heart digitalis tobacco reduction blood pressure cholesterol survive unconsciousness blood flow shortness of breath |
1. The cardiologists advocate the _______________ of salt in the diet.
2. A wide variety of medications known as antihypertensive can be bought by prescription to lower ______________________.
3. The patients who take aspirin to reduce the risk of ___________ attack may diminish its action by taking anti-inflammatory drugs at the same time.
4. Mary has just received the telephone call from her cardiologist informing her about extremely high _______________ levels.
5.Some heart attacks may be accompanied by ______________________.
6. A Welsh family known as the physicians of Myddvai collected different herbs and ______________ was included in their prescriptions.
7. To ______________ in the fight against likely complications of a stroke rehabilitation and family support should be greatly valued.
8. Atherosclerosis and thrombosis interfere with normal __________________.
9. Overexertion, insomnia, physical inactivity, tobacco use and alcohol abuse may result in dyspnea known as ________________________.
10. The habit of smoking nicotine-rich leaves of ______________ leads commonly to cardiovascular diseases.
6. Are these statements true (T), false (F)? Write true sentences.
1. Cardiovascular diseases are a group of numerous disorders of the stomach and bowels. (T/F)
2. If a blood clot forms, it improves the blood flow. (T/F)
3. To prevent further attacks of stroke the doctor usually prescribes anticoagulants. (T/F)
4. The most important behavioural risk factors of heart disorders are unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use and alcohol abuse. (T/F)
5. Tissue plasminogen activator is given if the victim gets to the hospital within 5 hours of the first symptoms of a hemorrhagic stroke. (T/F)
6. Most patients do not survive their first heart attack and die. (T/F)
7. Diuretics cause the body to retain fluids and sodium. (T/F)
8. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel within the brain bursts. (T/F)
9. Statins are most effective at decreasing HDL (good) cholesterol. (T/F)
10. Atherosclerosis develops when plaque builds up on the inner walls of the blood vessels that supply the heart or brain. (T/F)
Read the text again. Answer these questions.
1. What is number one cause of death globally?
2. What are the most important behavioural risk factors of cardiovascular disorders?
3. How can the human health be affected by atherosclerosis?
4. What therapeutic action do statins produce?
5. When does a myocardial infarction occur?
6. What drug options are available today for the treatment of heart attacks?
7. What prognosis does a cardiologist usually make after the patient suffers his first heart attack?
8. What type of a stroke is the most common? When does it develop?
9. What medications are prescribed to prevent further attacks of stroke?
10. What general recommendations are given to the patients to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases?
8. What facts can you present to your group about:
atherosclerosis; myocardial infarction; stroke; statins; anticoagulants; antiplatelet medications; beta blockers; calcium channel blockers; digitalis glycosides; diuretics; vasodilators; tissue plasminogen activators?
Date _______________________ Signature _____________________
Self-study section №6: “Gastrointestinal diseases and drug therapy options”
Complete the following table by filling in transcription and translation.
№ | Word | Transcription | Translation |
1. | Digestive | ||
2. | Esophagus | ||
3. | Gallbladder | ||
4. | Nutrient | ||
5. | Mild | ||
6. | Gastritis | ||
7. | Ulcer | ||
8. | Ulcerative | ||
9. | Sore (n.) | ||
10. | Excessive | ||
11. | Anti-inflammatory | ||
12. | Insufficiency | ||
13. | Irritation | ||
14. | Bloating | ||
15. | Indigestion | ||
16. | Heartburn | ||
17. | Chemotherapy | ||
18. | Constipation | ||
19. | Flare-up | ||
20. | Incidence |
Read the text.