






Index of grammatical points treated

Absolute comparative, 91, 92

Absolute superlative, 91, 92

Absolute synonyms, 53

Abstract nouns, 4, 74, 94

Active voice, 118, 119

Actual division of the sentence, 199

208 Adjective:

base, 89, 90

derived, 89, 90

place of adjectives, 190, 237

qualitative, 89

relative, 89 Adverb, morphemic structure, 164, 165

separable adverbs, 165 Adverbial use of nouns, 77, 78 Adverbial adjuncts, 194, 195 Adverbial clauses:

of cause, 267,

of concession, 274277

of condition, 270273

of manner and comparison, 277,

of place, 268

of purpose, 214

of result, 273, 274

of time, 269, 270 Ambiguity, 40, 41, 45, 47, 50, 68, 152,

153, 190, 195, 228233, 237, 287 Allomorph, 60 Analytical forms, 64 Anaphoric to, 219 Archaic forms, 55, 160, 293 Article, 8488

contrasting use of the article, 86

definiteness indefiniteness, 84,

generalisation concretisation, 84,

stylistic functions of the article,

86, 87

the use of the article in substantivation, 9698 Aspect:

actions of single occurrence, 134


common ~ progressive, 130

ingression (inchoative aspect), 130,

repeated actions, 132134

Asymmetry, 46, 180, 221

Asyndeton, 252, 283285

Attribute, 189190

Attributive bond, 189

Attributive clauses

continuative, 265, 266 restrictive, 265, 266 synonymic alternatives of attributive clauses, 266277

Back-formation, 103 Be:

auxiliary, 106

copulative, 106

representative, 106, 217220

Can and could, 114, 115

Case, 7883

Category of state, 166

Causative, 131, 153

Cognate object, 193, 194

Cohesion, 287, 290

Colloquial English, 87, 296

Communicative unit, 169, 170

Comparative 'elatives', 92

Comparison, 9095

Completive bond, 189

Complex sentence, 253

Composite sentence, 252257

Compound predicate, 186

Compound sentence, 253

Compression by nominalisation, 289

291, 265, 267, 270, 272, 274 Concord, 176 Conjunctive adverbs, 260 Connotation, 47, 51, 53, 115, 292, 295 Consituation, 49, 127, 160163, 172 Contact clauses, 252 Context, significance in judging, 37

42, 91, 184, 287

Context-sensitive, 32, 195, 272, 273, 287 Conversion, 68, 69 Covert grammar, 80 Current relevance, 150

Deep sense-structure, 32, 273

Denotation, 3742, 45, 47

Direct object, 190194

Discourse analysis, see Text-linguistics

Distribution, 29, 69


auxiliary verb, 248

emphatic auxiliary, 106, 107, 248

half-auxiliary verb, 105106 notional verb, 248

semi-auxiliary, 247

substitute, 217220 Doublets, 55, 58 Durative aspect, see Aspect

Ellipsis, 212

Emphasis, 4952, 9698, 117, 220

Emphatic verb-forms, 106, 107 Expressivity:

adherent, 291298

inherent, 291298

Factitive object, see Cognate object

Field structure, 4245

Finitude non-finitude, 99, 100

Form-word, see Function-word

Formal English, 87

Free morpheme, 61

Foreign plural, 76, 77

Free indirect speech, see Represented


Function-word, 31, 62, 69, 71, 105

Futurity, 154159

Functional re-evaluation of grammatical forms, 45

Functional sentence perspective,

see Actual division of the sentence

Generative grammar, 34 Get-passive, 119, 125 Go, verb-intensifier, 106, 107, 223 Going to-future, 157, 158 Gradable meaning, 91 Grammeme, 61 Grammatical category, 61 Grammatical colligation (collocation), 234249

Habitual action, 138 Half-auxiliary verbs, 130134 Head-word, 234236 Historic present, 141 Homonymy,

constructional, 228233

inflectional, 68 interparadigmatic, 68 Hypotaxis, 252280

Idiom, grammatical, 81, 118, 121, 132,

Idiomatic sentences, 225228 Idiosyncrasy, 286, 294, 201 Immediate constituent (IC's analysis),

29, 187, 188, 189 Imperative mood, 108, 109 Imperative modality, 108, 109 Imperative sentences, 270273 Implicit predication, 281, 282 Implied plurality, 72, 78 Included clause, 254 Included sentence, 254 Incongruity, 228233 Indefinite subject, 184 Inflection, 31, 63, 101, 102 Informal English, 291298 Inner object, see Cognate object Intensity, 90, 92, 220, 291298 Intonation, 31, 291 Intransitive verbs, 190, 193 Introductory subject, see Subject Inversion, 110, 195, 198 It:

anticipatory, 185

it is..., it was..., see actual division

of the sentence Iterative aspect, see Aspect

Kernel sentence, 33

Lexical collocation, 174 Lexico-grammatical periphrasis, 181, 182

Major syntax, 170 Minor syntax, 170 Modal verbs:

primary functions, 111 118

secondary functions, 111118 Modality, 11114, 172, 173, 186, 291

298 Mood, 107111

mechanistic analysis, 187

mentalistic analysis, 187 Modification, 65 Morphology:

paradigmatics, 60

subject-matter of morphology, 60

syntagmatics, 60 Must, 112, 113

primary functions, 112, 113

secondary functions, 112, 113

Nexus of deprecation, 18, 40, 181

Notional verbs, 105

Non-emphatic emphatic, 106

Non-grammatical, 220

Non-past tense, 138

Non-progressive, 101

Non-perfective, 149, 150

Nominal predicate, 186


infinitival nominal, 262274 gerundive nominal, 262274 participial nominal, 265274


noun-determiner, 70 noun-phrase, 236 noun-adjunct groups, 237 adverbial use of nouns, 77, 78

Not, 48, 217

Number, 44, 72

Object, 190

object complements, 190

objective case, see Case

object relationship, 194

of-phrase, 82, 83 One:

general, 44, 184

substitute, 217

One-member sentences, 208211 One-word sentences, 171 Oppositional relations, 61

binary opposition, 27, 61, 172, 173

trinomic opposition, 61

polynomic opposition, 61 Overt grammar, 80

Paradigmatics, 60, 175

derivational paradigm, 174 morphological paradigm, 174 sentence-paradigm, 175182

Parataxis, 253

Parcelling in sentence-structure, 197, 198

Parts of speech, 70

Passive, see Active Passive, 118, 119

Passive auxiliary, 246

Perfective, 101

Periphrastic form, 53

Phase, 155

Phrase, 234249

definition, 234236 endocentric, 234 exocentric, 234

Phrasal verbs, 108, 125128, 130136

Plurality, see Field structure


potential polysemy, 45, 46 synchronic polysemy, 46

Possessive case, 78, 83 Predicate,

types of predicate, 186 Predication, Predicative bond, 189 Predicative clauses, 262 Preposed modifiers, 236 Prescriptive (pre-normative)

grammar, 11, 12

Present tense:

exclusive present, 138, 139

imperative modality, 139

inclusive present, 137 neutral present, 138, 139

perfective use, 141 Priority, 150 Privative opposition, see Binary

opposition Progressive (continuous) tenses:

denotative meaning, 142

imperative modality, 145

implication of futurity, 145

qualitative meaning, 144

repetitive meaning, 144 Pronouns:

personal pronouns, 160

stylistic transposition of

personal pronouns, 160163 Prosody, 31, 222, 240, 291

Qualitative genitive, 80 Qualitative meaning, 189, 190, 224, 225

Representation, 217220 Represented speech, 285286 Rheme, 172 Rhetorical questions, 221, 222

Scientific grammar, 13 Secondary parts of the sentence, 189 Segmentation, 198, 199 Semi-auxiliary verbs, 248 Sentence-order, 254 Sentence-substitute, 219220 Separable verbs, 103105 Sentence-structure, 169 Shall and should, 116118

So, anaphoric, 219220

Specialisation, 84

Structural Ambiguity, see Ambiguity

Structural grammar, 2334

Stress, 40, 41, 85

Style, 87

problems of style in grammar, 87,

94, 95, 97, 98 Sub-clause, See Subordination

Subject, definition:

the definite subject the indefinite subject, 184

introductory subject, 185 Subjunctive, 107, 108, 110 Subordination, 261282 Substitution, 217220 Substantivation of adjectives, 9698 Substitutes for passive, 125130 Superlative, 90 Suppletive form, 63 Supra-phrasal unity, 199, 200 Surface structure, 32, 283, 287 Syndetic, 252 Synonymy:

paradigmatic synonyms, 47, 5255

relative synonyms, 53, 54

synonyms by function in speech,

47, 5255, 154

stylistic synonyms, 53, 54 Synsemantics, 71 Syntagmatics, 60, 175 Syntax:

syntactic categories, 193, 194

syntactic content, 193, 194

syntactic forms, 193, 194, 195

syntactic functions, 175

syntactic hierarchy, 175 Syntactic mood, 172 Synthetic forms, 63, 64

Taxonomic classes of words, 67

Theme, 172

Textlinguistics, 199

Tense, 137159

Transformational grammar. 33

Transform, 33, 34, 192, 193

Transitivity, 190194

Transposition of grammatical forms, 4549, 280, 281 regular, 48, 49 stylistic, 48, 49

Two-member (two-nucleus) sentences, 184

Used to, 133

Utterance, 171

Verbal predicate, 186

Verb forms, 99101

Verb phrases, 130136, 242244

Verbless sentences, 185, 186, 214217

Variant forms, see Doublets

Voice, see Active passive

Word-order, 195, 196

Will/would, 118, 227

Wish-sentences, 280, 281

With-phrase, 287

Zero article, 84

Zero (grammatical) inflection, 31

Zero-derivative nouns, 135


Suggestions will be made here for further learning, so that the student can follow up various lines of thought suggested in the book. The reference list given below will include not only some advanced books devoted to teaching English grammar, but also, detailed monographs and work-papers on specialised topics which will interest the student.

. . . , 1958, 1.

. ., 1965.

. . . ., 1966.

. . . ., 1973.

. , . ., . ., - . . . ., 1961.

. . . . , . 9, . 6, 1950.

. . . .: ( ). . 2. ., 1952.

. , . . . ., 1963.

. . . ., 1966.

. , . . . ., 1973.

. . . .: . , , . 13, . 6, 1954.

. . . ., i960. . ., 1970.

. ., .., . . . ., 1956.

1 . . . ., 1960.

. . stand up . , 1954, 5.

.. . ., 1961.

. . - . ., 1968.

. ., . ., . ., . . Theoretical English Grammar. M., 1968.

. . . , 1969.

. ., 1968.

. ., 1973.

. . The Use of Tenses. Lvov., 1968.

. . - . , 1965, . 5.

. : . .: . ., 1962.

. 쳿 , 1966.

. . Theoretical Grammar through Practice. L., 1972.

. . . , 1970, 4.

. . . ., 1968.

. . . ., 1969. v . . . ., 1971.

. . . ., 1955. . . . ., 1955.

). . . ., 1966.

( ). ., 1972.

. . . .: . 70- . . . ., 1965.

. . . ., 1959.

. . . ., 1961.

. . . , . 6, . 4, 1947.

. . . .: . ., 1955.

. . . .: . ., 1968.

h E. An Introduction to Transformational Grammars. New York Chicago San Francisco, 1964.

Bloomfield. Language. London, 1969.

Chomsky N. Syntactic Structures. The Hague, 1965.

Chomsky N. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge, 1965.

Christophersen P. The Articles: a Study of Their Theory and Use in English. Copenhagen, 1939.

Curme G. O. Grammar of the English Language. New York, 1935.

Deutschbein M. System der neuenglischen Syntax. Leipzig, 1935.

Fries Ch. The Structure of English. London, 1959.

Francis W. N. The Structure of American English. New York, 1958.

Ganshina M. A., Vasilevskaya N. M. English Grammar. M., 1964.

G 1 e a s n H. A. An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics. New York, 1965.

G 1 e a s n H. A. Linguistics and English Grammar. New York, 1965.

Harris Z. S. Methods in Structural Linguistics. Chicago, 1961.

Harris Z. S. String Analysis of Sentence Structure. The Hague, 1962.

Hathaway B. A Transformational Syntax. New York, 1967.

Hill A. Introduction to Linguistic Structures. New York, 1958.

Hockett F. A Course in Modern Linguistics. New York, 1958.

Hook J.M., Mathews E. G. Modern American Grammar and Usage. New York, 1956.

Ilsh B.A. The Structure of Modern English. M., 1964.

Jespersen O. Essentials of English Grammar. London, 1933.

Jespersen O. The Philosophy of Grammar. London, 1968. Khaimovich B. S., Rogovskaya B.I. A Course of English Grammar. M., 1967.

brina N. A., Korneyeva. An Outline of Modern English Syntax. M., 1965.

Kruisinga E. A Handbook of Present-Day English. Groningen, 1931.

Lees R. B. The Grammar of English Nominalisations. The Hague, 1964.

Long R. The Sentence and Its Parts. Chicago, 1962.

Lukas E. L. Style. London, 1955.

Murrey J., Middletn J. The Problem of Style. Oxford, 1955.

Nida E. A. A Synopsis of English Syntax. 2nd Ed. The Hague, 1966.

Poutsma H. A. A Grammar of Late Modern English. P. II. Groningen, 1926.

R b e r t s P. English Syntax. New York, 1964.

R b e r t s P. Patterns of English. New York, 1956.

S a u s s u r e F. d e. Cours de linguistique generale. Paris, 1949.

Scheurweghs G. Present-Day English Syntax. London, 1959.

Sledd J. A. Short Introduction to English Grammar. Glenview, 1956.

Stageberg H. An Introductory English Grammar. New York, 1966.

Stove N. R. The Understanding of Syntax. London, 1937. Stang B. Modern English Structure. London, 1964. Sweet H. A New English Grammar. Oxford, 1955.

Tesniere J. Elements de Syntaxe structural. Paris, 1959.

Warner A. English Style. London, 1961.

Whitehall H. Structural Essentials of English. New York, 1956. Zandvrt R. W. A Handbook of English Grammar. 2nd Ed. London, 1963


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