I. Pay attention to the following words. Pick out sentences with these words from the text and translate them into Russian:
the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization – Белорусская республиканская пионерская организация;
the Association of Belarusian Scouts – Объединение белорусских скаутов;
the Belarusian Organizations of Falcons – Белорусская организация соколов;
the Belarusian National Scout Organization – Всебелорусская национальная скаутская организация;
the Association of Belarusian Guides – Ассоциация белорусских гайдов;
the State Committee on the Affairs of Youth - Государственный комитет по делам молодежи;
The Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth (BPUY) – Белорусский патриотический союз молодежи (БПСМ);
The Belarusian Union of Youth (BUY) – Белорусский союз молодёжи (БСМ);
set of rules – устав; moral and spiritual values - духовно-нравственные ценности;
the uniting congress - объединительный съезд.
II. Read out the following words and memorize their meaning:
world outlook (n) | ['wз:ld 'aυtluk] | мировоззрение |
devotion (n) | [dı'vəυ∫ŋ] | преданность |
self-perfection (n) | [self pə'fek∫n] | самосовершенствование |
elaborate (v) | [ıl′æbəreıt] | разрабатывать |
accomplish (v) | [ə′kÙmplı∫] | осуществлять |
contradict (v) | [′kɒntrə′dıkt] | противоречить |
legislation (n) | [lediƷıs′leı∫n] | законодательство |
render (v) | [′rendə] | оказывать |
coincide (v) | [kəʊın′saıd] | совпадать |
consolidate (v) | [kən'sɒlıdeıt] | объединяться |
prolongate (v) | [prəυlɒŋ′geıt] | продлевать |
elect (v) | [ı'lekt] | избирать |
employment (n) | [ım′plÉımənt] | работа |
III. Read these international words and try to guess their meaning:
association, assist, educational programme, initiative, international cooperation, congress, organising committee, conference, regional centre.
IV. Read out these phrases several times till you remember their meaning:
in conformity with - в соответствии с; who have attained to the age of - которые достигли шестнадцатилетнего возраста; to submit for consideration - представлять на рассмотрение; at one’s own free will – по собственному желанию; to consolidate into a single organization – объединяться в единую организацию; to draft set of rules – проект устава; to pass on experience – передавать опыт.
V. Match the English words and their Russian equivalents:
1. moral and spiritual а. объединять(ся)
2. consolidate b. противоречить
3. accomplish с. совпадать
4. contradict d. духовно-нравственный
5. self-perfection e. разрабатывать
6. world outlook f. осуществлять
7. elaborate g. самосовершенствование
8. legislation h. избирать
9. elect i. законодательство
10. coincide j. мировоззрение
VI. Make sure you know all the words in the box. Then read their definitions and match the words with them:
elaborate, world outlook, legislation, render, prolongation, devotion, coincide, consolidate, accomplish, employment, objective, goal |
●make longer; ●provide, supply, give; ●giving up (oneself» one's time, energy, etc.) to; ●work out, describe in detail; ●perform, succeed in doing; ●purpose; ●person's way of looking on life; ● (of ideas, etc.) be in harmony or agreement; ●the laws made; ● (fig,) object of efforts or ambition; ●one's regular work or occupation; ●combine into one.
VII. Match the words with the help of the preposition of:
1. the status a. the organization
2. the Constitution b. social justice and progress
3. at the age c. young people
4. a society d. the Republic of Belarus
5. the draft set e. society
6. all-round development f. the BPUY
7. every member g. 16
8. the defence h. their motherland
9. integrated members i. rules
10. the main objectives j. a public union
VIII. Read the text and get ready to speak about youth organisations in Belarus: