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358. Patrick Drouot, «Nous sommes tous immortels», Paris, Ed.du Rocher.

359. Ermance Dufaux, «Jeanne d’Arc par elle-même».

360. Ed.Dupouy, «L’Au-Delà de la Vie», Vigot Frères, édit., Paris.

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371. Judge W.Edmonds, “Spiritual tracts”.

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381. Rev. J.B.Fergusson, “Supramundane facts”, London, 1865.

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383. J.A.Findlay, “On the edge of the etheric”, London, 1931.

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394. Th.Flournoy, «Des Indes à la planète Mars».

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412. James Dillet Freeman, “Case for Reincarnation”.

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472. Pr. Henslow, “Proofs of the Truth of Spiritualism”, Kegan Paul.

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474. Dietrich von Hildebrand, „Über den Tod“, Eos Verlag, 1980.

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687. Pr. Carl du Prel, „Studien auf dem Gebiete der Geheimwissenschaften“ (2 Bde), Leipzig, 1890-91.

688. Pr. Carl du Prel, «La Mort et l’Au-Delà».

689. Pr. Carl du Prel, “Philosophy of Mysticism”, trans. by C.C.Massey, 1889.

690. Pr. Carl du Prel, “A Problem for Conjurers”.

691. “Proceedings of the American S.P.R.”, vv.I-VI.

692. “Proceedings of the S.P.R.”, vv.I-XXV, 1884-1911.

693. Anne Puryear, “Stephen Lives! His Life, Suicide, and Afterlife”.

694. Herbert Puryear, “Why Jesus Taught Reincarnation. A Better News Gospel”.

695. Swami Rama, “Freedom From the Bondage of Karma”.

696. Yogi Ramacharaka, “Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy”, Chicago, The Yogi Publication Society.

697. Yogi Ramacharaka, “Fourteen Lessons – Yogi Philosophy”, Chicago, The Yogi Publication Society.

698. Yogi Ramacharaka, “Life beyond Death”, Chicago, The Yogi Publication Society.

699. Yogi Ramacharaka, “Mystic Christianity”, Chicago, The Yogi Publication Society.

700. Edward C.Randall, “The Dead Have Never Died”.

701. Edward C.Randall, “Frontiers Of the Afterlife”.

702. Randolph, “The Davenport brothers, a biography”, Boston, 1869.

703. C.G.Raue, “Psychology as a natural science, applied to the solution of occult psychic phenomena”, Philadelphia, 1889.

704. Dr. Maurice Rawlings, “Before Death comes”, London, Sheldon Press, 1980.

705. Dr. Maurice Rawlings, “Beyond the Death door”, Nashville, Thomas Nelson Inc., 1978.

706. Henri Régnault, «Léon Denis et l’expérience spirite», 1929.

707. Henri Régnault, «La Mort n’existe pas».

708. Henri Régnault, «Les Vivants et les Morts».

709. Henri Régnault, «Tu revivras».

710. Reichard, „Beitrag zur näheren Einsicht in das Geisterreich“.

711. Baron von Reichenbach, „Der sensitive Mensch“.

712. Baron von Reichenbach, “Researches on Magnetism and Vital Force”.

713. A.Reiterer, „Brücke zum Jenseits“, 1938.

714. Félix Remo, «La Traversée de la Vie», Paris, Jean Meyer, édit.

715. Félix Remo, «Le Mystère de notre existence. Que faisons-nous sur la terre?»

716. Von Reuter, “Psychic Experiences of a Musician”, with a Preface by Sir A.Conan Doyle, The Psychic Press, 1928.

717. Jean Reynaud, «L’Esprit de la Gaule».

718. Jean Reynaud, «Terre et Ciel».

719. Pr. Charles Richet, «De quelques phénomènes dits de matérialisation». (Annales des sciences psychiques, Paris, 1905.)

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