29. She is also involved in pardoning people a; and conferring peerages, knighthoods and other honours.
a. convicted of crimes c) having committed murders
b. being put in prison d) having committed misdemeanors
30. An important function is appointing the Prime Minister: by convention the Queen invites the leader of the political party which d in the House of Commons to form a government.
a) commands a minority c) has a number of seats in Parliament
b) Is in opposition d) commands a majority
31. In b, the Queen as head of State, has the power to declare war and make peace, to recognize foreign states and governments, to conclude treaties and to annex or cede territory.
a) interior affairs c) public relations
b) international affairs d) domestic relations
32. As the ultimate authority on b of the Constitution, the Supreme Court is a crucial power center in the American political system.
a) adoption c) appointment
b) interpretation d) discussion
33. Using the power of c, federal and state courts also have had a significant effect on the nation’s electoral process.
a) interpretation of the law c) judicial review
b) impeachment d)checks and balances
34. Acts of Congress, orders of the executive branch, or state laws cannot be put into effect if the courts declare them a.
a) unconstitutional c) illegal
b) uncommon d) untrue
35. The Constitution created a federal system of government in which both the national and state governments exercise significant d.
a) executive function c) legislative power
b) legislative, executive and d) political roles
judicial powers
36. Fifty states judicial system operates side by side with the d.
a) legislative power c) Supreme Court
b) governmental system d) federal court system
37. Each system has its own personnel and jurisdiction, and each interprets and enforces its own a.
a) constitution and laws c) powers and restrictions
b) checks and balances d) traditions and rules
38. The third branch of the federal government, b, consists of a system of courts spread throughout the country, headed by the Supreme Court of the United States.
a) legislature c) execution
b) judiciary d) representation
Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the letter. Translate the letter.
Dear Mr. Jacobs,
With 39 (relation /reference /connection) to our telephone 40 (dialogue/meeting/ conversation) today, I’m 41 (posting/ enclosing /including) our latest catalogue. I 42 (am afraid/ deeply regret /apologize) that our most up-to-date price list is not yet available, but I shall send you one as soon as they are printed.
May I draw your attention to the products listed on pages 20 and 21, which are specifically designed for frozen foods and which meet the most recent environmental regulations? If you 43 (wish /need/like), we would be happy to supply you with any samples you may require.
If you have any further 44 (questions /enquiries/doubts), or would like to arrange a meeting, please do not 45 (pause/delay/ hesitate) to 8 (connect/ contact /correspond) us again.
In the meantime, I 46 (look /wait/expect) forward to 47 (listening/ hearing /seeing) from you.
48. (Rgds,/ Yours sincerely,/Love from),
Sales Manager
49 (Enc./thnks/ p/p /)
Шановний містер Якобс
З посиланням на нашу телефону розмову сьогодні, Я додаю наш останній каталог. Я глибоко жалкую про те, що найсучасніший прас поки не доступний але я вишлю вам, як тільки вони будуть надруковані.
Можу я звернути вашу увагу на продукти, перераховані на сторінках, які спеціально призначені для заморожених продуктів, які відповідають останнім екологічним нормам? Якщо ви бажаєте, ми будемо раді надати вам будь-які зразки, ви можете зажадати.
Якщо у вас є які-небудь питання, або ви хотіли б організувати зустріч, будь ласка, не зволікайте, звертайтеся до нас знову. Я з нетерпінням очікую новин від вас.
З повагою, J.P.Poulson менеджер по продажам