NOTE: It does not matter what order you put multiple commands in, they will still function the same.
The Entity Command
There is another type of text that one can use to make certain symbols on web pages that are normally not used. This type of text is called entities. For example an © would show up as a copyright symbol “©” on the web browser. Inserting these with normal text is easy, all you have to do is enter the entity’s epers and (shift+2) “&” and the text that represents the entity on your page. That is it, no command just enter the entity symbol (there is a list of symbols at the end of the book). The final source code for a copyright sign would look like this:
This page is © Justin Weber
The Font Size Command
Another text manipulation command is the command that can be used to change the size of the the font on your web page. This is useful if you want to put a word on you page that is bigger then the other words but you do not want to make it a heading because you want it to appear in the body of a paragraph. This command is also useful if you want to put credits or a copyright at the bottom of your page that is very small. This technique has even been used to create a word that looks like a mountain, it starts small and gets bigger, or a sort of inverse mountain, it starts big and ends up smaller. Using the font size command you could make the first letter of every paragraph on your page be really big and all the rest of the letters normal size. This would make your page look kind of like a children’s or old fashion book.
In order to incorporate the font size command into your web page you need to decide what size you want the font to be. The font can be in a size from 1 through 7 but unlike the heading 1 is the smallest and 7 is the biggest. If you are going to use normal text on your web page you do not need to have a font size command because the web browser automatically assigns all text without the font size modifier a specific size. The font size modifier would be inserted to a web page by starting the font modification with a command. The command to start the modification would be an angle bracket “<“ followed by the words FONT SIZE followed by a 1-7 (if you want it just slightly larger then the normal font on a web page you would have to guess and insert different numbers into that size until you get your page how you want it to look) then an angle bracket “>”. For now, we will say that we want a small copyright on the bottom of the web page so we will use the smallest font size which is 1. We would then insert the text that we want to have the font manipulation active on. Then when our text is done we will need to insert the command that tells the browser that we no longer want to have our text modified. This command is an angle bracket “<“ followed by a slash “/” followed by the word FONT followed by an angle bracket “>”. The final source code for this page will look like this:
<FONT SIZE=1>This page and it’s contents are copyrighted by the owner</FONT>
Now we can do some fun stuff! If I wanted to make a document with many paragraphs and at the beginning of each paragraph I wanted a really big letter of the first word I could do this:
<FONT SIZE=7>O</FONT>nce upon a time there was a woman that lived in a shoe.
If I wanted to make a the text make the words look like a mountain, or a bell curve, I could change the font size of each letter:
Or if I wanted the text to appear as a inverse mountain I could do this:
The Font Face Command
Another type of font manipulation that can be used is the command to change the type of font on your web page. For example, if you wanted Times to be on your web page then, before you started you page, you could enter the FONT command with a modifier. This modifier is the word FACE then an equal sign “=” followed by the type of font that you want, Arial, Times, etc. So if you want you web page to be in Times font then you would start the first text of your web page with the command. The final source code of the first word on a web page would look like this:
<H1>Welcome to my web page!</H1>
The Base Font Command
You can also change the default size of the font on the page, which is three. You would do this if you want the font on your page to be bigger or smaller then it is on everyone else's page. In order to do this, before you type any normal text, you must enter the BASEFONT command. The command is an angle bracket “<“ followed by the word BASEFONT followed by the word SIZE followed by an equal sign “=” followed by the size that you want the font to be followed by an angle bracket “>”. The final source code for a document that has the basefont size of 4, one bigger then the default 3, would look like this:
Any text on the page