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The Nominative Absolute Participle Construction

It is a construction in which the participle stands in predi­cate relation to a noun in the common or a pronoun in the nominative case; the noun or pronoun is not the subject of the sentence N + Part. I.

The door and the window of the vacant room being open, we looked in.

Так как дверь и окно пустой комнаты были открыты, мы заглянули в неё.


In this construction Participle I (in all its forms) or Partici­ple II is used. It is rendered in Russian by means of an adverbial clause. It is used in the function of an adverbial modifier.

His duty completed, he had three months' leave.

Когда эта работа была закончена, он получил трёхме­сячный отпуск.

This construction may be introduced by the preposition with and it then called the Prepositional Absolute Participial Con­struction.

We went for a walk, with the rain having stopped.

Мы отправились на прогулку, так как дождь прекратил­ся.



There are two types of absolute construction in which we find no participle. They are the Nominative Absolute Construc­tion. These constructions are rendered in Russian by an adver­bial clause or a coordinate clause or деепричастный оборот is used. These constructions are separated from the rest of the sen­tence by a comma or a semicolon.

Breakfast over, he went to his office.

Когда закончили завтракать, он пошёл в свою контору.

/ found him ready, and waiting for me, with his stick in his hand.

Он был готов и ждал меня, в руке у него была палка.

Study the form and the translation of the construction.

The day being warm, we opened the window.

Так как день был тёплым, мы открыли окно.

It being Sunday, the library was closed.

Так как это была суббота, библиотека была закрыта.

The sun having risen, they continued their way.

Так как солнце взошло, они продолжили путь.

She began to speak, with her voice trembling.

Она начала говорить, а (и, причём) голос её дрожал.

Не stood in front of them, with a stick in his hand.

Он стоял перед нами, а в руке у него была палка.

We were waiting for him, with the bags in our hands.

Мы его ожидали, в руках у нас были сумки.



1. Use the required form of the participles as parts of complex objects.


1. There was a lot of noise all around now, amongst it you could hear a plane... usually low (to fly).

2. "Why don't you always have him around?" - "He likes it" (to hang).

3. I saw mother... at me (to look).

4. Adeline found her husband... in the middle of the room waiting for her (to stand).

5.1 caught her... at me (to look).

6. We left others... outside the house (to chat).

7.1 found myself... almost entirely on the grapes which cook found it hard to spoil.

8. They watched one... away, wip­ing my nose on the arm (to walk).

9. He was content just to watch her... (to think).

10. I watched him... down the path toward the other men (to hurry).

11. When he arrived he found me... "Tom Jones", (to read).

12. He was surprised to hear such words... by an officer (to utter).

13. Standing on the porch, she watched the luggage... into the house (to carry).

14. Diana had the table... on (to lay).

15. One man had got himself... in the accident (to kill).

16. I want a telegram... at once (to send).

17. Next morning he got his cheque... (to cash).

18. Edward soon make his view... (to know).



2. Paraphrase the following so as to use a complex object.

Model: Tom got into his car and drove away. I saw this.

I saw Tom getting into his car and driving away.


1. Yesterday he saw Ann. She was waiting for a bus. 2. He fell off the wall. I saw this. 3. The accident happened. Did you see this? 4. He was walking along the street. I saw this when I drove past in my car. 5. It was a tremendous noise. Everybody heard it. The bomb exploded. 6. When we got home a cat was sleeping on the kitchen table. We found it there. 7. I turned round suddenly. Somebody called my name. I heard it. 8. The old man was telling his story from beginning to end. We lis­tened to him. 9. Listen, a baby is crying. Can you hear? 10. You were making such disparaging remarks about your friend. I hope he didn't hear you. 11. I last saw him when he was going towards the river bank. 12. The firemen were fighting the blaze. A huge crowd watched them. 13. The coffee was boiling in the kitchen. Through the open door I could smell it. 14. He was reading his letters, frowning at one, smiling at another, dismiss­ing the next with no expression. I watched him.

3. Re-order these jumbled sentences to make sense.


1. Tom, heard, I, playing, the piano.

2. The, we, Bill, listen, to, could, guitar, playing.

3. Clare, saw, a, having, we, a, in, meal, restaurant.

4. We, smell, burning, dinner, could.

5. You, Linda, see, did, jogging?

6. I, feel, can, oh, up, leg, my, something, crawling.

7. Looked, Tom, along, window, the, cut, on, of, I, saw, and, his, cycling, like, the, road.

8. Across, the, we, two, garden, the, watched, men, running.

9. Birds, to, listen, the, singing.

10. It, could, I, hear, raining.

4. Match the following English sentences and the translation.


1. He watched the people hurrying towards the trains.

2. He lit himself a cigar and tried to relax as he heard the front door being opened.

3. He found Fax talking in the kitchen.

4. Later she heard luggage being carried up the stairs.

5. He came up the hill and saw the car waiting.

6. His wife was in the shower. He could hear the water running.

7. I heard Kate eating an early lunch before going out to meet Ann.

8. He saw me looking at the photograph.

9. I saw my bus approaching, and walked off to catch it.

10. Next day I saw him drinking a glass of beer at the pub and reading the paper.

11. I had to wait two hours in the hospital to have a tooth filled.

12. I heard his name mentioned in this connection.

13. I couldn't have my only son expelled from the college.

14. He told her that it was impossible to have a form filled without a previous application.

15. They wanted the committee convened on Monday.



1. Он зажёг себе сигарету и постарался расслабиться, как вдруг услышал, что открывается входная дверь.

2. Мне пришлось прождать два часа в больнице, чтобы мне запломбировали зуб.

3. Они хотели, чтобы комитет был созван в понедельник.

4. Позже она услышала, как вверх по лестнице носили ба­гаж.

5. Он наблюдал, как люди торопились к поездам.

6. Он нашёл Фокса разговаривающим в кухне.

7. Я увидел, что приходит мой автобус, и пошёл, чтобы успеть сесть на него.

8. Я слышал, как в связи с этим упоминалось его имя.

9. Он сказал ей, что нельзя заполнить бланк без предвари­тельного заявления.

10. Он видел, что я смотрел на фотографию.

11. Он поднялся на холм и увидел, что машина ждёт.

12. Я не мог допустить, чтобы моего единственного сына исключили из колледжа.

13. На следующий день я увидел его в баре пьющим пиво и читающим газету.

14. Его жена была в душе, он слышал, как течёт вода.

15. Я застал Кэт, когда она ела ранний ленч, перед тем как идти встречать Энн.

5. Translate the following sentences into Russian.


1. Mary came and found Kate sitting on a straight chair star­ring at the window. 2. She found herself caught in a vicious tidal current. 3. Dorian heard him first stopping on the pavement and then hurrying after him. 4. Stephen turned his head and discov­ered a good-looking young man of his own age smiling down at him. 5. Following Chester's look, Stephen saw a slim man of about thirty entering the restaurant. 6. As I got off, I saw Miss Bradly standing on the platform with two large very old suit­cases. 7. I could hear him singing and whistling when the work was going well, and swearing when he was in desperation. 8. One can't get anything done in our house. 9. He was determined to make himself respected. 10. He saw the scientists divided into two unequal groups. 11. She had her bag stolen on a train. 12. Mr Brown had his passport taken away from him by police. 13. You can get your clothes made in Europe. 14. I consider myself en­gaged to John. 15. You must make your news known.

6. Use the required form of the participles as parts of complex subjects.


1. When the car was heard... the people fled anywhere to avoid the police (to approach). 2. In your story he is shown... a lot for other people (to do). 3. Soon she may have found the note because she was seen... through the book (to look). 4. From the hill a man could be seen... half a mile away (to run). 5. She was found... herself by the fire (to warm). 6. She was under­stood as... any interviews (to refuse). 7. Renny was heard... gaily in his room (to whistle). 8. His clothes were left... what ever they happened to fall (to lie). 9. The invitation was treated as... (to be) a good sign. 10. He is in hospital and his condition is reported as... serious (to be). 11. The horse was seen... the hill (to descend). 12. The waves were heard... against the rocks (to dash). 13. Several boys were seen... on horseback across the field (to ride). 14. The air was felt... colder (to grow).

7. Paraphrase the following so as to use a complex subject.

Model: We heard a typewriter clattering in the next room. A typewriter was heard clattering in the next room.


1. From the shore one could see dolphins playing in the dis­tance.

2. They kept me waiting at the door for a full five minutes.

3. Through the open window we heard a piano being played.

4. We saw parts of a broken raft carried by the water.

5. We heard him explaining something to his son.

6. They watched the boys playing football.

7. Someone saw her walking about the garden.

8. We saw them signing the paper.

9. Watson saw inspector Mor­ton standing at the corner.

10. She found him looking through morning newspapers.

11. He watched the postman distributing the letters.

12. They saw Mr Brown entering his office at 9 sharp.

13. We heard them whispering about something.

14. I found her listening to him trying to catch every word.

8. Re-order these jumbled sentences to make sense.


1. Approaching, was the, heard, train.

2. Seen, the, in young, were, dancing, the, men, hall.

3. He, every, working, in, day, was, the, seen, garden.

4. Theatre, the, country, was, tour­ing, the, announced, country.

5. Was, found, the, closed, door.

6. She, crossing, the, was, street, seen.

7. Were, the, calling, voices, for, heard, help.

8. They, being, by, the, were, police, seen, carried, off.

9. Calling, each, they, heard, others, were, names.

10. Someone, at, standing, was, gate, noticed, the.

9. Match the English sentences and the translation.

A. 1. They were heard arguing on the terrace a few minutes ago. 2. When I rang the bell a dog could be heard barking in the hall. 3. Fox was found waiting for us on the terrace. 4.1 thought that matches were not left lying about the garden for noticing. 5. In his talk with my father the visitor was heard mentioning some accident. 6. The horse was seen descending the hill. 7. Then Bathsheba's footsteps were heard crossing the room. 8. They were heard talking together. 9. A score of young heads were seen peering out of the narrow windows. 10. Every day he could be seen working in the garden.


B. 1. Каждый день его можно было видеть за работой в саду. 2. Было слышно, как они разговаривали. 3. Было вид­но, как лошадь спустилась с холма. 4. Было слышно, как Батшеба прошла через комнату. 5. Слышали, как несколько минут тому назад они спорили на террасе. 6. Фокса нашли ожидающим нас на террасе. 7. Когда я позвонил в дверь, было слышно, как в холле лает собака. 8. Я подумал, что спички не оставляют лежать в саду просто так. 9. Слышали,как посетитель в разговоре с моим отцом упомянул какой-то несчастный случай. 10. Было видно, как множество мо­лодых людей выглядывало из узких окон.

10. Translate the following sentences into Russian.


1. The baby was seldom heard crying.

2. Some boys there told me that a small girl in a blue dress had been seen watching a cricket match, and someone else said that she had been seen walking off with a man who was pushing a bicycle.

3. A terror­ist was seen standing in the middle of the road.

4. Her compan­ions could he heard playing games.

5. She could distinctly be seen hesitating.

6. The painter was found putting the finishing touches to a picture of a beggerman. The beggar himself was seen standing on a raised platform in a corner of the studio.

7. He was seen getting on the Huntington beach bus this morning.

8. He was found looking through morning newspapers.

9. Smoke could be seen rising from the village.

10. The man was found grovelling on the floor.

11. The old woman was heard shrieking in short bursts like a ship in a fog.

12. About that time hurricane Donna was reported tromping her way out of the Car­ibbean in our direction.

13. He drew a cartoon for Punch in which W. Shakespeare was shown biting his fingers in front of the boards that advertised my plays.

14.1 felt I had been caught out boasting.

15. The escaped prisoner was found hiding in a barn.

16. He was caught stealing a ten-pound note from the till.

11. Paraphrase the following so as to use the Nominative Abso­lute (Participial) construction.

Model: At the front door was open, she could see straight through the house. - The front door being open, she could see straight through the house.


1. As it was Sunday, the beach was crowed. 2. As this book was not available in Russian, I had to read it in English. 3. They stood there, the night wind was shaking the drying whispering leaves. 4. As the situation was urgent, we had to go ahead. 5. The town of Crewe is known to be one of the most busy junctions in England; many railway lines pass through it. 6. We set off; the rain was still coming down heavily. 7. As my memory is very weak, I find it difficult to remember dates. 8. The old man sat staring into the fire, his long legs were stretched out. 9. When all the questions had been settled everybody went home. 10. As there was no step, he jumped to the ground from the front-door threshold. 11. When the hardest part of the job had been done, we decided to have a short rest. 12. When the dinner was ready, everybody sat down to table. 13. Although the twins were very much alike, their parents seemed to have no difficulty in distinguishing them. 14. Our efforts to start the car had failed, we spent the night at a nearby village.

12. Match the English sentences and the translation.


A. 1. The door and window of the vacant room being open, we looked in. 2. This duty completed, he had three months leave. 3. It being now pretty late, we took our candles and went upstairs. 4. We were walking by ourselves for an hour, George having remained behind in the hotel to write a letter to his aunt. 5. He turned and went, we, as before, following him. 6. Circumstances permitting, we shall start tomorrow. 7. They were walking on again, with Hugh calmly drawing at his pipe. 8. Breakfast over, he went to his office. 9. There he stood, his face to the south-east... his cap in his hand. 10. I found him ready, and waiting for me, with his stick in his hand. 11. He was there writing busily at a distant table, with his back to­wards the door. 12. George rose and strolled out of the lawn, all his dogs following him.


B. 1. Когда кончили завтракать, он пошёл в свою контору. 2. Он стоял, повернувшись к юго-востоку, с шапкой в руке. 3. Если обстоятельства позволят, мы поедем завтра. 4. Они сно­ва шли вперёд, Хью спокойно покуривал свою трубку. 5. Так как дверь и окно пустой комнаты были открыты, мы загляну­ли^ неё. 6. Так как было довольно поздно, мы взяли свечи и пошли наверх. 7. Когда эта работа была закончена, он полу­чил трёхмесячный отпуск. 8. Мы гуляли одни в течение часа, так как Джордж остался в отеле, чтобы написать письмо своей тётке. 9. Он повернулся и вышел, как и прежде, мы последовали за ним. 10. Он сидел за дальним столом и писал, повер­нувшись спиной к двери. 11. Я обнаружил, что он был готов и ждал меня, а в руке у него была трость. 12. Джордж поднялся и ушёл с лужайки, а все его собаки последовали за ним.

13. Make up sentences, using the following phrases as nomina­tive absolute constructions.

there being no time to lose; the concert over; it being late; hands in pockets; with his eyes wide open; such being the case; our car being damaged; people singing and dancing; with all the windows lit; a cup of tea before him untouched; her gaze fixed on the pianist hands.

14. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Her aunt having left the room, I asked Ann for some per­sonal help.

2. The discussion completed, the chairman adjourned the meeting for half an hour.

3. With the mortgage paid, they could afford to go abroad for their vocation.

4. Don't walk around with your shirt hanging out....

5. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

6. Ashton being dead, the whole affair must now be laid before Colonel Browne.

7. Her eyes glittering with tears, she stood up and asked the council: "What am I to do?"

8. Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some having a life-expectancy of around twenty years.

9. The old man stood up with tears running down his face.

10. About twice a month, enough evidence having accumulated, the police would feel obliged to stage a raid.

11. George having been carried to his cabin, Ash had gone up to the deserted desk.

12. The subject hav­ing been opened, he had to go on with it.

13. He proceeded to light his pipe. That done, he put on his woolen scarf and went out.

14. He began hitting them with his stick, their reply not hav­ing come as quickly as he wanted.

15. "What do you mean by that?" said Hugh, his face pale.

16. She stood very erect, her body absolutely stiff with fury.

17. He was waiting, drumming with his fingers, his eyes on his napkin.

18. She walked on, with her eyes straight ahead.

19. It was a calm day with every object at the sea surface visible for miles.

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