






Mine inspectors hold company guilty in death of six workers

Federal Bureau of Mine inspectors (7) hold Bethlehem Mines Corporation, a subsidiary of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation (8), guilty in the death of six workers in an explosion of accumulated gas in a Marianna, Pa., (9) mine last Sept. 23.

The group, together with the five who escaped, had been checking the ventilating system. Had the full working force been on the job, dozens would have lost their lives.

The four inspectors charge that the mind management had received a written report the day before the explosion, warning that accumulated gas created a dangerous condition. They found the explosion had been set off by electric spark from the power line.

The mine is classified as "gassy" by both federal and state authorities. This is synonymous with "very dangerous".

(1) the only amusements provided = the only amusements that were provided - () ... Only . Provided - . I provide , . (amusements provided) - . . provided

(2) fighting was common - . Fighting . ( 13).

(3) make money -

(4) sank out of sight - (" " -. 19).

(5) laid side by side - . Side by side .

(6) admitted... as a state -

(7) Federal Bureau of Mine inspectors - . Federal . . both federal and state authorities (state), (federal).

(8) Bethlehem Steel Corporation - -

(9) Marianna, Pa (= Pennsylvania)- . ,

6, 10, 15 20 . 150, 350, 60 850. 21-25 250 . ? , 1100 , , 2000. ? , , . , 25.

to accumulate -ion -or accumulation accumulator .

to admit , , -ion, -ance non- admission , , admittance , , non-admittance ( -.).

-ment amusement , , to amuse , , an amusing story .

armed to arm , unarmed , disarmed , armament , disarmament , , , .

punish punishment ; management to manage , manager .

classify classification, classified, unclassified. to ventilate ventilation, ventilator ..

severely severe , severity . ,

25 empty v ; camp n v ; charge v n ; wish v n .

townspeople , , . , to wish well , well-wisher .

, " " "Reading", , , .


accumulate [ q'kju:mjuleit ] ,
admit [ qd'mit ] , , ( )
allow [ q'lau ] , ,
amusement [ q'mju:zmqnt ]
armed [ a:md ]
authority [ O:Tqriti ] ,
be over [ 'quvq ]
cabin [ 'kxbin ]
camp [ kxmp ]
canvas [ 'kxnvqs ] , ,
charge [ Ca:G ]
check [ Cek ]
claim [ kleim ] , ,
classify [ 'klxsifai ]
coffe-pot [ 'kqfi,pOt ]
constitution [,kqnsti'tju:Sn ]
cooking [ 'kukiN ]
court [ kO:t ] , ,
dare [ dFq ]
discourage [ dis'kAriG ] ,
draw [ drO: ] , , ,
draw up   (, )
drown [ draun ] ,
empty [ 'empti ] ,
explosion [ iks'plouZn ]
force [ fO:s ]
fry [ frai ] , frying-pan
gamble [ gxmbl ] gambling house
gassy [ 'gxsi ]
guilty [ 'gilti ] , hold guilty
hotel [ hou'tel ] ,
implement [ 'imlimqnt ]
lay [ lei ]
machinery [ mq'Si:nqri ] ,
management [ 'mxniGmqnt ] ,
mud [ mAd ] ,
plank [ plxNk ] ,
pool [ pu:l ] , ,
pot [ pOt ] ,
provide [ prq'vaid ]
punish [ 'pAniS ]
rough [ rAf ] ,
severely [ si'vqli ]
sink [ siNk ] ()
spark [ spa:k ]
steel [ sti:l ]
subsidiary [ sqb'sidjqri ]
synonymous [ si'nqnimqs ] ,
tent [ tent ] ,
townspeople [ 'taunz,pi:pl ]
union [ 'ju:njqn ]
upon [ q'pOn ] (=on)
ventilate [ 'ventileit ]
warn [ wO:n ]
wish [ wiS ]


1. : ( ) , ( ). :

I shall close the window if you allow. The door will not open unless you press the button. We can go now if you wish. If you check the data, you will find everything in order. If I allowed my children to do what they like, they would not go to bed in time. We can make the test provided the management supplies us with materials. If these words were synonymous, you could use either of them. They would buy those implements if they needed them. If you want to draw, you need better pencils. If he were guilty, he would not dare to come. He will not run away unless he is guilty.

2. : ( ) ( ). :

If you knew him better, you would not admit him into your house. Had I know the facts better, I should have allowed you to make a new test. I should not have mentioned it if my friends had not warned me. If he were dead, I should be sorry. If the bottle were empty, we could use it for oil. Do you think she would have spoken better if she had not been so tired? If the ventilating system had been better, the management of the American mine would not have been guilty in the death of six miners.

3. , ( ):

It would be better if you admitted your mistake. If you classified the data, fewer tests would be needed. If they listened to us, we could warn them. They might attack us if they dared.

4. :

I wish I could go to Moscow. I wish it were so. I wish he were alive. You shouldn't allow your children to play so late. One should admit one's mistakes. Young girls should learn cooking.

5. [O], [x], [ai]; . , .

6. .

7. :


If all the seas were one sea,
  What a great sea that would be!
And if all the trees were one tree,
  What a great tree that would be!
And if all the axes were one axe,
  What a great axe that would be!
And if all the men were one man,
  What a great man he would be!
And if a great man took the great axe,
  And cut down the great tree,
And let it fall into the great sea,
  What a great splash that would be! (splash-)



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