Морфологические преобразования в условиях сходства форм
Различие грамматического строя английского и русского языков вызывает ряд переводческих проблем. Это проблемы перевода в условиях сходства или различия грамматических свойств языковых единиц. Возникают проблемы и с преобразованием грамматических единиц. Грамматические свойства языковых единиц состоят из целого ряда языковых явлений: форма слова, словосочетания, предложения, порядок элементов, грамматические значения форм и т.д. Каждый раз, перед тем как приступить к переводу языковой единицы, мы принимаем во внимание не только ее лексико-семантическое значение, но и ее грамматические свойства.
Общие грамматические значения, категории и функции:
Пример: категория числа у существительных, категория степеней сравнения у прилагательных, категория времени у глаголов и т.д.
Несходные грамматические категории:
Пример: артикли в английском языке, падежные формы в русском языке, герундий в английском языке, деепричастие – в русском, фиксированный порядок слов в английском языке.
Поскольку различие и сходство между грамматическими формами может быть полным и неполным, соответственно возможен полный и неполный перевод.
Решающую роль в таком вопросе играет контекст.
Частичный перевод
Пример: They say – говорят
You see – понимаешь
Нулевой перевод
Пример: He raised his hands. – Он поднял свои руки.
He could not break himself out of habit of flushing.
Он никак не мог избавиться от привычки краснеть.
Функциональная замена
Применяется в частности при переводе временных форм глагола.
Пример: Она остановится в гостинице
Варианты перевода обусловлены наличием дополнительного временного контекста:
She will stay at a hotel. (факт)
She will be staying at a hotel. (контекст обуславливает точное время)
She is staying at a hotel. (контекст обуславливает намерение)
Переводческая конверсия (замена частей речи)
Заключается в изменении грамматической формы.
Переводчик прибегает к этому приему, когда в русском языке нет части речи или конструкции с соответствующим значением, когда этого требуют нормы сочетаемости русского языка и т.д. существительное часто переводится глаголом, прилагательное – существительным, наречием и т.п. Замена частей речи может повлечь за собой и перестройку всей структуры предложения. Структурные трансформации могут потребовать внесения дополнительных слов или опущения каких-либо элементов.
Пример: Ben’s illness was public knowledge. - О болезни Бена знали все.
His style of writing is reminiscent of Melville’s. – Его манера письма напоминает манеру Мелвиля.
Антонимический перевод
Прием заключается в замене понятия на противоположное ему в языке перевода. Замена утвердительной конструкции на отрицательную и наоборот. Позволяет создать более естественную грамматическую структуру на языке перевода, в тех случаях, когда грамматическая форма приходит в противоречие с правилами лексической сочетаемости, утяжеляет перевод.
Пример: He did not have much time at his disposal. – У него оставалось мало времени.
Oh, I nearly forgot! – Чуть не забыл!
He stayed awake after reading this letter. – Прочитав это письмо, он долго не мог заснуть.
Упражнение 1: Переведите предложения на русский язык, применяя полный
или частичный перевод английских грамматических форм,
имеющих прямые соответствия в русском языке.
1. Не was in the hospital with the pain in his liver.
2. The men fell out for the parades early each Sunday afternoon and groped their way into ranks of twelve.
3. One day he felt that he could endure his loneliness no longer.
4. Soon it dawned upon him that they had recognised him.
5. There was no hope left.
6. Each time the fall of a city like Naples, Rome or Florence seemed imminent, Major Coverely would pack his bag, commandeer an airplane and a pilot, and have himself flown away.
7. Williams reached out instinctively for balance and then launched himself forward in a prodigious dive.
8. He sank back into his chair and turned his head away.
9. There was no taxi in sight and he started to walk in the direction of the Park.
10. She was a hard, mercenary little thing.
Упражнение 2: Переведите предложения на русский язык, употребляя соответствующие преобразования для выделенных грамматических форм.
1. She wanted someone to console her, to assure her, to tell her that it was not worth troubling about.
2. Sitting up in her bed she rocked to and fro in agony, 'What shall I do? What shall I do? '
3. The public are a lot of jackasses. If you yell and scream and throw yourself about you'll always get a lot of damned fools to shout themselves silly.
4. Those who are evil are masters of disguise; they are not apt to wittingly disclose their true colours.
5. I had begun to suspect the truth of this, but I hardly expected her to be so calmly aware of it.
6. He wished he had broad, muscular shoulders and biceps to enable him to step outside fearlessly and meet his persecutors with overbearing authority and self-confidence enough to make them all quail and slink away in repentance.
7. I'll be back here as soon as winter comes.
8. The policeman stepped forward impulsively to remonstrate.
9. All over the world, boys on every side of the bomb line were laying down their young lives for what they had been told was their country, and no one seemed to mind.
10. It was as easy as that.
11. Equally important were the workmen's compensation laws, which made employers legally responsible for injuries sustained by employees at work.
Упражнение 3: Переведите следующие предложения. При переводе
выделенных слов пользуйтесь приёмом конверсии.
1. Most of the people I spoke to were unhelpful.
2. What is happening in New York will happen nationally.
3. At the age of eighteen, George earned an honest living.
4. The ship was listing badly but still kept afloat.
5. Uncharacteristically, he came over and put his arms around his father and hugged him.
6. She answered questions in monosyllables.
7. After the excitement, she slept heavily and dreamlessly.
8. He spoke so rapidly that I had difficulty understanding him.
9. At the Commonwealth conference in Kuala Lumpur, Mrs. Thatcher was predictably unrepentant.
10. People who were central to the civil-rights movement came out in support of the minority groups.
11. He asked me if I lived locally, what my job was and whether he could count on my support.
12. Macon had his pick of seats: window, nonsmoking.
13. There's going to be a thorough investigation into this and the FBI will be involved because we're a federally insured bank.
14. All banks measure profit in terms of earnings per share. Such earnings are widely studied by shareholders, investors and the business community nationally and internationally.
Упражнение 4: В данном упражнении антонимический перевод является предпочтительным или единственно возможным. Постарайтесь определить, в каких случаях у вас есть возможность выбора из двух или более вариантов, а в каких нормы русского языка диктуют единственный вариант перевода.
1. Не keeps the fortune from falling into the hands of greedy relatives.
2. "Macon, are you awake?"
3. The ambulance was a long time coming.
4. He stayed out of the sun during the middle part of the day.
5. Alexander fought to hold a grin back.
6. " Any objection to roast chicken?" Jenny asked.
7. The elder boys were still up, sitting around the TV.
8. He followed her into a large department store, careful to remain out of sight.
9. She keeps this room locked. The maids have been ordered to keep out.
10. This was a mystery beyond the inspector's power to solve.
11. He entered the suite, trying to keep his knees from trembling. He almost blurted out, "Where's the emerald?"
12. (In the Zoo) " Don't the animals hate being locked up, Papa?" the boy asked.
13. Alice shrieked and clapped her hands to her ears to shut out the sound she had imagined.
14. He left the form on the counter and walked out very quickly-keeping a hand in his pocket to silence his keys.
Упражнение 5: Переведите предложения, используя прием антонимического
1. She is not unworthy of your attention.
2. He never came home without bringing something for the kids.
3. I'm the most terrible liar you ever saw in your life.
4. I met Mrs. Strickland not infrequently.
5. He was not exposed until his death.
6. You know as well as I do how Strickland lived.
7. She didn't speak to him much.
8. He kept his eyes fixed on mine till I had finished.
9. When a woman loves you she is not satisfied until she possesses your soul.
10. It's not without melancholy that I wander among my recollections.
11. "Leave me alone," she said, not unkindly.
12. His plumpness and his red, fat cheeks made his mourning not a little incongruous.
13. I didn't know the kid existed. That is, not until I saw on TV about him being missing.
14. She was not unlike me in many ordinary ways.
15. He grimaced but I could see he was not unpleased. Though he tried to hide it.
16. Cathedrals gave her no uneasiness.
17. It's not impossible.
18. Such accidents were not uncommon.
19. We both knew that the step was going to involve nothing less than a fairly long struggle.