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Writing Comprehension Test for 8th Form Students

Speaking Comprehension Test for 8th Form Students

1. What kind of clothes do you like wearing? Does fashion play an important part in your life? Is fashion just a matter of dressing smartly?

2. What makes a perfect holiday? What place on earth would you like to go to? Why? What things can go wrong on holiday?

3. How does weather affect people’s moods? Which are some of the problems caused by bad weather? What climate is there in your country?

4. Which means of transport would you prefer to travel by? What problems might one have while travelling? Have you ever travelled by ship/plane?

5. How much time do you think parents should spend with their children? Is it easy for a woman to combine a career and everyday chores like shopping and housework? Would you work if you had your own family?

6. How important is it to eat healthily? How have attitudes to food changed over the last 50 years? Are there any foods you don’t like eating?

7. Is astrology popular nowadays? Do you think it is possible to predict the future? Which way would you choose to learn about your future? Do you think knowledge of your sign of the zodiac helps you make your life better?

8. What kind of books do you like reading? Are there any public libraries in your area? How could people be encouraged to buy books and read more?

9. Why is history taught at schools? Which event(s) do you consider the most important in the history of your country? If you had an opportunity to have a trip back in time what historic period would you choose?

10. Do you think keeping animals in cages is right? Why/Why not? Why are some animals in danger of becoming extinct? Do you know of any organizations that protect animals?

11. What do young people of your age do in your free time? Do you enjoy eating out? Do you usually eat with your family? Why?

12. Is it important to take care of the environment? What environmental problems are caused by pollution? What can be done to stop air and water pollution?

13. What kind of music do you like? Why? In what way do you prefer listening to music? Is music a profitable industry? Why/Why not?

14. Is money the most important thing in life? What would you do with one million hryvnias won in the national lottery? Are there many advantages of having a car?

15. If you had a choice where to live, would you live in a city/town or in the countryside? Why? Would you like to live in one city for the rest of your life? If you could choose which city or cities you would live in, where would you live?


16. Do you think the Europeans know a lot about Ukraine? What would you tell teenagers from different European countries about Ukraine? What Ukrainian traditions and customs would you mention to them? Why?

17. What is your favourite film? Why? Do you think the actors performed well in the film? Whom would you strongly advise to watch this film?

18. What are your favorite Olympic events? What sports do you do in your free time? Do PT lessons at school help you keep fit?

19. What in your opinion makes studying a foreign language interesting? Is it easy or hard for you to learn English? Why? Why is it important for the Ukrainians to study English?

20. What is the greatest invention ever? What do you think is the most useless invention on earth? Which invention is better, the Internet or a mobile phone? Why?



The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language



Writing Comprehension Test

For 8th Form Students


In this test you will select from three writing tasks. Choose the one that you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.

Writing Comprehension Test for 8th Form Students



1. Which person has had the greatest influence on your life? Why was this person influential? What did this person teach you? Would you like to be like him/her?


2. What is the biggest problem in your town/city or village? How does this problem affect people's lives? How could this problem be solved? Whom would you ask to help you solve the problem?


3. Some people think that they can learn better by themselves. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Explain the reasons for your choice.



The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Stage Ii National Students Olympiad in the English Language


Speaking Comprehension Test

For 9th Form Students


In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.


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