






26 3

The historical fact that the heart of the fisc was situated in cetral Europe accounts for the partitions of central Europe in the ninth century, and made these regions a battle-ground of kings long before they became a battleground of nations... The dividing frontier between future France and future Germany was drawn in the ninth century because of the greatest block of the fisc lay between them. ( ... , . , ... , , IX ., , ...

IX ., ... . .).

. : Thompson J. W. The Dissolution of the Carolingian Fisc. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1935.

2 Luchaire A. Les premieres Capétiens. P., 1901. P. 180.

3 Petit-Dutaillis Ch. La Monarchie féodale en France et en Angleterre. P., 1933. P. 8; . .

.: Kern F. Die Anfänge der französischen Ausdehnungs-politik. Tübingen, 1910. S. 16.

4 Kirn P. Das Abendland vom Ausgang der Antike bis zum Zerfall des karolingischen Reiches // Propyläen-Weltgeschichte. ., 1932. Bd. III. S. 118.

5 Brunner. Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte. . : Dopsch A. Wirtschaftliche und soziale Grundlagen der europäischen Kulturentwicklung. Wien, 1924. T. IL S. 100-101.

6 Dopsch A. Wirtschaftliche und soziale Grundlagen der europäischen Kulturentwicklung aus der Zeit von Cäsar bis auf Karl von Großen. Wien, 1918-1924. T. IL S. 115.

7 Kirn P. . cit. S. 118.

8 Hoffman A. v. Politische Geschichte der Deutschen. Stuttgart-B., 1921 1928. Bd. I. S. 405.

9 Dümmler E. Geschichte des ostfränkischen Reiches. ., 1862-1888. Bd. III. S. 306.

10 Kirn P. Politische Geschichte der deutschen Grenzen. Lpzg, 1934. S. 24.

11 Lot F. Les dernieres Carolingiens. P., 1891. S. 4; Calmette J. Le monde féodal. P., 1934. P. 119.

12 Beaudoin, . : Calmette. Le monde feodal. P., 1934. P. 27.

13 Luchaire A. Les premiers Capétiens. P. 27. . : Mignet M. Essai sur la formation territoriale et politique de la France // Notices et Mémoires historiques. P., 1845. Vol. II. P.154f.

14 Luchaire A. Histoire des Instituions Monarchiques de la France sous les premiers Capétiens (987-1180). P., 1883. Vol. II. Notes et Appendices. P. 329.

15 Hampe K. Abendländisches Hochmittelalter // Propyläen-Weltgeschichte. ., 1932. Bd. III. S. 306.

16 Kirn P. Das Abendland vom Ausgang der Antike bis zum Zerfall des karolingischen Reiches. S. 119.

17 Dopsch A. Die Wirtschaftsentwicklung der Karolingerzeit, vornehmlich in Deutschland. Weimar, 1912. Bd. I. S. 162. .: Barnes, Flugel. Economic History of Europe. L., 1930. The Manor. P.163ff.

18 Bloch M. Les caractères originaux de lhistoire rurale française. Oslo, 1931. P. 23.

19 Dopsch A. Wirtschafliche und soziale Grundlagen der europäischen Kulturentwicklung aus der Zeit von Cäesar bis auf Karl den Großen. T. IL S. 309. . : , , , -, (Ibid. S. 115.).

20 Calmette J. La société féodale. P., 1932. P. 3.

21 Calmette J. La société féodale. P. 4. , .: Macleod W.Ch. The Origin and History of Politics. N.Y., 1931. P. 160ff. , (. 162) , : Many writers appear to believe that western European feudalism has its institutional origuns in Pre-Roman Teutonic institutions. Let us explain to the student that the fact is that Germanic invaders merely seized upon those contractual instituitions of the later Roman empire which... ( , . , , .... . .). , , , . .

(.: Hintze O. Wesen und Verbreitung des Feudalismus // Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phil.-hist. Klasse. ., 1929. S. 321 ff.). , , . , , , , , , , . , , , .. , , . , . , , , . , . , , , . (- ; . 129 ).

, , , , , , . , , , .

. : , , . , . , ; .

, . , , , , , , , . , , . , , - .

- . , , . , , . , , , . , ; , , , , .

22 .: Kulischer ., Kulischer E. Kriegs- und Wanderzüge. B.-Lpzg, 1932, S. 50f.

23 Bury I.B. History of the Eastern Roman Empire. 1912. P. 373 (. : Kulischer A., Kulischer E. . cit. S. 62).

24 Pirenne H. Les villes du moyen âge. Bruxelles, 1927.

25 Kirn P. Politische Geschichte der deutschen Grenzen. Lpzg, 1934. S. 5. .: Thompson J.. German Feudalism //American Historical Review. 1923. Vol. XXVII. P. 440. . (Ibid. P. 444.): What the ninth century did for France in transforming her into a feudal country was not done in Germany until the civil wars of the reign of Henry IV. (To, , IV. . .)

, (. 443) (.: Ault W.O. Europe in the Middle Ages. 1932) : Germany being less exposed to attack from outside and possessed of a firmer texture within than France, German feudalism did not become as hard and set a system as was French feudalism. Old France crumbled away in the ninth and tenth centuries, old Germany, anchored to the ancient duchies, which remained intact, retained its integrity ( , , , , . IX X ., , , . . .). , , , , . , ( , ), , . , , ero - , ( ), . , IX . , . - . , . , . , . , : . (. , . 20. . 4041).

26 Levasseur. La population française. P., 1889. P. 154. I.

27 Bloch M. Les caractères originaux de lhistoire rurale française. Oslo, 1931. P. 5.

28 Cohn W. Das Zeitalter der Normannen in Sicilien. Bonn - Lpzg, 1920.

29 See H. Französische Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Jena, 1930. S. 7.

30 Breysig K. Kulturgeschichte der Neuzeit. ., 1901. Bd. IL S. 937f. : ... , , . - , , , . 1066 . , , , , , . , , (S. 948). 31 Pirenne H. Les villes du moyen âge. Brüssel, 1927. P. 53. . . . (.: Petruševski D.M. Strittige Fragen der mittelalterlichen Verfassungs- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte // Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft. Tübingen, 1928. Bd. 85,3. S. 468ff.) , , , .

, , , , , . (Pirenne H. Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe. L., 1936. P. 40): When the Islamic invasion had bottled up the ports of the Tyrrhenian Sea... municipal activity rapidly died out. Save in southern Italy and in Venice, where it was maintained thanks to Byzantine trade, it disappeared everywhere. The towns continued in existence, but they lost their population of artisans and merchants and with it all that had survived of the municipal organization of the Roman Empire ( ... . , , . , , , , . . .)

, , , , : , , , - , , , ... (Petruševski D.M. . cit. S. 34, 61).

: From the economic point of view the most striking and characteristic institution of this civilization is the great estate. Its origin is, of course, much more ancient and it is easy to establish its affliation with a very remote past... What was new was the way in which it functioned from the moment of the disappearence of commerce and the towns. So long as the former had been capable of transporting its products and the latter of furnishing it with a market, the great estate had commanded and consequently profited by a regular sale outside... But now it ceased to do this, because there were no more merchants and townsmen... Now that everyone lived off his own land, no one bothered to buy food from outside... Thus, each estate devoted itself to the kind of economy which has been described rather inexactly as the closed estate economy, anf which was really simply an economy without markets (Pirenne H. . cit. P. 89) ( . , ... , . , , ... , , ... , ... , , , . . .).

, , , , , , , , , : ... , , (S. 488).

. , , , - , , . , , . ero . , , - . , .

32 . : Luchaire A. Les Communes Françaises à lépoque des Capétiens directs. P., 1911. P. VIII.

33 Halphen L. . cit. P. IX.

34 Luchaire A. Les Communes Françaises à lepoque des Capétiens directs. P. 18.

35 Werveke H.v. Monnaie, lingots ou marchandises? Les instruments déchange au XIe et XIIe siècles // Annales dHistoire Economique et Sociale. 1932. Septembre. 17. P. 468.

36 Werveke H.v. . cit. , , , . A mesure quon avance dans le IIIe siècle, la chute se précipite. La seule monnaie en circulation reste lantoninianus... La solde de larmée tend de plus en plus à être versée en nature... Quant aux conséquences inéluctables dun système qui ne permet de récompenser les services rendues que sous forme de traitement en nature, de distribution de terre, on les entrevoit aisément: Elles mènent au régime dit féodale ou à un régime analogue ( III ., . antoninianus... ... , , , : . . .)(Lot F. La fin du monde antique. P., 1927. P. 63-67).

37 Rostovtsev M. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire. Oxford, 1926. P. 6667. (. . 528 , ).

38 Noettes L. de. Le cheval de selle à travers les âges. Contribution à lhistoire de lesclavage. P., 1931. , , . ( ), , .

, (.:

Bloch M. Problèmes dhistoire des techniques // Annales dhistoire économique et sociale. 1932. Sept.). : 1) ; 2) , , . . . 484: En absence de toute succession nette dans le temps comment parler de relation de cause à leffet? ( ? . .).

. (.: Löwenthal L. Zugtier und Sklaven // Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung. Fr.a.M., 1933. H. 2).

39 Noettes L. de. La Nuit du moyen âge et son invetntaire // Mercure de France. 1932. T. 235. P. V. 40 Werveke H. v. Monnaie, lingots ou marchandises? P. 468.

41 Zimmern A. Solon and Croesus, and other Greek essays. Oxford, 1928. P. 113. . : Zimmern A. The Greek Commonwealth. Oxford, 1931. - ( ) , . ., (.: Rostovtsev M. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, Oxford, 1926; Barrow R.H. Slavery in the Roman Empire. L., 1928.P. 124f). , ( ) , . . , , , , , , . , , . , . , - , . , , , . , . . .

. : Lot F. La fin du monde antique. P. 69ff.

42 . (.: Zimmern A. Solon and Croesus. P. 161), : Greek society was not a slave-society; but it contained a sediment of slaves to perform its most degrading tasks, while the main body of its so-called slaves consisted of apprentices haled in from outside to assist together and almost on equal terms with their masters in creating the material basis of a civilization in which they were hereafter to share. ( ; , , , . . .)

43 Pirenne H. Les villes du moyen âge. Bruxelles, 1927, P. 1 ff.

44 Ibid. P. l0 ff.

45 Ibid. P. 27. , , , , . - 1050 1100 ., 1200 .

. : Noettes L. d. De la marine antique à la marine moderne. La révolution du gouvernail. P., 1935. P. 105 f. . : Byrne E.H. Genoese Shipping in the Twefth and Thirteenth Centuries. Cambridge (Mass.), 1930. P. 5-7.


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