Co-investment models
High Tech Grьnderfonds, partnership, Coach
Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3 years
How do angels exit their investments n/a
Success story n/a
E UROPEAN B USINESS A NGEL N ETWORK- Directory of Network 2006
Contact person | Florian Schweitzer | |
Contact details | Pfisterstrasse 6 | |
80331 Mьnchen | ||
T: +49 89 2080 5880 | ||
F: +49 89 2080 5888 | ||
E: | ||
W: | ||
Type of network | National | |
Date of creation | ||
Number of Employees | 8 (based in Switzerland) | |
Legal status | Private limited company | |
Partner organisations | Altium Capital, Capitalbank – GRAWE Gruppe | |
AG, SWX Swiss Exchange, Venture Capital | ||
Magazin, VI Partners AG, Wenger&Vieli |
Funding Sources:
1 0 % | F e e s fro m |
1 0 % | b u s in e s s a n g e ls |
F e e s fro m | |
e n tre p re n e u rs | |
8 0 % | O th e r (s p o n s o rs) |
Mid 2005 | ||||||
Number of projects submitted | ||||||
Number of Angels | ||||||
Number of deals made | ||||||
Average amount of the deal | 0.1mЂ | 0.2mЂ | - | 1.2mЂ | 0.5mЂ | 0.7mЂ |
Matching services of the network
Newsletter or private information bulletin
Database of contacts (not public)
Regular telephone conferences on specific topics
Investment Clubs (e.g. b-to-v Investor Circle)
Investment forums and fairs
Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies
How are clients acquired?
Events and information fairs (e.g. b-to-v Investor Talks)
Monthly Newsletter
Targeted publicity
Visits to enterprises
Articles in the regional or national press
Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions
Other: Referrals of existing members
o Fees charged to entrepreneurs and business angels: more than 500Ђ.
E UROPEAN B USINESS A NGEL N ETWORK- Directory of Network 2006
Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3 years:
Success story:
Name of | Sector of | Date of | Amount | Number of | Date | Multiple of return for |
company | activity | investment | invested (Ђ) | angels | of exit | investors (i.e. times |
involved | return on money) | ||||| | Networking | April 2004 | Undisclosed | |||
Platform |
E UROPEAN B USINESS A NGEL N ETWORK- Directory of Network 2006
Contact person | Helmut Rauer | |
Contact details | Dresdener Strasse 44 | |
03050 Cottbus | ||
T: +49 355 584 5860 | ||
F: +49 355 584 5864 | ||
E: | ||
W: | ||
Type of network | Regional | |
Date of creation | 04/2004 | |
Number of Employees | ||
Legal status | Vereinsregister 1787 CB | |
Partner organisations | BAND |
Funding Sources
1 0 % | F e e s fro m |
e n tre p re n e u rs | |
O th e r (s p o n s o rs) |
9 0 %
Mid 2004 | |
Number of projects submitted | |
Number of Angels | |
Number of deals made | |
Average amount of the deal |