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Выберите нужную форму глагола в простом прошедшем или в настоящем

совершенном времени:


1. I …………. three business lunches this week.

a) had b) have had


2. The company's share prices ……………. at the end of last week.

a) bounced b) has bounced


3. The company …………….. for a 5% increase in sales last month.

a) budgeted b) has budgeted


4. The shares …………….. a high rate of interest some days ago.

a) yielded b) has yielded


5. It ………………. a pleasure to do business with you today.

a) was b) has been


6. Last year she …………………. her own company and proved to be a very good


a) set up b) has set up


7. I ……………… writing the three-year business plan yet.

a) didn't finish b) haven't finished


8. I …………… a successful business trip last month.

a) had b) have had


9. I …………. some gas shares recently.

a) bought b) have bought


10. Many years ago she …………….. a slide rule to add up the sales figures.

a) used b) has used


Teст 18. The Passive Voice

Выберите нужную форму глагола в пассивном залоге:


1. Payment ……………. yesterday.

a) is received b) was received c) received


2. The company’s annual accounts …………….. by the Chief Accountant.

a) is prepared b) are prepared c) prepare


3. The agent ……………. by the company last week.

a) was accredited b) were accredited c) accredited


4. The accumulated profit ……………… forward to next year today.

a) has been carried b) have been carried c) was carried


5. Our budget …………………… already.

a) have been cut b) has been cut c) were cut


6. Efforts ……………….. to reduce the prices by 10% now.

a) are being made b) were being made c) is being made


7. Nowadays all the clients of the bank ……………… for a financial advisory


a) are provided b) were provided c) provided


8. The shares …………….. on the American Stock Exchange next week.

a) will be floated b) were floated c) is being floated


9. Soon the financial results ……………………. at the annual general meeting.

a) will be announced b) will announce c) announce


10. The shipment may ………………..

a) be delayed b) was delayed c) were delayed



Teст 19. The Passive Voice (part 2)

Выберите нужную форму глагола в пассивном залоге:


1. Equipment, tools and computers …………… in the manufacturing process.

a) is used b) are used c) used


2. Land, labour and capital ……………….. to produce goods.

a) are required b) is required c) required


3. A free market ……………………………… by a government.

a) is not controlled b) are not controlled c) not controlled


4. The US steel industry …………………… by imports of subsidized steel.

a) were being injured b) was being injured c) injured


5. The goods ………………………….. locally.

a) are made and sold b) was made and sold c) is made and sold


6. The money ……………… in an account in Hamburg.

a) are lodged b) were lodged c) was lodged


7. All the prices in this shop ………………… down by 10 %.

a) have been marked b) has been marked c) marked


8. The price of petrol …………………… by market forces.

a) are influenced b) is influenced c) influenced


9. The product ………………………… throughout Europe.

a) is being marketed b) are being marketed c) marketed


10. The market – place …. always ………….. on Saturdays.

a) is … crowded b) were … crowded c) are … crowded





Тест 20. The Modal Verbs

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав соответствующий модальный глагол:


1. You ____ send your resume to several companies.

a) can b) need c) have


2. You ____ not start your job search without a resume.

a) can b) must c) have


3. He ____ to get up early.

a) has b) must c) can


4.Do you _____ to travel on business?

a) can b) must c) have


5.This phenomenon ____ be explained by economic laws.

a) should b) need c) have to


6.The company had gone bankrupt and _____ pay its creditors.

a) couldn’t b) hadn’t c) shouldn’t


7. You ____ phoned me yesterday.

a) should have b) may c) might


8. Our sales ____ exceed our forecast by 15%.

a) should b) may c) must


9. They ____ deliver on time.

a) can b) had c) have


10. ____ I take a comment at this point?

a) Am b) May c) Must



Тест 21. The tag’s questions


Выберите нужную форму глагола:


1. Не is a company manager, ….. he?

a) is b) isn’t c) are


2.You have got a nice flat in Moscow, ……. you?

a) have b) has c) haven’t


3. She finishes her work at 6, ……. she?

a) does b) is c) doesn’t


4.The manager stays in the office till 6, ……. he?

a) does b) doesn’t c) is


5. We don’t have lessons in the morning, …… we?

a) do b) don’t c) does


6.The director meets customers in the morning, …… he?

a) do b) does c) doesn’t


7. Brighton is a large city, …… it?

a) isn’t b) is c) aren’t


8. A credit has been wrongly entered in the books, ……… it?

a) hadn’t b) hasn’t c) haven’t


9. Prices fell as a result of excess supply, ……. they?

a) did b) didn’t c) don’t


10. He has to work hard to provide his family, ………. he?

a) do b) don’t c) doesn’t



Тест 22. The Past Simple / The Present Perfect Tense / The Past Perfect Tense

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