






4.10.3-1. , , . :

- , ;

- , ;

, .


. 4.10.3-1.

- Perevorot(), , s, temp s temp .

- Resh(), , . Resh() : Rf StreamReader, , wf StreamWriter, .



. 4.10.3-1. 10.3-1


, wf True, , WriteLine() .

, DelProb() Mas(). Mas() Perevorot().

Join() line2, .

. 4.10.3-2.


' . ' . ' ' ' Option Strict On Option Explicit On Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 ' Function Perevorot(ByVal s As String) As String Dim temp As String = "" Dim L As Integer = s.Length For i As Integer = L - 1 To 0 Step -1 temp = temp + s.Substring(i, 1) Next Return temp End Function ' ' Sub DelProb(ByRef s As String) s = s.Trim Do While s.IndexOf(Space(2)) >= 0 s = s.Replace(Space(2), Space(1)) Loop End Sub Sub Resh(ByVal filename1 As String, _ ByVal filename2 As String,_ ByRef Lb1 As ListBox, ByRef Lb2 As ListBox) ' Dim Rf As New StreamReader(filename1) ' ' True 2- , ' Dim wf As New StreamWriter(filename2, True) Dim line1, line2, slovo As String Dim Mas() As String Try Do While Not Rf.EndOfStream() ' line1 = Rf.ReadLine() ' 1 line1 Lb1.Items.Add(line1) ' line1 ListBox DelProb(line1) ' line1 Mas = Split(line1, " ") ' line1 line2 = "" ' For i As Integer = 0 To Mas.Length - 1 slovo = Mas(i) ' - ' Mas(i) = Perevorot(slovo) Next ' line2, ' line2 = Join(Mas, " ") wf.WriteLine(line2) ' line2 2 Lb2.Items.Add(line2) ' line2 ListBox Loop Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(" ") Finally wf.Flush() ' Rf.Close() ' wf.Close() End Try End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim filename1 As String = "", filename2 As String = "" filename1 = TextBox1.Text filename2 = TextBox2.Text Resh(filename1, filename2, ListBox1, ListBox2) End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) End End Sub End Class


. 4.10.3-2. 10


4.10.3-2. , , . :

- Perevorot() , ;

- Reshenie(), , My.Computer.FileSystem, - ;

vivodFile() , .2, ;

, , .


. 4.10.3-3

- Perevorot(), , s, temp s temp .

Reshenie(), filename, , s1 s2 , . My.Computer.FileSystem s1, Split() Stroki() (vbNewLine). DelProb() , slova() . - Perevorot() s2 . s2 (vbNewLine) , .

vivodFile(), filename, , S .


Option Strict On Option Explicit On Public Class Form1 ' Function Perevorot(ByVal s As String) As String Dim temp As String = "" Dim L As Integer = s.Length For i As Integer = L - 1 To 0 Step -1 temp = temp + s.Substring(i, 1) Next Return temp End Function ' ' Sub DelProb(ByRef s As String) s = s.Trim Do While s.IndexOf(Space(2)) >= 0 s = s.Replace(Space(2), Space(1)) Loop End Sub ' 's1 s2 Sub Reshenie(ByVal filename As String, ByRef s1 As String, _ ByRef s2 As String) Dim line, OdnoSlovo As String Dim Stroki() As String ' Dim slova() As String ' . s2 = "" ' ' ' s1 Try s1 = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(filename) Stroki = s1.Split(CChar(vbNewLine)) ' For i As Integer = 0 To Stroki.Length - 1 line = Stroki(i) ' DelProb(line) ' slova = line.Split(CChar(" ")) ' For j As Integer = 0 To slova.Length - 1 OdnoSlovo = Perevorot(slova(j)) s2 = s2 + OdnoSlovo + " " Next s2 = s2 + vbNewLine Next Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(" - " & _ " :" & vbNewLine & vbCrLf & _ ex.Message) End Try End Sub ' Sub vivodFile(ByVal filename As String, ByVal S As String) ' - S (False) Try My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(filename, S, False) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(" () ") MsgBox(" -" _ & " :" & vbNewLine & ex.Message) End Try End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(...) Dim filename1, filename2 As String Dim OldStr, NewStr As String filename1 = TextBox1.Text filename2 = TextBox2.Text Reshenie(filename1, OldStr, NewStr) vivodFile(filename2, NewStr) TextBox3.Text = OldStr TextBox4.Text = NewStr End Sub End Class


. 4.10.3-3. 10




1) , ,

2) , ,

3) , ,

4) ,







1) ,

2) ,

3) ,

4) ,


1) , ,

2) , ,

3) , ,

4) ,,


5. Vb

1) System.IO

2) My.Comhuter.System



6. ReadLine()






7. ReadToEndLine()




8. ,

1) Dim t As New StreamWriter("f[le1.txt", True)

2) Dim t As New StreamWriter("f[le1.txt", False)

3) Dim t As StreamWriter("f[le1.txt")


9. ReadAllText()

1) My.Computer.FileSystem

2) -


10. WriteAllText()





1) StreamWriter.WriteAllText("Hello")

2) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("file1.txt","Hello", False)

3) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("file1.txt", "Hello", True)


12. WriteAllText()

1) 3

2) 2

3) 1

4) 1, 2 3


13. ReadAllText()

1) 3

2) 2

3) 1

4) 1, 2 3


14. ReadToEnd()

1) ( ) *

2) null,


4) 0,


15. ReadLine()

1) ( )

2) null,

3) *

4) 0,

16. ReadLine()

1) -1

2) 0

3) null

4) EndOfStream

17. Length FileStream :


2) +:

3) .

18. filename.txt ,

Sub readfile1(ByVal filename As String, ByRef p As String) Dim Rf As StreamReader Rf = New StreamReader(filename) Try p = Rf.ReadToEnd(): Rf.close() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(" ") End Try End Sub

1) filename.txt

2) ,

3) FileNotFoundException

4) IOException



Sub writefile1(ByVal filename As String, ByVal p As String) If File.Exists(filename)Then MsgBox(" " & filename & " ") Exit Sub End If Dim wf As New StreamWriter(filename) wf.WriteLine(p): wf.Close() ' End Sub

1) , filename.txt *

2) ,

3) FileNotFoundException

4) IOException

5) filename.txt c

20. ,

Sub writefile1(ByVal filename As String, ByVal p As String) If File.Exists(filename)Then MsgBox(" " & filename & " ") Exit Sub End If Dim wf As StreamWriter= File.CreateText(filename) wf.WriteLine(p): wf.Close() End Sub

1) , filename.txt

2) ,

3) FileNotFoundException

4) IOException

5) , *


4.10.7. ,


: , , , ,




1) . .

2) VB .

3) .

4) VB .

5) StreamReader, StreamWriter My.Computer.FileSystem .



1) , ( 10).

2) -10.

3) .

4) Microsoft Windows 5-7 , .

5) , : , , .

6) , (. 9), / . , .

7) , , .

8) , .

9) .

10) .


1) , , .
2) , , : , ("" ""), , - .
3) , ,
4) , .
5) , - .
6) , , - .
7) , .
8) , .
9) , , . , . .
10) , , .
11) , , .
12) .
13) , .
14) "mm-dd-yyyy", mm - , dd - , yyyy - . , , "dd.mm.yy", yy - .
15) , , "" , "XXXXX" "nX", X - , n - .
16) , .
17) , .
18) .
19) , , (a, e, i, o, u, y).
20) , , .
21) , , .
22) , , .. .
23) , .
24) , "dd.mm.yy", dd - , mm - , yy - , , n , .
25) , .
26) , .
27) , n- .
28) , "" 10 , , 10*(k - 1) + 1, k - "".
  , ʻ .
30) , "dd.mm.yy", dd - , mm - , yy - , , n , .


1) ;

2) , , , .

3) .

4) .

5) , :

5.1) ;

5.2) ;

5.3) ;

5.4) .

6) .

7) .


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