Контрольная работа №3
Теоретические вопросы по грамматике, которые необходимо выучить перед выполнением заданий:
- повторить модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты, случаи употребления и перевод;
- повторить Passive Voice, его временные формы, перевод;
- причастия I, II (Participle I, II), образование, функции в предложении, перевод;
- сложноподчинённые предложения (дополнительные придаточные, определительные придаточные, придаточные времени).
Контрольная работа № 3.
Вариант 1.
1) Прочтите и переведите текст.
Life Devoted To Science.
1. The institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences is one of many research institutions in the Lenin Hills in Moscow. The man in charge of the institute is the Academician Nicolai Semyonov, one of the founders of chemical physics. He was watched it grow from the small laboratory he himself organized in the early 1920’s, to one of the most important research centers in the country.
2. They studied problems of pure physics and also various problems of chemistry at the laboratory. Semyonov decided to study physics and then apply his knowledge to chemistry. It was this path that led him many years later to the Great Concert Hall in Stockholm where he was handed the diploma and medal of a Nobel Prize winner.
3. In his research work Semyonov had little interest in experiments connected with the improvement of already known theses. He was always striving to reveal some obvious defects in the existing theories, to discover some new unknown scientific data. Semyonov discovered exceptionally important events within chemical reactions. To explain them he introduced the theory has to a large extent determined the development of chemical kinetics – the science of the “inner life” of chemical processed.
4. The following decades showed the importance of Semyonov’s work. Modern industry uses the chain reaction concepts to obtain chemical products. Oxidation, polymerization, oilcracking and others are all chain reaction.
5. The chain reaction theory has revealed the action of catalysts as accelerators of reactions. Deeper studies into the process of chemical transformation of substances permit scientists to control this process, so that by changing the condition – pressure, temperature and reaction speed – they can obtain the substances they need different from those provided by nature.
6. Semyonov continues to work energetically in the scientific field he chose as a young man, but no one can call him a narrow specialist. His scientific horizons are broad and he often publishes articles and makes reports on major problems of scientific progress and the importance of science to society.
7. The obtaining of energy and materials, and automation is what Semyonov considers to be the main tasks of science and engineering and upon what the well-being of people largely depends.
8. He doesn’t believe in science for science’s sake and sees its supreme mission in serving the people. “The ultimate goal of the natural science”, he wrote, “is to create the best conditions for Man’s existence”.
2) Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту.
1. What did the small laboratory of chemical physics, grow into under the guidance of Academician Nicolai Semyonov?
2. What kind of problems were solved at the laboratory?
3) Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения с модальными глаголами.
1. You must help your parents.
2. He could not prepare his reports, as he had no time.
3. The young man can prove nothing.
4. You may go home now.
4) Составьте краткую статью, используя правильно время и залог (Passive Voice).
The warship Mary Rose (build) in the years 1509 - 10. In 1544 England (start) a war against France, and in 1545 French ships (send) across the channel, towards England. Some English ships (go) out from Portsmouth to meet them. One of these ships (be) the Mary Rose. It (sink) quickly to the bottom of the sea even before it (attack) by the French.
5) Определите функции Participle I, II. Переведите.
1. We wrote to you giving full details of our products.
2. The news was exciting.
3. Having finished their supper, the boys started for the door.
4. The goods arrived at the port were always transported to the clients without delay.
5. Going up in the lift, I met my friend.
6) Переведите на английский язык (придаточное дополнительное)
1. Студенты знали, что скоро будет экзамен.
2. Мы понимали, что дорога будет сложной (трудной).
Контрольная работа № 3.
Вариант 2.
1) Прочтите и переведите текст.
The Technological Progress.
1. The rapid technological progress of our time offers mankind wonderful prospects for a richer life, for the benefit of the whole people. Progress in the past has been limited by the amount of energy at our disposal – first only our muscles, then step by step the power of animals, of wind and water, coal and oil, and now – the prospect of virtually unlimited progress.
2. Within the last twenty years, automation has been capable of performing almost any productive task. It does for example such kind of jobs like making parts for motor cars or refrigerators. But it also sets the type for newspapers, drives trains automatically to schedule and digs our coal. It has even started to plough our fields and reap our crops. The day is not far off when all the goods we require will be made in automatic factories without any help even from machine operators. Automation is sure to offer opportunities for immensely increasing the material wealth of mankind.
3. If automation can take over our manual work, the computers can relieve us of much of our mental work. They can relieve the scholar or scientist of weary hours spent on searching for references and leave him more time for real research. In the factory they can plan the production process far more skillfully than a human manager. In agriculture, information about soil quality, available manpower and machinery, market conditions and the like having been given, a computer can determine the usage of the land in the most profitable way.
2) Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту.
1. What kind of productive tasks is automation capable to perform?
2. What kind of the way is not far off?
3) Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения с модальными глаголами (can, may, must).
1. May I take your dictionary?
2. Can you swim?
3. My daughter cannot walk, she is 8 months only.
4. She can play tennis.
5. He must work hardly.
4) Выберите соответствующий вспомогательный глагол для следующих предложений в Passive Voice (Indefinite Tenses).
1. The house...built in 1895.
2. Her new book...translated into a number of foreign languages next year.
3. This room...cleaned every day.
4. The trees...blown down in the storm.
5) Определите функции Participle I, II. Переведите.
1. Tom spent the evening reading a book.
2. Going up in the lift I met an old friend of mine.
3. They discussed this point, when singing the contract.
4. I was impressed by the technical knowledge which was shown by your specialists in Moscow.
5. Whistling, Tom left the house.
6) Переведите на английский язык (придаточное дополнительное)
1. Алик знал, что мы поедем за город.
2. Студенты поняли, что экзамен будет трудным.
Контрольная работа № 3.
Вариант 3.
1) Прочтите и переведите текст.
New Zealand
1. New Zealand is a group of islands situated in the Pacific Ocean. New Zealand consists of a number of islands the main of which are the North Island and the South Island. New Zealand is rather a mountainous country. The mountain ranges in the North Island do not exceed 6,000 feet in height. The South Island is much more mountainous than the North Island. The Southern Alps running from north to south, contain 17 peaks of 10,000 feet or over. There are also several glaciers in the Southern Alps. The rivers are mostly swift – flowing and shallow. There are many lakes, which give beauty to the countryside.
2. New Zealand has a temperate moist ocean climate without marked seasonal variations in temperature or rain fall. The prevailing winds are westerly.
3. Like other regions cut off from the rest of the world, New Zealand has developed a flora with unique characteristics.
4. The total population of New Zealand equals 2,640,000. The capital of New Zealand is the city of Wellington. The overwhelming majority of the population is of British origin.
5. When the first Europeans came to New Zealand they found a Polynesian people, the Maoris, with a distinctive culture arid a well-organized social system.
6. Although a special treaty was concluded in 1840 which guaranteed to the Maori people all the rights and privileges of British subjects, these guarantees were often overlooked. As a result of war and disease, the Maori population sharply declined.
2) Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту.
1. What is the capital of New Zealand?
2. What languages are spoken in New Zealand?
3. Where is the state situated?
3) Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения с модальными глаголами.
1. He must work hard.
2. I can speak English.
3. May I open the window?
4. You must not be late for a work.
5. Can he play football?
4) Выберите соответствующий вспомогательный глагол для следующих предложений в Passive Voice (Indefinite Tenses).
1. This program usually...watched by millions of people every week.
2. I...asked my name.
3. The work...completed two days from now.
4. Applicants...asked a lot of questions at the interview.
5) Определите функции Participle I, II. Переведите.
1. An interesting book is on the table.
2. Robinson Cruse lived on a deserted island.
3. Tom spent the morning, reading a book.
4. Thinking about something, he looked at me.
5. I like the film shown yesterday.
6) Переведите на английский язык (придаточное дополнительное)
1. Аня сказала, что она поедет в Москву.
2. Мы знали, что он закончил институт.
Контрольная работа № 3.
Вариант 4.
1) Прочтите и переведите текст.
The United States.
1. The United States of America are located in the Western Hemisphere on the continent of North America. It is bordered on the north by Canada, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by Mexico and by the Gulf of Mexico, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Its total area is 3,675,632sq.mi. The population of the USA equals 195 million. There are 130 cities in the USA with a population of 100,000 and over, twenty with a population of 500,000. With the population over 500,000 are New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit, Washington, San Francisco and others.
2. The United States is a country of great contrasts in landscape and climate.
3. The United States of today developed from the English colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America. They formed three groups, one situated in the North (New England), another in the South and the third between the first two England exploited them in every way and the colonists rebelled against England. After a long struggle (1775-1783) they succeeded in getting their independence.
4. The American colonists were led against Britain during the war by a talented soldier, George Washington, who later on became the first president of the United States.
5. The language, that most of the Americans speak, has characteristics that distinguish it clearly from the kind of.
2) Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту.
1. What can you say about the landscape and climate of the US?
2. What is the capital of USA?
3. Who was the first president of the USA?
3) Выберите правильный модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите.
1. I often (may, to have, must) go to the library.
2. She (may, have to, can) stay in bed.
3. They (may, need, can) do this work.
4. My son (must, may, have to, can) read now.
5. (can, may, must) I come in?
4) Запишите предложения в Passive Voice (Indefinite Tenses), переведите.
1. All the lectures (to be, attend) by the students.
2. The book will (to be, read) by my friend.
3. The room (to be, decorate) in the morning.
4. The letter (to be, send) yesterday.
5) Определите функции Participle I, II. Переведите.
1. A new broadcasting station has begun to function.
2. We have found a broken vase.
3. The letter received yesterday was most welcome.
4. Tom spent the evening reading a book.
6) Переведите на английский язык (придаточное дополнительное)
1. Мы знали, что они хорошо учатся.
2. Я знаю, что они здесь.
Контрольная работа № 3.
Вариант 5.
1) Прочтите и переведите текст.
1. Canada consists of all of the North American continent north of the US expert Alaska and the small French islands of St. Pierre and Miguelon. Its total area of 3,851,809sg.mi. makes it the second largest country in the world. It is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by Baffin Bay, Davis Strait and the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by the US, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.
2. Almost 90% of Canada, lying north of 50’N, has subarctic to Arctic climatic conditions. Summer temperatures in some areas are fairy high, but winters are extremely cold, lasting from seven months in the south to over eleven months in the north. The growing seasons is short, even in the south.
3. The principal form of transportation in Canada are railroads because they can supply all-weather transportation over great distances. Total railway mileage is about 60,000. In general, the populated sections are well supplied with roads and highways.
4. The first recorded discovery of the area called now Canada was made in 1947 by the Italian-born John Cabot who led an English expedition to the shore of ‘a new found land’ (Newfoundland). Now its total population, according to the census of 1966 is 20 million. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Other large cities are Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg. Despite its small population Canada is a great industrial nation.
2) Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту.
1. What is the capital of Canada?
2. When was Canada first discovered?
3. Is it the second largest country in the world?
4. What is the climate of Canada?
3) Вставьте соответствующие модальные глаголы (can, may, must), переведите.
1. You...go to work at 8 o’clock.
2. He...do this work.
3. My son...read now.
4....I come in?
4) Запишите предложения в Passive Voice (Indefinite Tenses), переведите.
1. Such articles (to be, translate) by our students.
2. Interesting films (to be, show) to us.
3. This rule will (to be, explain) to the students.
4. Such work (to be not, do) so hurriedly.
5. This letter will (to be, answer).
5) Определите функции Participle I, II. Переведите.
1. A fading flower lay on the table.
2. He has found a broken umbrella.
3. The news was exciting.
4. While crossing the street, the boy was stopped by a stranger.
5. Mary came in singing loudly.
6) Переведите на английский язык (придаточное дополнительное)
1. Они слышали, что он приехал.
2. Мы знаем, что она читает эту книгу.