- What is the matter with you?
- What is the trouble?
- What do you complain of?
- to treat smb.for deasease
- to consult a doctor.
- to call for a doctor.
- to diagnose
- to send to the hospital
- to feel well (bad)
- to feel better
- to be sick
- to complain of smth.
- to follow doctor’s instruction
- to prescribe a medicine
- to be on sick – leave
- to disobey doctor’s directions
- to make tests (blood, urine)
- to recover
- incomplete (complete) recovery.
- influenza (cold)
- quinsy
- pneumonia
- scarlet fever
- measles
- rickets
- small pox
- appendicitis
- cancer
- jaundice
- ulcer (of the duodenum)
- itch
- mumps
- tuberculosis
- diphtheria
- hepatitis
- whooping cough
- intestinal worm
- bronchitis
- hypertension (hypotension)
- AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
- chicken pox
- poisoning
- sunstroke
- to lose consciousness
- diarrhea
- low (high) blood pressure
- vomiting
- tumor
- suppuration
- rales
- inflammation
- digestion
- rash
- sneeze
- giddiness
- chill
- dyspnia
- delirium
- cramp
- sharp pain
- pail
- pain
- constipation
- hemorrhage
- attack
- high temperature (fever)
- abscess
- shock
- headache
- cough
1. tablet; a half a tablet; coated tablet
2. drops
3. ointment
4. to put the ointment on
5. tincture
6. decoction
7. drugs
8. solution
9. dust
10. mixture
11. suppository
12. composition
13. property
14. substances
15. usage
16. intramuscular
17. intravenous
18. anti – inflammatory
19. antifebrile
20. analgesic,
21. contraindication
22. dosage
23. use, application
24. accessory side
25. capsule
26. syrup
27. to shake the mixture before use
28. pharmacy
29. prescription
1. heart
2. lungs
3. tongue
4. pharynx
5. esophagus
6. stomach
7. liver
8. gall bladder
9. pancreas
10. duodenum
11. small (large) intestine
12. appendix
13. rectum
14. kidney
15. bladder
16. body
17. head
18. hair
19. face
20. cheek
21. eye
22. ear
23. mouth
24. tooth (teeth)
25. arm
26. leg
27. hand
28. finger
29. toe
30. foot
31. forehead
32. nose
33. shoulder
34. chest
35. back
36. nerve
37. gum
38. brain
1. thermometer; thermometer readings
2. temperature chart
3. compress
- hot
- cold
- dry
4. syringe
5. to give an injection
6. intradermal; intramuscular; intravenous injection
7. enema
8. heater
9. mustard plasters
10. rubber bedpan
11. ice – bag
12. dropping bottle
13. cups
14. cotton wool
15. bandage
16. pad
17. forceps
18. emplastrum
19. stretcher
20. scissors
21. wheel chair
22. feeding cup
23. out – patient; in – patient
24. hospital treatment
25. medical treatment
26. surgical treatment
1. to fill a tooth
2. mouth cavity
3. jaw, lower jaw, upper jaw
4. gum
5. dental caries
6. wisdom tooth
7. toothache
8. permanent teeth
9. first teeth
10. to extract / to pull out of a tooth
11. temporary filling
12. permanent filling
13. occlusion
14. to correct of occlusion
15. disturbance of occlusion
16. to make prothesis for the teeth
17. to prevent of dental caries
18. a decayed tooth
19. a probe
20. a dental mirror
21. dental forceps
22. to rinse
23. to spit out
1. general practitioner
2. district doctor
3. physician
4. driggist
5. nurse
6. ward nurse
7. night nurse
8. day nurse
9. health inspector
10. midwife
11. dermatologist
12. dentist
13. neurologist
14. psychiatrist
15. ophthalmologist
16. oncologist
17. pharmaceutics
18. surgeon
1. polyclinic
2. ophthalmatic hospital
3. children’s hospital
4. dispensary
5. women clinic
6. isolation hospital
7. health resort
8. prophylactic institutions
9. mental hospital
10. maternity home
11. sanatorium
12. admission department
13. ambulance
14. ward
15. theater
If you have a headache, cough, fever, stomachache, sorethrout you call for a district doctor. The doctor comes, asks you to strip to the
waste,examines you, feels your pulse, sounds your chest, gives an injection and prescribes a medicine.
If you follow doctor’s instructions you will recover without any complication. If you disobey doctor’s directions you may get complete recovery or die.
Read and learn the following words:
define определить
compound соединение; смесь, состав
carbon углерод
slightly слегка, немного, едва
distinguish различать, отличать
attach относить
convenient удобный
available доступный
solution решение
affect оказывать влияние, воздействовать
survey обозревать; обзор
determination определение
weight вес
attract привлекать
accept принимать
substance вещество, суть
provide обеспечивать
strength сила
exciting возбуждающий, волнующий
· Read and translate the text
We shall define chemistry today as the study of formation, composition, structure and reactions of the chemical elements and their compounds. Many will say that this is not the definition of chemistry but inorganic chemistry.
A modern chemist slightly distinguishes between inorganic, organic and physical chemistry. He will attach organic groups to a metal atom if it is more convenient for investigation; he will use any of the available methods of physical chemistry if necessary for the solution of his problems.
Two facts helped the development of inorganic chemistry: the growth of the theoretical techniques of quantum mechanics and new optical, electrical and magnetic techniques of physical measurement by which they can be investigated. For a full understanding of the way in which these achievements affected the development of organic chemistry, we’ll make a short survey of the history of the subject.
We shall start with 1828, the year in which Wohler, the pioneer of organic synthesis, showed the interrelationship between inorganic and organic chemistry. For the next fifty years inorganic and organic chemistry progressed side by side. The main work in inorganic chemistry dealt with the preparation of new compounds and the development of methods of analysis. Great numbers of new compounds were described and important work was carried out on the determination of atomic weights. At the same time organic chemistry developed into a system in which structure could be determined. Organic chemistry constantly attracted workers of inorganic chemistry. The year 1887 may be accepted as the date of appearance of physical chemistry.
People say that facts give a science its substance, but it is the theory which provides its strength. It is owing to the development of the theory that chemistry has before it such exciting prospects at the present time.
1. slightly - почти не
2. physical measurement – физические измерения
3. short survey – краткий обзор
4. side by side – рядом, рука об руку
5. deal with – иметь дело с
6. it is owing to - именно благодаря…
Exercise 1. Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations:
- многие скажут 2. определение химии 3. более удобно 4. доступные методы 5. решение проблем 6. квантовая механика 7. полное понимание 8. краткий обзор 9. взаимоотношения 10. рука об руку 11. большое количество 12. определение атомного веса 13. в то же самое время 14. именно теория.
Exercise 2. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text:
To define, modern chemist, the solution of the problem, to affect the development, to show the interrelationship, to deal with, to carry out, to develop into a system, to attract workers, it is owing to
Exercise 3. Compose sentences, using the following words and wordcombinations:
To define, the definition of, to distinguish between, to be more convenient, the growth of, to make a short survey, to deal with, to describe, at the same time, to provide
Exercise 4. Finish the sentences:
- Chemistry today is…
- A modern scientist slightly distinguishes between…
- Two facts helped to…
- In 1828 Wohler showed…
- Inorganic and organic chemistry progressed…
- The year 1887 is the date of…
- The facts give a science…
- The theory provides …
Exercise 5. Answer the questions:
- What is the chemistry?
- What will many say about this definition?
- What are the main branches of chemistry today?
- What facts helped the development of inorganic chemistry?
- What did Wohler show in 1828?
- How did organic and inorganic chemistry appear?
- What work was carried out?
- When did physical chemistry appear?
- What system did organic chemistry develop?
- What do people say about facts and the theory?
- What prospects does chemistry have at the present time?
Exercise 6. Translate into English:
- Краткий обзор истории данного предмета помогает определить его состояние сегодня.
- На протяжении последующих ста лет было открыто большое число новых элементов.
- Благодаря развитию теории мы можем говорить о прогрессе науки в целом.
- Органическая химия постоянно привлекает внимание многих выдающихся ученых.
- Если необходимо, то я помогу тебе в решении этой проблемы.
- Мы начнем сначала, если вы не возражаете.
Exercise 7. Present Progressive or Present Simple.
- I (read) an English textbook.
- Usually my friend (read) a lot.
- What you (do) tonight?
- What you usually (do) at the weekend?
- Is mother in the kitchen? – Yes, she is. She (cook) something. She always (cook) at that time.
- Our teacher (speak) two foreign languages.
- Hello. This is Brown speaking. – Sorry, I do not hear you well. Who (speak)?
- What they (do)? – They are going to the lecture. Professor M. (deliver) a course of lectures on chemistry and the students always (listen) to his lectures with pleasure.
Read and learn the following words:
mind ум
point точка
conscious осознающий, находящийся в сознании
attempt пытаться
cure лечить
ailment недомогание, нездоровье, болезнь
allay избавиться
restore восстанавливать
gather собирать
inspiration вдохновение
reveal проявляться
unit единица
cell клетка
surround окружать
fashion образ действия; мода
· Read and translate the text
Biology is the study of living organisms and as soon as man`s mind developed to the point where it was conscious of itself as an object from the unmoving and unfeeling ground upon which he was standing, a form of biology began. For uncounted centuries biology was not in the form we would recognize as a science. Men were attempting to cure themselves and others of ailments, were trying to ally pain and restore health.
Again, man was observing the living machinery of the animal organism. He was gathering information for years. The best minds, however, devoted themselves not to the study of the visible world, but to the attempts to reach, through inspiration, understanding of the endless universe and controlling the world beyond.
But individual man must concentrate on the study of the world as it is revealed through the senses, on the study of the fundamental units of every living thing (animal or plant) such as the cell, for example. So the aim of biology was to present the surrounding world in a logical fashion and to give fundamental understanding of its ever standing, ever changing units and man himself.
1. as soon as – как только
2. to be conscious of oneself – осознавать себя
3. to cure themselves and others of – лучить себя и других от…
4. to devote oneself – посвятить себя
5. through inspiration – интуитивно
6. in a logical fashion - логическим образом