• You have worked in an office for five years.
• You enjoy administrative work.
• You think you are assertive.
• You like working with people.
• You are hard-working.
• You can type 100 words a minute.
• You are trained to use most computer systems.
• Make up your own Curriculum Vitae.
Name: Nick Famin
Date of Birth: May 5, 1972
Address:199/5,Stachky Ave., Apt.17, Almaty, 344090 Kazakhstan
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Unmarried
Native language: Russian
School: 1980 - 1990 Secondary School # 95, Almaty.
University: I entered the Physics Department of Rostov State University in 1990 and now I am a 5th-year student. My major is radio-physics. The area of my research is the physics of lasers and optical electronics. I am expecting to receive my Diploma Degree in June 1995. In 1995 I graduated from the Military Department of Rostov State University as a 2nd Lieutenant of radio-communication troops.
Working Experience
During the 1993/94 academic year, I worked as an assistant at the school computer lab. From October 1993 to February 1994 I worked as a typist and operator editing systems for a private company.
My main interest is connected with electronics and computer technology.
In sports, I like running, swimming, and gymnastics.
Other Information
I have completed 8 years of study of the English language at School # 95 (1984-1990), and at Rostov State University (1990-1995).
In 1990 I completed 2-year Computer Science courses. I have experience of working with computers.
CV Sample
Chemical Engineer Sample Resume
Janice Anderson
Assume a challenging and rewarding position as a Chemical Engineer with an innovative firm in Dallas, Texas.
Summary of Qualifications:
• Over eight years of successful planning, developing, and implementing projects in various degrees in North America and South Asia.
• Extensive technical knowledge and experience in planning, budgeting, and implementing chemical engineering projects for public and private sectors including government projects.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills including presentation and contract negotiations.
• Supervisor experience in managing small teams of five to eight engineers in project development, chemical sampling and testing.
• Facilitates bi-weekly on-site training sessions and workshops for U.V. coating on printed samples for optimal results.
• Produces monthly newsletters for engineering team members on topics including industry developments, trends, and upcoming projects.
• Manages sampling of film shrinkage, ply adhesion, tensile and elongation, and electrocuting.
• International relations experience in South Asia.
Senior Chemical Engineer Consultant: July 2002 - Present, Chemical Engineering Firm,Dallas
Chemical Engineer: January 1999 - July 2002, Franklin & Associates Engineering, Dallas
Chemical Engineer: May 1996 - January 1999, Johnson Engineering Firm, Dallas
University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TX
• Bachelor of Science in Engineering (May 1998)
• Minor: Chemistry Texas Community College at Dallas, Dallas, TX
• Associates in Science in Pre-Engineering (June 1995)
• Concentration: Physics
•Jan. 2002 - Present: Association of Consulting Chemists & Chemical Engineers, Member
•June 1995 - Present: The American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Member
•June 1995 - Present: Society of Chemical Industry, Member
Interests: •Frequent contributor to various scholarly journals including Chemical Engineering Process Magazine, AIChE, and Journal of Chemical Engineering Data
•Acting Adjunct Instructor of Biochemistry at Dallas Community College
References: Available upon request.
Использованная литература
1. А.С. Числова Английский язык для гуманитериев.
Учебник по английскому языку для студентов неязыковых специальностей
Ростов-на-Дону, 1999.
2. Александрова Г.А. Английский язык: Учебное пособие для студентов-заочников. Псков, 2003 - 103 с.
3. М. Н. Макеева, С.В. Начерная, О.В. Чуксина Технический перевод в повседеневной жизни. Учебное пособие. 2000.
Улжалгас Бикеновна Адилбаева
Гулипа Абдрайимовна Гайипова
для магистрантов строительных специальностей КазГАСА
1, 2 года обучения
Сводный план 2010-2011 уч.года, поз №
Формат 60х84 1/16. Бумага типографская. Ризограф.
Усл.печ.л. 2,8.