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The economy of great Britain

1.the United Kingdom hes the fourth largest economy in the world, the second in Europe. 2. the United Kingdom composed of England, Scotland and Wales on the island of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland on the island of Ireland. 3. Great Britain hes a mixed private and public enterprise economy. 4. to make the British economy more efficient the government tries to stimulate innovations in industry, encourage competition, reduce taxes, promote export. 5. Trade has been a key part of British economy for centuries 6. Its prosperity hes been dependent upon the export of manufactured goods in exchange for row materials and foodstuffs. 7. Great Britain*s trede focus has shifted from the US to the Eurupean Community.

Great Britain exportsare manufactured goods such as electrical and electronic equipment, machinery, chemical, textile fibers, irone and steel. The leading imports are manufactured and consumer goods, foodstuffs.industrial and electrical machinery.

9. British economy cen be divided into three main sectors: 1 primary industries that deal with providing raw materials and food from the land and the sea. 2 manufacturing ibdustries thet deal with making finished goods from raw materials. 3. service industries thet deals with providing a wide variety of services.

10. By successfully exploiting oil and gas from the North Sea Britain has become self-sufficient in energy. 11. country possess such mineral resources as iron ore, tin, salt, gypsum and lead. 12. The British agriculture known for its high efficirncy and productivity according to European standarts and based on modern technology and research. 13. The British farms engaged in dairy or beef cattle breeding and cheep-raising. 14. manufacturing covern production such goods as textiles, wood and metal products, paper, plastics, rubber. 15. Britain hes made important advances in electronics and telecommunications equipment, radio-isotopes and new medicines. 16. Great Britain one of the most highly industrialized countries of the world because 17 Electronic data-processing equipment growing because there are a lot of advanced technologies in microelectronics. The main electronic consumer goods produced in the UK are televisions sets, electronic control equipment. 18. the central bank of England is the bank of issue in Englend and Wales. It is responsible for monetary policy of the country and also manages the country*s foreign exchange and gold reserves. 19. The pound sterling is the basic unit of currency in Britain. British government decided not to adopt the euro and keep the pound as its currency. 20. government support and promote tourism because its account about 3.5% of GDP. 21. London Underground operate more then 400 km of railway.

The economy of Ukraine

Ukraine gained its sovereignty in 1991 on the break up of the former Soviet Union.

When become independent the young country faced a number of simultaneous challenges and had to go through highs and lows 1 within the context of the Ukraine's transition to a market economy.

After a period of economic decline Ukraine recorded gradual economic growth. GDP increase was first registered in 2000.

Ukraine is rich in natural resources. It has a major ferrous metal industry, producing cast iron2, steel, and steel pipe, and its chemical industry produces coke, mineral fertilizers, and sulfuric acid3.

Nowadays it is one of the largest metal producing and metal processing countries in the world.

The major Ukraine’s trade partners are Russia, Germany, Italy, Belarus, China and Turkmenistan.

Ukraine is an agro-industrial country. With its rich farmlands, a well-developed industrial base, highly trained labour, and a good education system, Ukraine has the potential to become a major European economy.

Agriculture in Ukraine will benefit from the EU expansion if it raises production effectiveness and quality standards.



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