1. The used methods were thought to stop the spread of infection.
2. This drug is considered to be very effective in such a case.
3. She is known to have a compensated heart failure.
4. A carefully obtained history is certain to lead to a correct diagnosis.
5. The patient was stated to have an open dislocation of the left knee.
Exercise 4.
Выделите инфинитивную конструкцию Complex Subject. Переведите предложения:
Ex.: Acute appendicitis, which is known to be a dangerous disease, should be treated surgically.
Острый аппендицит, который, как известно, является опасным заболеванием, следует
Лечить хирургически.
1. The patient developed an acute epigastric pain, which appeared to be constantly increasing in severity.
2. Intracoronary infusions of two inotropic agents were made in doses, which were shown to have no effect on the periphery.
3. Not a single case of yellow fever, which is known to have been imported into Western Europe, has been observed in our country.
4. X-ray films showed extensive and dense adhesion between the epicardium and pericardium around the foreign body, which was thought to be responsible for the symptoms.
5. These events may influence the development of lesions in pulmonary vascular disease, which is known to be faster in the presence of high pulmonary blood flow.
6. Adrenaline, which is known to increase the sinoatrial nodal automacity and conduction velocity, was also unable to abolish arrhythmia.
7. This favorable response is seen in those, who have been shown to react poorly to immunization by the normal route.
Ex.: Acute appendicitis known to be a dangerous disease should be treated surgically.
Острый аппендицит, который, как известно, является опасным заболеванием, следует
Лечить хирургически.
1. Among other nutritional factors known to influence wound healing are certain of vitamins.
2. An antibiotic treatment known to be indicated was started at once without waiting for bacteriological findings.
3. A far advanced appendicitis assumed to be present was revealed by the emergency operation.
4. Patients found to have heart disease usually know it.
5. Lymphoma was the first tumor shown to be curable by chemotherapy alone.
6. The young pilot supposed to have been wounded mortally is on the road to recovery.
7. 49 tumors believed to be supplied exclusively by the external carotid artery were removed without difficulty.
8. The tumor known to be inoperable had to be treated by X-ray.
9. It became the rule to offer clinical examination to any person found to have an abnormality of the cardiac shadow.
10. To avoid complications, he was administered penicillin as that drug known to result in temperature fall is still quite popular.
Exercise 5.
Выделите инфинитивную конструкцию Complex Object. Переведите предложения:
1. The therapeutist believed the patient’s temperature to be associated with a severe inflammation of the throat.
2. The doctor knows the patients with stomach ulcer to have sometimes bloody stools.
3. We expected the patient to recover soon.
4. We know many of bacteria to be harmless to the human body.
5. The professor ordered the patient to be operated on without delay.
6. We know bacteria to be killed by boiling.
7. I thought my mother to have angina pectoris.
8. The surgeon ordered the additional set of instruments to be prepared for the operation.
9. Examination showed her to have moderate tenderness over the pelvis without any outer injuries.
10. The possibility of hollow viscera rupture and internal bleeding caused him to undertake laparotomy.
11. The laparotomy demonstrated her to have sustained a perforation of both stomach and bladder.
12. The physician found him to have been having an increase of body temperature for a long period.
Если сказуемое выражено глаголом физического восприятия, а также глаголами let и make, у инфинитива в конструкции Complex Object отсутствует частица to:
13. We saw the surgeon perform the operation.
14. The nurse let the students take the patient’s blood pressure.
15. On inspection we saw the eyeball be normal.
16. The nurse heard the patient go out of the ward.
17. The patient felt his temperature increase.
18. I felt the pain become less.
19. I saw him fall.
20. The nurse heard the patient talk at night.
Exercise 6.
Замените сложноподчиненные предложения простыми, употребив конструкцию Complex Object. Переведите предложения:
Ex.: The doctor noticed that the patient’s condition had changed to worse.
The doctor noticed the patient’s condition to have changed to worse.
1. Professor believes that an operation is necessary in the case.
2. Scientists consider that cancer will be conquered this century.
3. The newspapers report that the vaccine against flu was used successfully.
4. My mother wants that I will become a doctor.
5. The doctors found that interferon was effective against viral diseases.
6. I saw how the students were examining the patient under the instruction of their teacher.
7. The nurse on duty didn’t hear how the patient left the ward.
Exercise 7.
Выделите инфинитивные конструкции. Переведите предложения:
1. The patient had been known to have aneurysm for several years.
2. The surgeon thought the operation to quite difficult.
3. The absorption of calcium has been found to be characteristic for renal disease.
4. We believe coagulation of blood to be a very complex process.
5. The results appear to vary considerably.
6. We know bacteria to be very small single-celled bodies visible only through a microscope.
7. The patient was considered to have been cured.
8. The young girl was found to have localized peritonitis.
9. The professor expects the assistant to finish his scientific work ahead of time.
10. I want you to re-write the case report.
11. Have you ever heard her sing?
12. The attending surgeon expects the patient to survive the operation well though the case is serious.
13. Whooping cough is known to be accompanied by severe bouts of cough sometimes associated with vomiting.
14. The tumor is unlikely to be malignant but it is necessary to take a biopsy to be sure of it.
15. We heard the people discuss the success of the operation on the heart.
16. The newspapers reported the international congress on hyperbaric medicine to be held in London.
17. Mumps is known to be an acute specific infection.
18. We know the synonym for “mumps” to be epidemic parotitis.
19. Oncologists have found cancer to be caused by different substances.
20. The case to be described is said to be very severe.
21. Skin is believed to be the most active tissue.
22. Tolerance to the drug appeared to be greater in infancy than in childhood.
23. Tuberculosis is said to be a disease without prognosis.
24. We know some of bacteria to be beneficial to the human body
25. The acid appears to promote the growth of organisms.