


Другие языки
Охрана труда





The Man Who Took Notice of Notices

Гуманітарний центр



Кафедра “Іноземні мови”


Методичні вказівки до розмовної теми

“Автоматика, телемеханіка та зв’язок”

З розвитку навичок професійного спілкування

Для студентів 2 курсу факультету АТЗ


(англійська мова)


Харків, 2005

Методичні вказівки розглянуті та рекомендовані до друку на засіданні кафедри “Іноземні мови” 29 листопада 2005, протокол №4


Дані методичні вказівки призначені для розвитку навичок усного мовлення та питання текстів за спеціальністю.

Методичні вказівки мають комунікативну спрямованість вивчення іноземної мови. З цією метою розроблені вправи. Які стимулюють ефективне оволодіння мовою.

Методичні вказівки містять також два тексти, які призначені для додаткового питання як самостійно так і в класі.


Укладач: ст.викл. Аганова В.М.

Рецензент: доц., к.ф.н. Нешко С.І.





Fail-safe operation of the railway transport depends on safe functioning of modern automated systems of traffic processes control.

The solution of the tasks of automation is not possible without wide use of computing technique, computerization of technological operations, modern systems of transmitting the information, various systems of signalling and communication. They ensure regulation of train movements on waysides and sections, automation of train and shunting travel, marshalling of trains, effective control of technical state of various objects, transmitting and processing the information.

Besides, the systems of signalling and communication play a decisive role in ensuring safety of train operation, promote improving conditions of work of railwaymen and culture of passenger service.

The ATC department trains highly qualified specialists – electrical engineers – who acquire the profession of “Automation on the railway transport”.

Within the limits of the existing speciality the students are trained according to the following specializations:

· automation and systems of train operation control

· computer information-control systems on the railway transport

· automated systems of technological communication on the railway transport

Our graduates successfully work at the enterprises of signalling and communication branches, at computer centres, road laboratories, design organizations.

Modern systems of automation and telecommunication on the railway transport are rather complicated. They are based on the latest microelectronic basis using progressive computer technology, that is why it is not possible to acquire a profession successfully without such fundamental and general education subjects as higher mathematics, physics, computer technique, theory of electric and magnetic circuits.

Senior students study special subjects: electronics, microschemetechnique, microprocessor devices, program providing of computer systems, systems of dispatcher control, theory of electric communication, radio engineering systems and others depending on the chosen specialization.

Much attention is paid to the subjects which are necessary in the conditions of market relations: fundamentals of management and marketing, economics and organization of production, fundamentals of law.

The department has modern educational laboratories in different subjects which are equipped with the latest instruments and equipment.


Exercise 1

Memorise the meanings of the following words and word combinations which will help you to understand the text given above.

1 fail-safe – безперебійний

2 traffic control – регулювання руху

3 solution – вирішення

4 transmit – передавати

5 ensure – забезпечувати

6 wayside – перегін

7 section – ділянка

8 shunting travel – маневрове переміщення

9 marshalling of trains – формування поїздів

10 processing – обробка, переробка

11 train operation – поїзна робота, рух поїздів

12 promote – сприяти

13 within the limits – в межах

14 control – управління

15 rather complicated – досить складні

16 microschemetechnique – мікросхемотехніка

17 device – пристрій

18 dispatcher control – диспетчерське керування

19 depend on – залежати від

20 equipment – обладнання


Exercise 2

Translate the following groups of words

a) fail (n., v.), failing (P.I, n., a.), failure

b) safe (n., a.), safely, safety, safety-belt, safety razor, safety-pin

c) operate, operated, operation, operational, operating, operative, operator

d) railway, railroad, railway transport, railway building (construction), railway buildings, railway communication, railway crossing, railway engine, railway engineer, railway junction (terminal), railway network (system), railway point, railway radio, railway route

e) traffic, traffic capacity, traffic carrying capacity, traffic conditions, traffic control, traffic light

f) automatic, automation, automated, automatize

g) computer, compute, computing, computerization, computation

Exercise 3

Translate the following word combinations.

Fail-safe operation, safe functioning, traffic control, computing technique, to transmit the information, systems of signalling, train movement, to process the information, electrical engineer, students are trained, microprocessor devices, radio engineering systems, the chosen specialization, market relations, latest installations


Exercise 4

Form the nouns of the verbs.

Organize, operate, regulate, communicate, inform, transport, produce, educate, move, improve, manage, equip, special, serve


Exercise 5

Find the pairs of synonyms.

Car, operation, use, decision, train movement, latest, department, carriage, work, make use of, solution, train operation, faculty, employ, modern


Exercise 6

Find the pairs of antonyms.

With, modern, acquire, possible, wide, answer, without, impossible, old, latest, narrow, question

Exercise 7

Find in the text the corresponding English equivalents.

Рух поїздів на перегонах і ділянках залізниць; автоматизація поїзних і маневрових переміщень; формування поїздів; контроль за технічним станом різноманітних об’єктів; комп’ютерні інформаційно-управляючі системи; теорія електричних і магнітних кіл: програмне забезпечення комп’ютерних систем; системи диспетчерського керування; радіотехнічні системи; організація виробництва.


Exercise 8

Answer the questions on the text.

1 What does the fail-safe operation of the railway transport depend on?

2 What is it necessary to use for the solution of the tasks of automation?

3 What do all these systems ensure?

4 What role do the systems of signalling and communication play?

5 What specialists does the ATC department train?

6 What specializations are the students trained?

7 Where do the graduates of the ATC department work?

8 Why are modern systems of automation complicated?

9 What is it necessary to do to acquire this profession?

10 What special subjects do senior students study?

11 Do students study any other subjects?

12 What can you say about the ATC department all in all?

Exercise 9

Give a summary of the text.


Exercise 10

Translate the text using the words given below the text.


The ATC Department of our Academy trains the electrical engineers for railway transport. At the Academy the students obtain theoretical basis and prepare themselves for solving problems connected with the automation of railways. At the laboratories of the Academy which are equipped with modern apparatus the students study the most up-to-date automatic control systems used on the railway transport.

The graduates of the ATC Department work in the field of automation and computer systems of control and in the field of railway telecommunications. Our specialty is automation, telemechanics and communication on the railway transport. Thus, after graduating from the Academy we shall have to do with developing and operating the most up-to-date control systems.

Automation is widely used on the railway transport. We get to know some simplest devices of ATC as soon as we come to the railway station. For example, radio informs us when the train arrives or departs, an indicating panel shows if vacant seats are available, etc.

At present the systems of automation, telemechanics, telecommunications and computer systems of control perform the most complicated functions of automatic traffic control.


1 obtain - одержувати; здобувати, дістати

2 prepare - готуватися, підготуватися

3 solve - вирішувати

4 connect - з’єднувати, зв’язувати

5 equip - устаткувати, обладнувати, оснащати

6 control - управляти, регулювати

7 operate - управляти, експлуатувати

8 indicate - показувати, позначати

9 panel - пульт (щит) управління

10 available - доступний; який є; наявний

11 perform - виконувати



Exercise 11

Find the pairs of words “a verb – a noun” and translate.


Verbs Nouns

1 mean 1 solving

2 follow 2 arrival

3 solve 3 departure

4 arrive 4 meaning

5 depart 5 memory

6 memorize 6 following


Exercise 12

Give the noun forms of the following by adding the suffixes –tion or –ment.


Automate, equip, develop, inform, indicate, communicate, combine, prepare, connect, graduate, operate.



Exercise 13

Find the pairs of synonyms.


1 faculty 1 motion

2 branch 2 to supply

3 railroad 3 to link

4 velocity 4 department

5 to connect 5 field

6 nowadays 6 railway

7 movement 7 at present

8 to provide 8 speed

9 modern 9 up-to-date



Exercise 14

Translate the following sentences.


1 The ATC Department trains electrical engineers for the railway transport.

2 The graduates of the ATC Department work in the field of the automation and telemechanics and railway communications.

3 Our speciality is automation and telemechanics.

4 Automation finds wide application on the railway transport.

5 Automatic equipment ensures fail-safe running of trains.

6 Due to the automation the efficiency of railway traction is raised.



Exercise 15

Answer the questions on the text.


1 What specialists does the ATC Department train?

2 What do the students prepare themselves for?

3 What are the laboratories equipped with?

4 What do the students study at the laboratories?

5 In what fields of railway transport do the graduates of the ATC Department work?

6 What is your speciality?

7 Is automaton widely used on the railway transport?

8 What simplest devices of ATC do you know?

9 What does radio inform us about?

10 What does an indicating panel show?

11 What functions do the systems of ATC perform on the railway transport?



Exercise 16

Ask your friend:


1 what department he studies at.

2 what specialists the ATC Department trains.

3 in what field of railway transport he will work.

4 if automatic control is widely used on the railway transport.

5 what we mean by “An Automatic Train Operation System”.

6 if automation offers any advantages.



Exercise 17

Say if statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.


1 The graduates of the ATC Department solve problems connected with the automation of production at various plants.

2 The students do not work at the laboratories.

3 Many graduates of the ATC Department work in the field of automation of agricultural processes.

4 Automation is not widely used on the railway transport.

5 It is not necessary for the students to know some simplest devices of ATC.



Exercise 18

Translate the text using the words given below the text.


The ATC Department of our academy trains electrical engineers for the railway transport. The graduates of the ATC Department work in the field of the automation and telemechanics and in the field of railway communications. Our speciality is railway communications.

At the academy the students master the practical and theoretical fundamentals of their future speciality. At the laboratories of the Academy, which are equipped with modern apparatus we study communication systems used on the railway transport. We also prepare ourselves for solving problems connected with developing and operating the most up-to-date communication systems.

One must say that the fail-safe operation of the railway transport is closely linked with the reliable communication systems.

Communication is the information system, which provides exchange of information. It was in 1837 that Samuel Morse devised the first electric telecommunication system, the telegraph. Since that time the art of transmission of massages has become greatly improved.

The importance of communication is rapidly increasing due to the automation of industrial processes in all braches of economics including the railway transport.

At present railways make use of the most up-to-date wire and wireless communication systems. Wireless or radio is the only method of communication between stationary and mobile objects. That is why radio communication is widely used on the railway transport.


1 master - оволодіти

2 one must - треба, слід

3 fail-safe - безперебійний

4 operation - робота, праця; дія; управління;


5 link - з’єднувати, зв’язувати

6 reliable - надійний

7 provide - забезпечувати

8 exchange - обмін

9 message - повідомлення

10 improve - поліпшувати, удосконалити

11 importance - важливість

12 rapid - швидкий, скорий

13 increase - збільшуватися

14 branch - галузь

15 include - включати

16 wire - провід, дріт; телеграф;


17 wireless - радiо, радіоприймач;




Exercise 19

Translate the following groups of words.


1 simple, simply, simplify

2 rely, reliable, reliability

3 special, specialist, speciality, specialize, specialization

4 prepare, preparative, preparatory, preparation

5 improve, improved, improvement

6 memory, memorize

7 rapid, rapidly

8 to train, trainee, training

9 to use, the use, usage



Exercise 20

Translate the given antonyms.

dependent - independent

advantage - disadvantage

arrive - depart

arrival - departure

modern - old

stationary - mobile

wire - wireless

Exercise 21

Translate the following word combinations.


a) automatic systems; automatic control systems; to solve the problems; for solving problems; after graduating; after reading; after translating; the only system; the only transport; the only method;

b) the departments of our academy; the students of our department; the laboratories of the Academy; the automation of railways; the graduates of ATC Department; automation of processes; systems of automation; functions of automatic control; functions of automatic traffic control; in the field of automation; devices of ATC; operation of the railway transport; automation of industrial processes; branches of economics;

c) the problems connected with the automation; the problems are connected with the automation; the laboratories equipped with modern apparatus; the systems used on railway transport; the systems are used on railway transport; the automation used on railway transport; the automation is used on railway transport; the work linked with communication systems; the work is linked with communication systems.


Exercise 22

Translate the following sentences.


1 The ATC Department trains electrical engineers for the railway transport.

2 The graduates of the ATC Department work in the field of automation and telemechanics and railway communications.


3 The fail-safe operation of the railway transport is linked with the reliable communication systems.

4 Up-to-date communication systems permit to convey information at any distance.

5 At the Academy the students study wire and wireless systems of communication.

6 Wireless system of communication is radio communication.

7 Radio communication is widely used on the railway transport.

8 Radio enables to speed track work.

9 Loudspeaker communication is used in the classification yards.

10 A great number of various types of communication apparatus have been developed.

11 At present scientists are developing new communication systems.



Exercise 23

Answer the questions on the text.


1 What specialists does the ATC Department train?

2 In what fields of railway transport do the graduates of the ATC Department work?

3 What is your specialty?

4 What do the students master?

5 What do the students study at the laboratories?

6 What are the laboratories equipped with?

7 What is the fail-safe operation of the railway transport linked with?

8 What is communication?

9 When was the first electric telecommunication system devised?

10 Who devised the telegraph?

11 What systems of communication do railways make use of at present?

12 What method of communication is used between stationary and mobile objects?



Exercise 24

Ask your friend:


1 what department he studies at.

2 what specialists the ATC Department trains.

3 what his speciality is.

4 what the railway transport needs for its fail-safe operation.

5 by what means communication can be accomplished.

6 what communication systems the railways make use of at present.

7 what the telephone communication provides.

8 when the telegraph communication is used.

9 what radio communication is.

10 if radio is only method of communication between stationary and mobile objects.

11. where the loudspeaker communication is used.






1 The ATC Department of the State Academy of Railway Transport trains electrical engineers for the railway transport for working – in the field of automation and telemechanics and in the field of railway communications. The graduates of the ATC Department work at different enterprises of the country as well as at the research and designing institutions. They deal with the developing and operating the most up-to-date train control systems and communication systems.


2 Automation has found wide application on the railway transport. An “Automatic Train Operation Systems” is a railway system where all the railway train movements, such as accelerating, braking, switching, etc. should be performed automatically by electronic and electromechanical devices from a central control point. Automation offers several advantages: 1.safety is improved; 2. the economic efficiency of railway traction is raised; 3. the line capacity is increased; 4. comfort is improved.


3 Two independent systems have been adopted for automatic railway operation: a control system in the vehicle itself, and a safety system which makes use of information transmitted from the line. Scientists have created automatic equipment ensuring a high traffic capacity of railway lines and the safe running of trains.


4 At present the systems of automation, telemechanics and communication perform the most complicated functions of automatic traffic control and transmission of information which is necessary for fail-safe working of railways. The electronically operated systems of signal interlocking, for example, perform the basic function of all railway signalling apparatus. Increasing the train weights, speeds and carrying capacity of the railway sections must be accompanied by enhancing the safety of the train movements. An important role in fulfilling all these tasks belongs to the systems of automation, telemechanics and communications.


5 The development of automation in each control system has the effects of simplifying the remote control system, shortening the control time, improving the reliability and extending the controllable area designed to each central controller. Nowadays the automatic block-signalling installations control the train movements at waysides. The modern interlocking systems enable an attendant to control the points and signals of the whole station.


6 Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) is also one of the modern installations used on the railway transport. It is the centralized control system, which is installed at stations. Station interlocking may be controlled either locally from the station panels or remotely by the operator at the CTC installation. This system permits the dispatcher alone to operate the train movements at the 100-150 km sections.


7 At the sections where trains travel at 200 km/h train speed is controlled by the multi-aspect automatic cab signalling system. This system provides continuous transmission of aspects from the track to the locomotive.


8 One of the most perfect systems of automation and telemechanics developed for classification yards is the installation of automatic hump interlocking and automated hump marshalling of trains. This system is designed for the automatic control of the speed of cuts down a hump.


9 The fail-safe operation of the railway transport is closely linked with the reliable systems of telegraph, telephone and radio communications. With increasing speed of train movements from 100-200km/h to 200-250 km/h that is expected in the near future particularly great demand is made of radio channels.


10 At present scientists and designers in the field of railway automation, telemechanics and communications work at the development of complicated cybernetic systems of train operation that are based on the wide application of computers and computing technology. Thus, on the basis of computing technology the systems of train operation at long sections - Automatic Dispatcher and Automatic Pilot for underground trains - have already been developed in our country.


Exercise 1

Memorize the words and word combinations, which will help you to understand the text given above. They are grouped according to the paragraphs of the text.

1 field -поле; галузь, сфера діяльності

different - різний

as well as - а також

deal with - мати справу з...

develop - розвивати; удосконалювати; конструювати,


operate - робити, діяти, управляти, приводити до руху,


control - управляти, контролювати, регулювати,

управління, контроль, регулювання

2 find (found) - знаходити

application - застосування

movement - рух

accelerating - прискорення пуску до ходу

braking - гальмування

switching - вироблення маневрів, переключення

perform - виконувати

device - пристрій, прилад, механізм

central control point - центральний пост (пункт) управління

offer - пропонувати

safety - безпека

improve - поліпшувати

traction - тяга

rise - піднімати, підвищувати

capacity - номінальна потужність, максимальне

навантаження, пропускна здатність

(спроможність), вантажопідйомність,


line capacity - пропускна спроможність ліній

i ncrease - збільшувати (ся), зростати

3 independent - незалежний, самостійний

adopt - приймати

vehicle - візок, вагон, екіпаж, транспортний засіб

make use of - використовувати

transmit - передавати

create - створювати

equipment - устаткування, обладнання

ensure - забезпечувати

traffic - рух, транспорт, перевезення, вантажообіг,

вантажооборот, вантажоперевезення, пасажиро


traffic capacity - пропускна здатність

running - пробіг, хід, робота, праця

4 complicated - складний

necessary - необхідний, потрібний

fail-safe - безперебійний

interlock - блокування, блокувати

interlocking - централізація

interlocking of signals - централізація сигналів

weight - вага

carrying - який несе, який пропускає

carrying capacity - провозна здатність, пропускна

спроможність, допустиме навантаження

section - залізнична дільниця, відділення, відділ

accompany - супроводжувати, супроводити

enhance - збільшувати, посилювати, підвищити

fulfil(I) - виконувати, здійснювати

belong (to) - належати

5 simplify - спрощувати

remote - дистанційний

shorten - укорочувати, скорочувати

reliability - надійність

extend - розширювати

area - площа, територія, дільниця, зона

design - призначати(ся)

central controller - центральний диспетчер

block signal - сигнал блокування

block signalling - блок-сигналізація, система блокування

installation - установка, (pl.) спорудження

wayside - перегін

enable - давати можливість

attendant - черговий, вартовий, оператор

6 centralized traffic control (CTC) - диспетчерська централізація

station interlocking - станційна централізація

either … or… - чи... чи...

locally - в місцевому масштабі

panel - панель, щит управління, дошка приладів

permit - дозволяти

7 travel - рух, рухатися

km/h =km p. h = (стільки-то) кілометрів за годину

Kilometers per hour

cab - будка машиніста у локомотиві, кабіна


cab signalling - кеб-сигналізація

aspect - вигляд, вид, показання

aspect of signal - показання сигналу

multi-aspect - багатозначний

Multi-aspect automatic

cab signalling system - система багатозначної

локомотивної сигналізації

provide - забезпечити, передбачати

continuous - безперервний, постійний

track - рейкова колія

8 one of - один з

perfect - досконалий, ідеальний, бездоганний

classification yard - сортувальна станція

hump - гірка на сортувальній станції, гірковий

automatic - автоматичний, автоматизований

automated - автоматизований

marshalling - складання поїзда, сортування вагонів

marshalling of train - складання поїзда

cut - відчеплення (вагона)

9 closely - тісно

link - з’єднувати, зв’язувати

reliable - надійний

expect - чекати, сподіватися

demand - потреба

channel - канал

10 automatic dispatcher - автоматичний диспетчер

automatic pilot - автомашиніст


Exercise 2

Find the words in the text which mean the same as the following. The words are grouped according to the paragraphs of the text.

1 faculty, railroad, plant, modern

2 use, do, post

4 nowadays, operation, for instance, main, device, rate, part, perform

5 distant, at present, up-to-date

6 control, running

7 run, rate

8 work, connect, especially

9 in the sphere of, complex, use, design


Exercise 3

Give the noun forms of the following:

automate, communicate, institute, develop, operate, move, safe, improve, adopt, inform, transmit, create, equip, reliable, install


Exercise 4

Write the negative forms of these adjectives:

dependent, safe, necessary, important, perfect


Exercise 5

Give antonyms of the following:


Low, discomfort, those, old, short


Exercise 6

Translate the following word combinations:

a) central control points; remote control; centralized control system;

b) traffic capacity; automatic traffic control system; centralized traffic control;

c) station interlocking; hump interlocking; interlocking of points and signals; system of signal interlocking


Exercise 7

Read paragraphs 4 and 5 and give their main idea.


Exercise 8

Read paragraphs 6 and 10 and entitle each of them.


Exercise 9

Translate the following sentences:

1 The ATC Department trains electrical engineers for the railway transport.

2 The graduates of the ATC Department work in the field of automation and telemechanics and railway communications.

3 Our speciality is automation and telemechanics.

4 Automation finds wide application on the railway transport.

5 Two automatic systems have been adopted for automatic railway operation.

6 One of these systems is installed in the vehicle.

7 Another one makes use of information transmitted from the line.

8 Automatic equipment ensures fail-safe running of trains.

9 Due to automation the efficiency of railway traction is raised.

10 In classification yards installations of hump interlocking are used.

11 Installation of hump marshalling of trains controls the speed of cuts.


Exercise 10

Answer the questions on the text.

1 In what fields do electrical engineers work?

2 What do the graduates of the ATC Department deal with?

3 What can you say about automation on the railway transport?

4 What systems have been adopted for automatic railway operation?

5 What do these systems perform at present?

6 What do these systems help to simplify?

7 What do the automatic block-signalling installations control?

8 What can you say about CTC?

9 What system is train speed controlled by?

10 What system is used at classification yards?

11 What is the fail-safe operation of the railway transport linked with?

12 What do scientists and designers work at?


Exercise 11

Translate the dialogue and try to reproduce it with your friend.

1 What department do you study at? 1 I study at the ATC Department.
2 What specialists does the ATC Department train? 2 The ATC Department trains electrical engineers for the railway transport.
3 In what field of the railway transport will you work? 3 I shall work in the field of automation and telemechanics.
4 Is automatic control introduced on the railway transport on a large scale?   4 Yes, it is.
5 What do we mean by an “Automatic Train Operation System”? 5 An “Automatic Train Operation System” is a railway system where all the railway train movements are performed automatically.  
6 Does Automation offer any advantages? 6 Yes, it does
7 What two independent systems have been adopted for automatic railway operation? 7 These systems are: a control system in the vehicle itself, and a safety system which makes use of information transmitted from the line
8 By what means is the train movement controlled at waysides? 8 The train movement at waysides is controlled by the automatic block-signalling installations.
9 What automatic control system is installed at stations? 9 The system of Centralized Traffic Control is installed at stations.
10 How may station interlockings be controlled? 10 Station interlockings may be controlled either locally or remotely.
11 What automatic installations used in classification yards do you know? 11 I know such installations as automated hump interlocking and automated hump marshalling of trains.
12 What automatic railway systems based on computing technology have been developed in our country? 12 “Automatic Dispatcher” and “Automatic Pilot” based on computing technology have been developed in our country






(Data Transmissions Systems)

1 The ATC Department of the State Academy of Railway Transport trains electrical engineers for working in the field of automation and telemechanics and in the field of railway communications. The graduates of the ATC Department work at different enterprises of the country as well as at the research and designing institutes. They deal with developing and operating the most up-to-date train control systems and communication systems.


2 To ensure fail- safe operation of the railway transport it is necessary to have reliable communication systems. The modern communication is the information system, which provides transmission and receiving of intelligence. This can be accomplished by the printed means, by postal systems, by radio broadcasting and by electronic telecommunications as well as by space communications. Railways make use of the most up-to-date high-frequency, telegraph and radio communications as well as automatic exchanges which permit to convey all the necessary information at practically any distance.


3 The ATC Department has modern laboratories where the students get to know wire and wireless systems of railway communications. Wire systems of communications are: trunk communication, telephone communication, telegraph communication. The telephone communication provides the two-way communication with the subscribers. When the recording of the received information is necessary, the telegraph communication is used.


4 Wireless system of communication is radio communication. Radio communication is the transmission and reception of messages without wires or waveguides. It includes communication by radio telegraph, radio telephone, radio teletype-writer, radio facsimile and television. Radio is the only method of communication between stationary and mobile objects. On the railway transport radio communication is used to provide communication between a wayside station and a locomotive, between the dispatcher and locomotives, between the train dispatcher and a wayside station, between two locomotives as well as between two adjacent wayside stations. Besides radio system finds a wide application in the classification and receiving yards. For example, a portable dual- frequency radio system gives the gang foreman and the inspectors direct communication. If some inspector wants help he can radio the gang foreman about it. Moreover, radio enables to speed track work. A foreman can communicate with the locomotive engineer of an approaching train, who advises him of the train’s location. This permits him to gain more production time. Also by means of radio train crews can be quickly notified of hot boxes, broken wheels, defective trucks, etc.


5 The loudspeaker communication and television communication have found a wide application on the railway transport too. The loudspeaker communication enables the dispatcher to transmit information through the loudspeaker to a large number of persons simultaneously. This type of communication is widely used in the classification and receiving yards as well as in the freight yards. The television communication provides the remote control of production processes.


6 At present the channels of digital automation become widespread. They provide the transmission of information directly to the computers. Scientists have developed a great deal of various types of communication apparatus. Nowadays the most urgent problems of communication are the efficiency and reliability of communication systems. To increase the efficiency, economy and reliability of channels multi- channel communication systems are used.


7 Scientists and designers in the field of railway communications are engaged in developing new communication systems and at the same time in improving diagrams and designs of existing channel equipment.


Exercise 1

Memorize the words and word combinations, which will help you to understand the text given above. They are grouped according to the paragraphs of the text.


1 different - різний, відмінний, неоднаковий, несхожий

as well as - а також

deal with - мати справу

operate - робити, діяти, управляти, приводити в рух, експлуатувати

control - управляти, контролювати, регулювати, управління, контроль, регулювання

2 ensure - забезпечувати

necessary - необхідний, потрібний

reliable - надійний

provide - забезпечити, передбачати

receive - одержувати, одержати, здобувати, дістати освіту

intelligence - відомості, інформація

accomplish - робити, чинити, вчинити, провадити, здійснювати

means - засіб, засоби, спосіб, способи

highfrequency - висока частота

exchange - обмін(інформацією), центральна телефонна станція, комутатор

permit - дозволяти

convey - передавати, повідомляти, переказувати


3 get to know – дізнаватися, довідуватися

wire - дріт, провід, телеграма, депеша, телеграфувати

trunk - залізнична магістраль, залізниця першого класу, міжміський, магістральний (зв’язок)

subscriber - передплатник, абонент

subscriber’s operator - телефоністка

record - запис, записувати

reception - одержання, приймання, прийом


4 message - повідомлення, сповіщення, оповіщення, передача,передавання

waveguide - хвильовід

include - включати

teletype writer = teletyper - дистанційний друкувальний апарат

facsimile -фототелеграф

wayside - перегін

wayside station - проміжна станція

adjacent - який прилягає, сусідній, який примикає

find(found) - знаходити, здобувати, набувати

classification yard - сортувальна станція

receiving - приймальний

portable - пересувний

dual-frequency - двочастотний

gang foreman - бригадир

inspector - контролер, майстер (ам.), оглядач вагонів

moreover - над, понад, крім того

enable - давати можливість

track - рейкова колія

approach - наближатися, підходити, надходити

advise - сповіщати, оповістити, повідомити

location - місцезнаходження

gain - добитися, досягти, досягнути

by means of - за допомогою

train crew - поїзна бригада

notify - сповіщати, повідомляти

hot box - перегрів букси

break - ламати, розбивати, (з) руйнувати

(broke, broken)

truck - вагонний візок, платформа


5 loudspeaker - гучномовець, репродуктор

application - застосування, вживання

simultaneously - одночасно, водночас

freight - вантаж, товар, вантажити

freight yard - товарний двір, сортувальна станція

remote - дистанційний

production -виробництво, вироблення


6 digital - цифровий

become (a,o) -ставати, стати

widespread - поширений (розповсюджений)

directly -прямо, безпосередньо

a great deal of - багато

urgent - терміновий, негайний

increase - збільшувати (ся), зростати

reliability - надійність


7 be engaged in - бути зайнятим, бути зацікавленим

same - той же самий, однаковий

improve - поліпшувати, покращити

exist - існувати

equipment -устаткування, обладнання


Exercise 2

Find the words in the text which mean almost the same as the folowing. The words are grouped according to the paragraphs of the text.


1 faculty, sphere, works, institution, modern

2 guarantee, essential, get information, way

4 intelligence, for instance, allow, inform

5 use, at the same time, goods, distant

6 many, now

7 today, be busy at (in), simultaneously


Exercise 3

Give the noun forms of the following:


Inform, to train, automate, inspect, produce, locate, classify, permit, equip.


Exercise 4

Find the pairs of antonyms.


Stationary - narrow

wire - old

too - mobile

modern - wireless

high - slow

hot - same

find - without

different - lose

quick - could

with - also


Exercise 5

Give three forms of the irregular verbs used in the text.

be, become, find, give, deal, make, get, know


Exercise 6

Form the degrees of comparison of the adjectives used in the text.

quick, high, wide, old, hot, reliable, necessary, modern, many.


Exercise 7

Translate the following groups of combinations of words.

a) channel of digital automation, multi-channel communication, channel equipment;

b) railway communication, loudspeaker communication, wire communication system, wireless communication system, two-way communication, dual-frequency communication system;

c) in the field of railway communications, graduates of the department, to work at enterprises, as well as, the most up-to-date systems, it is necessary, this can be accomplished, railways make use of, systems of communications, communication with subscribers, recording of the received information, transmission and reception of messages, the only method, to provide communication, direct communication, you can radio, to inform of the train’s location, by means of radio, train crew, is widely used, loudspeaker communication, remote control of processes, channels of digital automation, top increase reliability of channels, at the same time.


Exercise 8

Read paragraphs 2,3,4 and 5 and entitle each of them.


Exercise 9

Read paragraphs 6 and 7 and give their main idea.



Translate the following sentences:


1 The ATC Department trains electrical engineers for the railway transport.

2 The graduates of the ATC Department work in the field of automation and telemechanics and railway communication.

3 Our speciality is railway communications.

4 The fail-safe operation of the railway transport is linked with the reliable communication systems.

5 The railway transport makes use of wire and wireless systems of communication.

6 Wire communication systems are trunk communication, telephone and telegraph communications.

7 Radio is wireless communication system.

8 Radio is the only method of communication between stationary and mobile objects.

9 Radio enables to speed track work.

10 In classification yards loudspeaker communication is widely used.

11 The channels of digital automation provide the transmission of information directly to the computers.

12 To increase the efficiency and reliability of channels multi-channel communication systems are used.


Exercise 11

Translate the dialogue and try to reproduce it with your friend.

1 What department do you study at? I study at the ATC Department
2 What specialists does the ATC Department train? 2 The ATC Department trains electrical engineers for the railway transport.
3 What is your speciality? 3 My speciality is railway communication
4 What does the railway transport need for its fail-safe operation? 4 The railway transport needs the reliable systems of communications for its fail-safe operation
5 What is modern communication? 5 The modern communication is the information system which provides transmission and receiving of intelligence.
6 By what means can communication be accomplished? 6 Communication can be accomplished by postal systems, by radio broadcasting, by electrical telecommunication etc.
7 What communication systems do the railways make use of at present? 7 At present the railways make use of high frequency, telegraph and radio communication systems.
8 What does the telephone communication provide? 8 The telephone communication provides the two-way communications with the subscribers.
9 When is the telegraph communication used? 9 The telegraph communication is used when the recording of the received information is necessary
10 What is radio communication? 10 Radio communication is the transmission and reception of messages without wire or waveguides.
11 Is radio the only method of Communication between stationary and mobile objects? 11 Yes, it is.
12 Where is the loudspeaker communication used? 12 The loudspeaker communication is used in classification and receiving yards.
13 What are the most urgent problems of communication nowadays? 13 Nowadays the most urgent problems of communication are efficiency and reliability of communication systems.



Exercise 12

Role-play the following situations:


1 Ви прибули на міжнародну конференцію, зустріли своїх колег. Висловте радість від зустрічі і запитайте їх, з яких проблем вони робитимуть доповіді.

2 Обміняйтесь думками про роль компьютерізації, зокрема, для розв’язання важливих технічних проблем на залізниці.

3 Поговоріть про конференцію, у якій ви брали участь, поділіться своїми враженнями від роботи.

4 Поговоріть про те, як поставлена наукова робота у вашій академії, підготовка молодих спеціалістів на факультеті.





Edison’s First Invention


When Edison was a boy of fifteen, he worked as a telegraph operator. He had to be on duty from 7 p.m. to 7a.m. and give a signal every hour to prove that he was awake. The signals were made with astonishing exactness. One night an inspector arrived and saw Edison sleeping in a chair.

He was about to shake him when he caught sight of a mechanism on a table near the telegraph instrument. He waited to see what happened. When the hand of the clock pointed to the hour, the instrument got busy and one lever threw open the key while the other sent the signal over the wire.

The inspector seized the sleeping fellow, roused him – and “fired” him. That’s why the first of Edison’s numerous inventions was never patented.



The Man Who Took Notice of Notices


My uncle Tom used to work on the railway. It wasn’t a big station, it was a little place called Lowton Cross. Only about two trains a day stopped there, and Tom was a station master, chief porter and signal man all in one; in fact Tom did any work that came along, and there wasn’t a happier man in the whole of England. Lowton Cross was the pride of his heart; the waiting room was cleaned every day by the chief cleaner (Tom); the chairs were polished by the chief polisher (Tom); and the tickets were sold, and collected, by the chief ticket collector (Tom); sometimes there were as many as four tickets a day; and the money was counted every evening by the chief clerk (Tom). One day, there was £13.18 – the biggest amount that was ever taken in one day during the whole 50 years that tom was there.

That station was run well: Tom was very strict about “rules”. He knew what a passenger was allowed to do and what he was not allowed to do, where he was allowed to smoke and where he was not allowed to smoke. And if any passenger dared to do anything that was against the rules, there was trouble at Lowton Cross.

He was there, as I said, for 50 years and then he had to retire. There is no doubt that Tom had done his job well; in all the 50 years he had been there, he had never missed a single day; every day he had to be on duty. Well, the railway Company thought they ought to do something to recognize this job, and so a little “farewell ceremony” was arranged, and a man from the head office, Sir Joseph Binks, was asked to go to Lowton Cross for the ceremony.

Tom was thanked and was given a small cheque as a present. He was very pleased, of course, but he said to Joseph,” I don’t need the money (Tom had always been careful and had saved quite a nice sum of money), but can I have instead, something that will remind me of the happy days I have spent here in Lowton Cross?”. Sir Joseph was rather surprised, but he said he thought it could be arranged; what kind of reminder had Tom in mind? So Tom said, “Well, sir, could the company let me have a part of an old railway carriage, just one compartment. It doesn’t matter how old or broken it is; I can repair it and clean it – I shall have plenty of time now that I have retired. I want to put it in my back garden and every day I can go and sit in it, and that will remind me of Lowton Cross”.

Sir Joseph, “Well, Mr. Hobdell, if that is what you want, you shall have it”. And about a week later a carriage, or rather a compartment, was sent and was taken into Tom’s back garden. Tom worked at it, just as he worked at Lowton Cross. It was cleaned and painted and polished, and in a week or so it looked very nice.

One day I was staying with Uncle Albert (that’s Tom’s brother) and he said, “Come on, Hob, let’s go and visit old Tom”. So we went to Tom’s house, but it began to rain and very soon it was raining hard. We knocked at the door, but there was no answer. However the door was not locked and we came in. Tom was nowhere to be seen, and we understood that he was in that old railway carriage of his. Sure enough he was there, but he wasn’t sitting in the carriage: he was outside, smoking his pipe. His head was covered with a sack and the rain was running down his back. We asked him why he didn’t go inside the carriage out of the rain. “Can’t you see”, said Tom, “the carriage they sent me was a non-smoker!

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