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The bride comes to Yellow Sky



he great Pullman was whirling onward with such dig­nity of motion that a glance from the window seemed simply to prove that the plains of Texas were pouring east­ward. Vast flats of green grass, dull-hued spaces of mes-quit and cactus, little groups of frame houses, woods of light and tender trees, all were sweeping into the east, sweeping over the horizon, a precipice.

A newly married pair had boarded this coach at San Antonio. The man's face was reddened from many days in the wind and sun, and a direct result of his new black clothes was that his brick-coloured hands were constant­ly performing in a most conscious fashion. From time to time he looked down respectfully at his attire. He sat with a hand on each knee, like a man waiting in a barber's shop. The glances he devoted to other passengers were furtive and shy.

The bride was not pretty, nor was she very young. She wore a dress of blue cashmere, with small reserva­tions of velvet here and there, and with steel buttons abounding. She continually twisted her head to regard her puff sleeves, very stiff, straight, and high. They em­barrassed her. It was quite apparent that she had cooked, and that she expected to cook, dutifully. The blushes caused by the careless scrutiny of some passengers as she had entered the car were strange to see upon this plain, under-class countenance, which was drawn in place.

They were evidently very happy. «Ever been in a par­lor-car before?» he asked, smiling with delight.

«No,» she answered; «I never was. It's fine, ain't it?» «Great! And then after a while we'll go forward to the diner, and get a big lay-out. Finest meal in the world. Charge a dollar.»

«Oh, do they?» cried the bride. «Charge a dollar? Why, that's too much-for us-ain't it, Jack?»

“Not this trip, anyhow,» he answered bravely. «We're going to go the whole thing.»

Later he explained to her about the trains. «You see, it's a thousand miles from one end of Texas to the oth­er; and this train runs right across it, and never stops but four times.» He had the pride of an owner. He point­ed out to her the dazzling fittings of the coach; and in truth her eyes opened wider as she contemplated the sea-green figured velvet, the shining brass, silver, and glass, the wood that gleamed as darkly brilliant as the surface of a pool of oil. At one end a bronze figure stur­dily held a support for a separated chamber, and at con­venient places on the ceiling were frescoes in olive and silver.

To the minds of the pair, their surroundings reflect­ed the glory of their marriage that morning in San Anto­nio; this was the environment of their new estate; and the man's face in particular beamed with an elation that made him appear ridiculous to the negro porter. This individual at times surveyed them from afar with an amused and superior grin. On other occasions he bul­lied them with skill in ways that did not make it exactly plain to them that they were being bullied. He subtly used all the manners of the most unconquerable kind of snob­bery. He oppressed them; but of his oppression they had small knowledge, and they speedily forgot that infrequent­ly a number of travelers covered them with stares of derisive enjoyment. Historically there was supposed to be something infinitely humorous in their situation.

«We are due in Yellow Sky at 3:42,» he said, looking tenderly into her eyes.

«Oh, are we?» she said, as if she had not been aware of it. To evince surprise at her husband's statement was part of her wifely amiability. She took from a pocket a little silver watch; and as she held it before her, and stared at it with a frown of attention, the new husband's face shone.

«I bought it in San Anton' from a friend of mine,» he told her gleefully.

«It's seventeen minutes past twelve,» she said, look­ing up at him with a kind of shy and clumsy coquetry. A passenger, noting this play, grew excessively sardonic, and winked at himself in one of the numerous mirrors. At last they went to the dining-car. Two rows of ne­gro waiters, in glowing white suits, surveyed their en­trance with the interest, and also the equanimity, of men who had been forewarned. The pair fell to the lot of a waiter who happened to feel pleasure in steering them through their meal. He viewed them with the manner of a fatherly pilot, his countenance radiated with benevo­lence. The patronage, entwined with the ordinary defer­ence, was not plain to them. And yet, as they returned to their coach, they showed in their faces a sense of escape. To the left, miles down a long purple slope, was a lit­tle ribbon of mist where moved the keening Rio Grande. The train was approaching it at an angle, and the apex was Yellow Sky. Presently it was apparent that, as the distance from Yellow Sky grew shorter, the husband be­came commensurately restless. His brick-red hands were more insistent in their prominence. Occasionally he was even rather absent-minded and far-away when the bride leaned forward and addressed him. As a matter of truth, Jack Potter was beginning to find the shadow of a deed weigh upon him like a leacl-•n slab. He, the town marshal of Yellow Sky, a man known, liked, and feared in his corner, a prominent person, had gone to San Antonio to meet a girl he be­lieved he loved, and there, after the usual prayers, had actually induced her to marry him, without consulting Yellow Sky for any part of the transaction. He was now bringing his bride before an innocent and unsuspect­ing community.

Of course people in Yellow Sky married as it pleased them, in accordance with a general custom; but such was Potter's thought of his duty to his friends, or of their idea of his duty, 'or of an unspoken form which does not con­trol men in these matters, that he felt he was heinous. He had committed an extraordinary crime. Face to face with this girl in San Antonio, and spurred by his sharp impulse, he had gone headlong over all the social hedg­es. At San Antonio he was like a man hidden in the dark. A knife to sever any friendly duty, any form, was easy to his hand in that remote city. But the hour of Yellow Sky-the hour of daylight-was approaching.

He knew full well that his marriage was an important thing to his town. It could only be exceeded by the burn­ing of the new hotel. His friends could not forgive him. Frequently he had reflected on the advisability of telling them by telegraph, but a new cowardice had been upon him. He feared to do it. And now the train was hurrying him toward a scene of amazement, glee, and reproach. He glanced out of the window at the line of haze swing­ing slowly in toward the train.

Yellow Sky had a kind of brass band, which played painfully, to the delight of the populace. He laughed with-mt heart as he thought of it. If the citizens could dream ofhis prospective arrival with his bride, they would pa-rade the band at the station and escort them, amid cheers and laughing congratulations, to his adobe home.

He resolved thai he would use all the devices of speed and plainscraft in making the journey from the station to his house. Once within that safe citadel, he could issue some sort of vocal bulletin, and then not go among the citizens until they had time to wear off a little of their enthusiasm.

The bride looked anxiously at him. «What's worry­ing you, Jack?»

He laughed again. «I'm not worrying, girl; I'm only thinking of Yellow Sky.»

She flushed in comprehension.

A sense of mutual guilt invaded their minds and de­veloped a finer tenderness. They looked at each other with eyes softly aglow. But Potter often laughed the same nervous laugh; the flush upon the bride's face seemed quite permanent.

The traitor to the feelings of Yellow Sky narrowly watched the speeding landscape. «We're nearly there,» he said.

Presently the porter came and announced the prox­imity of Potter's home. He held a brush in his hand, and, with all his airy superiority gone, he brushed Potter's new clothes as the latter slowly turned this way and that way. Potter fumbled out a coin and gave it to the porter, as he had seen others do. It was a heavy and muscle-bound business, as that of a man shoeing his first horse.

The porter took their bag, and as the train began to slow they moved forward to the hooded platform of the car. Presently the two engines and their long string of coaches rushed into the station of Yellow Sky.

«They have to take water here,» said Potter, from a constricted throat and in mournful cadence, as one an­nouncing death. Before the train stopped his eye had

swept the length of (he platform, and he was glad and astonish*4' to see there was none upon it but the station-agent, who. with a slightly hurried and anxious air, was walking toward the water-tanks. When the train had halt­ed, the porter alighted first, and placed in position a little temporary step.

«Come on, girl,» said Potter, hoarsely. As he helped her down they each laughed on a false note. He took the bag from the negro, and bade his wife cling to his arm. As they slunk rapidly away, his hang-dog glance perceived that they were unloading the two trunks, and also that the station-agent, far ahead near the baggage-car, had turned and was running toward him, making gestures. He laughed, and groaned as he laughed, when he noted the first effect of his marital bliss upon Yellow Sky. He gripped his wife's arm firmly to his side, and they fled. Behind them the porter stood, chuckling fatuously.


The California express on the Southern Railway was due at Yellow Sky in twenty-one minutes. There were six men at the bar of the Weary Gentleman saloon. One was a drummer who talked a great deal and rapidly; three were Texans who did not care to talk at that time; and two were Mexican sheepherders, who did not talk as a general practice in the Weary Gentleman saloon. The barkeeper's dog lay on the board walk that crossed in front of the door. His head was on his paws, and he glanced drowsily here and there with the constant vigi­lance of a dog that is kicked on occasion. Across the sandy street were some vivid green grass-plots, so wonderful in appearance, amid the sands that burned near them in a blazing sun, that they caused a doubt in the mind. Theyexactly resembled the grass mats used to represent lawns on the stage. At the cooler end of the railway station, a man without a coat sat in a tilted chair and smoked his pipe. The fresh-cut bank of the Rio Grande circled near the town, and there could be seen beyond it a great plum-coloured plain of mesquit.

Save for the busy drummer and his companions in the saloon, Yellow Sky was dozing. The new-comer leaned gracefully upon the bar, and recited many tales with the confidence of a bard who has come upon a new field.

«-and at the moment that the old man fell downstairs with the bureau in his arms, the old woman was coming up with two scuttles of coal, and of course-»

The drummer's tale was interrupted by a young man who suddenly appeared in the open door. He cried: «Scratchy Wilson's drunk, and has turned loose with both hands.» The two Mexicans at once set down their glass­es and faded out of the rear entrance of the saloon.

The drummer, innocent and jocular, answered: «All right, old man. S'pose he has? Come in and have a drink, anyhow.»

But the information had made such an obvious cleft in every skull in the room that the drummer was obliged to see its importance. All had become instantly solemn. «Say,» said he, mystified, «what is this?» His three com­panions made the introductory gesture of eloquent speech; but the young man at the door forestalled them.

«It means, my friend,» he answered, as he came into the saloon, «that for the next two hours this town won't be a health resort.»

The barkeeper went to the door, and locked and barred it; reaching out of the window, he pulled in heavy wooden shutters, and barred them. Immediately a sol­emn, chapel-like gloom was upon the place. The drum­mer was looking from one to another.

«But say,» he cried, «what is this, anyhow? You don'l mean there is going to be a кип-fight?»

«Don't know whether there'll be a fight or not,» an­swered one man, grimly; «but there'll be some shootin'-sorne good shootin'.»

The young man who had warned them waved his hand. «Oh, there'll be a fight fast enough, if any one wants it. Anybody can get a fight out there in the street. There's a fight just waiting.»

The drummer seemed to be swayed between the in­terest of a foreigner and a perception of personal danger.

«What did you say his name was?» he asked.

«Scratchy Wilson,» they answered in chorus.

«And will he kill anybody? What are you going to do? Does this happen often? Does he rampage around like this once a week or so? Can he break in that door?»

«No; he can't break down that door,» replied the bar­keeper. «He's tried it three times. But when he comes you'd better lay down on the floor, stranger. He's dead sure to shoot at it, and a bullet may come through.»

Thereafter the drummer kept a strict eye upon the door. The time had not yet been called for him to hug the floor, but, as a minor precaution, he sidled near to the wall. «Will he kill anybody?» he said again.

The man laughed low and scornfully at the question.

«He's out to shoot, and he's out for trouble. Don't see any good in experimentin' with him.»

«But what do you do in a case like this? What do you do?»

A man responded: «Why, he and Jack Potter-»

«But,» in chorus the other men interrupted, «Jack Pot­ter's in San Anton'.»

«Well, who is he? What's he got to do with it?»

«Oh, he's the town marshal. He goes out and fights Scratchy when he gets on one of these tears.»

«Wow!» said the drummer, mopping his brow. «Nice job he's got.»

The voices had toned away to mere whisperings. The drummer wished to ask further questions, which wi're born of an increasing anxiety and bewilderment; but when he attempted them, the men merely looked at him in ir­ritation and motioned him to remain silent. A tense wait­ing hush was upon them. In the deep shadows of the room their eyes shone as they listened for sounds from the street. One man made three gestures at the barkeeper; and the latter, moving like a ghost, handed him a glass and a bottle. The man poured a full glass of whisky, and set down the bottle noiselessly. He gulped the whisky in a swallow, and turned again toward the door in immova­ble silence. The drummer saw that the barkeeper, with­out a sound, had taken a Winchester from beneath the bar. Later he saw this individual beckoning to him, so he tiptoed across the room.

«You better come with me back of the bar.» «No, thanks,» said the drummer, perspiring; «I'd rath­er be where I can make a break for the back door.»

Whereupon the man of bottles made a kindly but peremptory gesture. The drummer obeyed it, and, find­ing himself seated on a box with his head below the level of the bar, balm was laid upon his soul at sight of various zinc and copper fittings that bore a resemblance to ar­mour-plate. The barkeeper took a seat comfortably upon an adjacent box.

«You see,» he whispered, «this here Scratchy Wilson is a wonder with a gun-a perfect wonder; and when he goes on the war-trail, we hunt our holes-naturally. He's about the last one of the old gang that used to hang out along the river here. He's a terror when he's drunk. When he's sober he's all right-kind of simple-wouldn't hurt a fly-nicest fellow in town. But when he's drunk-whoo!» There were periods of stillness. «I wish Jack 1'otter back from San Anton,» said the barkeeper. «He shot Wilson up once-in the leg-and he would sail in and pull nut the kinks in this thing.»

Presently they heard from a distance the sound of a

hot followed by three wild yowls. It instantly removed

bond from the men in the darkened saloon. There was

a shuffling of feet. They looked at each other. «Here he

comes,» they said.


A man in a maroon-coloured flannel shirt, which had been purchased for purposes of decoration, and made prin­cipally by some Jewish women on the East Side of New York, rounded a corner and walked into the middle of the main street of Yellow Sky. In either hand the man held a long, heavy, blue-black revolver. Often he yelled, and these cries rang through a semblance of a deserted village, shril­ly flying over the roofs in a volume that seemed to have no relation to the ordinary vocal strength of a man. It was ps if the surrounding stillness formed the arch of a tomb over him. These cries of ferocious challenge rang against walls of silence. And his boots had red tops with gilded imprints, of the kind beloved in winter by little sledding boys on the hillsides of New England.

The man's face flamed in a rage begot of whisky. His eyes, rolling, and yet keen for ambush, hunted the still doorways and windows. He walked with the creeping movement of the midnight cat. As it occurred to him, he roared menacing information. The long revolvers in his hands were as easy as straws; they were moved with an electric swiftness. The little fingers of each hand played sometimes in a musician's way. Plain from the low collar of the shirt, the cords of his neck straightened and sank, straightened and sank, as passion moved him. The only sounds were his terrible invitations. The calm adobes preserved their demeanour at the passing of this small thing in the middle of the street.

There was no offer of fight-no offer of fight. The man called to the sky. There were no attractions. He bellowed and fumed and swayed his revolvers here and every­where.

The dog of the barkeeper of the Weary Gentleman saloon had not appreciated the advance of events. He yet lay dozing in front of his master's door. At sight of the dog, the man paused and raised his revolver humorous­ly. At sight of the man, the dog sprang up and walked diagonally away, with a sullen head, and growling. The man yelled, and the dog broke into a gallop. As it was about to enter an alley, there was a loud noise, a whis­tling, and something spat the ground directly before it. The dog screamed, and, wheeling in terror, galloped headlong in a new direction. Again there was a noise, a whistling, and sand was kicked viciously before it. Fear-stricken, the dog turned and flurried like an animal in a pen. The man stood laughing, his weapons at his hips.

Ultimately the man was attracted by the closed door of the Weary Gentleman saloon. He went to it and, ham­mering with a revolver, demanded drink.

The door remaining imperturbable, he picked a bit of paper from the walk, and nailed it to the framework with a knife. He then turned his back contemptuously upon this popular resort and, walking to the opposite side of the street and spinning there on his heel quickly and lithe-ly, fired at the bit of paper. He missed it by a half-inch. He swore at himself, and went away. Later he comfortably fusilladed the windows of his most intimate friend. The man was playing with this town; it was a toy for him.

But still there was no offer of fight. The name of Jack Potter, his ancient antagonist, entered his mind, and he concluded that it would be a glad thing if he should go to Potter's house, and by bombardment induce him to come out and fight. He moved in the direction of his desire, chanting Apache scalp-music.

When he arrived at it, Potter's house presented the same still front as had the other adobes. Taking up a stra­tegic position, the man howled a challenge. But this house regarded him as might a great stone god. It gave no sign. After a decent wait, the man howled further challenges, mingling with them wonderful epithets.

Presently there came the spectacle of a man churn­ing himself into deepest rage over the immobility of a house. He fumed at it as the winter wind attacks a prairie cabin in the North. To the distance there should have gone the sound of a tumult like the fighting of two hun­dred Mexicans. As necessity bade him, he paused for breath or to reload his revolvers.


Potter and his bride walked sheepishly and with speed. Sometimes they laughed together shamefacedly and low.

«Next corner, dear,» he said finally.

They put forth the efforts of a pair walking bowed against a strong wind. Potter was about to raise a finger to point the first appearance of the new home when, as they circled the corner, they came face to face with a man in a maroon-coloured shirt, who was feverishly pushing cartridges into a large revolver. Upon the instant the man dropped his revolver to the ground and, like lightning, whipped another from its holster. The second weapon was aimed at the bridegroom's chest. There was a silence. Potter's mouth seemed to be merely a grave for his tongue. He exhibited an instinct to at once loosen his arm from the woman's grip, and he dropped the bag to the sand. As for the bride, her face had gone as yellow as old cloth. She was a slave to hide­ous rites, gazing at the apparitional snake.

The two men faced each other at a distance of three paces. He of the revolver smiled with a new and quiet ferocity.

«Tried to sneak up on me,» he said. «Tried to sneak up on me!» His eyes grew more baleful. As Potter made a slight movement, the man thrust his revolver venom­ously forward. «No; don't you do it, Jack Potter. Don't you move a finger toward a gun just yet. Don't you move an eyelash. The time has come for me to settle with you, and I'm goin' to do it my own way, and loaf along with no interferin'. So if you don't want a gun bent on you, just mind what I tell you.»

Potter looked at his enemy. «I ain't got a gun on me, Scratchy,» he said. «Honest, I ain't.» He was stiffening and steadying, but yet somewhere at the back of his mind a vision of the Pullman floated: the sea-green figured velvet, the shining brass, silver, and glass, the wood that gleamed as darkly brilliant as the surface of a pool of oil-all the glory of the marriage, the environment of the new estate. «You know I fight when it comes to fighting, Scratchy Wilson; but I ain't got a gun on me. You'll have to do all the shootin' yourself.»

His enemy's face went livid. He stepped forward, and lashed his weapon to and fro before Potter's chest. «Don't you tell me you ain't got no gun on you, you whelp. Don't tell me no lie like that. There ain't a man in Texas ever seen you without no gun. Don't take me for no kid.» His eyes blazed with light, and his throat worked like a pump.

«1 ain't lakin' you for no kid,» answered Potter. His heels had not moved an inch backward. «I'm takin' you for a damn fool. I tell you I ain't got a gun, and I ain't. If you're goin' to shoot me up, you better begin now; you'll never get a chance like this again.»

So much enforced reasoning had told on Wilson's rage; he was calmer. «If you ain't got a gun, why ain't you got a gun?» he sneered. «Been to Sunday-school?»

«1 ain't got a gun because I've just come from San Anton' with my wife. I'm married,» said Potter. «And if I'd thought there was going to be any galoots like you prowling around when I brought my wife home, I'd had a gun, and don't you forget it.»

«Married!» said Scratchy, not at all comprehending.

«Yes, married. I'm married,» said Potter, distinctly.

«Married?» said Scratchy. Seemingly for the first time, he saw the drooping, drowning woman at the other man's side. «No!» he said. He was like a creature allowed a glimpse of another world. He moved a pace backward, and his arm, with the revolver, dropped to his side. «Is this the lady?» he asked.

«Yes; this is the lady,» answered Potter.

There was another period of silence.

«Well,» said Wilson at last, slowly, «I s'pose it's all off now.»

«It's all off if you say so, Scratchy. You know I didn't make the trouble.» Potter lifted his valise.

«Well, I 'low it's off, Jack,» said Wilson. He was look­ing at the ground. «Married!» He was not a student of chivalry; it was merely that in the presence of this for­eign condition he was a simple child of the earlier plains. He picked up his starboard revolver, and, placing both weapons in their holsters, he went away. His feet made funnel-shaped tracks in the heavy sand.



Theodore Dreiser



hey lived together in a part of the country which was not so prosperous as it had once been, about three miles from one of those towns that, instead of increasing in population, is steadily decreasing. The territory was not very thickly settled; perhaps a house every other mile or so, with large acres of corn- and wheatland and fallow fields that at odd seasons had been sown to timothy and clover. Their particular house was part log and part frame, the log portion being the old original home of Henry's grandfather. The new portion, of now rain-beat­en, time-worn slabs, through which the wind squeaked in the chinks at times, and which several overshadowing elms and a butternut tree made picturesque and remi-niscently pathetic, but a little damp, was erected by Hen­ry when he was twenty-one and just married.

That was forty-eight years before. The furniture in­side, like the house outside, was old and mildewy and reminiscent of an earlier day. You have seen the what­not of cherry wood, perhaps, with spiral legs and fluted top. It was there. The old-fashioned four-poster bed, with its ball-like protuberances and deep curving incisions, was there also, a sadly alienated descendant of an early Jacobean ancestor. The bureau of cherry was also high and wide and solidly built, but faded-looking, and with a musty odor. The rag carpet that underlay all these stur­dy examples of enduring furniture was a weak, faded, lead and pink colored affair woven by Phoebe Ann's own hands, when she was fifteen years younger than she was when she died. The creaky wooden loom on which it had

been done1 now slood like a dusty bony skeleton, along vvith a broken rocking-chair, a worm-eaten clothes press-Heavens knows how old-a lime-stained bench that had once been used to keep flowers on outside the door, and other decrepit factors of household utility, in an east room that was a lean-to against this so-called main portion. All sorts of other broken-down furniture were about this place; an antiquated clothes-horse, cracked in two of its ribs; a broken mirror in an old cherry frame, which had fallen from a nail and cracked itself three days before their youngest son. Jerry, died; an extension hat-rack, which once had had porcelain knobs on the ends of its pegs; and a sewing machine, long since outdone in its clumsy mechanism by rivals of a newer generation.

The orchard to the east of the house was full of gnarled old apple trees, worm eaten as to trunks and branches, and fully ornamented with green and white li­chens, so that it had a sad, greenish-white, silvery effect in moonlight. The low outhouses, which had once housed chickens, a horse or two, a cow, and several pigs, were covered with patches of moss as to their roof, and the sides had been free of paint for so long that they were blackish-gray as to color, and a little spongy. The picket fence in front, with its gate squeaky and askew, and the side fences of the stake-and-rider type were in an equally run-down condition. As a matter of fact, they had aged synchronously with the persons who lived here, old Hen­ry Reifsneider and his wife Phoebe Ann.

They had lived here, these two, ever since their mar­riage, forty-eight years before, and Henry had lived here before that from his childhood up. His father and mother, well along in years when he was a boy, had invited him to bring his wife here when he had first fallen in love and decided to marry; and he had done so. His father and mother were the companions of himself and his wife for ten years after they were married, when both died; and then Henry and Phoebe were left with their five children growing lustily apace. But all sorts of things had happened since then. Of the seven children, all told, that had been born to them, three had died; one girl had gone to Kan­sas; one boy had gone to Sioux Falls, never even to be heard of after; another boy had gone to Washington; and the last girl lived five counties away in the same State, but was so burdened with cares of her own that she rarely gave them a thought. Time and a commonplace home life that had never been attractive had weaned them thoroughly, so that, wherever they were, they gave little thought as to how it might be with their father and mother.

Old Henry Reifsnider and his wife Phcebe were a lov­ing couple. You perhaps know how it is with simple na­tures that fasten themselves like lichens on the stones of circumstance and weather their days to a crumbling con­clusion. The great world sounds widely, but it has no call for them. They have no soaring intellect. The orchard, the meadow, the cornfield, the pig-pen, and the chicken-lot measure the range of their human activities. When the wheat is headed it is reaped and threshed; when the corn is browned and frosted it is cut and shocked; when the timothy is in full head it is cut, and the hay-cock erect­ed. After that comes winter, with the hauling of grain to market, the sawing and splitting of wood, the simple chores of fire-building, meal-getting, occasional repair­ing, and visiting. Beyond these and the changes of weath­er-the snows, the rains, and the fair days-there are no immediate, significant things. All the rest of life is a far-off, clamorous phantasmagoria, flickering like Northern lights in the night, and sounding as faintly as cow-bells tinkling in the distance.

Old Henry and his wife Phosbe were as fond of each other as it is possible for two old people to be who have

nothing else in this life to be fond of. He was a thin old man, seventy when she died, a queer, crotchety person with coarse gray-black hair and beard, quite straggly and unkempt. He looked at you out of dull, fishy, watery eyes that had deep-brown crow's-feet at the sides. His clothes, like the clothes of many farmers, were aged and angular and baggy, standing out at the pockets, not fitting about the neck, protuberant and worn at elbow and knee. Phoebe Ann was thin and shapeless, a very umbrella of a woman, clad in shabby black, and with a black bonnet for her best wear. As time had passed, and they had only themselves to look after, their movements had become slower and slower, their activities fewer and fewer. The annual keep of pigs had been reduced from five to one grunting porker, and the single horse which Henry now retained was a sleepy animal, not over-nourished and not very clean. The chickens, of which formerly there was a large flock, had almost disappeared, owing to ferrets, foxes, and the lack of proper care, which produces dis­ease. The former healthy garden was now a straggling memory of itself, and the vines and flowerbeds that for­merly ornamented the windows and dooryard had now become choking thickets. A will had been made which divided the small tax-eaten property equally among the remaining four, so that it was really of no interest to any of them. Yet these two lived together in peace and sym­pathy, only that now and then old Henry would become unduly cranky, complaining almost invariably that some­thing had been neglected or mislaid which was of no importance at all.

«Phoebe, where's my corn knife? You ain't never mind­ed to let my things alone no more.»

«Now you hush, Henry,» his wife would caution him in a cracked and squeaky voice. «If you don't, I'll leave yuh. I'll git up and walk out of here some day, and then

where would y' be? V ain't got anybody but me to look alter yuh, so yuh just behave yourself. Your corn knife's on the mantel where it's allus been unless you've gone an' put it summers else.»

Old Henry, who knew his wife would never leave him under any circumstances, used to speculate at times as to what he would do if she were to die. That was the one leaving that he really feared. As he climbed on the chair at night to wind the old, long-pendulumed, double-weight­ed clock, or went finally to the front and the back door to see that they were safely shut in, it was a comfort to know that Phcebe was there, properly ensconsed on her side of the bed, and that if he stirred restlessly in the night, she would be there to ask what he wanted.

«Now, Henry, do lie still! You're as restless as a chicken.»

«Well, I can't sleep, Phoebe.»

«Well, yuh needn't roll so, anyhow. Yuh kin let me sleep.»

This usually reduced him to a state of somnolent ease. If she wanted a pail of water, it was a grumbling pleasure for him to get it; and if she did rise first to build the fires, he saw that the wood was cut and placed within easy reach. They divided this simple world nicely between them.

As the years had gone on, however, fewer and fewer people had called. They were well-known for a distance of as much as ten square miles as old Mr. and Mrs. Reif-sneider, honest, moderately Christian, but too old to be really interesting any longer. The writing of letters had become an almost impossible burden too difficult to con­tinue or even negotiate via others, although an occasion­al letter still did arrive from the daughter in Pemberton County. Now and then some old friend stopped with a pie or cake or a roasted chicken or duck, or merely to

see that they were well; but even these kindly minded visits were no longer frequent.

One clay in the early spring of her sixty-fourth year Mrs. Keifsneider took sick, and from a low fever passed into some indefinable ailment which, because of her age, was no longer curable. Old Henry drove to Swinnerton, the neighboring town, and procured a doctor. Some friends called, and the immediate care of her was taken off his hands. Then one chill spring night she died, and old Henry, in a fog of sorrow and uncertainty, followed her body to the nearest graveyard, an unattractive space with a few pines growing in it. Although he might have gone to the daughter in Pemberton or sent for her, it was really too much trouble and he was too weary and fixed. It was suggested to him at once by one friend and anoth­er that he come to stay with them awhile, but he did not see fit. He was so old and so fixed in his notions and so accustomed to the exact surroundings he had known all his days, that he could not think of leaving. He wanted to remain near where they had put his Phoebe; and the fact that he would have to live alone did not trouble him in the least. The living children were notified and the care of him offered if he would leave, but he would not.

«I kin make a shift for myself,» he continually an­nounced to old Dr. Morrow, who had attended his wife in this case. «I kin cook a little, and, besides, it don't take much more'n coffee an' bread in the mornin's to satisfy me. I'll get along now well enough. Yuh just let me be.» And after many pleadings and proffers of advice, with supplies of coffee and bacon and baked bread duly of­fered and accepted, he was left to himself. For a while he sat idly outside his door brooding in the spring sun. He tried to revive his interest in farming, and to keep him­self busy and free from thought by looking after the fields, „.which of late had been much neglected. It was a gloomy tiling to come in of an evening, however, or in the after­noon, and find no shadow of Flurbe where everything suggested her. By degrees he put a few of her things away. At night he sat beside his lamp and read in the papers that were left him occasionally or in a Bible that he had neglected for years, but he could get little solace from these things. Mostly he held his hand over his mouth and looked at the floor as he sat and thought of what had become of her, and how soon he himself would die. He made a great business of making his coffee in the morning and frying himself a little bacon at night; but his appetite was gone. The shell in which he had been housed so long seemed vacant, and its shadows were suggestive of immedicable griefs. So he lived quite dole­fully for five long months, and then a change began.

It was one night, after he had looked after the front and the back door, wound the clock, blown out the light, and gone through all the selfsame motions that he had indulged in for years, that he went to bed not so much to sleep as to think. It was a moonlight night. The green-lichen-covered orchard just outside and to be seen from his bed where he now lay was a silvery affair, sweetly spectral. The moon shone through the east windows, throwing the pattern of the panes on the wooden floor, and making the old furniture, to which he was accus­tomed, stand out dimly in the room. As usual he had been thinking of Phcebe and the years when they had been young together, and of the children who had gone, and the poor shift he was making of his present days. The house was coming to be in a very bad state indeed. The bedclothes were in disorder and not clean, for he made a wretched shift of washing. It was a terror to him. The roof leaked, causing things, some of them, to remain damp for weeks at a time, but he was getting into that brooding state where he would accept anything rather

than exert himself. He preferred to pace slowly to and fro or to sit and think.

By twelve o'clock of this particular night he was asleep, however, and by two had waked again. The moon by this time had shifted to a position on the western side of the house, and it now shone in through the windows of the living-room and those of the kitchen beyond. A certain combination of furniture-a chair near a table with his coat on it, the half-open kitchen door casting a shadow, and the position of a lamp near a paper-gave him an exact representation of Phoebe leaning over the table as he had often seen her do in life. It gave him a great start. Could it be she-or her ghost? He had scarcely ever believed in spirits; and still-. He looked at her fixedly in the feeble half-light, his old hair tingling oddly at the roots, and then sat up. The figure did not move. He put his thin legs out of the bed and sat looking at her, wondering if this could re­ally be Phoebe. They had talked of ghosts often in their lifetime, of apparitions and omens; but they had never agreed that such things could be. It had never been a part of his wife's creed that she could have a spirit that could return to walk the earth. Her after-world was quite a dif­ferent affair, a vague heaven, no less, from which the right­eous did not trouble to return. Yet here she was now, bend­ing over the table in her black skirt and gray shawl, her pale profile outlined against the moonlight.

«Phoebe,» he called, thrilling from head to toe, and putting out one bony hand, «have yuh come back?»

The figure did not stir, and he arose and walked uncer­tainly to the door, looking at it fixedly the while. As he drew near, however, the apparition resolved itself into its primal content-his old coat over the high backed chair, the lamp by the paper, the half-open door.

«Well,» he said to himself, his mouth open, «I thought shore I saw her.» And he ran his hand strangely andvaguely through his hair, the while his nervous tension relaxed. Vanished as it had, it gave him the idea that she might return.

Another night, because of this first illusion, and be­cause his mind was now constantly on her and he was old, he looked out of the window that was nearest his bed and commanded a hen-coop and pig-pen and a part of the wagon-shed, and there, a faint mist exuding from the damp of the ground, he thought he saw her again. It was one of those little wisps of mist, one of those faint exhalations of the earth that rise in a cool night after a warm day, and flicker like small white cypresses of fog before they dis­appear. In life it had been a custom of hers to cross this lot from her kitchen door to the pig-pen to throw in any scrap that was left from her cooking, and here she was again. He sat up and watched it strangely, doubtfully, be­cause of his previous experience, but inclined, because of the nervous titillation that passed over his body, to believe that spirits really were, and that Phoebe, who would be concerned because of his lonely state, must be think­ing about him, and hence returning. What other way would she have? How otherwise could she express herself? It would be within the province of her charity so to do, and like her loving interest in him. He quivered and watched it eagerly; but, a faint breath of air stirring, it wound away toward the fence and disappeared.

A third night, as he was actually dreaming, some ten days later, she came to his bedside and put her hand on his head.

«Poor Henry!» she said. «It's too bad.»

He roused out of his sleep, actually to see her, he thought, moving from his bedroom into the one living room, her figure a shadowy mass of black. The weak straining of his eyes caused little points of light to flicker about the outlines of her form. He arose, greatly aston-jshed, walked the floor in the cool room, convinced that Phoebe was coming back to him. If he only thought suffi­ciently, if he made it perfectly clear by his feeling that he needed her greatly, she would come back, this kindly wife, and tell him what to do. She would perhaps be with him much of the time, in the night, anyhow; and that would make him less lonely, this state more endurable.

In age and with the feeble it is not such a far cry from the subtleties of illusion to actual hallucination, and in due time this transition was made for Henry. Night after night he waited, expecting her return. Once in his weird mood he thought he saw a pale light moving about the room, and another time he thought he saw her walking in the orchard after dark. It was one morning when the details of his lonely state were virtually unendurable that he woke with the thought that she was not dead. How he had arrived at this conclusion it is hard to say. His mind had gone. In its place was a fixed illusion. He and Phoebe had had a senseless quarrel. He had reproached her for not leaving his pipe where he was accustomed to find it, and she had left. It was an aberrated fulfillment of her old jesting threat that if he did not behave himself she would leave him.

«I guess I could find yuh ag'in,» he had always said. But her cackling threat had always been:

«Yuh'll not find me if I ever leave yuh. I guess I kin git some place where yuh can't find me.»

This morning when he arose he did not think to build the fire in the customary way or to grind his coffee and cut his bread, as was his wont, but solely to meditate as to where he should search for her and how he should induce her to come back. Recently the one horse had been dispensed with because he found it cumbersome and beyond his needs. He took down his soft crush hat after he had dressed himself, a new glint of interest anddetermination in his eye, and taking his black crook cane from behind the door, where he had always placed ii, started out briskly to look for her among the nearest neighbors. His old shoes clumped soundly in the dust as he walked, and his gray-black locks, now grown rather long, straggled out in a dramatic fringe or halo from un­der his hat. His short coat stirred busily as he walked, and his hands and face were peaked and pale.

«Why, hello, Henry! Where're yuh goin' this mor-nin?» inquired Farmer Dodge, who, hauling a load of wheat to market, encountered him on the public road. He had not seen the aged farmer in months, not since his wife's death, and he wondered now, seeing him look­ing so spry.

«Yuh ain't seen Phoebe, have yuh?» inquired the old man, looking up quizzically.

«Phoebe who?» inquired Farmer Dodge, not for the moment connecting the name with Henry's dead wife.

«Why, my wife Phoebe, o' course. Who do yuh s'pose I mean?» He stared up with a pathetic sharpness of glance from under his shaggy, gray eyebrows.

«Wall, I'll swan, Henry, yuh ain't jokin', are yuh?» said the solid Dodge, a pursy man, with a smooth, hard, red face. «It can't be your wife yuh're talkin' about. She's dead.»

«Dead! Shucks!» retorted the demented Reifsneider. «She left me early this mornin', while I was sleepin'. She allus got up to build the fire, but she's gone now. We had a little spat last night, an' I guess that's the reason. But I guess I kin find her. She's gone over to Matilda Race's, that's where she's gone.»

He started briskly up the road, leaving the amazed Dodge to stare in wonder after him.

«Well, I'll be switched!» he said aloud to himself. «He's clean out'n his head. The poor old feller's been livin' down

llierc till he's gone outen his mind. I'll have to notify the authorities.» And he flicked his whip with great enthusi­asm. «Geddap!» he said, and was off.

Reifsneider met no one else in this poorly populated region until he reached the whitewashed fence of Matil­da Race and her husband three miles away. He had passed several other houses en.route, but these not being with­in the range of his illusion were not considered. His wife, who had known Matilda well, must be here. He opened the picket-gate which guarded the walk, and stamped briskly up to the door.

«Why, Mr. Reifsneider,» exclaimed old Matilda her­self, a stout woman, looking out of the door in answer to his knock, «what brings yuh here this mornin'?»

«Is Phrebe here?» he demanded eagerly.

«Phoebe who? What Phoebe?» replied Mrs. Race, cu-Jious as to this sudden development of energy on his part.

«Why, my Phcebe, o' course. My wife Phoebe. Who |io yuh s'pose? Ain't she here now?»

«Lawsy me!» exclaimed Mrs. Race, opening her nouth. «Yuh pore man! So you're clean out'n your mind

. Yuh come right in and sit down. I'll git yuh a cup o' offee. 0' course your wife ain't here; but yuh come in a' sit down. I'll find her fer yuh after a while. I know vhere she is.»

The old farmer's eyes softened, and he entered. He vas so thin and pale a specimen, pantalooned and patri-rchal, that he aroused Mrs. Race's extremes! sympathy 5 he took off his hat and laid it on his knees, quite softly nd mildly.

«We had a quarrel last night, an' she left me,» he Volunteered»»

«Laws! laws!» sighed Mrs. Race, there being no one resent with whom to share her astonishment as she went) her kitchen. «The pore man! Now somebody's just got to look alter him. He can't be allowed to run around the country this way lookin' for his dead wife. It's tumble.»

She boiled him a pot of coffee and brought in some of her new-baked bread and fresh butter. She set out some of her best jam and put a couple of eggs to boil, lying wholeheartedly the while.

«Now yuh stay right there, Uncle Henry, till Jake comes in, an' I'll send him to look for Phoebe. I think it's more'n likely she's over to Swinnerton with some o' her friends. Anyhow, we'll find her. Now yuh just drink this coffee an' eat this bread. Yuh must be tired. Yuh've had a long walk this mornin'.» Her idea was to take counsel with Jake, «her man,» and perhaps have him notify the authorities.

She bustled about, meditating on the uncertainties of life, while old Reifsneider thrummed on the rim of his hat with his pale fingers and later ate abstractedly of what she offered. His mind was on his wife, however, and since she was not here, or did not appear, it wandered vaguely away to a family by the name of Murray, miles away in another direction. He decided after a time that he would not wait for Jack Race to hunt his wife but would seek her for him­self. He must be on, and urge her to come back.

«Well, I'll be goin',» he said, getting up and looking strangely about him. «I guess she didn't come here after all. She went over to the Murrays, I guess. I'll not wait any longer, Mis' Race. There's a lot to do over to the house today.» And out he marched in the face of her protests taking to the dusty road again in the warm spring sun, his cane striking the earth as he went.

It was two hours later that this pale figure of a man appeared in the Murrays' doorway, dusty, perspiring, eager. He had tramped all of five miles, and it was noon. An amazed husband and wife of sixty heard his strange query, and realized also that he was mad. They begged

him to stay to dinner, intending to notify the authorities later and see what could be done; but though he stayed to partake of a little something, he did not stay long, and was off again to another distant farmhouse, his idea of many things to do and his need of Phoebe impelling him. So it went for that day and the next and the next, the cir­cle of his inquiry ever widening.

The process by which a character assumes the sig­nificance of being peculiar, his antics weird, yet harm­less, in such a community is often involute and pathetic. This day, as has been said, saw Reifsneider at other doors, eagerly asking his unnatural question, and leaving a trail of amazement, sympathy, and pity in his wake. Although the authorities were informed-the county sheriff, no less-it was not deemed advisable to take him into custody; for when those who knew old Henry, and had for so long, reflected on the condition of the county insane asylum, a place which, because of the poverty of the district, was pf staggering aberration and sickening environment, it was decided to let him remain at large; for, strange to •elate, it was found on investigation that at night he re-urned peaceably enough to his lonesome domicile there > discover whether his wife had returned, and to brood i loneliness until the morning. Who would lock up a thin, ^ager, seeking old man with iron-gray hair and an attitude of kindly, innocent inquiry, particularly when he was well known for a past of only kindly servitude and reliability?.Those who had known him best rather agreed that he [should be allowed to roam at large. He could do no harm, here were many who were willing to help him as to food, old clothes, the odds and ends of his daily life-at least at first. HisTigure after a time became not so much a com­monplace as an accepted curiosity, and the replies, «Why, no, Henry; I ain't see her,» or «No, Henry; she ain't been here today,» more customary. For several years thereafter then he was an odd fig­ure in the sun and rain, on dusty roads and muddy ones, encountered occasionally in strange and unexpected plac­es, pursuing his endless search. Undernourishment, af­ter a time, although the neighbors and those who knew his history gladly contributed from their store, affected his body; for he walked much and ate little. The longer he roamed the public highway in this manner, the deep­er became his strange hallucination; and finding it hard­er and harder to return from his more and more distant pilgrimages, he finally began taking a few utensils with him from his home, making a small package of them, in order that he might not be compelled to return. In an old tin coffee-pot of large size he placed a small tin cup, a knife, fork, and spoon, some salt and pepper, and to the outside of it, by a string forced through a pierced hole, he fastened a plate, which could be released, and which was his woodland table. It was no trouble for him to se­cure the little food that he needed, and with a strange, almost religious dignity, he had no hesitation in asking for that much. By degrees his hair became longer and longer, his once black hat became an earthen brown, and his clothes threadbare and dusty.

For all of three years he walked, and none knew how wide were his perambulations, nor how he survived the storms and cold. They could not see him, with homely rural understanding and forethought, sheltering himself in haycocks, or by the sides of cattle, whose warm bod­ies protected him from the cold, and whose dull under­standings were not opposed to his harmless presence. Overhanging rocks and trees kept him at times from the rain, and a friendly hay-loft or corn-crib was not above his humble consideration.

The involute progression of hallucination is strange. From asking at doors and being constantly rebuffed or

denied, he finally came to the conclusion that although liis 1'lurbe might not be in any of the houses at the doors of which he inquired, she might nevertheless be within the sound of his voice. And so, from patient inquiry, he began to call sad, occasional cries, that ever and anon walked the quiet landscapes and ragged hill regions, and set to echoing to his thin «O-o-o Phoebe! O-o-o Phoebe!» It had a pathetic, albeit insane, ring, and many a farmer or plowboy came to know it even from afar and say, «There goes old Reifsneider.»

Another thing that puzzled him greatly after a time and after many hundreds of inquiries was, when he no longer had any particular door-yard in view and no spe­cial inquiry to make, which way to go. These cross-roads, which occasionally led in four or even six directions, came after a time to puzzle him. But to solve this knotty prob­lem, which became more and more of a puzzle, there came to his aid another hallucination. Phoebe's spirit or some power of the air or wind or nature would tell him. If he stood at the center of the parting of the ways, closed his eyes, turned thrice about, and called «O-o-o Phoebe!» twice, and then threw his cane straight before him, that would surely indicate which way to go, for Phoebe, or one of these mystic powers would surely govern its direction and fall! In whichever direction it went, even though, as was not infrequently the case, it took him back along the path he had already come, or across fields, he was not so far gone in his mind but that he gave himself ample time to search before he called again. Also the hallucination seemed to persist that at some time he would surely find her. ТЪеЛ were hours when his feet were sore, and his limbs weary, when he would stop in the heat to wipe his seamed brow, or in the cold to beat his arms. Sometimes, after throwing away his cane, and finding it indicating the direction from which he had just come, he would shake his head wearily and philosophically, as if contemplating the unbelievable or an untoward fate, and then start briskly off. His strange figure came finally to be known in the-farthest reaches of three or four counties. Old Reifsneider was a pathetic character. His fame was wide.

Near a little town called Watersville, in Green Coun­ty, perhaps four miles from that minor center of human activity, there was a place or precipice locally known as the Red Cliff, a sheer wall of red sandstone, perhaps a hundred feet high, which raised its sharp face for half a mile or more about the fruitful cornfields and orchards that lay beneath, and which was surmounted by a thick grove of trees. The slope that slowly led up to it from the opposite side was covered by a rank growth of beech, hickory, and ash, through which threaded a number of wagon-tracks crossing at various angles. In fair weather it had become old Reifsneider's habit, so inured was he by now to the open, to make his bed in some such patch of trees as this, to fry his bacon or boil his eggs at the foot of some tree, before laying himself down for the night. Occasionally, so light and inconsequential was his sleep, he would walk at night. More often, the moonlight or some sudden wind stirring in the trees or a recon-noitering animal arousing him, he would sit up and think, or pursue his quest in the moonlight or the dark, a strange, unnatural, half wild, half savage-looking but ut­terly harmless creature, calling at lonely road crossings, staring at dark and shuttered houses, and wondering where, where Phoebe could really be.

That particular lull that comes in the systole-diastole of this earthly ball at two o'clock in the morning invaria­bly aroused him, and though he might not go any far­ther he would sit up and contemplate the darkness or the stars, wondering. Sometimes in the strange processes of his mind he would fancy that he saw moving among the

trees the figure of his lost wife, and then he would get up to follow, taking his utensils, always on a string, and his cane. If she seemed to evade him too easily he would run, or plead, or, suddenly losing track of the fancied fig­ure, stand awed or disappointed, grieving for the moment over the almost insurmountable difficulties of his search.

It was in the seventh year of these hopeless peregrina­tions, in the dawn of a similar springtime to that in which his wife had died, that he came at last one night to the vicinity of this selfsame patch that crowned the rise to the Red Cliff. His far-flung cane, used as a divining-rod at the last cross-roads, had brought him hither. He had walked many, many miles. It was after ten o'clock at night, and he was very weary. Long wandering and little eating had left him but a shadow of his former self. It was a question now not so much of physical strength but of spiritual endurance which kept him up. He had scarcely eaten this day, and now, exhausted, he set himself down in the dark to rest and possibly to sleep.

Curiously on this occasion a strange suggestion of the presence of his wife surrounded him. It would not be long now, he counseled with himself, although the long months had brought him nothing, until he should see her, talk to her. He fell asleep after a time, his head on his knees. At midnight the moon began to rise, and at two in the morn­ing, his wakeful hour, was a large silver disk shining through the trees to the east. He opened his eyes when the radiance became strong, making a silver pattern at his feet and lighting the woods with strange lusters and silvery, shadowy forms. As usual, his old notion that his wife musjt be near occurred to him on this occasion, and he looked about him with a speculative, anticipatory eye. What was it that moved in the distant shadows along the path by which he had entered-a pale, flickering will-o'-the-wisp that bobbed gracefully among the trees and riv-eted his expectant gaze? Moonlight and shadows com­bined to give it a strange form and a stranger reality, Ibis fluttering of bog-fire or dancing of wandering fireflies. Was it truly his lost Phoebe? By a circuitous route it passed about him, and in his fevered state he fancied that he could see the very eyes of her, not as she was when he last saw her in the black dress and shawl, but now a strangely younger Phoebe, gayer, sweeter, the one whom he had known years before as a girl. Old Reifsneider got up. He had been expecting and dreaming of this hour all these years, and now as he saw the feeble light dancing lightly before him he peered at it questioningly, one thin hand in his gray hair.

Of a sudden there came to him now for the first time in many years the full charm of her girlish figure as he had known it in boyhood, the pleasing, sympathetic smile, the brown hair, the blue sash she had once worn about her waist at a picnic, her gay, graceful movements. He walked around the base of the tree, straining with his eyes, forgetting for once his cane and utensils, and fol­lowing eagerly after. On she moved before him, a will-o'-the-wisp of the spring, a little flame above her head, and it seemed as though among the small saplings of ash and beech and the thick trunks of hickory and elm that she signaled with a young, a lightsome hand.

«Oh, Phoebe! Phoebe!» he called. «Have yuh really come? Have yuh really answered me?» And hurrying fast­er, he fell once, scrambling lamely to his feet, only to see the light in the distance dancing illusively on. On and on he hurried until he was fairly running, brushing his rag­ged arms against the trees striking his hands and face against impeding twigs. His hat was gone, his lungs were breathless, his reason quite astray, when coming to the edge of the cliff he saw her below among a silvery bed of apple trees now blooming in the spring.

«Oh, Phii-bo!» he called. «Oh, Phoebe! Oh, no, don't leave me!» And feeling the lure of a world where love was young and Phoebe, as this vision presented her, a delightful epitome of their quondam youth, he gave a gay cry of «Oh, wait, Phoebe!» and leaped.

Some farmer-boys, reconnoitering this region of boun­ty and prospect some few days afterward, found first the tin utensils tied together under the tree where he had left them, and then later at the foot of the cliff, pale, bro­ken, but elate, a molded smile of peace and delight upon his lips, his body. His old hat was discovered lying under some low-growing saplings, the twigs of which had held it back. No one of all the simple population knew how eagerly and joyously he had found his lost mate.


Sherwood Anderson


' Т


he was an old woman and lived on a farm near the town in which I lived. All country and small-town peo­ple have seen such old women, but no one knows much about them. Such an old woman comes into town driving an old worn-out horse or she comes afoot carrying a bas­ket. She may own a few hens and have eggs to sell. She brings them in a basket and takes them to a grocer. There she trades them in. She gets some salt pork and some beans. Then she gets a pound or two of sugar and some flour.

Afterwards she goes to the butcher's and asks for some dog-meat. She may spend ten or fifteen cents, but when she does she asks for something. Formerly the butchers gave liver to any one who wanted to carry it away. In our family we were always having it. Once one of my brothers got a whole cow's liver at the slaughter­house near the fairgrounds in our town. We had it until we were sick of it. It never cost a cent. I have hated the thought of it ever since.

The old farm woman got some liver and a soup-bone. She never visited with any one, and as soon as she got what she wanted she lit out for home. It made quite a load for such an old body. No one gave her a lift. People drive right down a road and never notice an old woman like that. There was such an old woman who used to come into town past our house one Summer and Fall when I was a young boy and was sick with what was called inflamma­tory rheumatism. She went home later carrying a heavy

pack on her back. Two or three large gaunt-looking dogs followed at her heels.

The old woman was nothing special. She was one of the nameless ones that hardly any one knows, but she got into my thoughts. I have just suddenly now, after all these years, remembered her and what happened. It is a story. Her name was Grimes, and she lived with her hus­band and son in a small unpainted house on the bank of a small creek four miles from town.

The husband and son were a tough lot. Although the son was but twenty-one, he had already served a term in jail. It was whispered about that the woman's husband stole horses and ran them off to some other county. Now and then, when a horse turned up missing, the man had also disappeared. No one ever caught him. Once, when I was loafing at Tom Whitehead's livery-barn, the man came there and sat on the bench in front. Two or three other men were there, but no one spoke to him. He sat for a few minutes and then got up and went away. When he was leaving he turned around and stared at the men. There was a look of defiance in his eyes. «Well, I have tried to be friendly. You don't want to talk to me. It has been so wherever I have gone in this town. If, some day, one of your fine horses turns up missing, well, then what?» He did not say anything actually. «I'd like to bust one of you on the jaw,» was about what his eyes said. I remember how the look in his eyes made me shiver.

The old man belonged to a family that had had mon­ey once. His name was Jake Grimes. It all comes back clearly now. His f

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