, parents may verbally threaten their children, but wise children will compare the threat with …

A what their parents have done in the past

B the consequences of their actions

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